home of ... Douglas Social Credit
17 October 2003. Thought for the Week:
"The English had a genius for voluntary co-operation
such self-chosen associations the English, normally so suspicious
of authority, showed themselves astonishingly amenable
was remarkable was the national pride of the poor, their instinctive
belief in the superiority of their country and its ways of
At farm feast or in village alehouse the artless chorus
would rise, a warning to foreign tyrants who put their trust
in lawless strength. 'The race is not always got/ By them
wot strive and for it run/ Nor the battle to them people/
Wot's got the longest gun."
"The Age of Elegance: 1812-1822" by Sir Arthur Bryant 1950 |
TAXATION - CORPORATE GOVERNMENT FEUDALISMby Jeremy Lee "To take a fanciful turn, were this rate of growth to continue unabated, I am informed that by the end of this century the paper version of the Tax Act would amount to 830 billion pages," Mr Banks said. "It would take over 3 million years of continuous reading to assimilate and weigh the equivalent of around 30 aircraft carriers" .. "Mr Banks, the article continued, said it was increasingly realized that government regulation generated significant costs, as well as benefits. Despite promises, the sheer volume of red tape and regulation had not slowed.: " .At the federal level, government agencies with explicit regulatory functions alone employed about 30,000 staff and spent some $4.5 billion in 2001-02," he said. Estimates by the Attorney-General's Department suggested there were more than 1,800 commonwealth acts currently in force. About 170 new acts were promulgated last year ." As though to reinforce the point came this news (AFR 3/10/03): "An average small business of 10-15 employees in NSW is spending as much as 200 hours a year on tax paperwork, according to the Red Tape Register released by the State Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The most time-consuming tax for small businesses was the quarterly GST return and BAS Statement - a third of businesses spend up to 60 hours a year on GST compliance ." Perhaps we've got the wrong end of the stick in doubting the common sense of this massive array of red tape. Perhaps we haven't grasped that we should be thankful to the powers-that-be for "job creation". The more work that can be put on the backs of the population, the better the unemployment figures will look! But Mr Costello should at least come clean! He told us his plan was to simplify taxation. Obviously, that wasn't the plan at all. It was to keep more and more people happily employed filling in bits of paper. |
BRACKET CREEP COMPLICATES THINGS FURTHERBracket creep is, in essence, straight from Marx's Communist Manifesto, which advocated as one of ten points for communizing a nation a heavy, graduated income tax. Inflation makes this a game of snakes and ladders. Lower-taxed income earners are progressively lifted into a higher level of tax through the progress of time. An election 'tax-cut' is quickly recouped by bracket creep, without the need for any new legislation. Prime Minister Howard and Treasurer Costello are going to give us a tax-cut to be timed nicely to coincide with the next election. Bracket creep will bring it back again over the next three years. The Coalition is helped considerably by the fact that Labor has no genuine alternative and, in fact, believes taxes should be even higher. |
A REGULATION AND MEANS TEST FREE TAX SYSTEMOnce we grasp that current tax arrangements are designed as a means of control and a way of keeping tens of thousands of people working extra hours, we can understand why the Debit Tax proposals were not even considered as a way of tax reform. Under the Debit Tax proposals, a levy of less than one percent would be applied each 24 hours on the total turnover of financial transactions through the banking system. Every transaction in Australia (other than cash) goes through a Central Clearing House, where totals between banks are sorted out and re-allocated into individual accounts. A less-than-one-percent levy on this final total would replace every tax, whether direct or indirect, in Australia. The Tax Department as we know it would cease to exist. No individual or company would ever again have to fill in a tax return. Tens of thousands of accountants could be released from their desks to make for the Golf course. No business, large or small, would have to agonise over "Business Activity Statements" for the Goods-and-Services Tax. Petrol would be half the price. No foreign corporation could avoid tax by 'transfer pricing'. The paper war would be over. What is more, each person would pay, through the levy, an amount in keeping with his or her income. A pensioner on $300 a week would pay less than three dollars a week. Pensioners would save more than that when GST was removed from food and clothing. A corporation with a turnover of $300 million would pay less than $3 million. No department screening 'tax-deductions' would be necessary. Could it be done? Of course! But no politician would dream of making life so easy! It would take most of the fun out of being a politician - granting favours to pressure groups in the electorate; watching the Treasurer deliver the "rewards-and-punishment" Budget speech etc. And think of the poor Commissioner for Taxation, now lording it over a Department bigger than Australia's armed forces! He'd become "plain Mr Carmody" again, instead of the most powerful bureaucrat in the land! He could go back to stamp-collecting, or growing his own vegetables! And, finally, what would happen to the "Income Tax Assessment Act"? Its 7,000 pages would be deposited in the National Library, as a monument to the folly of a bygone age, when citizens were harried unmercifully by a feudal tax lord, whose only justification for the tyranny he exercised was to "create work". Future generations would shake their heads in wonder at the indignities foisted on their mothers and fathers in the "bad old days". |
TWO GIANT SHADOWSCar production in the world now has a 30 per cent over-capacity. Every car-producing nation is staring down the barrel of stiffer competition and stagnant markets. Australia now exports about 30 per cent of local car production. There is not really such a thing as an exclusively Australian car manufacturer. Every well-known brand coming off a production line in Australia belongs to a multinational, which repatriates part of the profits. Labor forces are Australian. Fifty percent of car content is made locally, the other 50 per cent is imported components. If there is an advantage for Australia it is that we sit on top of some of the best iron ore and coking coal deposits in the world, and the infrastructure for exploiting these is in place. But we dissipate this advantage in giving away at rock-bottom prices huge quantities of these assets to nations now manufacturing consumer goods which threaten our own industries. Both China and India are now competing to become the biggest and fastest-growing economies in the world, swamping the industrial west with low cost consumer goods with which we have no hope of competing.. China this year will produce about 2.7 million vehicles, of which 1.8 million will be sold on the Chinese domestic market. This leaves 900,000 for export. What brands are sold in China? They're familiar names, of which Volkswagen has the largest share General Motors are next. As world oversupply increases, competition for markets will intensify. It was Australia, along with other industrialized nations, that welcomed China into the world of free trade via the World Trade Organisation. We are going to reap the whirlwind with a vengeance. The idea that small-capacity nations like Australia, with highly-taxed, highly paid labour forces will be able to compete with Chinese output that is rising at an astounding rate, quite capable of flooding the world market at prices no one can compete with, is an exercise in wishful thinking. Multinationals have poured $22 billion into 600 car manufacturing ventures in China since the 1980s. Volkswagen has just committed a further $A10 billion into further expansion over the next five years. China's over-capacity in producing cars will continue to grow. There will be no compunction in exporting the surplus at a price which finally displaces our own car industry. India's expansion is scarcely less dazzling. Its predominance in communications technology is surpassing the legendary Silicon Valley. Multinationals are pouring investments, which once went into western economies, into India. Some estimate that India may even outpace China within five years. India's largest car manufacturer, Marun Udyog, is now turning out 600,000 units annually. India is also grabbing an ever-increasing share of the pharmaceuticals industry. What should a country like Australia do, faced with such a challenge? Firstly, we,ve got to re-think the "growth-and-exports" merrygoround, which is, traced back to basics, an attempt to catch up with a debt-based financial system. Why don't we aim to produce fewer cars, of a much higher quality? Why don't we take a lead in developing pollution-free vehicles? The technology is available. Mexico City runs its buses and taxis on compressed air engines. The use of hydrogen stations running compressors, which gave every motorist an inter-changeable compressed air tank instead of gasoline would shock the world. New, high-quality technology and innovation is what we're best at. Why don't we open up possibilities for the thriving, largely self-sufficient towns and villages that once abounded in rural Australia? And work out a way in which young Australians can get into their own homes debt-free? Do we want young, happy and enthusiastic Australians who raise families in an environment of contentment? We could do it. Visions do not come on time-payment. Perhaps they come when everyone has had enough of what Douglas Reed called "Insanity Fair". |
CRUEL MURDER HIGHLIGHTS SERIOUS DRUG PROBLEMby Bill Daly Several methamphetamine laboratories were found earlier this year in the small North Island town of Murupara, after police had raided homes belonging to members of the "Tribesmen" and "Mongrel Mob" gangs. Since the murder, newspapers have reported on the apparent widespread use of 'P' and that it is particularly popular with the richer trendy brigade. In acute cases, some addicts will spend up to $1000 a day to support the habit. A former high-earning businessman now trying to kick the habit said that the sense of euphoria and confidence given by the drug makes it irresistible. He lost his business and income of over $250,000 a year and sold his assets to support the addiction. Police say those on 'P' can be unpredictably violent. Demonstrating once again how far removed from reality are the liberal do-gooders, into the tense aftermath of the murder, the government announced that this deed was further evidence that parents should be banned from being able to smack their children! But, the politicians went quiet after the naturally angry backlash from the public, and the girl's family. It is beyond belief they could be so stupid as to make a comparison between the brutal murder of a child and a parent correcting a child. On the upside, the community of Murupara has come together to clean up the town and make it safe. It's apparent that the government is not interested or even capable of doing anything useful to stem such problems. Similar developments are happening in other places, as local communities realise that only they can make better futures for themselves and their children. |
PAUL HOLMES UPSETS THE POLITICALLY CORRECTby Bill Daly But somehow last week Mr. Holmes' heart must have gotten the better of his head and on his morning radio talkback session he repeatedly described United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan as a 'cheeky darkie'. Holmes had backed the US invasion of Iraq and was unhappy at the UN's reticence at supporting the military action. Holmes went further, and wound up with criticism from some callers, questioning whether the large number of women journalists made the trade 'ignorant and bitchy'. He also said he could not be likened to Hitler because he "would not keep the records, record keeping not being his thing." Although one of the darlings of the liberal chattering-class, Holmes' 'cheeky darkie' comments have fallen into the 'unforgivable' basket. Several of his TV-One staff, beginning with a Pacific Islander, have done the 'politically correct' thing and resigned; they can now hold their heads up high amongst their other philosophically bankrupt associates. The Prime Minister Helen Clark, a sickly white liberal supremo, whom some suspect would like the top UN job later, added her sixpence worth of criticism of Holmes, along with others such as a strange South African immigrant Joris de Bres, who has his snout deep into the public trough as Race Relations Commissar. But, before anyone thinks that Mr. Holmes was a lost lamb now found by His Saviour, it should be noted that within hours he was grovelling so deep for forgiveness - it's a wonder he hasn't turned the colour of dirt - and reminding the country he has always supported multiculturalism, and allowing the Tampa boat people in, etc., etc., etc. It is obvious that within the media world there is a hidden reaction to political correctness and a little of it came out as humour after the Holmes' comments. A couple of days ago the New Zealand Herald's front page showed a picture of Holmes interviewing one of the All Black rugby players, a Pacific Islander, along with the headline "Whity Meets an All Black". And the overly vulgar Maori comedian Mike King on his late-night TV show had a skit involving himself and two white women TV presenters. To his comment that he was in the mood for a white woman, one replied, "Oh, you cheeky darkie!" |
TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND PAY TRIBUTEIt is the sad task of the editor of O.T. to observe the passing of outstanding League supporters and those friends whose steps, over the years, led them to the Australian League of Rights for whatever reason, before they returned once again down the road their own life took them. Milan Voltrubec Geoff McDonald |
BOOKS BY GEOFF MCDONALD"Red Over Black" by Geoff McDonald. He had a deep respect for the genuine Aboriginal people. As an industrial officer in the early seventies he made a number of visits to reserves in Central and Northern Australia and saw Marxist operators and their dupes hard at work advancing their Communist strategy. "The Evidence" by Geoff McDonald. In this work Geoff McDonald presents revealing extracts from official Communist documents on Aboriginal 'land rights'. Both books available from all League Book Services. |
BACKGROUND OF LIKELY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE WESLEY CLARKby William Blum At the start of the 78-day NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999, which he oversaw as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, Clark declared: "We are going to systematically and progressively attack, disrupt, degrade, devastate and ultimately destroy these forces and their facilities and support unless President Milosevic complies with the demands of the international community." (Los Angeles Times, 26 March 1999) Clark was among 68 leaders charged with war crimes by a group of International law professionals from Canada, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the American Association of Jurists. Among the charges filed were: "grave violations of international humanitarian law," including "willful killing, willfully causing great suffering and serious injury to body and health, employment of poisonous weapons and other weapons to cause unnecessary suffering, wanton destruction of cities, towns and villages, unlawful attacks on civilian objects, devastation not necessitated by military objectives, attacks on undefended buildings and dwellings, destruction and willful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion, charity and education, the arts and sciences." At one point in the bombing campaign it was reported that "[Clark] would rise out of his seat and slap the table. 'I've got to get the maximum violence out of this campaign -- now!'" (Washington Post, 21 September 1999) And last year found our hero in New Hampshire,
endorsing Democrat Katrina Swett for Congress, as reported
by the local paper. "Clark, who supports a congressional resolution
that would give President Bush authority to use military force
against Iraq, said if Swett were in Congress this week, he
would advise her to vote for the resolution, but only after
vigorous debate." (The Union Leader, Manchester, NH,
10 October 2002)" |
IRAQ'S 'HARSH REALITY' HARD TO HIDEby Bill Berkowitz, Workingforchange Prof. Cole also questioned the veracity of the so-called success stories. "Although the universities are 'open,' Basra University was completely looted and lacks basic facilities, including a proper university library (burned) or computers (stolen). I guess they are back to clay tablets. "And while it is technically true that the hospitals are open, and that large-scale looting of their medicines seems to have been halted, most of them are not operating at an acceptable level, as a number of press accounts have pointed out." As anyone who watches the cable news
channels can attest to, for the past week and a half, the
networks are now running with 'good news' stories, but it's
too early to know whether the administration's propaganda
blitz will bear fruit with the public. The Progressive's Matthew
Rothschild hopes the media will not be cowed by (negative)
and instead focus on the major issues: |
EIGHTH PILLAR OF WISDOM? IRAQ IS A DEEP MORASSMichael Keane, LA Times, 21/9/03 Lawrence's thesis was that a successful
rebellion required three elements. The application of Lawrence's theory to the current military situation in Iraq is not comforting. First, the rebels seem to possess an unassailable base in both physical and psychological terms. Within Iraq, hostile forces have demonstrated an ongoing ability to launch numerous daily attacks. The continuing inability to capture Saddam Hussein is the most significant evidence of this problem. Externally, there is a base of bordering
states that are failing to stop volunteers from infiltrating
Iraq. American troops have found foreign passports on the
bodies of enemy forces killed. Perhaps more troubling, however,
is the psychological "base'' the mind of the enemy. When religious
extremism is mixed with nationalistic fervor, it cements to
form the bricks of unshakeable conviction. As Lawrence himself
noted, "An opinion can be argued with; a conviction is best
shot.'' Finally, guerrilla victories can work
to slowly undermine US credibility while simultaneously building
support and gaining recruits for the insurgents. Over time,
guerrilla tactics tend to frustrate conventional troops, which
are increasingly likely to overreact by humiliating men and
offending women and thereby alienating the local population.
Though Iraqi guerrillas lack the necessary firepower and manpower
to forcibly remove the Americans, Lawrence would argue that
should not be their proper objective. Even while suffering
tactical defeats, the guerrillas could erode the will of the
Americans and thereby achieve a strategic victory. After liberating the region from the
Turks in World War I, Britain ruled the newly-formed country
of Iraq under a mandate from the League of Nations. The population's
gratitude for having been freed from 400 years of Ottoman
oppression was short-lived. There were uprisings and assassinations
of British soldiers and civilian administrators. Lawrence
was sent back to Baghdad to report on conditions there. He
wrote these haunting words: Michael Keane, a lecturer on strategy at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business, is also a fellow of the US Department of Defense's National Security Education Program. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting will be held Thursday, 30th October 2003. It will be an Open Night for the Audience to have their say. Venue is the Lithuanian Club, 10 East Terrace, Bankstown; approximately 600metres from Bankstown Railway Station. Your cost of attendance is $4 - bring a friend for the first time and there is no entrance fee. There are a variety of restaurants along the South Terrace for those who require an evening meal and the Lithuanian Club has ample parking facilities. |
ADELAIDE CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBAdvance noticeThe next CSC will be held on Monday, 3rd of November, and Adelaide supporters will be treated to a Dinner Address by Dr. Alec Burton of the Natural Health Association. Please note, this is a special Dinner Meeting only. Venue is the Public Schools' Club, 207 East Terrace (Cnr. Carrington) Adelaide. |
WHO IS ERNST ZUNDEL, AND WHY IS HE IN JAIL?by Mark Weber, IHR Who is this man, and why is his case important? Zundel was arrested at his home in Tennessee on Feb. 5, where he had been living peacefully with his wife, Ingrid Rimland, on the pretext that he missed an interview date with immigration authorities. Two weeks later he was deported to Canada, even though his wife is an American citizen. Claiming that he is a national security threat, Canadian authorities have been holding Zundel since Feb. 19. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) - something like the American FBI - supports this charge by citing tenuous and years-old ties by Zundel to "white supremacist" groups. While acknowledging that he is not violent himself, CSIS also argues that material published by Zundel might cause "like-minded individuals to engage in violence." 'Holocaust denial' is against law in
a number of countries Zundel is in prison not because his views are unpopular, or because he's a "security risk." He's in prison because Jewish groups want him there. He's a prisoner because he promotes views that the Jewish-Zionist lobby considers harmful to its interests. This lobby is the decisive, critical factor in the decades-old campaign to silence him. The only sustained and institutionalized effort to imprison him has come from this lobby, which includes the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, and the League for Human Rights of B'nai B'rith (with the Anti-Defamation League, its counterpart in the US). Veteran investigative journalist speaks
out for Zundel The trendy Toronto weekly Eye
pointed out in an editorial (May 15) that "declaring Zundel
a terrorist now is not the result of any startling new information,"
but rather "it has to do with political pressure ..." Similar concerns have been voiced by
the Daily Times Colonist of Victoria, British Columbia.
In an editorial, "Even Zundel Merits Fairness" (May 9), the
paper declared: "... The way the federal government is trying
to get rid of Zundel is wrong - it is using law that is so
sweeping in its scope that it may be, as Zundel's lawyer Doug
Christie argues, unconstitutional. It would allow him to be
deported on evidence that amounts to mere assumption and subject
him to a kangaroo court process where no defence can be mounted.
The Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE), a leading free speech advocacy group, is demanding Zundel's immediate release. "Mr. Zundel is quite literally a political prisoner," says CAFE director Paul Fromm, who has also been acting as Zundel's legal representative in his detention hearings. "He is being held in solitary confinement solely for the non-violent expression of his political views." The allegation that Zundel might be a threat to national security "is mischievous nonsense," says Fromm. "Zundel has been politically active in Canada for 40 years. He's a public figure. His writings and speeches are available on-line. He's been investigated for years by the police. He's an open book. Zundel has never advocated or practised violence, nor have his followers," Fromm adds. "He's a pacifist and a publisher." A Life of Struggle Zundel's two lengthy trials - the 1985 trial lasted two months, and the 1988 trial lasted four months - have been the closest thing anywhere to full scale debates on the Holocaust issue. For the first time ever, "Holocaust survivors" and Holocaust historians were closely and critically questioned under oath about their claims and views. Zundel was found guilty in the 1985 trial, but the verdict was set aside by the provincial appeals court. It ruled that the judge in that trial had, among other things, given improper instructions to the jury, and had improperly excluded defense evidence. In May 1988, at the conclusion of the second Zundel trial, the jury declared him guilty. A few days later, he was sentenced to nine months imprisonment. On appeal, Canada's Supreme Court threw out the conviction, declaring on August 27, 1992, that the archaic "false news" law under which he had been convicted was a violation of the country's Charter of Rights. This was not only a personal vindication by Canada's highest court; Ernst Zundel secured an important victory for the rights of all Canadians. Zundel's next great legal battle was fought out before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal in Toronto on charges, instigated by Jewish groups, of promoting "hatred or contempt" against Jews through the "Zundelsite" Internet web site (www.zundelsite.org), operated by Ingrid Rimland from the United States. In this legal action, as the Tribunal's presiding Commissioner declared, the truth or validity of the supposedly "hateful" items was not a consideration. The Tribunal ultimately ruled against Zundel, declaring the "Zundelsite" to be unlawful. After four decades in Canada, including a failed effort to acquire Canadian citizenship, he moved to the United States, where he married Ingrid in January 2000. For two years they lived quietly in the mountain region of eastern Tennessee. Of this remarkable man, Robert Faurisson wrote in 1988: "Zundel may once again go to prison for his research and beliefs or be threatened with deportation. All this is possible. Anything may happen when there is an intellectual crisis and a realignment of historical concepts of such a dimension. Revisionism is the great intellectual adventure of the end of this century. Whatever happens, Ernst Zundel is already the victor." https://www.ihr.org/news/030923Zundel.html |