home of ... Douglas Social Credit
8 November 1968. Thought for the Week: "We
are for World Government, and the United Nations is our instrument"
Harold Wilson: a campaign statement made in 1964, Quoted in The Wanderer September 12, 1968. |
POLITICAL TREASON AND BOMB HALT IN VIETNAM"President Ho Chi-minh of North Vietnam, today described the American bombing halt as 'only an initial victory' and called on his people to sweep every aggressor out of the country", - The Age, November 4. The "victory" being hailed by Ho Chi-minh is
no victory for the superiority of communist military strength, but is
a victory over the diseased minds of his political opponents in the
West, who have in essence become the thing they were supposed to be
fighting. In the battle for the minds of its opponents,
while Communism has defeated the effete western leadership, there still
remains the resolute opposition of those that know they have nothing
to gain by compromising with the Communists. While President Johnson
and Hubert Humphrey are lamenting the opposition of President Thieu
for his uncompromising opposition to accept the right of the communist
arm of the Viet Cong, the NLF to take part in any discussions with Hanoi
representatives in Paris, other Asian leaders are rallying to the moral
support of the South Vietnamese leaders. The extent to which the American leadership has
been intent on forcing defeat on the South Vietnam Government can be
gauged from the number of interviews American Ambassador, Ellsworth
Bunker, has had with President Thieu in the past few weeks. Almost daily
the press have reported yet another visit by the notorious appeaser
of Communism to President Thieu. The South Vietnam leader must have
been under tremendous diplomatic and psychological pressure from international
sources, to whom the process of war making does not take into account
the opposition of small time national patriots like President Thieu.
Thieu and his fellow members of the South Vietnam
Government clearly stand in the path of a complete sell-out in Vietnam.
A sell-out which responsible correspondents like Roy McCartney of The
Melbourne Age knew had been arranged when he wrote on October 18,
(probably anticipating the announcement which came on the 19th) It may be that in the resoluteness of the South
Vietnamese leadership against compromise with Communism we are to witness
another small miracle like Rhodesia. There is no doubt that the South
Vietnamese people are fully united behind their leaders. Ian Ward, writing
in The Australian November 5, said "in five years of reporting
the Vietnam tragedy, I have never witnessed such national fervor and
wholehearted support for a local Government or its policy as that which
followed President Thieu's announcement... Australian patriots should
ensure their Government is not party to any shameful sell-out. In a report from New Zealand where he was visiting
at the time, Mr. Gorton is quoted by Allan Barnes in The Age,
"Australia does not favour the creation of a composite government which
would give strong representation to the communists . . . We are not
interested in things that are called peace talks but in fact are surrender
talks". |
MIDDLE EAST CRISIS DEEPENS"Western diplomats yesterday expressed deep concern for the mission of the United Nations Middle East mediator, Dr. Cunnar Jarring owing the week-end artillery duel initiated by Egypt against Israeli forces across the Suez Canal. The immediate effect of the clash was to harden the Israeli position and render unlikely any timetable for troop withdrawal from occupied Arab territories, writes Robert H. Esrabrook of the Washington Post" - The Australian, October 30. Having successfully made a major forward move against NATO through Czechoslovakia, with a tremendous increase in psychological pressure on the West Germans, the Soviet strategists have now started to intensify their pressures in the Middle East. It is significant that for the first time the Egyptian forces used Soviet-supplied Luna rockets, a ground-to-ground missile with a range of 44 miles. These missiles cannot be used without the permission of the Soviet, who now have an estimated 3000 experts with the Egyptian army, 1000 with the Syrian army and 1000 with other Arab countries. Israel's Deputy Prime Minister, General Yigal
Allon, told the Israeli Parliament following the Egyptian-Israeli clash
"that Israel would not remain isolated in the event of a Soviet
military intervention against her", the inference being that the United
States would act. Soviet strategy is to exploit the Arab-Israeli friction to steadily penetrate and take over the whole of the Middle East, and with it the vital oil supplies without which Western Europe would be in chaos. The Soviet is rapidly building up its naval forces in the Mediterranean and has recently brought in dredges from the Soviet which suggests that the Soviet strategists may be considering an attempt to open the Suez Canal to enable them to move much more readily into the Red Sea and to build up their thrust into the Indian Ocean. As shown by British expert Sir John Clubb in his book, The Middle East Crisis, while the Western powers refuse to come to grips with the problem of Israel, they force the whole Arab world into the Soviet's trap. A Soviet victory in the Middle East would mean the end for Western Europe. |
SYDNEY MEETING TO HEAR ERIC BUTLERSydney supporters and friends will have their first opportunity of hearing Mr. Eric Butler since returning from overseas, when he speaks on the current international situation, with particular reference to the significance of the American elections, at P.S.A. Hall, Public Service Association House, 201 Castlereagh Street (between Park and Bathurst Street) on Tuesday, November 12. at 6.30 p.m. Supporters are requested to make a special note of the time of the meeting, which it is felt will be more convenient for most people. |
FEDERAL TREASURER ACCEPTS INFLATION AS INEVITABLE"The Federal Treasurer, Mr. McMahon, told farmers in Canberra yesterday that there was no completely satisfactory solution in sight for Australia's vexing cost-of-production problems...I would say that our wage-fixing system - and the diverse pressures and interests which surround it - is a fact of life in Australia. It is simply not realistic to argue that things can be ordered very differently" - The Australian, October 31 The Federal Treasurer's clear statement that
he has no answer to progressive inflation should automatically disqualify
him from holding his position. One of the primary tasks of Government
is to ensure that the monetary unit bears a proper relationship to economic
realities, in the same way that weights and measures inspectors ensure
that people are not defrauded. Inflation is a gigantic fraud, a type
of modern coin clipping, but unlike the earlier coin-clippers the modern
defrauders are not punished. Mr. McMahon correctly observes that countries
like Canada, New Zealand, Denmark and Argentine also have inflation
although they have different wage-fixing systems. So does the United
States. All these countries have improved their economic efficiency. The end-result of this process of inflation is the complete destruction of the free enterprise economy. That is what the Fabian Socialists have planned, and they are delighted when a Liberal Treasurer like Mr. McMahon endorses their programme of destruction. He also endorses the Fabian Socialist programme for eroding the sovereignty of the States through financial centralism. Before the 1949 Federal Elections, which ended Labor Government at Canberra, Liberal and Country Party spokesmen said that they would put the shillings back into the pound. They obviously believed that this was possible. Mr. McMahon should be asked some searching questions about why he does not believe it is possible to have at least a stable price level at a time when production is more efficient than ever. |
THE R.S.L. AND THE NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY"The Returned Servicemen's League yesterday urged the Federal Government to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. The League said: 'on balance there seems to be compelling reasons why we should, subject to certain safeguards, sign the treaty'". - The Age. Melbourne, October 30. The submission of the R.S.L. to the government pointed out that Australia has "assurances that we come under the U.S. nuclear umbrella". The assurances the League asked for are, adequate inspection, and that such inspections will not hamper the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. It should not be necessary to point out that the Soviet would never promote any treaty, or agree to any type of liason which did nor have advantages to her. Anyone thinking otherwise is quite naive. The facts are that the Soviet stands to gain
immensely by the signing of the nonproliferation treaty. West Germany
now under direct threat from Soviet troops would know that any attack
on her could not be countered by the use of nuclear weapons, while communist
satellites such as East Germany who are not bound by the treaty could
be armed with nuclear weapons by the Soviet. It is one thing to have a treaty of friendship and mutual defence, it is another to give away the right to maintain your own defence and the right to arm yourself with the best possible means of defence. Professor Titterton, Australia's foremost expert on nuclear energy has made it clear that we have the ability to arm ourselves with nuclear weapons, the choice we have is whether we can afford it or not. That choice should not be compromised by a treaty with the one power, which would like to keep us defenceless. |
NEWS IN BRIEFThe New York Times attacks Vice Presidential candidate Spiro Agnew for irregularities in a real estate deal. No mention was made in 1960 of the record of another Vice Presidential candidate's past record by this paragon of political virtue. But the political fortune of Lyndon Baines Johnson was in accord with the policy of the New York Times...President Thieu says "it is our task to kill Communists - not talk peace with them Israel destroys electrical power plant servicing the Aswan Dam in Egypt. Israeli planes bombed the installations. Meanwhile Nasser orders full mobilisation. . . Political commentators Anthony Heffernan and Roy McCartney in reports from America make it clear that George Wallace will remain a political power in the future even if not successful in these elections. |