home of ... Douglas Social Credit
14 May 2004. Thought for the Week: Capt.
Martin Toohey: "In conclusion, is there a general statement
you would like to make on the whole affair?"
Lt. Col. Lance Collins: "I wouldn't be pursuing this course if I didn't think it was important for the well-being of the army and the defence force in general. As the leader of the Czech Republic said, 'You don't wake up one morning and decide you're going to be a dissident.' It happens because your moral choices and the force of circumstances diverge. You just find yourself cast out from the system and in conflict with it." Interview of Lt. Col. Lance Collins by Capt. Martin J.Toohey, Victoria Barracks, Sydney 2003. |
THE DESTRUCTIVE LEGAL AVALANCHEby Jeremy Lee Cicero, in collapsing Rome, said: "The
more laws, the less justice". The Roman historian Tacitus
added: "The more corrupt the State, the more numerous
the laws". State governments and local councils
add their own share of acts and regulations. The tyranny of
law is now with us. In May 1992 Mr David Miles QC, president
of the Law Council of Australia wrote to The Australian
(15/5), saying inter alia: Added weight was given by Gordon Hughes,
president of the Law Institute of Victoria, who wrote: Perhaps the last word should be left
to the late unlamented Adolf Hitler, in his chapter on totalitarianism
in Mein Kampf: |
DEFEAT IN IRAQIt seems terrible to suggest that, after the huge loss of life, the destruction of property and infrastructure and the monumental debts incurred, the war in Iraq is now being lost. But the "coalition of the willing" has now humiliated Iraqis to such an extent that all old religious divisions are being side-lined, and a new, implacably-united Iraqi face is being turned on the occupiers. Any idea of a smooth transition to a false "sovereignty" on June 30, with power over defence, economy and oil still in the hands of the Americans is ludicrous. Unless some way of creating a firm agreement between the United Nations and sectarian leaders in Iraq for an interim administration can be reached, it would be better for the "coalition of the willing" to withdraw unconditionally on June 30, abandoning any plans to exert control over oil, or keep military bases in the region. The Iraqis could hardly make a worse job of it than at present, and may very well produce a spirit of unity in which re-building could commence. |
SNIPPETS TO KEEP IN MINDThis is the America of Vietnam, napalm
and agent orange, whose school of Americas at Fort Benning
exists for the purpose of training home-grown terrorists,
largely for the deployment in Latin America. An attack by hundreds of Iraqi militia members on the United States Government Headquarters in Najaf on Sunday was repulsed not by the United States military, but by eight commandos from a private security firm, according to sources familiar with the incident. Before United States reinforcements could arrive, the firm, Blackwater Security Consulting, sent in its own helicopters amid an intense firefight to resupply its commandos with ammunition and to ferry out a wounded marine, the sources said. Today, in occupied Iraq, Israeli special
forces are teaching the Americans how to "wall in"
a hostile population, in the same way that Israel has walled
in the Palestinians in pursuit of the Zionist dream of an
apartheid state. |
FORMER AMBASSADORS PUT THEIR FINGERS ON BLAIRMore than 50 former British Ambassadors
have signed a joint open letter to the British Prime Minister
Tony Blair. The signatures represent the combination of all
past diplomatic skill in Britain, and is completely unprecedented.
The subject concerns the endorsement of both Blair and President
Bush of Israel's Ariel Sharon plan to pull out of the Gaza
Strip, while continuing occupation of the West Bank. The letter
pointed out that any semblance of the Road Map for Peace had
been sabotaged, in exchange for a new policy which is "one-sided
and illegal and which will cost more Israeli and Palestinian
Also included were these sentiments: All those with experience of the area predicted that the occupation of Iraq by the Coalition forcers would meet serious and stubborn resistance as has proved to be the case. To describe the resistance as led by terrorists, fanatics and foreigners is neither convincing nor helpful. Policy must take account of the nature and history of Iraq, the most complex country in the region .. The letter concluded: |
COMMON LAW OR STATUTE LAW?by Bevan O'Regan COAG is a think-tank, no more no less.
Unfortunately, again, when COAG says jump, stupid "stakeholders"
ask "how high?" Now to get to my conflict with Graham In 1979 the NSW Parliament enacted this
EP&A Act, giving acknowledgement to Magna Carta Section
29, which says, in principle, you cannot take something away
unless you pay compensation. Each State now has its own compensation
laws to accommodate this basic principle. At this stage it is critical to keep
in mind The Act was born in the State's Planning
Department and given to Local Government: To plan, to zone
and to guarantee "use". "Continuance" means the continuance
of all the Fee Simple rights guaranteed at the point or time
of sale. Yes, it was Ros Kelly, the 'whiteboard-girl' who signed us into the environment "cringe". "This "cringe "is so embarrassingly dominant that it is acceptable to break little rules like having Parliament ignore common law and the Commonwealth Constitution. Yes, Agenda 21 is dominating the minds of politicians, yet it has never been before the people at a constitutional level. Again, Graham is stating the obvious. I am trying to support the Christian
democratic system our Founding Fathers thought was an impregnable
document. But checks and balances of the 1890's are no match
for the level of corruption we have in the year 2004. If I
am correct in my assumption of the anarchy we have on our
doorstep, where on the historical calendar are we positioned? I certainly don't know, but I do know
the politicians using the word "environment" are
using Acts of Regulation to overrule Acts put in place 100
years ago. Acts that specifically were framed to protect Fee
Simple Absolute (FSA), Torrens Freehold Title of land. My next question is interesting. How
far are we away from civil disobedience? In the last six months
we have seen two blockades by forty cars to stop officers
of "The Natural Resources" from entering private
land to serve a notice in our area. In the first blockade,
the officers were surrounded for two hours until the police
came and broke the line and let the officers return to their
base. The police respected the act of trespass, and did not
permit the officers to proceed on to the private property.
These officers did not seek the necessary permission in writing,
a mandatory practice by common law. In conclusion readers of this journal
will, I hope, realise |
IS SOUTH AFRICA TODAY THE AUSTRALIA OF TOMORROW?Some snippets from website: www.hnp.org.za/afrikaner/
Letter to the editor: South Africa's
TV Censors Crime News Politicians love unarmed victims 'Body-parts' merchants arrested |
MAJORITY MISRULE AND THE CORPORATE FASCIST STATEThe following comes from the pen of one
of those self-confessed South African liberals -- Andrew Kenny
in The Spectator 17th April, 2004: Compulsory to classify by race The centrepiece of the ANC's racial ideology is 'Black Economic Empowerment' (BEE). This gives jobs, promotion and contracts on the basis of black skin colour. Businesses must have BEE managers and must make their procurements with BEE companies, or else they will not get government contracts. White businessmen promote black men to high positions because of their political connections. This has produced an elite of black rentiers, who drive Mercedes and live in mansions, who become very rich, not by producing wealth, but by bestowing political patronage. At the same time, the economy is held in a strangling grip by the government, a few large corporations and the big trade unions. In true fascist style, the three have come together to draw up highly restrictive labour laws, which cripple small businesses and shut the poor out of the economy. The result is massive unemployment, grinding poverty for the masses and sumptuous wealth for the lucky few. Dominating the political scene is the
small, neat, enigmatic figure of President Thabo Mbeki, who
succeeded the altogether different Nelson Mandela. Mbeki has
been the power behind South Africa's admirable (?) fiscal
discipline and has firmly resisted the calls of the communists
and trade unionists in his ranks for nationalisation and big
government spending. He has stated emphatically that HIV cannot
cause Aids on its own, and so has helped to make much worse
the growing catastrophe of Aids in South Africa. (The exact
scale of the catastrophe is unknown but the fact of the catastrophe
is certain.) The ANC is quick and loud in condemning the actions of foreign governments, such as Israel, and so its utter silence in the face of Mugabe's reign of terror, torture, rape and murder against millions of black Zimbabweans implies complete approval " |
IT IS AS WELL TO REMEMBERIn 1996, Barry Turner, deputy editor
of the British On Target wrote: A key element of the Ideological Struggle is Diversion from the true situation through Propaganda; in other words, Deception and Disinformation. Thus the media may deceive the general public by deliberate falsehood, selectivity, or omission by default. Ignorance, prejudice or downright incompetence must not be overlooked, either. We may first see this in the depiction of the present conflict as an ethnic or communal one between the largely Xhosa-based A.N.C. and the largely Zulu-based I.F.P. But any such comparison is invalid. The A.N.C. has been increasingly dominated for some fifty years by a powerful caucus of European and Indian revolutionaries, and White liberals. In the case of the former, many are of Lithuanian-Jewish origin, whose roots go back to the turn of the century as immigrants who brought with them the philosophy of the Marxist World Revolution. Of these the late Joe Slovo, reputedly also a K.G.B. Colonel, was a classic example. The Zulu Inkatha Movement, Inkatha Yenkululeko
Wesizwe (The National Cultural and Liberation Movement), was
founded by Dr. Buthelezi in 1975, after the banning of the
militant A.N.C. and Pan African Congress (P.A.C.). In 1990
Inkatha was transformed from a Black liberation movement to
become the Inkatha Freedom Party with a membership open to
all races, and its base ultimately in KwaZulu-Natal. As such
the I.F.P. embraces not only the bulk of the Zulu people,
but encapsulates the long-held vision of Dr. Buthelezi for
a genuine South African democracy of all races based on regional
autonomy within a federal constitution. |
NATIONAL WEEKENDEarly notice. Do make the effort to attend the National Weekend. It will be held over the 8th,9th and 10th of October, 2004 and we want to encourage as many as possible to be there. It will be held in Albury, NSW at the same venue as last year - The Hume Inn Motel, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, NSW 2640. Phone: 02 6021 2733 Fax: 02 6041 2239.More time will be allocated for socialising with folk from other regions and States. Mr. Wally Klinck of Canada will be one of the guest speakers and a number of League projects will be 'launched'. The theme will be based on celebrating the seventieth anniversary of C.H. Douglas's visit to this great land of ours. Looking forward to your company at the National Weekend in early October! |
BOOKS FOR YOUR INTERESTLatin America: from colonisation to globalisation by Noam Chomsky & Heinz Dieterich. Chomsky informs his readers, "Gaining an understanding of what these last 500 years have meant is not simply a matter of becoming aware of history, it is a question of becoming aware of current processes." $21.00 includes postage. The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
by Roger Garaudy. Defying the French censors, the author broke
the silence and shattered the taboos on Hitler's relations
with the founders of modern Israel and links to Mussolini
and on Zionism's hidden influence on American politics. The Nature Doctor: a manual of traditional
& complementary medicine by Dr. H.C. Vogel. Global Spin: the corporate assault on environmentalism by Sharon Beder. This revised edition contains eye-opening new chapters on corporate-sponsored confusion about global warming, Sydney's phoney 'green' Olympics and Greenpeace Australia's new-found support for business interests. $35.00 includes postage Five Biggest Lies Bush Told us about Iraq by Scheer and Chaudhry. The authors have documented the depth of deception of all of Bush's henchmen who misled us into this terrible war of aggression. $23.95 includes postage. Weapons of Mass Deception by Sheldon Rampton & John Stauber: Top Bush officials advocated the invasion of Iraq before Bush took office, but waited until September 2002 to 'inform' the public of their 'product launch'. The authors want us to become better 'spin detectors'! $26.00 includes postage. |