Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
5 April 1968. Thought for the Week: "Strong words alone, of course, do not make meaningful policy; they must, in foreign affairs, in particular, be backed both by a will and by weapons that are equally strong. Thus a collection of Presidential statements cannot convey their true perspective unless it is realised or recalled precisely what they signified in committing the power and majesty of the American people."
John F. Kennedy in To Turn the Tide.


"President Johnson announced tonight that he will not seek re-election as President. But before he said this, he shocked the world with an announcement that the United States will de-escalate the war in Vietnam as a move for peace." - The Herald, Melbourne. April 1.

The almost complete capitulation to the Communist pressure on President Johnson and his administration comes as no surprise to us. We have followed the course of this war in Saigon, and Washington, noting the policies of deceit and treachery, which resulted from the implementation of the basic weapons of the Communist conspiracy against civilisation.
All the well-understood weapons of subversion, propaganda, brainwashing has served to make the Vietnam struggle a classic in Communist warfare conducted on all fronts, the political, civil, cultural and military.

President Johnson's retreat into defeat dishonours the memory of all those who have fought against Communist deception, but no more so, than those men who have given their lives. He has dishonoured himself and the words he spoke not so long ago,
"It is not our strength which is in question, but our will."
He plighted his word that they would never retreat in the face of terror and coercion. This retreat dishonours the faith, the hopes and the trust placed in the United States by those countries of South East Asia, who have put their future into America's hands in the belief that promises made would be kept.
President Johnson's decision will have struck fear into the hearts of millions in Asia whose realism is not cluttered by the sophistries of western politicians.

Lee Quan Yew of Singapore warned last year that it was essential the U.S.A. stand firm in South Vietnam saying, that should South Vietnam go it would mean the finish of Asia. Tunku Abdul Rahman of Malaya made clear the thoughts of the Malays when he said, if deserted the Malaysians would not fight the Chinese as the Chinese were too numerous.
Now Field Marshal Kittikachorn commenting on the possibility of a complete sellout should Robert Kennedy be elected President and so abandon Asia, "If this happens no one will ever trust the U.S. again."

In the eyes of the people who looked to the West for leadership this decision has made us base and corrupt. So disillusioned are men like Air Marshal Ky that he commented in reply to a question suggesting that he did not like white men, "Their time is ended, and for that reason I am not interested in their criticism either."

Are we to see the Communists consummate their terror, sabotage, subversion and mass brainwashing by achieving victory, not in the field of military struggle but in the minds of the politicians and people of America?
When Air Marshal Ky said the day of the European is over was he expounding the epitaph of Western Christian civilisation?
For the only reason we are in South Vietnam is because we are the repository of those values which distinguish right from wrong, and it is our responsibility to uphold them wherever they are threatened.
History is now being written in large letters to record whether we will uphold that trust even at this late hour.


"President Johnson said he had ordered an immediate halt to American bombing over most of North Vietnam. And he named Ambassador Harriman as his personal representative at any Vietnam peace talks." - The Herald, Melbourne, April 1.

There have never been any illusions about President Johnson as being no more than a pragmatic politician, who would yield to the greatest amount of pressure, from which ever source it could be generated. The conservative forces in America may have yet gained valuable time by exerting such pressure on Johnson in the years that have elapsed since 1964 when his victory was assured by those forces, which today hail this retreat. It is a major miracle when the campaign against Senator Goldwater is recalled, that such a retreat as this did not come earlier.

In naming Averill Harriman as his "peace" negotiator Mr. Johnson has shown conclusively, to whom he has bowed. Mr. Harriman has a long record of negotiating settlements, treaties and agreements to the benefit of the Communist conspiracy. He negotiated the "neutralisation"of Laos in 1961. A negotiation, which ensured the free passage to Communist troops into Vietnam and so create circumstances, which we are witnessing today. He negotiated the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty which gave the Communists parity with the U.S.A. in nuclear weapons, and which may ultimately decide the fate of America. Further back he helped in the negotiations at Yalta with President Roosevelt and Alger Hiss, and for many years later defended the decisions reached at Yalta, which sold the whole of Eastern Europe into slavery under the Communists.
President Johnson is surrounded by similar "advisers" with similar records.

Clifford Clark who replaced Robert McNamara - now clearly a feint by the enemy - was depicted as a strong man on Vietnam. But Mr. Clark in the past has been the close associate of Walt Whitman Rostow and Abe Fortas. Mr. Fortas distinguished himself by defending Communist suspects in court and was later promoted to the Supreme Court. Walt Rostow as a top State Department planner formulated policy for cold war decisions based on the assumption that Communism was "mellowing". Mr. Rostow has lately been described as President Johnson's right hand man. When told this recently an American commentator said, "My God who is at his left?"

It is little wonder that surrounded as he was by such "friends" that Johnson, the ruthless opportunistic politician whose scruples enabled him to amass a fortune of four and a half million dollars during his political career, should now collapse earlier under the pressures exerted against him. It is obvious that the revolutionaries had to obtain victory before the presidential elections, as by then, the decisions of a Republican president would have undoubtedly brought defeat of their objectives.


Now is not the time for despair. We must take up the challenge and give of our best. We have no illusions about Communist strategy following the bombing pause. They will press every advantage to bring about a military Dien Bien Phu as a prelude to complete political surrender.
There is no greater weapon to fight this treachery than by arming yourself with supplies of the League's special brochure END THE WAR IN VIETNAM - BY WINNING 1T!
There are tremendous reserves of strength within the U.S.A. Men and Women who now know why they are being defeated by treachery will be taking up the fight with greater vigour. Let us do likewise.
Send for supplies to Heritage Bookshop P.O. Box 1226L Melbourne, 3001. Prices $1.00 per doz; $3.00 per 50; $5.00 per 100; $9.00 per 200. All postage included.


Mr. Eric Butler reports on the current Canadian situation as follows - The state of Canada may be judged by the fact that there is a tremendous nation-wide campaign, backed by most of the mass media, to have Mr. Pierre Elliot-Trudeau, present Minister for Justice elected Liberal Party Leader to replace Mr. Lester Pearson when he resigns, and thus becoming Canadian Prime Minister. Mr. Trudeau's long pro-Communist record and clearly stated support for Marxism, up until recent years, is all brushed aside as of no importance. Mr. Trudeau belongs to the avant-garde, he is wealthy, allegedly witty, and we have at present the "Trudeau look" in clothes.
It is claimed that Mr. Trudeau, a bachelor in his middle forties, fascinates the women.

As Minister for Justice Mr. Trudeau has legalised homosexuality. He has many other "progressive" ideas. He has the backing of Mr. Pearson in the leadership race. The Pearson Government continues to exert pressure on the Americans to call a halt to the Vietnam War. The following is a sample of the type of advice offered by Prime Minister Pearson:

"Ending the war will require a greater risk for peace than the United States has yet found it wise or possible to take. But whatever chance there is should be taken. Whatever risk there is, is less than that of continuing this war which is becoming more awful and more dangerous every day."
However, Mr. Pearson is opposed to those peace advocates who urge that Canada should stop selling arms to the U.S.A. This "would mean serious economic and employment problems in Canada."
Business is business, even with Mr. Pearson.
He urges that perhaps the Vietnam issue should be handed over to the United Nations.

The revolutionaries are attempting to promote and exploit race friction in Canada along similar lines to those being followed in the U.S.A. Toronto has a rising Negro population and already some revolutionary statements have been made about what is likely to happen. The Red Indians are being given special attention, but they are not generally taking too kindly to the suggestion that they should start revolutionary activities. Some of their spokesmen have protested. Most of the agitation amongst the Indians has been by members of the Company of Young Canadians, a type of Peace Corps. It is Government financed.
Some regard it as little more than a Communist -front organisation.

The impact of President de Gaulle's attempt to interfere in Canada's internal affairs through Quebec has stimulated one automobile firm in Western Canada to use a striking advertisement: "Charles de Gaulle has not found it necessary to criticise our cars, so they must be excellent!"
In Quebec Premier Johnson says that Quebec may soon extend its international dealings to Asian countries. The Johnson Government's insistence that it is to have what is virtually its own foreign policy is seen by many as preparing the way for Quebec to break away from the Canadian Confederation.
Quebec is being given special attention by the Communists.

Informed Canadians are concerned that the Canadian Minister for Northern Affairs, Mr. Arthur Laing, is urging that Russian know-how be used to develop Canada's northern territories. Mr. Laing has recently had a Yukon tour with Russian Ambassador Ivan Shpedko. I have no doubt that the Soviet would be delighted to help Canada to develop their northern territories - and of course, in the process do what they do everywhere they are welcomed, work to advance their strategy for world conquest.
Canada is under heavy revolutionary pressure.


South Korean President Chung Hee Park has said that the 1953 Cease-fire was a complete mistake and cited certain Chinese intelligence documents to support his position. He said the documents indicated that China would have pulled its forces out of Korea if the United Nations force had continued the war for five or six months." - The Herald, Melbourne, April 1.

There are many indications to show that the information now revealed by President Park has its counterpart in the present situation in Vietnam. In recent weeks there has been sporadic reports of the unification of groups in South Vietnam pledged to one objective, the defeat of Communism. Every indication suggests that Vietnam is reaching the same state of unification, which enabled President Diem to arrive at a crucial point in 1963 when he had the Communists on the run.

Professor Josef Kalvoda, Associate Professor of Government of the Louisiana State University in his Historical Survey of the Vietnam War, shows how the Viet Cong were surrending in thousands when the strategy of establishing strategic hamlets was ensuring the safety of the indigenous population. The economy was sound and exports in rice had been achieved as well as a successful building programme for housing. History has revealed that Diem was not destroyed so much by his own people, but by the anti-Diem propaganda coming from America, which influenced the Army chiefs to stage the coup, which resulted in the death of the President.



Before passing on to the Subject for Discussion, because of the crisis we now face (not that there was any lack of crisis previously) let us look at some ways of meeting the challenge. In the morning papers of the day President Johnson made his shattering announcement it was reported from Canberra that the Prime Minister had made it clear on a T.V. interview in Auckland, New Zealand, that" Australia does not favour the creation of a composite government which would give strong representation to the communists." (Quote from a report from Allan Barnes in The Age, Melbourne, April 1)

Mr. Gorton is quoted to have said, "We are not interested in things that are called peace talks but in fact are surrender talks," Later in the interview Mr. Gorton said, "We would certainly want to support any peace negotiations that led to a genuine peace."
"We wouldn't be interested, ourselves, in pressing for so-called peace negotiations which, in fact, were not designed to secure a sort of peace in which the South Vietnamese could run their own affairs but were designed for a disguised surrender to the north."

Our task is to establish these remarks as a clear unalterable policy of our Government. The time for retreat is past; let us endeavour to build sufficient strength into the government so that the above principles will not become meaningless words. Additionally we urge that Members of Parliament be pressed to ask questions in the Houses of Parliament asking assurances of the P.M that such principles will be upheld.



Nine major economic powers have drawn up a scheme to base a reserve currency on the basis of currency issued in paper form by the International Monetary Fund.
In effect this means that the sight to establish the base figure on which credit is issued, in the countries concerned, will be controlled by the International Monetary Fund and its fellow institution, the World Bank. Should the Australian Government agree to such control Parliament will be stripped of its power to control the base of economic policy.
Domestic and national affairs would be fundamentally influenced by decisions made internationally.
Rights of Australian membership on the Fund or the Bank Board would not materially alter the situation.
If we can gasp this reality then the importance of last week's Target for the Week will be understood.

What should be the correct basis on which credit should be supplied to the community? The short answer is contained in the Social Credit Lecture notes used in the correspondence course for teaching fundamental political and economic principles. The notes quote the Vancouver Board of Trade Report which we quoted in these notes on February 9th. They should be referred to again to see the answer to the question, "If you are not going to have gold or some other measuring device such as the controlled quantity of paper money suggested on which to base the credit structure, what do you propose?"
The answer is clearly given in the report quoted.

In effect it clearly states that the sum of money paid out in the production of goods and services constitutes the total amount of money necessary to constitute the total prices of those goods and services. In this way units of money are related to goods and other material wealth of a community.

In terms of political realities it is essential that politicians understand
(a) The relationship between the supply of goods and services and the total supply of money, (remembering the bulk of this is in the form of credit, cheques, drafts etc. not paper money or coins) and
(b) The control of the banking mechanisms which produces this money should remain in the hands of our national parliament, and nor be seceded to any international group of financiers.