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10 May 1968. Thought for the Week: "A people
without a strong national feeling cannot defend itself against wolves.
Its claws are clipped and its teeth are drawn. Why are Australians farther
away from being a nation today than they were forty years ago? When
we look back over the propaganda of the last forty years, we find why
the ways of truths, half truths and deceptions, has worked out no definite
pattern, so that people are left with a feeling of helplessness before
the actual pattern of world affairs. They have been assiduously taught
that people fight not for their countries but for ideologies
especially need to know what is wrong with that, and why common loyalty
should be to the nation".
From the essay Vietnam: A Question of Loyalty, by D. Watts. |
ROCKEFELLER NOMINATES FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL BATTLEGovernor Rockefeller of New York today made a spectacular entry into the Presidential battle with a strong performance in the Massachusetts Republican primary. - The Sun, Melbourne, May 2. The entry of Nelson D. Rockefeller for the Republican nomination is of more than ordinary interest. Coming within a month of a firm assurance that he would not be a candidate; the decision indicates uneasiness amongst those powerful forces in the U.S.A. working for the election of a liberal minded candidate, backed by the same type of liberal-socialist administration which has held office in the U.S. since 1933, when Franklin Roosevelt took office. The support to date for such a candidate has
been given to Robert Kennedy, the darling of the outright pro-Soviet,
anti Vietnam forces. Backed by the aura built up around the Kennedy
name, it was felt that Robert Kennedy could deliver the goods. However
the hard facts are that Robert despite massive publicity and lavish
spending of the Kennedy fortune is not being favourably received. One
newspaper correspondent reported it was difficult to find even a taxi
driver who had a favourable word for Kennedy while "Bob aint John" stickers
are appearing everywhere according to reports in The Herald,
Melbourne, May 3. Such developments could be a healthy sign in
the U.S.A. of a growing understanding of the type of conspiracy the
American people are facing. If the truth that Kennedy is the favourite
son of the Kremlin is coming through it will be the result of steady
conservative education. Much of the truth of what John Kennedy really
did at Cuba, (acclaimed by Khruschev as a victory for the U.S.S.R. The
Age, Melbourne July 13, 1967) and his contribution to the betrayal
of the anti Castro freedom fighters in the Bay of Pigs fiasco, when
air support was denied to them on the personal orders of J.F.K. He is also another of that clique of internationalists
in America who comprise the Council of Foreign Relations. There is one bright light in the whole picture. According to American reports the result could be stronger support for Governor George Wallace. |
DISASTROUS RETREAT BY THE GOVERNMENT"Australia would be prepared to support further reductions in the bombing of North Vietnam, consistent with the safety of Australian troops, the Minister for Defence (Mr. Fairhall) said in his statement on defence. " - The Age, Melbourne, May 3. Whichever way the present policy on Vietnam of
the Australian Government is looked at it is one of shameful compromise
with the dictates of the Communists. The setting for "peace" talks in
Paris has the bitter smell of defeat. "Hanoi completely disregarded the Laos Agreement
from the moment of signature", one of Mr. Harriman's staff pointed our
recently. - The Age, report from Roy McCartney in Washington
May 6. There is no doubt that the Australian Government has been put in an embarrassing position, and is being dragged along on the coat tails of the U.S.A.'s policies of appeasement. We have to learn that even powerful friends have to be opposed, rather than compromise with principle. It is our belief that, given a lead, the Australian people would rally to a government, which declared its refusal to compromise and allied itself with other governments, which took a similar stand. There is no doubt the South Vietnamese, the South Koreans, the National Chinese, the Phillipines, Thailand and Malaya would follow a lead given by Australia, with the insistence that the Communists should withdraw completely from South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia; and that any abrogation of such agreements would be met with an immediate declaration of war and the invasion of North Vietnam. We must go on the diplomatic offensive and take the initiative away from the traitors and defeatists, operating inside, both Australia and U.S.A. Such a stand at this stage could rally the Conservatives to bring about a resounding defeat of the liberal-socialists in the coming presidential elections. The League of Rights launches a petition this week and invites all to take part in petitioning the Government to pursue stronger lines on the Vietnam situation. All enquiries for the petition should include a stamp addressed envelope for the returned enclosure. |
COMMUNIST REVOLUTION INSIDE THE U.S.A.Mr. Eric Butler provides the following report, after a close study of the Negro riots in the city of Buffalo, in the State of New York: One of the bravest men in the Negro riots which
struck Buffalo following the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, was the
Negro businessman who stood armed with a shotgun attempting to protect
his property from the rioters. A long personal talk with this man provided
me with one of the most revealing, and disturbing pictures I have yet
obtained of the truth about America's race riots. I asked the Negro businessman for an explanation: "These people", he replied, "cannot be helped until they change their whole attitude towards life and develop a sense of personal responsibility and proper pride. They have already destroyed what they can and will destroy anything else that is provided. No amount of money will solve the basic problem. The more money that is poured in, the more we will encourage the attitude that the Negro is a special group and that the guilty whites must be blackmailed into giving more and more. The way things are going, it will soon be the whites who are the real second-class American citizens". I asked the Negro businessman if he anticipated more destruction. "Well", he said, "the rioters cannot destroy much more in their own areas. I fear that the next moves will be into other areas with hit and run attacks for a start". He told me that he has already seen these tactics being practised. If the Negro rioters start to invade white areas there could be a dreadful holocaust. I have never seen nor handled so many weapons
since I left the armed services. A man running a gun store told me that
the sale of weapons was enormous and that practically every household
possessed several weapons. In this explosive situation it is clear to
me that the best hope for the American people is that law and order
is maintained by the police and security forces, not by the whites feeling
in desperation that they must resort to civil war. This could play into
the hands of the Communist revolutionaries. But the frightening truth
is that the police in most centres are at a serious disadvantage, because
of the weakness of politicians who appear to be afraid. Some police are using more force than officially permitted as I learned from a very experienced police officer in Buffalo. He said that he and his colleagues had brought order in a comparatively short time in Buffalo by firing at the ground in front of the rioters. However, even so, as I saw for myself, the damage was enormous. Shop after shop in the one street had put in plywood to take the place of the broken windows. Many had signs up stating that the business was closed. I noticed with some interest that no national
banks were touched. I was told that the rioters were instructed not
to touch banks at the present stage, as this would bring them into direct
conflict with the Federal authorities. Young Negro criminals are encouraged to intensify their criminal activities. They are being taught that their activities are justified by the fact that the whites are planning to exterminate all Negroes. A form of mass paranoia is created. The Marxist Guardian of February 24 contained an article by one Lester, who wrote that "It's going to be 'Bloody Summer' and the likelihood is that black undertakers may ask for a midsummer cease-fire so they could have a few days to recuperate from overwork. ...Faced with the prospect of death, blacks are arming themselves, and saying thereby, if you are marked for death, just don't die without knowing that some honky is going to be buried the same day you are. And preferably, two or three." It is not surprising that in this situation
whites are making sure they and their wives know how to handle the weapons
they have bought. There is no doubt whatever that many American Negroes
have been worked upon, recruited and conditioned, to take part in a
revolution they do not understand. They know nothing about Marxist doctrine.
And so if arrested by the police there is no evidence of Communist involvement.
But every authority on Communism in America knows the truth: that what
is developing in America is a carefully contrived conspiracy to demoralise
the nation from within. I am praying that during the summer months ahead I will not be reporting on an America going up in flames and the population engaged in bloody civil war. |