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12 April 1968. Thought for the Week: "This determination
of Negro Americans to win freedom from all forms of oppression springs
from the same deep longing that motivates oppressed peoples all over
the world. The rumblings of discontent in Asia and Africa are expressions
of a quest for freedom and human dignity by people who have long been
the victims of colonial imperialism. So in a real sense the racial crisis
in America is a part of the larger world crisis." (Emphasis added)
Dr. Martin Luther King in Stride Towards Freedom. Page 191. |
MARTIN LUTHER KING. MARTYRED FOR COMMUNIST REVOLUTION"Dr. King's martyrdom unfortunately provided a catalyst a memorial service for Dr Martin Luther King will be held in St. Paul's Cathedral A short address will be given by the Archbishop of Melbourne. (Dr. Frank Woods) The Age, Melbourne, April 8. Mass insanity occurs when that which is true and real is replaced by that which is false and unreal. If this is an acceptable definition then we are witnessing today in the deluge of comment and obituaries praising Dr. Martin Luther King an attempt on a mass scale to destroy reason and truth. Whether he acted from a perverted form of idealistic motive or not, the record shows Luther King's activity in the so-called "civil rights" movement as playing an integral part in the process of destroying peace, and law and order in America. Wherever he went violence followed, accompanied by protestations of "non-violence". Whether he knew it or not he was the willing tool of those concerned very much with violence and revolution. His statement in our "Thought for the Week", his own words, indicates he understood the role he was playing. Irrespective of Luther King's protestations and those of the mass media machine, it is incredible that such a mass confidence trick can be accepted by responsible editors, commentators, Church and political leaders, now all united in hailing Luther King as an apostle of peace who gave his life for his people. The truth is Luther King promoted the violence, which finally destroyed him, and even in death his destruction was used to promote more destruction. Perhaps the "catalyst" mentioned by the Commentator quoted above was necessary to bring about the final destruction of American society. The "non-violence" of Luther King was in fact
the progenitor of the violence of H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael and
other revolutionaries whose ambition is to "burn America down". They
make no secret of their ambition to multiply the disaster of Detroit
last summer, to America's big cities all through the North this year.
A report in The Age, Melbourne, August 8, 1967 indicated that
Luther King understood the proposed technique. He was then predicting
"massive general strikes and demonstrations" in America's big cities
within the next few months. The real history of Dr. Martin Luther King is
one of active association with the representatives of the Communist
Party in the U.S.A. in various front organisations. It is highly doubtful
he did not know what he was about. Alan Stang's highly researched book,
"its Very Simple," puts the evidence beyond doubt. Luther King
sprang into prominence when he organised a boycott of buses in Montgomery.
Alabama, when a Mrs. Rosa Parks, a Negress refused to move to the back
of the bus. This was the first of the many boycotts, sit-downs, sit
ins, strikes, marches, organised by Luther King. In Mrs. Parks and her
previous associations lies the pattern of all the multitudinous relationships
between Luther King and numerous Communist front organizations. A detailed
book such as It's Very Simple needs to be read to obtain a complete
picture. Previous to providing Luther King with his pretext for the boycott of buses in Montgomery Mrs. Parks had attended a course of "Instruction" at the Highlander Folk School run by the Montgomery Improvement Association. The M.I.A. had been formed by the Rev. Fred Shuttleworth, who later joined Luther King in the Southern Christian Leadership as Vice-President. The Rev. Shuttleworth was also connected with the Southern Conference Educational Fund and later became the President. The field director of S.C.E.F. is Carl Braden, national sponsor of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, the Communist front organisation to which Lee Harvey Oswald of John Kennedy assassination fame was a member. Both Carl Braden and his wife are key communists operating in Southern America. Luther King's secretary to S.C.E.F. was Bayard
Rustin who in the month prior to the meeting, which organised the founding
of S.C.E. F., attended the sixteenth national convention of the Communist
party. The S.C.E.F. replaced the Southern Conference for Human Welfare,
which was "conceived, financed, and set up by the Communist Party in
1938 as a mass organisation to promote communism throughout the Southern
States." The channel through S.C.E.F. and the Montgomery
Improvement Association to Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership
Conference is clearly defined. But irrespective of testimony given to
the U.S. Senate and clearly laid out by authoritative reporting the
people of the world are given a picture of a man uncontaminated by any
suggestion of involvement with the enemies of Christian civilisation.
When challenged on the evidence of his active association with Communist
revolutionaries by the Counsel for the House of Un-American Council,
Mr. Jack Rogers, who sent him the necessary photo copies of letters
written by him to known communists, Luther King refused to appear and
testify. Such is some of the background of the man whom
the world press is portraying as a dedicated Christian and a martyr
to freedom. |
U.S.A. FACES ITS GREATEST CRISISMr. Eric Butler writes from North America, where he is currently lecturing and fact-finding: "President Lyndon Johnson's dramatic statement
on Sunday, March 31, that he would not stand for President this year
and that he had ordered a reduction in bombing in an endeavour to start
talks with the Communists in Hanoi, has had an explosive impact in both
Canada and the U.S.A. Canadian Liberal Party leaders Pearson and Martin
lost no time in attempting to bask in the new situation, stressing that
Johnson was in fact doing what they had always advocated. Senator Robert
Kennedy and his supporters did not bother to hide their delight. The
Kennedy machine has gone into a new high gear as it moves to push Senator
Eugene McCarthy aside in the ruthless drive towards the Presidency.
At this moment it looks a certain Kennedy versus Nixon contest. The
thought of a Kennedy victory is causing conservative Americans to shudder,
and already a desperate "Stop-Kennedy" note has been struck in an endeavour
to raise the type of money needed in an American Presidential campaign.
"Conservative Americans are convinced that the election of Kennedy would be one of the greatest disasters in American history, coming at a time when the nation faces an agonising situation in Vietnam and a revolutionary internal situation which could explode into massive violence at any moment. Does Nixon offer a genuine alternative? Informed anti-Communists reject Nixon. I have
recently studied several of his statements on Vietnam and it is disturbing
to see him stating that he believes an "accommodation" with the Soviet
Union is possible. The Soviet leaders know that they now have the Americans
on the defensive, and they will not enter into any agreements, which
will not keep the Americans under steady pressure. The new situation
in the United States now highlights more than ever the Wallace campaign.
Unless Wallace falters, or makes some major mistake, his campaign may
prove to be the one to start rallying sufficient Americans in this great
crisis. Leaders of the Black Power movement recently met at a conference near Chicago. One leader stated that 'the delegates should be allowed to come to Chicago, so long as they give their support to a policy of ending racism and the war. I favour letting the delegates meet in the International amphitheatre and making our demands escalate in militancy as the convention proceeds. "Writing in The New York Times of March 24, eminent military expert Hanson W. Baldwin, outlines how the seizure of the American intelligence ship Pueblo by the North Koreans, and the inability of the Americans to do anything against the North Koreans, demonstrated how stretched American military strength is abroad. With far better equipment, the North Korean Air Force of over 500 planes had far superior strength to that of the South Koreans and Americans in the area when the Pueblo was seized. "The grim truth must be faced that America is facing the greatest crisis in its history, and how that crisis is resolved, could decide the future of what is left of the shrinking free world. If Harold Wilson is left to further his destructive policies, the British will soon only be left with their knives and forks to defend themselves." |
A RHODESIAN VICTORY"The Rhodesian Prime Minister (Mr. Ian Smith) announced here yesterday that press censorship had been lifted in Rhodesia...He said the removal of censorship should be another indication to the world that Rhodesia had won the battle for independence." - The Age Melbourne, April 8. While censorship has been lifted in Rhodesia
and reflects the healthy political climate established there; censorship
of the truth regarding Rhodesia in this country goes on apace. In particular
our attention has been drawn to the complete bias by the A.B.C. in the
material being used for broadcasts both in Australia and in New Guinea,
the latter country being greatly interested in the situation in Rhodesia,
as many of their own problems have similar parallels. A correspondent from New Guinea has protested to the A.B.C. manager at Port Moresby and to the Australian Prime Minister on the content of two broadcasts in March designed to whip up feeling against South Africa, Rhodesia and the Portuguese territories. The last of the two broadcasts was given by a spokesman of the Zimbabwe Party a terrorist organisation warring on Rhodesia and South Africa. The talk was given under the title of "United Nations Report". It is time the Government took drastic steps to deal with such bodies as the A.B.C. which exercise power without responsibility. When criticised the cry is raised that they must be free to pursue policies independent of any government direction. Such statutory bodies are the natural habitat for those seeking control of a power instrument using large doses of e taxpayers money to pursue their nefarious activities. It is time they were disbanded. |
VIETNAMESE WILL FIGHT ON"South Vietnamese President Nguyen van Thieu
vows that his country will continue to fight the Communists even if
the United States withdraws its support, and he asserts that nothing
could force his Government into accepting a coalition with the Communists."
- Review of the News. March 31. "He went on to tell 2000 university students, "Foreign aid cannot be used to force us into Communist slavery. Nobody can force us to accept a coalition with the Communists. As an anti-Communist fighter for 20 years, I can never accept such a coalition." |