home of ... Douglas Social Credit
8 March 1968. Thought for the Week: "Both (the
U.N. and the United States) had sponsored this new-found doctrine that
all peoples were entitled to their independence which, literally interpreted,
meant that they were free to persecute and kill their minorities in
any way they chose. The pressure they had exerted to force the European
Powers to give up their colonies prematurely had led them to an end
of justice, toleration, the liberty of the individual, security of property
and life itself. Indonesia, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Cyprus and the
Congo all told the same awful tale of massacres and murder."
Dennis Wheatley in Unholy Crusade. |
DOUGLAS WILKIE POISON ON RHODESIA" will Smith yet prefer to accept a crunch with Westminster, rather than risk a slow crumbling of his white citadel in a rising tide of black ferment? Rhodesia's plight has been befogged by the barracking of those who on the one hand proclaim that 'sanctions are a farce' and those on the other hand who portray Rhodesia's settlers as about to join South Africa in a wicked assertion of white supremacy. The facts are different." - Douglas Wilkie in "As I See It", The Sun, Melbourne, March 5. The "different" facts given by Mr. Wilkie are
anti-Rhodesian propaganda, and bear little relationship to reality.
Mr. Wilkie just cannot help pouring out his poison on the Rhodesian
issue. He claims "Sanctions have bitten deep. They have forced Rhodesians
to accept lower living standards. They have caused a shift in the whole
pattern of Rhodesia's economy." The only truth to this comment is that
there has been a shift, a most substantial shift, in the pattern of
the Rhodesian economy. Mr. Oracle Wilkie has seen behind Rhodesian censorship,
and so knows what happened when the Rhodesian security forces clashed
with Communist-trained and Communist-equipped invaders in Rhodesia last
year. The truth is that the African troops performed bravely and loyally
in inflicting defeat upon the terrorists. As for the South Africans being "chary" of assisting the Rhodesians, the South African Prime Minister, Mr. John Vorster, has stated quite clearly that the Rhodesians will be given any assistance required to meet Communist-backed terrorists from the north. Perhaps Mr. Wilkie's most subtle poison is his comment that "It is even whispered that the Vorster Cabinet has given consideration to the concept of an African regime in Rhodesia and finds it not unattractive. The South Africans feel they could deal with it and direct it rather more readily than the present group of stiff-necked men at Salisbury " All this is pure fantasy presented by a man posing as an expert on international affairs. And it is circulated throughout Australia by a chain of newspapers whose standards have become progressively lower. Rhodesia stands firm as a barrier against Communist strategy in Africa, and every attack upon Rhodesian independence can only encourage the Communist strategists. |
"FLYING THE UNION JACK AT HALF-MAST""The Australian High Commissioner in London, Sir Alexander Downer, has told Britain its withdrawal from east of Suez will cause a loss of good will in Australia. The Daily Mail quoted him as saying: 'we think the Britain of today is flying the Union Jack at half-mast. You have announced to the world that your future is going to be that of a second-rate power. In all the countries that are Britain's best friends there must be a great disillusionment, a lack of belief in future British promises." - The Herald, Melbourne. March 4. Sir Alexander Downer is to be commended on his
continuing efforts to arouse the British to cease accepting policies
of scuttle. But while it is true that there is plenty of defeatism in
Britain, as there is in all Western nations, it is not defeatism, which
is the major cause of Britain's position, but conscious treachery. There
has been a conscious policy of subverting Britain from within as a major
feature of destroying the British world and its stabilising influence
in international affairs. The Socialists have been the main instruments
through which the policy of treachery has been advanced, but the Conservatives
must accept their share of the blame. It was the Conservatives who initiated
the first major blow against the British Commonwealth with their campaign
to surrender British sovereignty in the European Economic Community.
The Socialists realised the deep-seated antipathy of the British people
to the Common Market and so created the impression that they were going
to continue the policy laid down by the late Hugh Gaitskell. But as
soon as Harold Wilson was in office, the tune changed and soon it became
clear that Wilson was just as dedicated to destroying the British Commonwealth,
as is Edward Heath. Some idea of the source of this campaign may be obtained by asking who is helping to finance this campaign. This leads to people like Sigmund Warburg, the international financier, and similar people, who are neither British by origin nor by feeling. |
WILL INDIA CONTROL INDIAN OCEAN"Admiral Adhar Kumar Chatterji, Chief of Indian Naval Staff, said today that the Indian Navy would be in charge of the Indian Ocean when the British fleet withdraws in 1971. He told a ceremonial parade yesterday that the Indian Navy would be getting more ships and would recruit more men." - The Herald, Melbourne, March 4. Not even the greatest admirers of the Indians could visualise India as a major naval power. The important fact is that the ships and equipment is to be provided by the Soviet Union. Soviet naval chief Sergei Gorshkov visited Indian naval centres last month. He was following up talks between Soviet leader Kosygin and Mrs. Indira Nehru of India on the necessity of preventing the USA and Red China from moving into the vacuum. But it enables Soviet Union to move into the Indian Ocean under the guise of helping India. |
HYPOCRISY CONCERNING "RACIAL DISCRIMATION"'Penalties of $1000 or more for racial discrimination are being considered by the British Government, parliamentary correspondents said today. This would put teeth into the powers of the Race Relations Board for the first time." - The Herald, Melbourne, March 4. There appears to be no depth to the sickening
hypocrisy of the Socialist Government in Britain. It was Prime Minister
Harold Wilson who referred to a Conservative MP as a "moral leper" because
he had been elected on a policy of restricting non-European immigration.
And yet the same Mr. Wilson has rushed through legislation to prevent
a mass exodus of Indians from Kenya to Britain. |
NO-WIN POLICY TO BE SCRAPPED"The alternatives in Vietnam are now stark and mutually exclusive: All-out war- or negotiation. And all the signs point to all-out war. The prospects of negotiation are gloomier now than at any stage in the previous three years." - Defence and diplomatic correspondent in The Age, Melbourne February 29. President Lyndon Johnson is undoubtedly a worried
man, and realises that his only chance of surviving politically is to
persuade the American people that he is not going to settle for defeat
in Vietnam. More troops are to be sent to Vietnam. This is superficially
impressive, but President Johnson could send a million men to South
Vietnam without achieving very much while nothing is done to ensure
that the Communist troops are deprived of the flood of Soviet economic
and military aid reaching them. There will be no "all-out war until American military leaders are permitted to do everything possible to blockade not only Haipong, but also the whole of the North Vietnamese coastline. |
RED CHINA IN THE MIDDLE EAST"The Yemen Republic would shortly send a delegation to Peking on an important mission, Yemen Radio said last night. The broadcast said "It will be an exceedingly significant visit, which will discuss America's aggression against the Yemen through Saudi Arabia. "' - The Australian March 5. This, obscure report confirms the warnings of Middle East experts who have been warning that Red China as well as the Soviet Union is penetrating into the Middle East. |
WHAT EFFECTS WILL AFRICAN DEVELOPMENTS HAVE UPON AUSTRALIA'S FUTURE?This question will be answered by Mr. Jeremy Lee, formerly of Kenya, in a lecture at the Collins Room, Federal Hotel, Melbourne, on Wednesday March 13, 8 p.m. All Melbourne readers invited together with their with their friends. |
WILSON USES QUEEN IN RHODESIAN CONTROVESY"Rhodesian Chief Justice Sir Hugh Beadke tonight rejected appeals by two African condemned murderers and said 'It is to be deplored that the Queen was brought into this Her Majesty is quite powerless in this matter It is not a personal decision by Her Majesty but by her Government." - The Herald, Melbourne, March 6. The forthright statement by the Rhodesian Chief
Justice, a man generally regarded as opposed to the Smith Government,
is of the greatest significance. Sir Hugh Beadke also said that since
1961 the Smith Government had been the only government with the power
to exercise the prerogative of mercy. In other words, only the Rhodesian
Government can advise the Queen concerning Rhodesian issues. |