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19 January 1968. Thought for the Week: "It is
my belief that if we carry into these years (ahead) the present system
of concentrated economic powers and practices of both capital and labor,
of concentrated populations, of concentrated industries, of concentrated
government domination and direction, of heavy taxation with its destructive
effects on community and individual initiative and independence of the
steady impairment of our soil and water and the destruction of our forests
and of irreplaceable minerals and oils, of the prevailing greed of various
privilege-seeking groups, we cannot possibly avoid economic disaster
Yet it is a fact that the dominant thinking of the moment simply proposes
a continuation, with ever-increasing governmental interference, of this
same hopeless system."
Decentralise for Liberty , by Thomas Hughes, former American Assistant-Secretary for Fiscal Affairs. |
VIETNAM WAR TO CONTINUE"South Vietnam 's President Thieu today criticised the United States for taking the central role in Vietnam peace moves. That role, he said, properly belong to his Government. In a speech prepared for delivery to Vietnamese newspaper editors, President Thieu also rejected suggestions that the Americans unconditionally halt the bombing of North Vietnam as preposterous and absurd. He saw no softening of Hanoi's terms for peace, nor any prospects for constructive negotiations at present, and urged a hard line against the Communists." The Age, Melbourne, January 16. Ever since the Americans intervened in force
in Vietnam early in 1965, we have recorded the mounting criticism by
responsible Americans of the inevitable results of what has been aptly
described as the "no-win" policy. Like all Communist-directed conflicts,
the war in Vietnam is primarily political. Military activities are closely
geared to achieving political results. So long as the Americans and
their allies fight in Vietnam under the rules dictated by the Communists,
they are at a serious disadvantage. In a realistic sense, they are no
closer to a genuine victory than they were three years ago. Communist
offers of "peace" talks are simply tactics of psychological warfare.
The Washington policy makers have for some time
been attempting to pressure the Thieu Government in South Vietnam to
modify hard-line opposition to negotiations with the Viet Cong. Just
before flying to Australia for the Holt Memorial Service, President
Lyndon Johnson suggested that discussions with the Viet Cong should
be encouraged, but before he reached Australia President Johnson learned
that President Thieu had said in Saigon that his Government would only
deal with members of the Viet Cong who were defectors and who pledged
loyalty to the Saigon Government. The difference of opinion was clearly
not resolved when President Thieu and President Johnson met in Canberra.
On possible peace moves President Thieu is insisting
that, "The Republic of Vietnam most naturally should have the central
role. To overlook or to disregard this is to give leeway to the communist
tendentious propaganda, and damage the success of our common cause. There is no doubt that the military war in Vietnam is going to be sustained so long as it is serving Communism's political objectives - particularly in the U.S.A. during an election year. |
AMERICAN GENERAL EXPOSES VIET CONG STRATEGY"We can see clearly the pattern of North Vietnam
strategy in the extended battle at Dak To. It is a conventional use
of power...the superior numbers and fire-power of the U.S and South
Vietnam forces make it impossible for North Vietnam to hold ground in
the South. North Vietnam must always withdraw under superior pressure
to its sanctuaries in Laos and Cambodia. So long as the American "no-win" policy continues, with no blockading of the main North Vietnamese Port of Haiphong, or the North Vietnamese coastline and no economic pressure applied to the Soviet Union, the main supplier of the Viet Cong's firepower, it is obvious that the Communists are going to continue to dictate how the war is fought. It is almost certain that there will be more extended battles like that of Dak To. The Communists are prepared to suffer enormous casualties so long as in the process they also increase American casualties. This in turn enables their agents and dupes in the U.S.A. to intensify the political war against the American people. And of course, the Australians and New Zealanders. General Lane joins with other American military
leaders in demanding that the rules under which the Americans and their
allies are fighting be changed so that a policy of victory can be pursued.
The Communists are right when they claim that by forcing the Americans
to engage in a war, which has gone on in its present form for three
years, they have already achieved a major victory. It has been a major
political victory. Senator Gorton has a tremendous opportunity to
bring a fresh approach to Vietnam, supporting a policy of winning quickly.
This would assist all those Americans who also support this policy.
MORE MASS MEDICATION URGED"The grave thought of the whole fluoridation question is how a small professional group of people known as dentists can gradually, by continuous propaganda, force State Governments to mass medicate the people with fluoride whether the population requires it or not. Slowly but surely the common rights of man are being nibbled away by the people who say they know better. " - K.M. Smith in a letter to The Age , Melbourne January 15. The last time we commented on the fluoridation issue, we received several critical letters from newer readers suggesting that we should confine ourselves to political questions, not medical issues. May we stress, as the fluoridation question is NOT primarily a medical issue, but a political question of the most fundamental philosophical significance. A people who cannot grasp this is well on the road to the collectivist tyranny. We have no medical or scientific qualifications whatever to discuss whether or not fluoride will lessen teeth decay, or whether or not is a health hazard for some people. There are competent experts to deal with these questions. It is a matter of FACT, not opinion, that a very large number of eminent experts in the field of medicine, nutrition and biochemistry are opposed to the fluoridation of public water supplies. Let us take two Australian examples: We support the policy of freedom of choice, with personal responsibility. Fluoridation should be immediately taken out of the field of political controversy, and individuals encouraged to make their own arrangements with their own personal medical and dental advisers. |
COMMUNIST AGENTS AMONGST MIGRANT GROUPS"Specially-trained officers of the Polish security police were trying to penetrate Polish community organisations in Australia, a writer said yesterday. He is Mr. Jerzy Jan Dzialak, a 46 year-old Polish writer, journalist and former diplomat. Mr. Dzialak is in Australia to cover the Citizenship Convention in Canberra for West European and Polish migrant papers at the invitation of the Immigration Department." - The Australian, January 16. Mr. Dzialak has drawn attention to a Communist activity, which is worldwide. Migrant groups from Communist-dominated countries are a special target for Communists. Mr. Dzialak made the interesting point that the campaign against Polish groups in Australia was not primarily to seek to subvert, but is "a sustained attempt to neutralise the influence of anti-Communist organisations set up by Australian Poles. "Neutralisation is a Communist tactic not widely understood, even amongst anti-Communists. It is applied to many groups in the non-Communist-world. Communist activities amongst migrant groups is made easier when the Communist countries from which the migrants come have diplomatic representation in the non-Communist nations. Mr. Dzialak's warning gives added point to the protest by migrants from Jugoslavia who have opposed accepting Tito's diplomatic representatives in Australia. |
NO PROSPECTS FOR PEACE IN MIDDLE EAST"King Hussien and President Nasser managed to
raise a smile when they said goodbye yesterday, but their weekend talks
forced them to face the fact that a political solution to the Middle
East crisis is becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible. Both
leaders respect the United Nations peace envoy, Dr. Gunnar Jarring...and
they will collaborate with him. But they query what he can do in view
of Washington's strong moral and military support for Israel. The uncritical attitude of the Western nations towards the Socialist State of Israel continues to be the central feature of the deteriorating situation in the Middle East. The Soviet Union continues to penetrate the Arab world simply because Western policies create the impression amongst all Arabs that the West is completely against them and pro-Israel. The eminent -American Jewish expert on the Middle East, Alfred M. Lilienthal, warned back in 1957 of what was threatening in his book, There Goes The Middle East. He said, "So long as one million Arab refugees remain homeless, so long as the Holy City of Jerusalem is severed by barbed wire, and so long as Israel continues to flout existing resolutions of the United Nations, there will be new Suezes and more bloodshed." Subsequent events have proved Mr. Lilienthal right. But now the position is even worse: the number of refugees has increased, the Holy City of Jerusalem is under the complete domination of the Israelis, and the Arabs are more afraid of the Political Zionists than ever. And so they turn more and more to the Russians for military and economic support. |