18 October 1968. Thought for the Week: "Everything
that is called duty, the prerequisite for all genuine law and the substance
of every noble custom, can be traced back to honor. The farmer has his
honor, as does every craftsman; the merchant and the officer; the official;
and the old princely families all have their honor. He who has none,
who 'sets no store' in standing respectably before himself as well as
his peers, is 'common'; he is the opposite of noble in the view of every
genuine society"
Oswald Spengler. |
OPEN ADVANCE TOWARDS LIBERAL-SOCIALISM"The Prime Minister, Mr. Gorton, said yesterday that Australia had reached a watershed in its development. Liberal Party policy had changed and would have to change further with this development. The party would have to re-examine some of the basic tenets it had held since 1949, particularly on State and Commonwealth relations and social services" - The Age, Melbourne, October 15. When Mr. Robert Menzies, as he was then, formed
the Australian Liberal Party by bringing together a number of different
anti-Socialist Parties and movements, one of the first to write to Mr.
Menzies to tell him how much he approved of the new party and its principles,
was Mr. John Gray Gorton of Kerang, Victoria. In December 1949, the
Chifley Labor Government was toppled primarily because of the widespread
unrest amongst electors who feared the Socialistic and restrictive policies
of the Labor Party. The open attempt to nationalise the Australian banking
system was still vivid in the minds of many Australians. Before the 1949 Federal Elections, every Liberal
speaker was familiar with Hayek's great classic, The Road to Serfdom.
Many present-day Liberals would immediately say "Right-wing extremism:"
if presented with the type of Liberal Party speakers' notes used at
that time. But the Menzies-Fadden Government found itself unable to implement any of the major pre-election promises. Inflation continued and the bureaucracy to expand. Slowly the Federal system was eroded as the Commonwealth Government used its monopoly of financial power to intrude into more and more State spheres. All the State Governments have now made it clear that they believe that a crisis has been reached, and that the end of State sovereignties and the Federal system is in sight unless the Commonwealth agrees to stop strangling the States. Prime Minister Gorton's answer is unambiguous: he emerges as an openly declared centralist with exactly the same domestic policy as that of Fabian-Socialist Gough Whitlam. If the Liberal Party is now about to adopt openly the domestic policies of the Labor Party it must now be known as the Liberal-Socialist Party. This important issue must be brought forcefully to the attention of all Liberal Party Members of Parliament, and to all rank and file members. Mr. Gorton uses many of the superficial arguments to justify increased Federal control, all of them advanced by the Socialists over many years. The Age in the report we have quoted from,
provides the following quote from what the Prime Minister said: "There
was a time when this party was formed when it was believed, and when
it was dogma and unquestionable, that an Australian Government ought
to hand out particular sums to say, Queensland or to Western Australia,
and for them to spend it as they pleased. I don't think these conditions
s prevail any longer". But the Prime Minister puts forward another
Socialist argument when he asks "is it not necessary that the Australian
Government should be charged with the responsibility of seeing that
the economy of Australia as a whole is managed as a whole, so that inflation
is kept under control, so that deflation is met by infusion of credit,
so that overseas investment keeps coming?" It is futile for Mr. Gorton to argue that greater
defence needs require more power for the Commonwealth at the expense
of the States. If artificial financial restrictions are removed, Australian
industry can supply a great amount of the nation's military equipment.
If equipment has to be bought from overseas, the Federal Government
already has adequate powers for this. |
PRIME MINISTER WILSON FAILS TO PRESSURISE RHODESIAN LEADER"The Smith-Wilson summit talks on Rhodesia ended in failure tonight. A communiqué, described as an agreed joint statement, said, 'At the end of these talks both sides recognised that a very wide gulf remains between them on certain issues Earlier, Mr. Smith had told reporters he was very disappointed with his four days of talks with Mr. Wilson aboard the British warship the Fearless in Gibralta harbour, 'The differences are too great', he said" - The Herald, Melbourne, October 14. Unless Prime Minister Wilson is prepared to make
some substantial retreat from his demands to date, he is no closer to
reaching an agreement with the Rhodesian Government headed by Prime
Minister Ian Smith than he was three years ago. Mr. Smith and his colleagues
have always made it clear that they would welcome an agreement with
Britain, which would bring an end to sanctions and political and diplomatic
isolation. But as time has gone on, it has been Mr. Wilson who has realised
that he needs an end to the Rhodesian controversy even more than the
Rhodesians do. He initiated the Fearless talks, not Mr. Smith. As usual
he attempted with bluff and extreme talk to gain the maximum advantage
from the conference before leaving for Gibralta. The British Prime Minister is obviously very
badly advised on the internal Rhodesian situation if he believes the
nonsense about Mr. Ian Smith "getting rid of some of his racialist extremists".
Mr. Harper former Minister for Internal Affairs was asked by Mr. Smith
to resign from his Cabinet, not for political reasons but on personal
grounds. Lord Graham resigned from the Cabinet because he honestly disagreed
with the Government's constitutional proposals. It is utter nonsense
and most misleading to describe Lord Graham as a "racial extremist."
The most authentic voice of balanced conservative thinking in Rhodesia is the Candour League's Rhodesia and World Report, a journal that has not been afraid to take an independent line from the Smith Government. The Editor writes in the September issue: "Those who talk loosely of a 'sell-out' and cast suspicions on the integrity of our leaders harm the national cause. This is a democratic country and in the end it is we, the people, who have the final say " This is something Mr. Wilson should remember; he is not only dealing with the Rhodesian Government, but with the Rhodesian people. And after three years of effort they are not going to throw away their independence. Unless Mr. Wilson has some real concessions to offer, it is certain that the Battle for Rhodesia will continue and be intensified. |
SOVIET ENCIRCLEMENT OF EUROPE CONTINUES"Russia continued its naval build up in the Mediterranean at the week-end when a guided missile cruiser passed through the Bosphorous from the Black Sea. The number of Russian warships in the Mediterranean is now the highest on record. The biggest in the fleet of 54 ships is the 23,000 ton cruiser-aircraft carrier Moskva. She is carrying helicopters and a force of marines trained along the same lines as British marine commandos." - The Australian, October 15. The developing Soviet build-up in the Mediterranean, and the penetration of the Arab world under cover of the Arab-Israeli conflict, is a major part of the Soviet strategy for encircling Western Europe. The desperate moves by West German political leaders to enter into negotiations with the Soviet leaders indicates that they realise their extremely critical situation with Soviet forces massed along their borders. According to press reports on October 15, American Secretary of Defence, Mr. Clifford, has told the Germans "The Soviet Government knows that the United States will not tolerate the use of force or the threat of force". This is not likely to bring much comfort to the Germans as they consider how important the NATO forces were to do anything about the use of force in Czechoslovakia. Last week we dealt with the most alarming significance
of the Soviet thrust into Czechoslovakia. Since then we have received
further confirmation of our warning that the whole balance of power
in Western Europe had been changed by the Soviet move. In a study for
the London Daily Telegraph (September 6 and 7) R.H.C. Steed writes:
Having achieved such a major victory, the Soviet
is now placed for the next thrust. Western Europe now faces a threatened
nightmare. What do our foreign "experts" have to say about the state
of the world? |
THE WEEK IN BRIEFThe Soviet has shocked the Finns with a surprise visit to Helsinki by Soviet Prime Minister Kosygin on October 9. The Soviet has claimed that there is a growing German threat against Finland. The Finns fear a Czech-style Soviet invasion Two representatives of the political arm of the Viet Cong, the National Liberation Front, have arrived in Stockholm to open an information office for Scandinavia Two villages in the Biafran leper colony town of Uzuakoli have been smashed and 21 people killed in an air attack by a Nigerian jet yesterday. The jets being used are supplied by the Soviet Union On October 9 Vice-President Hubert Humphrey of the U.S.A. appealed to the Soviet Union to exercise its influence in North Vietnam now if it wants a "reasonable" man in the White House to negotiate with More realistically General Curtis Le May, Mr. George Wallace's running mate, called for either the bombing or blockading of the war to stop Soviet supplies to the Viet Cong. thus hastening the end of the war |