home of ... Douglas Social Credit
17 May 1968. Thought for the Week: "I have known
personally more Soviet leaders than perhaps most Western Statesmen and
diplomats. And I have known these leaders as men who understand - unfortunately
enough only one single language, the language of iron determination
as everything else they mistake for weakness.
Professor Dr. Nicholas Nyaradi at International Symposium on Communism, South Africa, 1966. |
THE SAIGON OFFENSIVE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE"Any idea that North Vietnam intends to be conciliatory at the Paris peace talks vanished last week in the rubble, the pain and the misery of Saigon". Carry Barker in the Brisbane Sunday Mail, May 12. It is obvious from the reports coming through on the present fighting in Saigon streets that the Communists have no real ability to gain control of the city. Their purpose in making war on helpless and unarmed civilians, is to exploit the world press headlines to gain a psychological advantage at the Paris "peace" talks. The more President Johnson's decision of March 31st is considered, the more obvious it becomes that he has been forced to deliver the fruits of the policy on which he was elected in 1964 in opposition to Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater had promised to win the war in Vietnam without compromise or promises of conciliation towards the Communists. Johnson on the other hand talked of "peace with honour" and his willingness to go to the conference table wherever the Communists were ready. After four years of warfare fought within the policy rules of the Communist conspiracy operating in the West so that anti- western propaganda could be maintained, we are now to suffer the final humility in the capital city of De Gaulle's France. A fitting venue from the Communists viewpoint. Having defeated French resistance in North Vietnam by political victory in Paris, the Communists now see the consummation of that victory against the rest of the western world-taking place at the conference table in the same city. |
LEFTIST CLERIC CRITISES BILLY GRAHAM"Just before he left America, Dr. Billy Graham
made a reference to the existence of the war in Vietnam. "It is a pity
that since he has been in Australia he has been so busy getting people
to make decisions for Christ' he hasn't found time to make a decision
himself about the Vietnam War", The Rev. John Beer, Chairman of the
Vietnam Mobilisation Committee, at last Saturday's meeting in Sydney
Town Hall. Reported in The Communist Tribune May 1. Dr. Graham has shown his views by such acts as appearing on Bob Hope's Christmas show for the Vietnam troops. Nor does he confuse Christian living with the support of a victory for godless materialism in Vietnam. He has also pointed out that opposition in the Universities represent a "very, very, small minority". We are interested in the alignment of the Rev. John Beer with the pro-Communist forces as such an allegiance runs parallel to other activities of his. Shortly after the Rev. David Pope attacked the
League of Rights at the September 1965, Melbourne Anglican Synod, alleging
falsely that the League was "infiltrating Australian Churches to spread
anti-semitism" a similar attack was launched by the Rev. Beer in the
North Queensland Synod against the League. |
THE BANKERS AND THE U.S. CONGRESS"The battle for the stability of the dollar, which could be more important for the world than the battle for the independence of South Vietnam, is a small step nearer as a result of Representative Wilbur Mills' withdrawal of his long opposition to an increase in taxes". - - Randal Heymanson in The Sunday Mail, Brisbane, May 12. For close on twelve months bankers and economic advisers to the U.S. Government have been applying pressure on the Congress for increased taxation. At times the campaign has reached hysterical proportions and it is obvious that very serious issues are at stake. "Heading For Slump, says Banker", and "Crisis Worst for 37 Years", are typical headlines. The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, was evidently not impressed, but is now reported to have succumbed when shown that American balance of trade is in danger of going into the red for the first time in history. With the way cleared for the bankers to obtain
their wishes and impose an additional 10% direct tax on the American
people, it can be safely predicted that increasing economic chaos lies
ahead at a time when more than ever political policy is dependent upon
financial policy. It is amazing how balance of payment problems only exist in the West, and never in the Communist countries. If "saving the dollar" is more important than the independence of South Vietnam then the fate of the world rests not on the issue of whether Communism is evil and must be fought, but on the sanctity of a phony accounting system. On this basis the British withdrawal has taken place, it is only a matter of time, unless new financial accounting policies are adopted to suit physical realities, before the Americans are forced into a similar position. |
REVOLUTIONARY PRESSURES MOUNT IN U.S.A.Mr. Eric Butler, National Director of the Australian
League of Rights is making a comprehensive first hand survey of the
American scene. He has met a wide cross section of the American people
and the following is his latest report: Under the heading "Violence
is as American as mom's apple pie", a slightly cynical press columnist
states that America was born in violence, has had a history of violence
("There are more homicides in New York City in one month than in all
of Great Britain in an entire year") and that America will resolve its
present problems by violence. As I write there is a type of uneasy lull following the widespread rioting, which occurred after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. There is growing apprehension about the approach of summer and the possibility of the "Poor People's March" on Washington, led by King's successor, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, sparking more nation-wide rioting. In the meantime there are growing disturbances in American Universities, while even some high school students have started to riot. It is clear that there is a general attack on proper authority at all levels of American society, and that this is going to be a vital issue in the American Presidential contest. The growing riots in American Universities follow
the pattern of what has happened at the University of California at
Berkeley. At this University the revolutionaries have successfully penetrated
the teaching faculty and the administrative offices. It is claimed that
this group now dominates ten important departments of the University
and has allied itself with student radicals to foment revolutionary
political action against law and order in the general community. There
is evidence that both sex and drugs are being used to recruit increasing
numbers of radicals amongst the students. Dr. Jaime Benitez, (President of the University
of Puerto Rico), has made some striking comments on what is happening
in American Universities: "The deteriorating impact of political agitation
is well known to my Latin American friends who have suffered in their
countries the educational disadvantage of highly politicalised institutions.
But it is a new, perplexing and even fascinating experience in the United
States, where some spokesmen for progressive education seem entranced
by the new vistas of 'total freedom'. American University Presidents are being subjected
to increasing pressure, some becoming afraid to insist that higher education
is only possible in an atmosphere of good manners and self-restraint.
The American taxpayers are clearly becoming increasingly incensed about
what is happening in every section of their society. Latest public opinion polls show Mr. George Wallace improving his electoral standing by 5 per cent. This is significant as Wallace has not yet been able to campaign intensively because of the illness of his late wife. I am satisfied that there is a widespread quiet vote for Wallace, the one candidate who is making internal law and order his major policy. The Wallace campaign could well decide whether the American people are going to meet the growing internal attacks on law and order through constitutional procedures or be forced into the position where they believe they must take the law into their own hands. |
GETTING INDONESIA OUT OF THE RED"Indonesia a bankrupt country presently being run by a talented group of pragmatists bent on finding practical solutions to enormously difficult problems" - Peter Hastings, in The Australian, May 1. Hastings goes on in his report to show conclusively
that Indonesia will have to be bailed out of her bankruptcy by the gifts
of other nations, principally those of the West, but also Japan. No
doubt such arguments were used to justify the recently announced donation
of Australian taxpayers funds to Indonesia. Indonesia is in fact a political infant. It
is one thing to say the megalomaniac Sukarno was responsible for their
present plight, but the adoption of such an attitude is to ignore certain
realities. Indonesia has vast natural resources which were being developed
by the Dutch, but which slipped back into inept mismanagement during
Sukarno's period of power. This despite the millions of dollars and
pounds injected into Indonesia's economy in the way of "aid". |
SOVIET CONSULATES TO BE ESTABLISHED IN U.S.A.The Soviet Union announced yesterday it had ratified a consular agreement with the United States, the first bilateral treaty between the world's two major powers", - The Age, Melbourne, May 6. This may be thee first bi-lateral treaty between
the Soviet and the U.S., but it is by no means the first time "the world's
two major powers have co-operated. Initiative to establish the United
Nations the most formidable platform for Communist propaganda. The establishment
of the State of Israel, thus ensuring the alienation of the Arab states
as friends of the West. The joint stand against Britain at Suez. Joint
policies on Katanga in Africa. Joint agreement at Yalta on Soviet domination
of Eastern Europe and the betrayal of Poland whom we went to war "to
save". Establishment of Soviet claims in Manchuria and the Kurril Islands.
Therefore that the administration in the U.S.
should embark on such willfully stupid policies as giving permission
for the establishment of Soviet Consulates in each State of the U.S.A.
is not surprising. |
SUBJECT FOR DISCUSSIONTHE PRINCIPLE OF RESPONSIBILITYResponsibility is primarily a moral principle.
The Christian recognises it as a gift from God through the ability to
choose whichever course of action will further the growth of the individual
in his relationship with God. We can say with surety that the individual
who refuses any responsibility for his actions cuts himself off from
God. But also those indulging in activity, which destroys the freedom
of their fellow individuals in society, should be forced to accept the
responsibility for their actions. Our problem is to understand how the persons
destroying political and financial independence through the advocacy
of false policies can be made responsible for their actions. In this
regard we quote from the words of Hewlett Edwards, One of the prime responsibilities of those educated in correct political principles is to take such confusion out of elections. |