home of ... Douglas Social Credit
12 September 2003. Thought for the Week:
"All progress in the world, and in some ways the world
has unquestionably made progress, has been by recognition
of TRUTH, and the reason so little progress has been made
in the solution of social problems is, to my mind, because
in this sphere alone truth has been ignored or denied
Running through all history like the thread of Ariadne, it
is possible to trace a continuous policy which I can only
describe as a divorce between things themselves and the description
of them. A well known instance of this is the glamour of war.
War, at any rate modern war, is a dirty, beastly, inhumane,
insane undertaking, proving nothing, adding nothing to the
content of human values, and incidentally definitely dysgenic
Not only that, but the conditions which accompany a war give
play to intrigue, corruption, tyranny, and wire-pulling under
cover of suppression of publicity and the necessity for centralised
control which are imposed by the exigencies of the struggle.
Yet no war was ever carried on without a definite organisation
to represent it as being in some way magnificent, glorious,
and ennobling
From speech by C.H. Douglas "The New Age" Dinner 18th March, 1933. |
PARLIAMENTARY EXCELLENCEby Jeremy Lee For those who wish to contact Senator
Len Harris, his address is: P.O. Box 2206, Mareeba, Qld. 4880 |
IRAQ'S DEBT POSITIONThe following Letter To The Editor appeared
in The Australian Financial Review, (29/8/03): Mr Kelly is absolutely right. But any idea that the US can sustain its occupation of Iraq in anything but the very short term is an illusion. Its own debt crisis is terrifying. It faces a Current Account Deficit (imports over exports) approaching $500 billion. Its Budget Deficit is set for $480 billion. It is costing about $1 billion a week to maintain the Iraqi occupation, and about half that figure to stay in Afghanistan - which is almost back to the position that existed before the US invasion, with Kabul a beleaguered city surrounded by rampaging Taliban fighters. The former USSR experienced the same humiliating position during its occupation of Afghanistan. Snapping at President Bush's heels are
a pack of budget-starved States, and official unemployment
numbers of over 9 million. The US Budget is a disaster, and
any short-term recovery on the Stock Exchange is sheer desperate
gambling - almost willing a long-term recovery that is impossible. |
THE PLIGHT OF THE WORLDOutlining week after week the financial
crisis facing the world, the military catastrophes, the human
tragedy of poverty and deprivation, it is easy to become so
preoccupied with the drama that any alternative recedes into
obscurity. Many Christians now believe that the signs portray
a syndrome of disaster from which there is no escape. Human
effort is futile. Only God's personal intervention can bring
a halt to disaster. So we have a great army of church-people
who generally are the most passive in the social order. Social Credit - not a power movement,
but a policy for freedom - is the pearl. In the conclusion
to his "Social Credit and Christian Philosophy",
(1956) Eric Butler writes: This throws enormous challenges to those
who have grasped what Douglas was advocating. Any of us who
voted for members of the current Government must share some
responsibility for the results we're getting. To be critical
of government without accepting this is a failure. Better
by far not to vote at all than to vote for evil. Better still,
to seek ways of returning to a representative form of government,
wherein each elected member re-presents the desires of voters
- one thing at a time - in the "house of representatives". |
CIR FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIAThe Convention is over, the delegates have returned home and the Convention's Final Report is expected out shortly. The Final Report will then go before State Parliament and Premier Mike Rann has undertaken to bring on an early Parliamentary debate.In the meantime, the fate of any changes to the present system rest on the shoulders of the electors of South Australia - do they want CIR hard enough to lobby their own State representatives, or not? Do they want CIR hard enough to gain signatures on petitions from families and friends, requesting CIR be implemented, and then present them to their State representatives? South Australia readers, write to your Representative, phone him, expressing your will for CIR in South Australia and send the letter care of Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide. Ask your families and friends to do the same. |
BBC QUOTES NOBEL PRIZE WINNER ON HEALTHBBC Radio 4's Today programme, 2/9/03,
reported Dr. Sydney Brenner's comments on the public's prevailing
attitudes, and government's policies, to health: "Everything
is being driven into the support of the pharmaceutical industry."
Editor's note: Researcher, and writer, Eve Hillary, guest speaker at the coming Seminar in Albury refers to the pharmaceutical industry as the 'sickness industry'. The League of Rights in its very early
days warned its readers of the 'sickness industry' and insisted
we must all be more responsible for our own bodies, and must
work in harmony with Mother Nature, not against her. It was
the League who brought out to Australia such people as Lady
Eve Balfour, a pioneer in organic husbandry - a natural counterbalance
to 'chemical' farming. A number of League supporters were
involved in the setting up of the Soil Association branches
throughout Australia. The League persistently promoted the
pioneering work of Lady Phillis Cilento, M.B., B.S. (known
to many Australian women as 'Medical Mother'). All books available from League Book Services. |
TONY ABBPOTT'S 'SLUSH FUNDS'On the 1st September, 2003 Margo Kingston
wrote in her Sydney Morning Herald column, Tony Abbott's
'slush funds' have "the potential to burst open the closed
world of real power and influence in Australia and to confront
us with the serious questions about whether the administration
of our electoral system is in safe hands." AEC CHIEF CALLS FOR FILES & LEGAL
NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN - US attacked over "green card" soldiersThe fact that the proportion of blacks in the U.S. army was about 40% received reasonable media coverage during the war on Iraq, but what managed to 'escape' the media's notice was the fact that a significant minority of 'U.S.' troops are not American citizens at all! According to a report which came over Aljazeera.net (1/9/03): "Nearly 40,000 of America's frontline soldiers are not US citizens."These statistics conveniently 'buried' by White House spin doctors, reveal that a significant minority of troops fighting under the US banner are not in fact US citizens at all, but residents hoping to speed up their citizenship. 37,401 non-US Citizens on Active Duty The revelation has prompted British MP George Galloway, one of the fiercest critics of the invasion of Iraq, to accuse the US of using its "green card" troops as cannon fodder. Galloway went on to attack the US policy of putting its poor minorities and non-citizens in the frontline of its foreign wars. In an exclusive interview he told Aljazeera.net that it was part of a long US tradition of using its underclass as cannon fodder. While "the proportion of blacks in the army was 40%, in the US population, the number of blacks was a quarter of that," he said. Galloway revealed that on a weekly Atlanta radio show in which he participates, the callers have repeatedly claimed that Blacks and Hispanics are the 'fodder' army recruiters are after. The Pentagon says that there are 37,401 non-US citizens on active duty, and that joining up has a special incentive for them - an American passport. "The military services have processes and programmes in place to help service members expedite their citizenship," says a US Department of Defence spokesperson, "the estimated time for the application is about six months." Citizenship has been especially hard to come by due to the draconian immigration rules imposed by the US Department of Homeland Security since the 11th September 2001 attacks. It can take several years to gain citizenship, for those lucky enough to get it. Signing up to the army can speed this up - provided the GI comes home alive! Promises and Disproportionate casualties Other incentives under the Montgomery GI Bill include the promises of a college fund of up to $50,000 and post service employment and training. But activist Carlos Mendes of the Latinos Against the War in Iraq coalition says that many soldiers have told him that these promises often fail to materialise. The US military relies on volunteers, the Pentagon argues, and there is no official draft, therefore no pressure on anyone to sign up. Outspoken critic Galloway, the Glasgow Kelvin MP has consistently criticised US and British policy on Iraq, he called Bush and Blair "wolves" over their war-like rhetoric leading up to the invasion. He is on record as opposing the UN sanctions imposed after the last Gulf War complaining that they inflicted huge suffering on ordinary Iraqis, but was also a vigorous campaigner during the Thatcher years, picketing the Iraqi embassy in London, when the Conservative government supplied arms to Saddam Hussein. |
NATIONAL WEEKEND COMING UPFor those planning to attend the National Weekend - and we hope that includes YOU - and plan to stay at the Hume Inn Motel, please take special note that the Hume Inn Motel requests you make your accommodation bookings before 10th September.Phone the Hume Inn Motel and make your accommodation booking today: Ph: 02 6021 2733 The theme for the Seminar is: "The New Day": Speakers are: Betty Luks, National Director, Australian League of Rights - "The New Day"; Eve Hillary, Health Care Professional and Researcher - "They are Stealing Our Children"; Donald Martin, National Director British League of Rights - "Is the European Union Faltering?" and Bill Daly, National Director, New Zealand League of Rights - "Is a Revolt Against Globalism Happening?" The "New Times" Dinner and Seminar bookings are to be sent direct to the League's Melbourne postal address, no later than Friday, 3rd October 2003. Dinner is $29.50 per person and Seminar admission is $15.00 per person. Send Money Order or Cheque, made out to Australian League of Rights to: Box 1052, GPO, Melbourne 3001. |
LETTER TO JOHN HOWARDDear Mr. Howard, 11th August 2003.I note your almost daily exhortation to the Australian people to strengthen themselves to meet the threat of terrorism coming out of recent events in Indonesia. In this respect I refer you to the recent history of Indonesia in which your government played a significant role in persuading the Suharto administration to surrender its financial sovereignty to the I.M.F. The immediate result was the cessation of all subsidy payments on food and fuel that made life just marginally bearable for Indonesians living in near poverty. When those policies were withdrawn the resultant rioting, looting and burning destabilised Indonesia and it became the seedbed for considerable antipathy towards Australia. This is from where the threat of terrorism emanates. A few years previously the Hawke-Keating government, with your blessing, handed over our financial sovereignty to the I.M.F and its affiliates. Our banks were deregulated and where previously they were answerable to our Government and bank charges were regulated by Australian law, they then became a law unto themselves and began their present policy of exploiting the Australian people free of any form of control. As a nation we were destabilised, and increasingly lost control of our own economy and resources, and more importantly, the responsibility to God for how those resources were managed, the essential factor in a sovereign nation. So when it came to Indonesia's turn we sided with the I.M.F. We thus lost a golden opportunity to act as a good neighbour towards Indonesia. Instead we incurred the threat of terrorism. The basic evil in I.M.F policies is the creation of all money as irredeemable debt. Jesus Christ gave us the opposite policy in the prayer he instructed us to pray, "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." The only compatible policy with this prayer is to create money as Christ would create it, free of debt. In the same chapter of Matthew in which his prayer is recorded, Christ goes on to warn us of the utter impossibility of serving both God and mammon, and, if we choose service to mammon we will hate God and consequently our fellow man. The same alternatives reside in the choice between decentralised and centralised power. Decentralisation establishes the God given gift of sovereignty, while centralisation destroys that gift and offers in its place power that corrupts. As a globalist and a servant of mammon under the power of the I.M.F., this is the path you have chosen for Australia. Over fifty years Centralism has become the fundamental policy of the Liberal-Nat coalition. Christ's teaching on the Godly role of money is clearly taught in Matthew 20, which begins "For the kingdom of heaven, is like unto..." and goes on to describe the Godly distribution of money to mankind by the master of the vineyard who repeatedly used the phrase, "I will give you that which is right." He proceeded to distribute money not as a reward or a punishment, but completely free of either. Had Australia encouraged Indonesia to develop a similar financial policy to monetise its own native economy, there would be no threat of terrorism today. To follow the path of Christ we must reclaim our right to create our own money supply free of debt. In its distribution, we must choose the way that minimises corrrupt power, decentralised distribution to each citizen, allowing them to use freedom of choice to monetise our economy, free from government control. It is the policy known as Economic Democracy, anathema to the I M.F but chosen by Christ. I will write to Simon Crean asking that he and his party support you in this policy. I will also seek the same support from Christian Bishops, asking them to call our nation to pray you will follow this path. Yours in Whose service is perfect freedom, Edward Rock, Cape Paterson Vic. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting of the Sydney Conservative Speaker's Club will be held on Thursday evening, 25t h September, commencing at 7.30pm,. Guest speaker is Mrs Eve Hillary, and her subject is: "Death Blow to Natural Supplements in Oz." The meeting is held at the Lithuanian Club, 10 East Terrace, Bankstown; approximately 600metres from Bankstown Railway Station. Your cost of attendance is $4 - bring a friend for the first time and there is no entrance fee. There is a variety of restaurants along the South Terrace for those who require an evening meal and the Lithuanian Club has ample parking facilities. |
BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS"Weapons of Mass Deception" by Sheldon Rampton & John Stauber. Prominent in the USA as critics of the mass media. The authors say that much of what we read in the newspapers or hear on TV are not the cold hard facts, but contrived by relations' specialists who are masters of 'spin control' directing 'news' to a gullible public. The authors write and edit a journal that reports on PR/Public Affairs and have received the annual George Orwell award for exposing the 'double speak' in American public life. "The Big Idea" by C.H. Douglas. The Big Idea is monopolisation, a deep-rooted conspiracy, Satanic in conception and nature. Its objective, the destruction of what promised to be a developing Christian Civilsation. This work explains the totalitarian philosophy behind the so-called 'privatisation' programme. |