home of ... Douglas Social Credit
16 April 2004. Thought for the Week:
"Is the West justified in surviving? Does the West retain
within itself what alone in life and history ever justifies
the survival of anything, and which is ultimately a play of
creative force whose test and whose mandate is that it impels
men to die for it, not because they wish to die, but because
they feel its shaping power so completely that they would
rather die than live without it. So long as men identify themselves
with that force to the point where they will die for it, it
is living and provides that inner certitude, greater and more
instant than any idea of reasoning, which holds nations upright
as they pick up momentum in the terrifying slopes and turns
of history.
The moment that men in masses begin to question that force, at that moment it has begun to die. However long the tremor of its decay may take, time will henceforth be no more than delay. Every civilisation embodies a certain truth to which it gives reality. When that truth, which, in turn embodied in a faith held religiously whether or not it is wholly religious - when that faith loses its power to inspire men, its downfall is at hand. Whittaker Chambers in Cold Friday. |
OUT OF THE DARKNESSby Jeremy Lee: In March 2002 FBI translator Sibel Edmonds was sacked from her job because she had publicly stated that she had had firm evidence that the 9/11 attacks were planned, that they would involve aircraft and that the terrorists in charge were in the country. She passed the warning on weeks before the attack happened. With the evidence in her hand she sued the FBI for wrongful dismissal. United States Attorney-General John Ashcroft used the "state secret privilege" to abort the case. But Sibel Edmonds charges are now appearing in the media. This has followed a series of hugely
embarrassing blunders now confronting the Bush administration.
The US chief weapons inspector, David Kay, publicly stated
that after exhaustive searches, there were no weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq. This was followed by Hans Blix, Kay's
U.N. counterpart, who confirmed that there had never been
any WMDs, and that, if the United States had merely waited
for the United Nations team to complete its mission, there
need not have had to be any war in Iraq. And finally, a former head of counter-terrorism in three US administrations - Reagan, Bush and Clinton - as well as 'Dubya' has written a book detailing how President Bush was "obsessed" with Saddam Hussein and Iraq from the moment he entered office, looking for any pretext to invade. In the first four weeks after publication it sold 150,000 copies, and is currently selling about 10,000 a day. None of this is likely to help Bush's re-election. Bush has been forced to throw National Security Adviser Coldoleeza Rice to the wolves. She now is being forced to testify publicly in answer to Sibel Edmonds documented charges. |
MORE LIES ABOUT THE SO-CALLED IRAQI TAKEOVER ON JUNE 30The world is being told that the Americans plan to hand over to a new Iraqi administration at the end of June. The constitution is in place and has been accepted. Which hardly explains the upsurge in violence in Iraq, where black-uniformed Shi'ites are now openly confronting US and other troops in brutally violent head-to-head confrontations.What, of course, we have NOT been told is that the US is 'reserving' certain fields of operation in Iraq for itself. These include: · After June 30 all reconstruction programmes in the current $18 billion programme (i.e. electricity, water, oil, communications, courts and justice) will be run NOT by the new administration but from a heavily fortified and massively-staffed US Embassy in Baghdad for five years. · Fourteen (14) US military bases housing 110,000 US troops, will remain indefinitely. · The Iraqi Army will remain under the command of Lieutenant-General Ricardo Sanchez of the US. · The US will appoint a National Security Adviser (Condoleeza Rice? Paul Bremer?) for five years. · Hospitals and health, in contrast to the rest, will be handed over to the Iraqis. This is why the US is not the most loved of occupiers, despite all the claims to the contrary. |
PRIVATISING THE SEA OF DEBTBy a combination of the highest tax levels
in Australia's history, and a massive sell-off of national
assets, the Federal Government has been able to reduce its
own debts significantly. Treasurer Costello will no doubt
be crowing about this in the lead up to the Federal Election. The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, 27/3/04)
under the heading WE'RE MORE IN DEBT THAN EVER BEFORE, said:
"A Christmas spending spree by Australians has pushed
the average household debt to $97,650
. Households borrowed
an extra $31.2 billion (i.e. during the year - ed.) bringing
Australia's total household debt to $742.6 billion. The level
of debt in every household has risen almost 18 per cent in
the past year to the highest level on record
." |
THE COMING FEDERAL ELECTIONWhen it will be is anyone's guess. It's
got to be before Christmas. An educated guess might suggest
that it won't be long after the May Budget. The process of
pork barreling has begun in earnest. Tax-cuts and other goodies
will be handed out by Santa Howard and Tooth Fairy Costello. The reason's given? Australia's current account deficit has swollen to 6 per cent of GDP, even bigger than America's. Australia has a negative savings rate and the biggest household debts on record. All this will be hidden before the election - if possible. After that, whoever gets in, watch out for the roller-coaster ride! |
NO SUCH THING AS FREE TRADEThe following article by Mr. John Spoehr, was taken from The Adelaide Review March 2004. Mr. Spoehr is Executive Director of the Centre for Labour Research, University of Adelaide. Prime Minister John Howard has agreed
to a trade deal with the United States that puts Australia's
wider trade interests at risk and poses a particular threat
to South Australia, writes John Spoehr. A bilateral agreement with the US, according to Garnaut, would be "damaging economically for Australia" as it "compromises such central agricultural interests as grain, meat and sugar". Furthermore, he suggests that, "analysis has never revealed large enough net economic benefits to Australia". This is hardly a flattering endorsement. Until recently Australia was committed to multi-lateral approaches to trade negotiation, building on the processes set in train by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Frustrated by opposition to the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) and stalled multi-lateral trade talks, the Bush Administration has revealed it is totally pragmatic when it comes to trade. The Howard Government has once again backed its favourite ally. The US model of "free trade"
- we give the fox permission to roam among our chickens! Australia's exports to the US of about US$8billion represent around 11 per cent of total Australian exports. The odds of Australia extracting net gains from a free trade agreement (FTA) with the US was always going to be constrained by the massive power differential that exists between the two countries and the relative influence of their domestic corporate lobbies. The recent FTA struck between Australia and the US reflects these dynamics plus the added complication of it being election year in both Australia and the US. The big corporate lobby groups have been working around the clock to ensure that the FTA advances their industrial interests, or at least doesn't harm them. US agricultural interests appear to have done particularly well, as the complaints from the Australian sugar industry confirm. The FTA has not been the sweet deal that Australian sugar growers had hoped for. The industry sought an increase in the US sugar quota to enable it to export more sugar to the US . Their US counterparts successfully lobbied the Bush administration to maintain the quota at 87,000 tonnes. Australian growers could have reasonably expected a better outcome, but not in an election year. The US looks the clear winner from
the FTA deal Press releases issued on the FTA by the
Howard Government and the Bush Administration provide the
usual positive spin, big on the benefits of the deal but sparing
on the detail. The problem is that the devil is always in
the detail. Already a side agreement has been struck
as part of the FTA committing to the sale of the remainder
of Telstra. US can tender for all Federal Government
contracts While the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade states that the FTA protects local television content requirements, US trade officials claim the new agreement provides "important and unprecedented provisions to improve access for US films and TV programs over a variety of media including cable, satellite and the internet". An ageing state such as SA should be concerned about the prospect of escalating pharmaceutical costs. The inclusion in the FTA of an independent review of PBS drug listings creates an avenue for US companies to hold up the listing of rival products where these might threaten US pharmaceutical interests. Tom Allen, a member of the US Congress, warns that the proposed changes to the PBS "... could tilt the admirable balance Australia has struck between manufacturers and consumers". Just 500 corporations control 70 per
cent of world trade Just six transnational corporations
(TNCs) control about In practice, the most powerful countries
and corporate interest groups are able to preside over trade
negotiations, knowing that they have the political and industrial
muscle to dominate the markets they seek to enter. Occasionally,
wider community interests prevail in the trade and investment
debate, ensuring that labour and environmental standards are
considered and that a "fair" rather than "free"
trade agenda has some prominence. The supporters of the free
trade agenda argue that mechanisms such as tariffs, quotas
and subsidies insulate domestic industry from competitive
pressures, fuelling inefficiencies. Government assistance
to industry is seen as penalising consumers by denying them
access to cheaper imported goods and services. Critics of
free trade point out that advanced industrial economies like
the US and Australia owe much of their early industrial development
to tariff protection and other forms of industry assistance.
They argue that it is difficult to envisage how any nation
might achieve a level of industrial success and diversification
without industry protection. Downward pressure on wages and conditions Increasingly FTAs are being used to lock
nations into the sale of public assets or to prevent them
from nationalising assets. The FTA struck by the US and Singapore
in 2003 contained a commitment to the sale of SingTel and
ST Telemedia. No doubt this was the inspiration for attaching
the sale of Telstra to the US/Australian FTA. Governments
normally have the capacity to acquire private assets to meet
public interest objectives. This practice is barred by NAFTA.
If a similar clause is in the US/Australian FTA, failed outsourcing
and privatisation projects could never be reversed. The sovereign
right of elected governments to act in the public interest
would be undermined." SUICIDE BY FREE TRADE Both bankrupt of long-term solutions |
NOW IT IS AMERICA'S TURNNearly sixty years ago Eric Butler wrote that "as a result of the Pacific War, China was being developed and modernised by huge loans from Jewish financiers in America, (just as they helped build up the Soviet Union ed) working in close collaboration with their financial allies (in China) the Soong family There is little doubt that China with her teeming millions is ideal for the Jewish-inspired planners to build up into a powerful force in world affairs. The last has not been heard of China."The major role played by the Jewish financiers and revolutionaries in communizing the Soviet Union, leading to the deaths of millions of innocents, is now well known. What is not so well known is their influence in the communizing of China. Look up https://www.paulnoll.com/China/History/history-China-Noll-part2.html for the story: "The key man in China, from the Soviet Union, was a Jew. Mikhail Markovich Borodin (1884-1951); a Soviet advisor; he was originally named Mikhail Gruzenberg. A Riga, Latvia Jew; he worked as the chief adviser from the Soviet Union to communize China." Just like the British Empire before her, America is now being brought to her economic and financial knees - her debt now tops US$32 trillion. Once she has served the One Worlder's purposes, she will be chewed up and spat out and left desolate. Any chance of the Americans realizing what fate awaits them? |
Senate Select Committee are: Closing date for submissions is 30/4/04.
Submissions to be sent to:- |
IMPORTANT AUDIO TAPE NOW AVAILABLEThe Adelaide CSC hosted guest speaker David d'Lima at the April meeting. David spoke on "Sex Education in the Schools". Children in South Australian State Schools have been exposed to morally bankrupt sex education for many years. But in 2003 a far worse attack upon their welfare surfaced when 15 State Schools began trialling the controversial "Shine" sex education curriculum. David revealed why many parents were outraged by the package and why the Labor Government has been forced to reconsider its approach. Mr. David d'Lima, J.P., B.Th., Dip. Ed. David, a member of Festival of Light, has served in a full-time 'faith' capacity since 1994The message was taped by the Mayo Tape Library. Readers can obtain a copy of the address by ordering from Mayo Tapes, Box 6, Hahndorf, S.A. 5245. Price $6.00 posted. |
WORKING TOGETHER TO PROTECT OUR CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHYFrom Philip Benwell MBE, National Chairman, Australian Monarchist League "Ever since the defeat of the Republicans
at the Constitutional Referendum of 1999, the purpose of the
Australian Monarchist League has been to confront and defeat
republican ploys, whether they stem from a State or Federal
Parliament - such as the Senate Inquiry into a Republic -
or from the media as evidenced by the several recent phone
polls. We have a Constitution which made
Australia the best country in the world |
NATIONAL WEEKENDEarly notice so that supporters can organise their schedules - in order to set aside the time to attend. The National Weekend will be held over the 8th, 9th and 10th of October, 2004 and we want to encourage as many as possible to make the effort to get to this year's events. It will be held in Albury, NSW at the same venue as last year - The Hume Inn Motel, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, NSW 2640. Phone: 02 6021 2733 Fax: 02 6041 2239.More time will be allocated for socialising with folk from other regions and States. Mr. Wally Klinck of Canada will be one of the guest speakers and a number of League projects will be 'launched'. The theme will be based on celebrating the seventieth anniversary of C.H. Douglas's visit to this great land of ours. Looking forward to your company at the National Weekend in early October! |