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18 June 2004. Thought for the Week: Practically
all the evils from which we suffer at the present time can
be traced to the ability resident in existing organisations
to subordinate true individuality to them. It must be a common
to have been obliged to acquiesce passively
in transactions either of a business concern or a Government
Department which transgresses every canon of common decency,
and which if done for the advantage of an individual would
be generally condemned. The fact that they are done under
orders or for the advantage of some organisation is commonly
held to excuse their character. There is however another aspect
of the greatest importance. Measured by civilised standards,
groups are always of lower value than individuals. Conversely,
individuals have qualities which are non-existent in groups
a lifelong plot on the part of one man against the well-being
of another man is very rare, but a business or national vendetta
is the rule, and I should say there were very few exceptions
to that rule
The desired solution has no basis in sentimentality
or abstract Pacifism
it has to be a solution which can
I believe it is possible to provide a financial
system which will so abolish the artificial differences of
interest between individuals, that any community, nation,
or continent which will successfully put these principles
into operation will
compel imitation from the rest of
the world
C.H. Douglas "Warning Democracy" 1931 |
THEY WON THE WAR -- AND LOST THE PEACEby Betty Luks He examines the qualities displayed by those people; commitment, heroism, staying power in face of such adversities, then goes on to look at the following generations and the age, the present age, in which they live: "In an age of counselling, the compensation culture, Prozac and human rights, it is hardly surprising that survivors of the D-Day generation look at the world they fought for with a certain amount of impatience and disdain. They grew up in a hard school after all " He thought the older generation had a
firmer, clearer belief in the values of their country - but
did they? There was much horror and disillusion after WWI;
the cream of the youth had sacrificed their lives - many asked
-- for what? Sir Arthur Bryant gives a glimpse of those days
in "The Lion & the Unicorn": In 1940 the Army, after a generation
of neglect, was the Cinderella of the Services, and the swelling
ranks were drawn from a generation, which had been taught
to regard war with horror, and soldiering as a stupid activity,
'Colonel Blimp' was looked upon with great scorn. Yet, says
Sir Arthur, 'Colonel Blimp' was to save us. "This astonishing change was brought about," remarked Sir Arthur, "by a resort to the Army's living history," and accomplished by middle-aged officers from the sporting shires and tough, hard-baked non-commissioned paragons of the barrack square. "They (the officers) were astonishingly effective, exhorting by word, deed and example those temporarily committed to their charge, to emulate the men of old who by their valour and fortitude, had created and handed down the legends by which their regiments lived." Manners makyth the Man -- Naval Tradition The common well-being Writing about WWII and summing up the perilous situation the British people faced, Bryant wrote: " when, after two decades of neglect of its maritime traditions, a seafaring people was grappling with the greatest peril in its history, and facing almost insuperable odds, it was saved by the courage, faith and leadership of admirals and captains who had served as young lieutenant-commanders, lieutenants and midshipmen under John Jellico." John Jellico had laid it down: Officers must be taught that their first duty is the well-being of those under them. "In that statement he summed up the whole naval tradition," said Bryant. The tradition is not based on administrative machinery, but on humanity; humanity, not at its lowest level but at its highest. It being the constant reminder of all naval precept that man is not only a body but a spirit. He encouraged the coming generations to learn from our traditions, "to realise that we can learn other lessons from our great fighting Services, than those of valour and technical skill. For they are repositories of certain human truths which have been forgotten almost everywhere else. "Manners," runs the old saying, "makyth the Man." But in our eager, clever, greedy machine age, man is the one thing we have forgotten how to make." "Democracy is a culture not a method." Jacques Chirac, G8 meeting, 2004. |
THE CHICKENS ARE COMING HOME TO ROOSTIt was recently announced ETSA Utilities was going to invest $1.6 billion in the development of their infrastructure in South Australia. The truth was rather different. ETSA wasn't going to invest a cracker, ETSA wants the small consumer and government to pay for the planned infrastructure! South Australians awoke one morning to the news the 'privatised' ETSA Utility wants the State Government and the customer to pay upfront for its planned infrastructures by paying one dollar a week ad infinitum? It was only last Christmas SA consumers were hit by the same monopoly - er company, with a huge price rise. Understandably there has been an outcry from consumers at the recent news. The small businessman does not have the luxury of such benefits-- generously assisted by governments with taxpayers' funds. He has to be responsible for funding his own infrastructure After all, in a business venture, he is the one taking the risks and has to back his judgements with his own funds usually borrowed from the rapacious banks. But not so in this case; the 'privatised' supposedly more 'efficient' electricity utility not only wants us to fund its risk-taking, but it wants to pocket all the profits as well, most of which will probably go overseas. Let's get the sale conditions on the
table One local letter writer summed it
up well |
ONE U. S. SENATOR SETS THE RECORD STRAIGHTThe following is an abridged version of Senator Ernest Hollings' response to accusations of 'anti-semitism' resulting from his public criticisms of Bush's Iraq policies. 20th May, 2004. Floor Statement: Setting the Record Straight
on Mideast Newspaper Column. Let me emphasize another thing because
the papers are piling on and bringing up again a little difference
of opinion I had on the Senate floor with Senator Metzenbaum.
It was not really a difference. We were discussing a matter,
and we referred to each one's religion in order to make sure
there would not be any misunderstanding or tempers flaring.
The distinguished Senator from North Carolina, Mr. Helms,
referred to himself as the Baptist lay leader, Senator Danforth
as the Episcopal priest. I referred to myself as the Lutheran
Senator. And when Senator Metzenbaum came on the floor, I
referred to him as the Senator from B'nai B'rith, and he took
exception. He thought it was an aspersion. I told him: Wait
a minute, I will gladly identify myself as the Senator from
B'nai B'rith. I did not mean to hurt his feelings. I apologized
at that time but not for the legitimacy and the circumstances
of the particular reference. Denouncing Hollings' anti-semitic
political conspiracy attack Richard Clarke, in "Against All Enemies," tells how the United States had not received any threat of terrorism for 10 years from Saddam at the time of our invasion. On page 231, John McLaughlin of the CIA verifies this to Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. In 1993, President Clinton responded to Saddam's attempt on the life of President George H.W. Bush by putting a missile down on Saddam's intelligence headquarters in Baghdad. Thought they were attacking for Israel Wolfowitz wrote With respect to Richard Perle, he was
sort of our authority in the cold war, best friend of Scoop
Jackson. That is how I met him 38 years ago almost. I followed
him and I followed his advice, and that is in large measure
how we prevailed in the cold war. So I have the highest respect
for Richard Perle. And, of course, the other gentleman, Paul
Wolfowitz, Paul Wolfowitz, I met him in Indonesia when he
was Ambassador. He came back. We were good friends. He was
looking around for a position, and I know I offered him one--in
fact, we might go to the records and find temporarily he might
have been on my payroll for a few weeks. But I have always
had the highest regard for Paul Wolfowitz. I have a letter that was written on May
29, 1998, to Newt Gingrich, the Speaker, Trent Lott, the Senate
majority leader. The domino effect No President takes office without
being told what is the policy I was delighted the other day when General
Myers appeared before our Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense
and he said that we will not win militarily in Iraq. He didn't
say we are going to get defeated militarily but that you can't
win militarily in Iraq. Project for the New American century The President doesn't work on the
problems Is there anything wrong with referring to the Jewish vote? Good gosh, every one of us of the 100, with pollsters and all, refer to the Jewish vote. That is not anti-Semitic. It is appreciating them. We campaigned for it. I just read about President Bush's appearance before the AIPAC. He confirmed his support of the Jewish vote, referring to adopting Ariel Sharon's policy, and the dickens with the 1967 borders, the heck with negotiating the return of refugees, the heck with the settlements he had objected to originally. They had those borders, Resolution No. 242--no, no, President Bush said: I am going along with Sharon, and he was going to get that and he got the wonderful reception he got with the Jewish vote. There is nothing like politicising or a conspiracy, as my friend from Virginia, Senator Allen, says--that it is an anti-Semitic, political, conspiracy statement. Tell us why we are in Iraq The point is, my authority is the President's
daddy. I want everybody to know that. I don't apologise for
this column. I want them to apologise to me for talking about
anti-Semitism. They are not getting by with it. I will come
down here every day--I have nothing else to do--and we will
talk about it and find out what the policy is. There is no question, he got a briefing.
That was the first thing he wanted out of former Secretary
of Defense Bill Cohen. Then the nominee, about to take the
oath of office as President of the United States, wanted to
be briefed on Iraq. They had this policy in mind coming to
town. Without any Iraq connection to 9/11,
within weeks President Bush had the Pentagon outlining a plan
to invade Iraq. He was determined. President Bush thought
taking Iraq would be easy. Wolfowitz said it would take only
7 days. Vice President Cheney believed that we would be greeted
as liberators, but Cheney's man, Chalabi, made a mess of de-Baathification
of Iraq by dismissing Republican Guard leadership and Sunni
leaders who soon joined with the insurgents. Worst of all,
we tried to secure Iraq with too few troops. If the troops are there to fight, there are too few. If they are there to die, there are too many. To secure Iraq we need more troops, at least 100,000 more. The only way to get the United Nations back in Iraq is to make the country secure. Once back, the French, Germans, and others will join with the U.N. to take over. Terrorism is a method, not a war The title of this article is "Bush's
failed Mideast policy is creating more terrorism," and,
I could add, jeopardizing the security of Israel. I want to remind you, it was in that
6-day war--the book is "Six Days of War"
by Michael Oren. Look on page 151, and Major Ariel Sharon
says: Look, we are going to decimate the Egyptian army and
you will not hear from Egypt again for several generations.
WHY WEREN'T WE TOLD?What a surprise. We now learn why Ahmad
Chalabi, once Washington's 'favourite Iraqi son', fell out
of favour and was sidelined by the Bush regime. The U.Ks Weekly
Telegraph No.670 Readers will remember On Target reported
in Heads Start to Roll |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting of the SCSC will be held on Thursday 24th June, 2004. Guest speaker will be Mr. Neil Baird and his subject will be: "Globalisation & the World-Wide Result."Mr. Baird is editor of the News report which offers prompt information from all parts of the globe through an Email Service. Cost of attendance is $4.00, bring a friend for the first time and the $4.00 fee will be waived. The venue is the Lithuanian Club which is situated approximately 600 metres from the Bankstown Railway Station. Proceed along South Terrace, past West Terrace to 16 East Terrace, Bankstown. The meeting commences at 7.30pm and cost of attendance is $4 per person. Bring a friend for the first time and the $4 fee will be waived. Books will be on display as usual by the Heritage Book Service. Should you want a certain book your order it can be ordered through the Heritage Book Service, P.O. Box 6086, Lake Munmorah 2259 or Phone: 02 4358 3634. |