home of ... Douglas Social Credit
26 September 2003. Thought for the Week:
"Real history is crystalised politics, not the listing of
a series of disconnected episodes. If it is clear that over
a period of time there has emerged in events a consistent
pattern, then behind that pattern there is conscious design.
Writing about the French Revolution, Lord Acton said that
behind all the smoke and chaos, there was design. Where there
is design, there are designers. Behind the Red Pattern of
World Conquest there is a long-term strategy and a design
to further it. The plight of the world has not "just happened";
it has been made to happen."
Eric D. Butler in "The Red Pattern of World Conquest" |
ELECTION FEVERby Jeremy Lee Frankly, from the thinker's viewpoint,
there is not much that can be done at election time. It is
now work between elections that is increasingly important
- the time that voters retreat into inaction because they
believe that elections are the only possibility for change. If that was true in 1937, as it undoubtedly
was, how much worse is it now? Parliamentary salaries and
perks, the massive influence of corporate money and the immense
power of the media have combined to produce a position where
the average member of parliament has sold his soul before
even taking his seat. |
SHOULD ELECTORS HAVE A SAY?BusinessWeek, in the US, has recently written about the crisis in California, which it attributes to the provision that the people can initiate or strike out particular legislation, and recall the Governor if they think he's out of line. In other words, California has its own version of Citizens Initiative and Referendum (CIR).This has been used a considerable number of times, and, according to BusinessWeek, the foolishness of the people has defied sensible economics, resulting in the crisis. The article said: "As a result of several progressive measures added to California's constitution nearly 100 years ago to protect citizens from manipulation by 'moneyed interests', Californians can enact laws through voter initiatives, repeal laws through voter referendums, and recall their governor. Ironically, during the past 20 years an exploding number of initiatives and referendums . Has usurped the intent of California's direct democracy provisions. " According to the article, two referendums have caused the present crisis - one in 1979 which halved local property taxes, and one in 1988 which directed 40 per cent of government revenue into primary and secondary eduction. All went well while the economy was booming. But as things slowed down the State could not meet its obligations - the direct result of foolish voters, the magazine believes. Normally, the government would raise taxes to meet the crisis. But its hands have been tied. How easy to blame voters for foolish decisions! It may well be that the problems lie in completely different directions - for instance the massive population of illegal immigrants in California, who are entitled to welfare benefits before becoming citizens. The number exceeds three million, with more arriving every day. Who is to say that Californians, perceiving the situation, may not initiate further measures dealing with the real problems? Nobody has ever claimed that CIR would instantly fix every problem. But it makes the government more accountable - and that's a real start! |
ONE THAT WORKEDSweden has voted against Europe's common currency! The Australian Financial Review (17/9/03) told us:" Sweden is the latest country to snub the Euro. Denmark did so in 2000, and the United Kingdom is not even bothering to ask its people. Despite a long campaign with near universal political and business support, 80 per cent of Swedes turned up for a referendum on Sunday, with 56 per cent voting against joining the Euro. Even the murder on the eve of the vote of their pro-Euro Foreign Minister, Anna Lindh, could not sway the result. The Swedes are a fairly friendly and cosmopolitan bunch, but they thumbed their noses at elite opinion and dire predictions of economic isolation. Even more galling to pro-Euro advocates, the Swedish economy has been doing just fine ." So the people know better than the experts? Whatever next? |
THE TRUE END OF ECONOMICSby Betty Luks This is the 'rightness' of which Clifford Hugh Douglas wrote: "To the extent that man seeks, finds and obediently adheres to the Canon - the Law of Rightness governing the Universe - he will find himself in harmony with creation and attain satisfaction and happiness in which he strives To the extent man ignores the Canon or flouts it, he will bring disaster upon himself." The true goal of Economics (i.e., household management) is the earthly use of goods to satisfy man's needs - the needs of all men. To join goods to needs; food, drink, clothing and shelter this is the true goal, the true end of economic life. Economics can be called 'good' management when it reaches its true end; that for which it was meant. It is here that the Law of Rightness running through the Universe comes into play. "Life is more than food and the body more than raiment." Food is the means and Life is the end purpose of it. When are politicians going to realise that in an industrialised, technological, automated, computerised age, more than enough for an abundant life could be supplied to each and everyone within the nation, with less and less human effort? We don't need 'full employment'. What we do need is a financial system based on the Law of Rightness, providing the financial means, over and above the employment system, to distribute the goods where and when needed, and, at the same time, paying the wage earners and the salaried employees a just return for their efforts, and the investors for their investments. |
WALKING ON EGGSby Israel Shamir Now from their Mt Sinai on the 5th Avenue
they conferred on grateful humanity a new commandment penned
by Ian Buruma, directing us "How to Talk about Israel." [1]
Yes, it is delicate task. You may speak freely about: · Saudis
and describe them as a medieval Kingdom of Evil, famous for
their cruelty and barbarism (Norman Liebman) or their monstrous
regime (Lenni Brenner). "Israel" by any other name Starting with the first three words, 'the Jewish Problem', Buruma exploits the symbols of historically European Jewish persecution to confuse the Palestinian grievances. Like a magician's, Buruma's misdirection of focus on 'anti-Semitism' blurs a reader's understanding. The remaining text suffers from contradictions, omissions, and false comparisons." Innocent man, Ghraizi, did not understand that Buruma (and many other people) used 'Israel' as a euphemism for the ineffable J-word. There is nothing special about Israel but we are full of Mr Sulzberger's nephews and Mr Wolfowitz' cousins. Nothing special, but whatever passes for the American Mind is manufactured by the JINSA. Nothing special, but we get more American money than any part of the USA. Nothing special, but every American politician from the President down to last State Governor will say 'uncle' if asked by our Prime Minister. In plain words, our special position is nothing but an indicator of exalted, nay, unique position of the American Jews. Goliath has been 'hurt' Two years ago, when this list departed
into uncharted waters of checking the Jewish connection behind
the developments in the US and the Middle East, such an essay
would not be needed. One could talk about Israel with admiration,
or at worst with regret that she lost her youthful idealism.
One could not even notice the new American Jewish elite of
the superpower who directed every bullet of Israeli snipers
and every bomb dropped by the US planes on Iraq and Afghanistan.
Things had changed. Buruma admits that "the idea that Jewish
interests are somehow at the centre of American foreign policy
in the Middle East is widely held, and not only outside the
United States". All these 'conspiracy' theories! The conspiracy of silence was undermined by the 'Jewish' dissidents: Norman Finkelstein, Miriam Reik, Jeff Blankfort, Michael Neumann, Gilad Atzmon, Edward Herman, Israel Shahak together with their 'gentile' comrades, for the 'Jewish conspiracy' works for the interests of the organised Jewish leadership, and against the true interests of ordinary folk of Jewish origin. More to the point, there is no Jew or Gentile but brotherhood of humanity for whoever accepts this brotherhood. But their effort and self-sacrifice will be lost unless supported by others. Or, in words of Samuel Adams, "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." If Ian Buruma 'walked on eggs', wonderful
Arundhati Roy in her ode to equally wonderful Noam Chomsky
did not even come close to the eggs. She noticed "the mainstream
media's blatant performance as the U.S. government's mouthpiece,
its display of vengeful patriotism, its willingness to publish
Pentagon press handouts as news, and its explicit censorship".
She noticed that the United States can commit horrible crimes
and escape condemnation because "it has enlisted the services
of the most powerful, most successful publicity firm in the
world: Hollywood". Manufacturing consent [1] How To Talk About Israel by Ian Buruma New York Times Magazine, 31/8/ 2003 https://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/31/magazine/31ANTISEMITISM.html [2] Conspiracy Theories about Jews, US Newswire 2/9/03 [3] In his new foreword to the German translation he quotes Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (New York: 2000), intro. by Robert Reich to such effect, while defending himself against such charges. [4] https://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=280279 |
HAVE THUGS WILL TRAVELby Bill Berkowitz War Criminals Hire War Criminals to
Hunt Down War Criminals St. Petersburg (Russia) Times columnist Chris Floyd recently mused that a headline covering this new enterprise might read: "War Criminals Hire War Criminals to Hunt Down War Criminals". According to Floyd, America's tax dollars are now being used by the Bush Administration "to hire the murderers of the infamous Mukhabarat and other agents of the Baathist Gestapo -- perhaps hundreds of them. The logic, if that's the word," writes Floyd, "seems to be that these bloodstained 'insiders' will lead their new imperial masters to other bloodstained 'insiders' responsible for bombing the UN headquarters in Baghdad -- and killing another dozen American soldiers..." The Washington Post's Anthony Shadid and Daniel Williams first reported on these disturbing developments in late August: "U.S.-led occupation authorities have begun a covert campaign to recruit and train agents with the once-dreaded Iraqi intelligence service to help identify resistance to American forces here after months of increasingly sophisticated attacks and bombings, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials." Although U.S., officials wouldn't say how many former Husseinistas were being put on the payroll, "recruitment' had been "stepped up" despite protestations from members of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council, "who complain that they have too little control over the pool of recruits."
Shadid and Williams As Chris Floyd points out, this isn't
the first time the U.S. has embraced world class thugs and
killers and put them in service of the homeland Caught with their pants down, but still claiming success, Bush's neocons, both inside and outside the administration, are clamoring for more troops to be sent to Iraq -- two divisions -- and for more money to be tossed down the occupation rat hole. As ever, it's easy and oh-so-painless to issue a call for greater sacrifice from America's young men and women from the safety and comfort of a Washington, DC air-conditioned office Conservative columnist Paul Craig Roberts recently wrote that the "war plans [of the neocons] are taking us back to the draft... Lacking sufficient military forces to occupy Iraq with its small population of 25 million, what would we do once neocons get us mired down in Iran or Egypt with their large populations?" If William Kristol, Robert Kagan and their Weekly Standard crowd still think that Iraq is a noble enterprise, this would be just about the right time for them to escort their sons, daughters, nephews, nieces and cousins to a nearby recruiting office. And while they're at it, they might want to enlist as well." (emphasis added ed) |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting of the SCSC will be held Thursday, 25th September 2003, commencing at 7.30pm. Guest speaker is Mrs. Eve Hillary and her subject is: "Death Blow to Natural Supplements in Oz." The meeting will be held at the Lithuanian Club, 10 East Terrace, Bankstown, it has ample parking facilities. The Club is situated approximately 600 metres from the Bankstown Railway Station. There are a variety of restaurants along South Terrace for those wanting an evening meal. Cost of attendance is $4; bring a friend for the first time and there is no entrance fee. Books for sale will be on display from the Heritage Book Service. Date for your diary: Thursday 27th November, 2003. Your opportunity to have a say. Each speaker will be allotted 5 minutes. On the night advise the Chairman of your subject |
NATIONAL WEEKEND COMING UPNational Weekend details are: The New
Times Dinner, Friday 10th October,2003; Seminar, Saturday
11th October; and Divine Service & Action Conference, Sunday,
12th October, 2003. The "New Times" Dinner ($29.50 per person) and Seminar bookings ($15.00 per person) are to be sent direct to the League's Melbourne postal address. Money Order or Cheque, made out to Australian League of Rights:- Box 1052, GPO, Melbourne 3001 - no later than Friday, 3rd October 2003. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting of the Sydney Conservative Speaker's Club will be held on Thursday evening, 25t h September, commencing at 7.30pm,. Guest speaker is Mrs Eve Hillary, and her subject is: "Death Blow to Natural Supplements in Oz." The meeting is held at the Lithuanian Club, 10 East Terrace, Bankstown; approximately 600metres from Bankstown Railway Station. Your cost of attendance is $4 - bring a friend for the first time and there is no entrance fee. There are a variety of restaurants along the South Terrace for those who require an evening meal and the Lithuanian Club has ample parking facilities. |
BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKSA masterly overview of 20th Century history is Ivor Benson's: "In This Age of Conflict".Eric Butler: "Releasing Reality"; "A New Britannia in the Southern Seas"; "Social Credit & Christian Philosophy"; "The Red Pattern of World Conquest"; "The Truth About Social Credit"; "The Achilles Heel of the Conservative Movement" and "The Essential Christian Heritage". Jeremy Lee: "What Will We Tell Our Children?" "How Great the Vision?". Jeremy's latest video is a winner -- "Retell the Story". Available from all League Book Services. |