home of ... Douglas Social Credit
16 August 1968. Thought for the Week: "There
is not another people in the history of the world which has been less
corrupted by great power than the British, in spite of the poor view
they themselves take of their own imperial past. They possess a capacity
for self-criticism unequalled in any other nation, and a sense of decency
so imaginative and searching that less scrupulous opponents in the modern
world have frequently used it as a weapon against them.
Laurens van der Post, in The Heart of the Hunter, p.116. |
RHODESIA CONSOLIDATES"A Rhodesian judge, Mr. Justice Dendy Young today announced his resignation from the Rhodesian High Court bench ... he said he was resigning as a matter of judicial conscience - Most of the nine High Court Judges, however, have already stated their view, at some time or other, that the Government has now achieved de jure status" - The Age, Melbourne, August 13. The issue, which forced Mr. Justice Dendy Young
to make his decision, was the ruling of a fellow judge, Mr. Justice
H.E. Davies rejecting a recent Privy Council ruling in London that all
Rhodesia's post independence laws were illegal. The effect of Justice
Davies ruling and the consequent resignation of Justice Young means
that Rhodesia has taken another step to clarify any doubts residing
within the Rhodesian electorate as to the morality of the step taken
on November 11, 1965. Laurens van der Post points to the forces, which
will eventually eradicate the disease now afflicting England. That the
disease has some recognition in England is certain as a recent report
from Anthony Haden-Guest in the London Daily Telegraph, July
17, indicates. Mr. Lester Maddox, Governor of Georgia in the
U.S.A. announced that he is considering nominating for the candidacy
of the Democratic Party in the face of all those who offer nothing but
"socialism, socialism, Socialism". Mr. Maddox who is depicted by the
press as a racist similar to white Rhodesians, says, "There's a wave
of patriotism and conservatism sweeping the country". |
MR. RICHARD NIXON"Once hated and mistrusted by the Russians as a doctrinaire anti-Communist, he now frankly admits that his 1960 views are irrelevant to the changing world of 1968. The days of the cold war are over, he now proclaims, and the task of the present is to reach accommodation with the Soviet Union and, in time, with Communist China", Randal Heymanson, in The Herald, Melbourne, August 8. In 1964 the Republican Party endorsed Senator Barry Goldwater who campaigned on a platform that offered "not an echo but a choice." Because the choice he offered was a genuine alternative to the Socialism of all other candidates, both Republican and Democratic, there was unleashed against him a propaganda campaign unequalled in ferocity, distortion and virulence to any other in recent history; not even with that mounted against the late Senator Joseph McCarthy who had committed the crime of telling the American people there were Communists inside their Government. The Party Managers have ensured against anything like the Goldwater mishap in the nomination of Richard Nixon, who must be considered to have the best chance of winning the Presidential election in November. Strangely enough it was his strong anti-Communism, which gained Nixon his first following in the U.S. His part in nailing home the lies of Alger Hiss, the Communist who held top official positions in the Roosevelt-Truman administrations, is now history. However it now seems probable than Nixon learnt from that campaign that political advancement did not go to those who opposed the forces behind Alger Hiss. Liberalism in America is equated with Socialism. The Wall Street Journal of April 27,
1959 quotes Mr. Nixon describing himself as "a liberal rather than a
conservative because I have an international view . . . of foreign policy".
That view of foreign policy was that peace, and the defeat of America's
enemies can be bought, not fought. His biographer, Earl Mazo quotes
him again in 1959. "In the next ten years our greatest external
danger will not be military, but economic and ideological". March 10, 1968 he told the New York Times,
"I think Dean Rusk would be an excellent Secretary of State under a
President who had a better understanding of foreign policy. He's a gutsy
guy and a fine, professional diplomat". The selection by Mr. Nixon of Governor Agnew from the Southern State of Maryland, as Vice Presidential candidate, is seen by commentators as an effort by Nixon to draw himself the votes, which Mr. Wallace is gaining in increasing numbers every day. It seems that even Nixon realised there are still those people who will require a "choice, not an echo". |
MR. BREZHNEV AND THE SOCIALISTS"There is not and cannot be socialism without the leading role of the Communist Party, armed with the ideas of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism", The Australian, July 5. The General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party has placed on record again the importance of socialism to the Communists, and in fact makes it clear that the Communists promote socialism, and that again in fact, "there cannot be socialism without the leading role of the Communist Party". This fact should be kept in mind when assessing the policies of any political party promoting socialist policies. Somewhere back along the line, those policies have been adopted because of the active advocacy of key communists, not in the name of Communism but Socialism, Liberalism, or Progress." Consider the importance of the United Nations to the Socialists. Its first organising Secretary in its preparatory stages was Communist, Alger Hiss from the American State Department. He followed an active policy of promoting Communists from the State Department to the UN where they are protected from national enquiry or action. He was followed by Trgvre Lie as the first Secretary General of the officially constituted UN. Lie was a socialist who fulfilled the role outlined by Brezhnev. Or consider the role of Harry Dexter White, Assistant Treasurer of the U.S. and a member of the same Communist cell as Hiss. He helped set up the Bretton Woods Agreement and its natural offspring, the International Monetary Fund which ensures the rules of finance tie the Western world to disastrous trading policies favouring Communism. Those now operating in such organisations are concerned only with techniques; the policy has already been decided. The policy may be termed socialism, as it increasingly centralises power, but somewhere the key communist plays that important role. |
WEST IRIAN UNREST"Indonesia's Army Chief General Maraden Paggabean said today that 162 tribesmen have been killed in Irian in their two-year-old rebellion in the coastal area of Manokwari" - The Herald, Melbourne, August 13. News from West Irian is very hard to obtain. Travelers and reporters are not encouraged and there is nothing like the freedom of entry and inspection, which existed in the days when the Dutch exercised the trusteeship of West Irian. The above report quoted from Jakarta said that 138 tribesmen in addition to those killed had been taken prisoner, but no figures were given for those wounded. General Paggabean said that 3539 had surrendered. All are members of the Arfak tribe. Next year the West Irians are to be given a vote on whether they wish to stay under the control of Indonesians. How free that vote will be amongst the West Irians was indicated by Dr. Sudjarwo a senior Indonesian Foreign Ministry official in charge of West Irian affairs. In a report on July 18 published in The Age he said next year's "act of free choice in the province depended entirely upon Indonesia. He said this would be decided by Indonesia because when the original agreement was made by the UN no mention of how the "act of free choice" should be implemented." As it is freely admitted 40 percent of the estimated 750,000 population is still so primitive as to be using stone tools, one-man-one-vote is a most impracticable method of measuring popular feeling even if it could be contended that feeling by a multitude of tribes living independently of one another could be measured. One tribe, the Arfak, has made clear how they feel, but as the Indonesian government has made clear they do not recognise such claims to freedom. With the parallel of Rhodesia in mind, Australia apart from our problems in New Guinea and Papua, is sitting on a powder keg where the West Irian problem is concerned. The racial problem there, because it does not involve white superiority will be ignored by the U.N. and the Communists, but if the Indonesians continue to impose their rule by force it faces us with a situation on our own borders similar to that which Rhodesia has had to consider so often in the past, and at the present in Nigeria. |
COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA DELUDING WEST ON CZECHOSLOVAKIA"The Premier, (Mr. Oldrich Cernik) said: 'Czechoslovakia is not alone in Europe . . . the frontiers of two world systems meet, the military blocs of the Warsaw Treaty and NATO have a common frontier. History has confirmed many times that we cannot be neutral" - The Age, Melbourne, August 7. There is no evidence whatsoever of a movement
away from the monolithic control of International Communism in Czechoslovakia.
When the leaders of the Communist Party concluded their widely reported
meeting at Bratislava last week, President Josef Smrkovky said, "Our
relations with the Soviet Union are as good as they were 20 years ago". |
NOT EVERYONE CAN ATTEND THESE STIMULATING ANNUAL EVENTSYes, we know that it is a physical impossibility
for all supporters, including many overseas, to attend three of the
year's most stimulating events for League of Rights supporters and sympathisers.
Guest of Honour at the Annual Dinner is Canadian,
Pat Walsh, The Donation $4.50. Place: The Victoria, Lt. Collins Street,
Melbourne, Time: 6,15 p.m. |