Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
9 February 1968. Thought for the Week: "We can choose to be governed by God, or we can condemn ourselves to be ruled by the new scientific 'elite.' Without a belief in God's moral law, there can be no ground or basis for the enforcement of law and order in society. When God and His moral law are rejected by a nation, all defence against arbitrary power vanishes, too, at the same time."
Rev. E.L.H. Taylor, M.A., England.


"The climatic battle of Khe Sanh, which now appears to have begun, has been greeted with confidence at the Pentagon and caution at the White House. President Johnson last week required the joint chiefs of staff to verify in writing that they thought Khe Sanh 'could and should be held.' …President Johnson called for the renewed assessment last week after the extent and ferocity of the Viet Cong offensive in South Vietnam has shocked Washington." - From Roy Macartney, Washington, in The Age, Melbourne, February 6.

As we have constantly stressed, Communist revolutionary war is always directed to achieve political objectives. Practising traditional Communist morality, the Viet Cong promised that they would observe a seven-day truce over the period of the annual celebration of Tet, the Vietnamese lunar year at the very time they were preparing for a carefully coordinated major offensive right throughout South Vietnam. Typical of the many soothing statements made by both American and Australian officials was that of the Australian Minister for the Army, Mr. Malcolm Fraser, who said that the Viet Cong attacks on the key cities in South Vietnam were "suicidal missions in a moment of desperation." (Vide The Age, February 2)
But there is overwhelming evidence that the Viet Cong offensive is designed primarily to achieve political results in the USA.
There can be no denying the truth that the Communists have already achieved one of their greatest propaganda effects, with many voices starting to express the opinion that perhaps the war in Vietnam is unwinnable.

It is probably true that the Americans and their allies cannot win while they continue to fight under rules, which favour the Communists. Major-General Thomas A. Lane, USA, Retired, whom we have previously quoted as one of the large number of American military authorities criticising the "no-win" policy in Vietnam, has recently put the matter very clearly as follow:
"The Administration error is simple and obvious. It accepts the working premise advanced by the Soviet Union that North Vietnam may attack South Vietnam without provoking a wider war, but that South Vietnam may not counterattack without such consequences. The proposition is on its face preposterous, but it is the heart of the Johnson position on Vietnam. We accept this irrational proposition out of fear that Communist China will intervene in Vietnam. That fear is irrational. Who can believe that China would expose its industries to destruction rather than see Ho Chi Minh cease his aggression against South Vietnam?
There is implicit in the fear of Communist Chinese intervention an assumption that the United States would not attack China but would fight the enlarged conflict in Vietnam. That is what President Truman did in Korea and it was assurance of this reaction, which led the Chinese to attack. Why are we now set to repeat the same mistake in Vietnam?"

General Lane states that, President Johnson is surrounded by men who insist that his policy of restraint is avoiding a wider war. But this leaves the Communists with the initiative to fight the war in such a way that they create the maximum amount of political confusion and social friction in the USA and Australia, where the Communists are at present scoring major success in the propaganda war.

The Pueblo incident in North Korea is a classic example of the type of diversionary tactics the Communist strategists are employing. Commenting on the Pueblo incident on January 25 former Republican Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater realistically stated that it was just a continuation of the Korean War. He continued, "I think we never have finished that war. We have been having casualties over there ever since the truce."
The American handling of the Pueblo affair has caused widespread dismay amongst the South Koreans, with reports appearing that they wish to withdraw some of their troops in South Vietnam to meet any new major aggression from North Korea.

There is considerable speculation that the Communist mastermind behind the current Viet Cong drive in South Vietnam General Giap is proposing to try to repeat his 1954 victory against the French at Dien Bien Phu. Khe Sanh could be the test, or perhaps the first of many tests. It is generally overlooked that the French were capable of fighting on militarily after their major defeat at Dien Blen Phu, but that the loss of this major battle proved such a disastrous psychological blow in France that the political base for the military front in Vietnam collapsed.
If General Giap cannot achieve a complete military victory in Vietnam he and his fellow-Comrades are hopeful that the casualties they can inflict on the Americans and their allies will force the creation of a coalition Government in Saigon in which the Communists are well represented. If this can be achieved, it will only be a matter of time before a Communist take-over.
And if this happens morale in the whole of Asia will collapse.

There is only one answer to the present developing crisis: the Americans must refuse to fight any longer under rules decided by the Communists. As the American Senate Preparedness Committee has urged, all significant military targets in North Vietnam must be hit from the air, the Port of Haiphong completely blockaded to stop the flood of Soviet military and economic aid to North Vietnam and the Viet Cong.

The myth about the Soviet Union "mellowing" must be exploded and appropriate action taken. But time to do this is desperately short.


"If Australia's reaction to Britain's Far East withdrawal has been one of pained acceptance, New Zealand's has been very close to consternation. It is not the Far Eastern defence structure of the future that is worrying New Zealand so much…The basic cause of the near panic that prevails in Wellington today is the brutal dose of disillusionment that the mother country had administered to the faithful little dominion at a time of economic and financial distress. The fear that many New Zealanders have secretly entertained - that Britain has no intention of protecting their interests when it comes to the crucial point of entering Europe - has overnight become a publicly articulated indignation." - Douglas Brass writing from New Zealand in The Australian, January 24.

New Zealand's present political leaders have been pathetically naive and trusting about British assurances. Their representative in London has been careful to give no support whatever to the rugged addresses by Australia's High Commissioner, Sir Alexander Downer, who never loses an opportunity of appealing direct to the British people on the Common Market threat to the nature of the old British Commonwealth, urging that Britain should seek new and more constructive relations with Australia, New Zealand and Canada, instead of surrendering to the European Common Market and its growing super-bureaucracy.
The New Zealand view has been that if they do not oppose the British Government, then they will be cared for and given special treatment if Britain does eventually manage to join the EEC.

In an interview with Prime Minister Holyoake in 1962 after he had been campaigning in Britain with Mr. D.J. Killen, M.P against Britain joining the EEC, Mr. Eric Butler attempted to convince the New Zealand leader that the British people had such an affection for New Zealand that a powerful appeal by Mr. Holyoake would have a major impact in Britain. But Mr. Holyoake would have none of it. Before the last New Zealand General Elections he publicly told New Zealanders, the great majority of whom have shown they are strongly pro-Rhodesian, that his Government would tolerate no further action against Rhodesia.
But within a few weeks, under economic pressure from Prime Minister Wilson, he was supporting mandatory sanctions against Rhodesia in the Security Council.

The time has come for New Zealanders, like Australians to face the facts of life as revealed by the wrecker Harold Wilson. They should prepare themselves for the next scuttle by the Wilson Government, which will be from Fiji and other British Pacific Islands. Canberra and Wellington should be planning to take these over as their direct responsibility. And they should be looking westwards across the Indian Ocean to South Africa, Rhodesia and the Portuguese Territories, making military and economic alliances with resourceful people who have proved far more reliable than Mr. Harold Wilson and his Socialist Government.


"An American Negro Bishop said last night that there were serious racial overtones in Australia. The Aboriginal problem had implications of racialism or, at best, paternalistic benevolence. Bishop P.A. Taylor of the United States of America Methodist Church, said: 'As long as any nation deals with groups either within its borders or beyond its national limits with discrimination or indifference it is courting disaster. The nations of our world are swiftly dividing into the rich and the poor, the haves and the have-nots. As long as the have-nots represent the vast majority of world population, there can be no world peace. "' - The Australian, February 5.

As soon as he arrived in Australia Bishop Taylor started sniping at Australia's immigration policy. He claimed that when seeking a visa he had to state his race. This was evidence of "racialism", he claimed. But the Department of Immigration has obtained a copy of the visa form Bishop Taylor filled in before leaving America, and there is no reference on this form to race. Australia is in fact one of the very few countries in the world, which does not require racial identification of people seeking visas. Officers of the Department of immigration had talked to Bishop Taylor in Adelaide after he claimed in Perth that he had to state his race when applying for his Australian visa. But he continued to maintain that his claim concerning his visa was correct.
It is clear that Bishop Taylor is not very interested in facts.

His statements in Australia revealed him to be a typical agitator, of which there are many in the USA deliberately exploiting race to further revolutionary policies. He attempted to whitewash the "Civil Rights" movement in the USA, which has been shown conclusively to be the instrument of the Communist revolutionaries, who believe that they can exploit the Negro to collapse America from within. Anyone doubting this should read the book, It's Very Simple, by Alan Stang.
The race question is being exploited all over the world by the Communist revolutionaries.

Australia has no race problems because of the wisdom of those who founded Australia as a nation. Australia can best help other peoples by maintaining a stable, homogeneous population, and offering advice and assistance to overcome production problems. The Bishop Taylors everywhere are suggesting that the Indians, for example, are living in poverty because the "have" nations are more prosperous. The logical conclusion is the Socialist solution that the "haves" should be compelled to share with the "have-nots". This is no solution whatever, but is part of the revolutionary programme.


"The bridge to peace in Vietnam was now much shorter, the British Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson, said yesterday. 'Our task is to help narrow the differences and to avoid encouraging the hawks, whether they be in Hanoi or Washington', he told the Russian Prime Minister, Mr. Kosygin in a formal luncheon toast." - The Australian, January 25.

At the very moment the British Socialist leader was talking about the possibility of peace in Vietnam, the Communists were on the eve of their massive assaults. It is the Harold Wilsons who are encouraging the "hawks" in Hanoi, Moscow, Peking, and in all parts of the world by their failure to face the truth that there is an international revolution being promoted and master-minded by criminals determined to conquer the world. One of these criminals is Kosygin of the Soviet Union. He replied to Mr. Wilson's toast in Moscow by telling him that if Britain wanted peace, it should demand an end to American bombing of North Vietnam. In the meantime the Soviet leaders are making their contribution to "peace" by providing North Vietnam and the Viet Cong with a steady flow of sophisticated weapons.


Economic Democracy

The League of Rights is in process of establishing a specialised new division termed The Institute for Economic Democracy. Those charged with the responsibility of this institute will he primarily concerned with collecting and assessing all relevant data concerning economic and financial policies. Recommendations will be issued in booklet and brochure form from time to time. It is also planned to publish material from authoritative sources which will be of value to those who wish to fight to preserve the basis of real freedom private property in one form or another, and the control of the production system by a democracy of consumers.

To assist all actionists gain a deeper understanding of the real nature of a genuine economic democracy we commend study of the following extract from a Report issued by the Post-War Policy Committee of the Vancouver Board of Trade in 1943. It may be significant that this Report suddenly disappeared and became unavailable almost immediately it was published:

"In order to assess the merits or otherwise of the manner in which our present monetary system operates, it is necessary to consider its place and function within the national economy. For instance, reference has been made earlier to the primary function of the monetary system as being 'an economic voting mechanism'. While this may be readily conceded, its full significance cannot be appreciated unless this comparatively novel concept is related to the accepted ideas of finance.
"It has been shown that the basis of organised society is the belief of the individuals concerned that by association, they will obtain the results they want and which otherwise they would not be able to attain. This belief (credo) is the basis of the community's credit; and the extent to which they can realise that 'belief' in the goods and services they want, is the measure of their credit, in other words, the measure of a nation's credit is a correct measure of its capacity to produce wanted goods and services for the use of its citizens.

"The next questions which arise are, how can the production of these goods be organised under a system which will give the individual the greatest possible scope for freely associating with others in the common effort, how will a correct accounting be kept of the goods produced, and how will their distribution on an equitable basis be organised?…these important functions come within the scope of the monetary system.

At this point your Committee found it necessary to lay down a very clear definition of 'money' in the following terms: 'Money is any medium which has reached such a degree of acceptability that no matter what it is made of nor why people want it, no one will refuse it in exchange for his product if he is a willing seller.'
From this definition it will be readily seen that money is essentially a generally accepted claim to goods and services. It is a ticket system, which entitles the holder to obtain the goods, and services he wants from the supply available for distribution. This means that money can be issued only against goods and services; further, that the money must be related to such goods and services both in regard to the number of 'money tickets' issued and the relative relation of each ticket to the different types of goods and services...

"In order to induce individuals to co-operate in the production of goods, money is created and issued to them as incomes for their services. The sum total of all money paid out in all stages of the production of an article constitutes its price, In this way units of money are related to goods and the other material wealth of the community. Thus the individual is provided with an inducement to join in the cooperative effort of production, being left free as to what part he takes in this according to ability and so forth. As prices are created in the process of production, so an accurate record can be kept. The individual then has a claim on any of the available goods and services he may choose."