home of ... Douglas Social Credit
1 November 1968. Thought for the Week: "At all
times sincere friends of freedom have been rare, and its triumphs have
been due to minorities"
Lord Acton. |
THE RETREAT IN WEST GERMANY"West Germany's newly-constituted Communist Party has established itself on a nation-wide basis in less than a month . Outlawed Communist leader Max Reimann will return soon after his 70th birthday on October 31 to be elected chairman of the new party. Herr Reimann has been a wanted man since 1954, accused of plotting high treason. But now, the West German authorities are taking steps to make it possible for him to end his exile" - The Courier-Mail, Brisbane, October 24. The formal recognition of the right of the Communist
conspiracy to operate in West Germany comes at the very moment when
the Soviet, by his massive strategic thrust into Czechoslovakia, is
attempting to demoralise West Germany and to neutralise the German people.
Caught between the aggressive move westwards by the Soviet Union and
the indecision of the NATO nations, West German political leaders are
desperately attempting to walk a tightrope. But it is clear that they
are attempting to placate the Soviet. This is a dangerous retreat by
the West German Government, which can lead to disastrous consequences
for the West Germans as well as the whole of the Western world. |
THE DRIVE TOWARDS THE MONOPOLY STATE"There is an increasingly persuasive case to be made for allowing greater managerial powers to reside with the Commonwealth. It has the taxing power in any case, so why should it not devise Federal policies to match? In at least four functions which now rest primarily with the States - health, education, roads and some social services - there is a case for Commonwealth-wide standardisation and control with the States acting as agents for expenditure and administration" - The Australian, in its first editorial, October 23. The Prime Minister, Mr. Gorton, may not have
generated much enthusiasm amongst Liberal Party colleagues with his
open advocacy that the traditional Liberal Party policy in support of
Federalism should be thrown away. But he is getting support from those
who wish to create the Monopoly State in Australia. If Mr. Gorton will take the trouble to study
Fabian-Socialist Whitlam's thesis on the Australian Constitution, published
by the Fabian Society, he will find that he is advocating a similar
policy to that of Mr. Whitlam. He will also find that the Communists
have been advocating the same type of policy for years. Honest Federal Members, admit now that they are
involved in so much activity which should be the sole responsibility
of State and Municipal Government, that they have insufficient time
to give proper attention to defence and foreign policy. Hundreds of
years of bitter experience have demonstrated that in any large geographical
area all centralisation of power in the hands of one Central Government
leads to increasing bureaucracy, irresponsible Government and tyranny.
"U.S. LOSING IN VIETNAM" - AMERICAN SOLDIER"We're not winning. We're probably losing - and
it's America's fault. It is significant that this news item was only in the early edition of The Herald, and was removed from every other edition. Private Leed was getting too close to the bone for one of the sub-editors whose sympathy he obviously did not have. Private Leed went on to make some pretty rugged statements that reflected the frustration he no doubt shares with many other soldiers in America who know they are being betrayed by the politicians. General Curtis Le May on his return to US from
his fact-finding mission in Vietnam pinpoints some of the factors concerning
Private Leed's and his fellow soldiers. "Vital facilities destroyed
by our previous attacks have been repaired, replaced, and, in many instances,
enlarged. The harbour of Haiphong is being used to channel a steady
and ever increasing flow of guns and ammunition into North Vietnam,
and these items are being rushed south to kill American fighting men.
NIXON ECHOES WALLACE"Mr. Nixon said yesterday that including the communists in a coalition Government in South Vietnam would amount to a 'thinly disguised surrender' and not an acceptable solution for ending the war" - The Age, October 29. As the Presidential elections draw nearer, commentators
increasingly remark on the affinity of the Nixon policy statements with
those of George Wallace. Nixon is obviously worried by the confidence
of Wallace, and the affection of many American voters for his straightforward
policies for defeating Communism at home and abroad. Two recent reports make it clear that he is still under pressure from the left-wing of the Republican party - men like Nelson Rockefeller, John Lindsay, Mayor of New York, Senator Jacob Javits and Senator Edward Brooke - whose support Nixon sought early in the campaign. To win New York is considered essential for the winning candidate. The first point of interest in the little displayed
"liberal" or leftist side of the Nixon policy is the insistence on Federal
control of education. On this issue Nixon is adament as reported in
an interview in The Herald, Melbourne, October 28. However he
throws a sop to the Wallace supporters in agreeing that the forcible
transport of negro children to white schools is wasteful and unnecessary.
But more importantly Mr. Nixon shows he is very much under the control
of the internationalists behind American politics when he insists that
the new Senate will ratify the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. This
treaty destroys America's last vestige of defence independence. |
RETURNED SERVICEMEN DEMONSTRATE REALISM"Labor politicians who are members of the Returned Services League could be expelled or suspended from the league if they criticise Australia's role in Vietnam" - The Age, Melbourne, October 29. The national president of the Returned Services
League, Sir Arthur Lee, was reported to be worried by the implications
of a resolution passed by the national congress of the league, which
would strengthen the hand of State branches of the league in dealing
with dissident elements within the organisation. So long as the R.S.L.
retains the policies for which it was formed, national loyalty, and
loyalty to the welfare of men serving in the armed forces of Australia,
past and present; then it is right that it should incorporate safeguards
against subversive forces which would undermine those objectives. The R.S.L. is to be congratulated in taking the necessary steps to safeguard itself against internal subversion. Other factors emerging out of the present congress in Canberra illustrate the value of national patriotic organisations, which do not have uppermost in the minds of their officials the seeking of mass popularity, and the framing of policies to obtain the votes of the populace. The league came out strongly for controlling student demonstrators by withdrawing scholarships from convicted rioters. It drew attention to the increasing defence problem caused by the scuttle initiated by conservative and labour politicians in Britain. Both are urgent issues, and any organisation concerned with the welfare of Australia, is rendering the nation a service by directing attention to such matters. |
KEEPING THE FIGHT GOINGThe progressive total of our appeal stands at $3053.80. This sum has been subscribed or promised by 18 supporters. With everyone coming into the fray and making their contribution we will undoubtedly reach the objective set. There is no greater priority than to establish the financial basis of the next twelve month's campaigning.Direct donations, or monthly, quarterly or six monthly donations allow the maximum flexibility in arranging your particular gift. DO IT NOW. |
U.N. WEEKDIVISION OF LOYALTIES"Industrial Development Minister, Mr. Court, said that young people should not be discouraged by the U.N's past failures. They should not judge it too harshly when it stood by helplessly while one country invaded another or when it went to the opposite extreme and used a sledgehammer to solve a simple problem" - The West Australian, October 25. Mr. Court was speaking at a flag raising ceremony
held in Perth to mark U.N. Week celebrations. It is a pity that the
flag, instead of being raised was not used to cover the coffin of the
U.N. and give it a decent burial. The inconsistencies so obvious in
the U.N. and commented upon by Mr. Court, arise out of the complete
divorcement from the fundamental principle of freedom inherent within
the structure of the U.N. Mr. Court would not look kindly upon either national or international interference in the problems of his own department. But he accepts and asks for tolerance of the U.N., which continually does just that. Perhaps he does not realise it was constituted for that purpose, as was ensured by its first acting Secretary General, the convicted Communist, Alger Hiss. Many people who would normally reject Communism
never stop to think that the U.N. has the complete blessing of the Communist
conspiracy, and that many of its directives and propaganda permeating
our political and educational institutions is written by the many straight
out Communist members of the various branches of the U.N. |
WEEK IN BRIEFLee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore wants Australian armed forces as "part of the landscape" .President Park Chung-hee of South Korea called for "strengthened ties and concerted endeavours among nations of the free Asian and Pacific region to deter Communist aggression". . Thailand's foreign Minister, Mr. Thanat Khoman indicated that Thailand must move away from USA. "We must rely more on building strength together with our neighbours in South East Asia:'. .What, no faith in U.N. even in U.N. week:. . The latest Fabian Newsletter advertises a function for Amnesty International. Arthur Koestler to speak on Europe in Conflict. |