home of ... Douglas Social Credit
2 July 2004. Thought for the Week: 'All
exterior freedoms flow on from this interior freedom. The
Church's primary mission is to concentrate on the latter,
not on the former. She is not in the world primarily to break
social chains, but to give men spiritual riches, reserves
of love, moral reserves, which will make possible the development
of exterior freedom. As Thibon says - "in other words,
instead of attacking directly the power of Caesar, it first
develops God's cause in ourselves."
Canon Arthur Fellows, in "The Foundations of Liberty." 1973. |
THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM by Betty Luks Writing over one hundred years ago in
"The Affirmative Intellect", Charles Ferguson
who well understood the vision the Christian Church of old
had sown within the souls of men, could proclaim: "The
social ideal of the modern world was born out of the bosom
of the Church
for the quintessence of the old Catholicism
was simply the attempt to establish a great social order,
not by external authority and the compromise of interests,
as in the "kingdoms of the world," but through the
purification and the concurrence of wills. The idea that the will of the people could be the source of social law was born into the world with great travail. It was for ages difficult, even impossible, to conceive such an idea. The wills of the people seemed so shallow and weak, or else so irrational and contradictory. But Christianity is the discovery of the infinite depth of the human will. And so for nearly two thousand years it has been possible to imagine that a multitude of men might be brought to desire and to will, with steady insistence, things that are beautiful and just. The Church of the Middle Ages stood as a provisional plan of such a social system. In the midst of a world-order based
upon an opposite principle of the external law - the Church
wrought into concrete forms and the solid structures of institutions,
the democratic ideal. It was a marvellous achievement -- this
magnificent rough-sketching of a new world in the oppugnant
materials of the old. In the sixteenth century the idea of
the social law as proceeding from the sanified and consentaneous
wills of the people was fairly born into the secular world.
THE LEFT AND THE RIGHT AND THE TRUTHby Betty Luks After the French Revolution the legislative
assemblies in France and elsewhere were seated in a semi-circular
arrangement, the more enthusiastic vanguard of the revolution
being on the Left, the more solid, critical and cautious rearguard
on the Right - but all were revolutionaries, or at least had
to go along with the revolution. No one opposed to the revolution,
even if he survived and was left at large, could take any
part in the Government; any more than could the Monarchists
in republican France, or the pro-Shah party in Iran, or the
pro-Hussein party at present in Iraq. The Menzies Research Centre holds the copyright to Mr. Donnelly's book, and republican Malcolm Turnbull has written a foreword in which he expresses the concern so many parents would identify with, the concern about the politically-correct, dumbed-down academic standards observed throughout government schools today. It sent me back to the work of former Victorian teacher and writer Jean Wallis. Jean was sounding the warning bells in 1984 in "Chaos in the Classroom", and then again with her updated "The Disaster Road", published in 1986. She wanted to alert Australian parents to the revolution then taking place in the schools, a revolution already preparing the children for the New World Order. 'Conservatives' were in power Jean Wallis referred to Dr. Alan Barcan,
Associate Professor of Education, University of Newcastle,
NSW, who in 1971 had sounded the alarm: The Fabian Socialists with their leader Gough Whitlam didn't come to power till 1972, and even then only till 1975! It was 1983 before they regained control of power. But for most of the time when the changes to our education system were taking place, a 'conservative' federal government was in power in Australia. If they were so concerned about the 'startling changes' that had 'come over the curriculum of studies in Australian schools' which 'extended beyond education' and involved 'deep-rooted elements in our cultural traditions', why weren't they sounding the alarm bells to the Australian people? They weren't 'concerned', because they too were becoming internationalists as well as centralists, but worked more by stealth than openly. The idea and plans for the destruction of the Ancien Regime of Western Christian Civilisation and the setting up of a New World Order go back a long, long way. THE BENCHMARK TESTSIn 1996, concerned about the failed academic
standards, the then federal education minister, David Kemp,
introduced the benchmarked tests for Year 3 and 5 students.
But, according to Alan Robson, Vice-Chancellor of the University
of West Australia, pressure to achieve academic success has
led some primary schools to ban poor performers from sitting
the tests. (The Australian 1st June 2004.) We don't know whether the good professor has any better solutions to the struggling education system -- after all, he must also be a product of that very system -- but we also wonder about John Howard. Politically, John Howard is an internationalist and a centralist; he may pay lip service to our two-thousand years of tradition and culture but his actions have spoken louder. For Australians to understand just how far we have been taken down the road to the New World Order, Jean Wallis' 1986 book, "The Disaster Road" needs to be read along with Kevin Donnelly's new book, "Why Our Schools Are Failing". Younger Australians will then begin to understand for themselves just what a fundamental philosophical change took place in education all those years ago, the results of which they are the 'fruit'. |
WE ARE GOING FURTHER AND FURTHER INTO DEBTPoliticians would have us believe that under the present financial debt-system, we are more successful when, as a sovereign nation, instead of creating and managing our own money system, we borrow more and more money from overseas' sources, and as our debts go higher and higher, we are supposed to believe, we are more and more successful. David Uren, Economics correspondent for
The Australian 2nd June, 2004 wrote: "Australia's
current account deficit climbed to $12 billion in the first
three months of the year. The current account, which captures
trade in goods, services and investment income, shows we spent
$52.4 billion on total imports, but earnings from all exports
reached only $40.4 billion. The gap was largely covered with
$7.7 billion in net borrowing from overseas, with the result
being that the foreign debt climbed to a record $373.8 billion.
The current account deficit was equivalent to 6.1 per cent
of Australia's GDP, the highest level ever recorded. Treasurer Peter Costello said the deficit
was the result of strong growth in imports, which were consistent
with a strongly growing economy. With demand slowing domestically
and the world economy picking up, those figures should improve,
he said. He confirmed the deficit would subtract 1.3 percentage
points from GDP growth for the March quarter, which is released
today. |
THE GROUND CERTAINLY HAS 'SHIFTED'The following copy of an editorial in
the American Jewish paper "Forward" is of
interest to students of Jewish power and influence in that
country. The Ground Shifts" May 28, 2004 What changed this week, most importantly, was the entry into the debate of the very respectable Anthony Zinni, the retired Marine general and former Middle East mediator. Appearing on CBS News' "60 Minutes" last Sunday, Zinni said it was "the worst-kept secret in Washington" that a group of neoconservative thinkers had pushed for invading Iraq in order to make the Middle East more democratic - and safer for Israel. "Everybody I talk to in Washington has known and fully knows what their agenda was and what they were trying to do," Zinni said. And in saying it, he changed the terms of the debate. He is not one to be waved off. Saying Zinni has a right to his views is not the same as saying he's right. For our money, the idea that a small group of bureaucrats and ideologues effectively hijacked American policy and cooked up a war is simplistic. Those who sought to topple Saddam Hussein believed he was a threat both to Israel and to America. Nobody was more committed to removing that threat than George Bush. Whatever else may be said of Bush, he has a clear vision of the world - perhaps too clear - and he has been consistent in acting on it. He may be driving America's ship of state "over Niagara Falls," as Zinni put it, but he's doing it with his eyes open. The notion that invading Iraq was a neoconservative
scheme, foisted on American policy-makers for Israel's benefit,
has been simmering just beyond the borders of acceptable politics
since the Bush administration began visibly preparing for
war in the winter of 2003. Though popular in Europe, the notion
was articulated in this country mainly by long-time critics
of Israel who could easily be dismissed as conspiracy theorists.
The Israel link was mentioned repeatedly in the major media
- "Meet the Press," the Washington Post - as an
idea that was in play, but virtually no mainstream figure
would admit to believing it. Zinni is the second major Washington figure to make the accusation publicly this month. Senator Ernest Hollings, a South Carolina Democrat with an unfortunate history of ethnic slurs, said much the same thing in a newspaper essay May 6 and was roundly attacked for it. Both the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee accused him of resurrecting age-old "Jewish conspiracy" myths and demanded that he retract his statement. Instead, Hollings rose on the floor of the Senate on May 20, and repeated his charge. Zinni went public the following Sunday. He didn't have the bully pulpit of the U.S. Senate, but he had something at least as powerful: credibility. A genuine Pentagon star, Zinni is a former chief of the U.S. Central Command, in charge of all American troops in the Middle East. He also served as President Bush's special Middle East envoy in the winter of 2002 and 2003, overseeing Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy during the months that Washington was preparing for war in Iraq. He's not merely theorizing about how American policy was formed; he was there. The truth is, of course, that Zinni is partly right - but only partly. Securing Israel was one of the war hawks' motives, but not the only one, probably not even the main one. Saddam's regime genuinely threatened the stability of the region, as the United Nations Security Council had unanimously agreed the previous fall. Other threats were growing in seriousness, not least Al Qaeda, which had struck in September 2001 and was seeking to expand its reach. Then, too, the ideological predilections of the Bush administration - particularly its moral absolutism and its suspicion of international agreements - hampered its ability to interpret these threats and shape an effective response. More than any other, it is that last factor - the administration's unilateralism - that has most coloured perceptions of Israel over the past year. By going to war before he had exhausted all diplomatic options, by failing to assemble a genuinely international coalition, by failing to line up moderate Arab support as his father did in 1991, Bush set in motion a catastrophic chain of events that has left the world less stable than it was before. The threat of terrorism has increased, not declined. Movements that were separate and distinct before the war - Iraqi Baathism, Al Qaeda fundamentalism, Palestinian nationalism - are making common cause more than ever, becoming the global threat that we had imagined them to be. Jewish institutions around the world have been forced to fortify themselves like military installations. And in the midst of all this stands America - alone against much of the world - with Israel by its side, more alone and threatened than it was before. Rep. Nita Lowey told the Forward this
week that because of Bush's policies, Jews are less safe than
they were. Stating that fact doesn't lessen the responsibility
of those who threaten and attack Jews. It merely acknowledges
the staggering ineptitude of the administration in meeting
those threats. Bush surely didn't mean to make things worse,
but that's what he did. And now the greatest irony: As Americans
become bitter over these catastrophic events, they may yet
vent their anger on the oldest scapegoat of all. Israel and its allies stand accused of
manipulating America's public debate for their own purposes.
If they were to succeed in suppressing debate to protect themselves,
it only would prove the point. Better to follow the democratic
path: If there is bad speech, the best reply is more speech.
Besides, the fight already may have been lost. Exposing antisemites
can be an effective weapon when it succeeds in shaming the
bigots, or isolating them. These days, as we learned from
Mel Gibson, those who stand accused of antisemitism seem increasingly
able to portray themselves as victims - as Hollings and Zinni
already have done. |
LAW PROFESSORS WANT TO CALL US EXECUTIVE TO ACCOUNTAs reported in last week's O.T. it would appear the CIA has launched a coup against Bush and his cronies. Mark Ruppert, editor of FromtheWilderness.com claimed the CIA coup has "become an urgent priority as a number of deepening global crises 'threaten their master's interests'." The following article appears to back up the claim. "Harvard Law Professors Urge Congress
to Review Interrogation Policy and Hold Executive Branch Accountable,"
Harvard Law School News, 16th June 2004: In asking Congress to assess Executive Branch accountability, the letter says: "a growing body of evidence indicates that the abuses practiced on detainees under American control are the consequence of policies developed at the highest levels in the months and years immediately preceding the scandal." It argues that prosecution of lower level personnel "while necessary, is clearly insufficient." In asking Congress to take responsibility for reviewing coercive interrogation policies and practices, the letter notes that "official U.S. policy now involves use of coercive methods that are morally questionable and that may violate international and domestic law." It further states: "....any decision to adopt a coercive interrogation policy and the definition of any such policy, if adopted, should be made within the strict confines of a democratic process.... [B]asic principles and policies regarding human rights must be defined by a representative and accountable body acting in transparent and deliberative fashion." Elizabeth Bartholet, one of the Harvard Law professors organizing the letter effort, stated: "The letter arose out of our concern that some of the most fundamental issues raised by these abuses were getting lost in the debate. The use of torture and related extreme coercive techniques goes to the heart of our understanding of our nation, its culture and values. If we take seriously our democratic system, any decision to use such techniques must be made by Congress as the representative body, rather than by Executive Branch officials working in secrecy." Christine Desan, another organizer, stated:
"As the letter emphasises, there can be no doubt that
the acts of abuse in Abu Ghraib prison constitute violations
of both the domestic and international legal obligations of
the U.S. and its agents. Executive Branch officials have admitted
as much." U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy held a press conference in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate his support for its demands. "The soldiers responsible for these atrocities need to be held accountable. But they were not responsible for setting the policy," said Kennedy. "We need to know what orders and guidelines they were given, and where those policies originated. No one should be immune to questions, including the President." The letter has been signed by 56 law
teachers at Harvard Law School, including former Dean Robert
C. Clark, and Professors Laurence Tribe, Alan Dershowitz,
Lani Guinier, Detlev Vagts and Frank Michelman. It has also
been signed by leading experts on international relations,
public policy and constitutional law across the nation
The letter has also been signed by members of the Faculty
of the Tufts University Fletcher School. It has been signed
by a total of 481 members of university faculties across the
nation, from more than 110 schools in 40 different states.
It has been sent to all members of Congress and of the relevant
Congressional committees. Editor's note: But surely the Harvard Law professors don't expect us to believe they knew nothing of the CIA's policies of intimidation and terrorism around the world stretching back to the early part of the 20th century -- and more recently in East Timor? |
THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE 'ONE-WAY STREET' -- AGAINThe Brits are not too happy with the Yanks 'at ground level'. Rod Liddle of The Spectator 19th June, 2004 has brought up "the scandal of the new extradition arrangements that allow the US to snatch British citizens, but leave IRA men safe" in the 'good ol' US of A'. ("One law for the Americans, another for us"). When George Bush's government drew up a list of proscribed terrorist organisations, or organisations which raised funds for terrorists, Noraid, the American-based organisation which raises funds for the IRA, was notably absent - so too was the IRA. The list consisted of various murderous and wacko Peruvians and Tamils and Columbians who were found to be "personae non gratae, along with a whole bunch of Arabs, as you might expect," he wrote, but for the good ol' US of A, "Noraid and the IRA were just tickety-boo." Mr. Liddle ponders, "
it's that the US government did not wish to estrange the millions
of its countrymen who, for reasons which entirely elude"
him, "gain a certain sort of pleasure from pretending
to be Irish and complaining loudly about 'centuries of Briddish
Opprussion'." Hmmm we must look again at the groups the Howard government has proscribed. Are there any organisations which raise funds for terrorists, such as an Australian-based organisation which raises funds for the IRA" And what about the IRA, is it on the list? Mr. Liddle's article raises some worrying questions for this country. He explains the U.K. 2003 Extradition Act with the USA "is strictly a one-way street. For the Americans there is not the slightest interest or inclination in returning to Britain people who really are fugitives from justice; people who have allegedly committed serious crimes on British soil against British interests and indeed continue to do so in exquisite safety from their stateside havens." It is only six weeks since a United States court ruled it would be unsafe to deport a man suspected of being implicated in the murder of two British soldiers at an IRA funeral. This fellow fled to the USA and is still enjoying his freedom because they don't trust the British to give him a fair trial. "Perhaps," thought Liddle, "they are right. It is hard for us to view the IRA objectively The countless years of the most bloody violence have been corrupting for all of us, right to the soul of our criminal justice system...." But, as he points out, that is exactly the way in which the United States is now perceived - worldwide. How does the rest of the world know that any of those now accused of 'terrorist activities' will get a fair trial in the USA? Will they be seen as 'innocent until proven guilty'? And surely that is the big question the lawyers of the two Australian detainees at Guantanamo Bay keep asking! |
QUEENSLANDERS NEAR MOOLOOLABA TAKE NOTEUnder the heading of "Community Events" the following notice appeared in the local Daily Mercury newspaper.'Abolish State Governments Conference': 10-11th July, 2004. Abolition of State Governments & creation of regional & strong Local Governments discussed. Interested? Phone Charles 5442 1589 or email constitution@national-renewal.org.au Just what the Fabians have been pushing for-for years. Could be worth checking it out. Let us know what happened. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBDates for your diary:Thursday, July 29th - Dr. Edmund Dafesh, "Iraq Today". Thursday, August 26th - Annual General Meeting & Roy Gustard's, "Books Worth Reading". Books will be on display as usual by the Heritage Book Service. Should you want a certain book, it can be ordered through the Heritage Book Service, P.O. Box 6086, Lake Munmorah, 2259, or Phone: (02) 4358 3634. |
CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUB, ADELAIDEThe next meeting of the Adelaide CSC will be held on Monday 5th July, 2004. The venue is the Public Schools' Club, 207 East Terrace, (Cnr. Carrington) Adelaide. Guest speaker will be Mr. Doug Holmes and his address is titled: "Christianity and Freemasonry - are they compatible?"Doug writes: In the early 1980s I found a conflict in my wife's new-found interest in Christianity and my involvement in Freemasonry. Doug will speak on the matter and will be open to questions. Dinner bookings must be in by Thursday, 1st of July. Book now by phoning 8296 4704. The message will be taped by Mayo Tapes and available for sale. A wide selection of books, audios and videos will be available for sale. Come early and browse. Date for your diary: Don't forget the State Weekend to be held over 21-22nd August 2004. The venue for both days will be The Public Schools' Club. |
NATIONAL WEEKENDLeague supporters will be thrilled to know Jeremy Lee will be one our speakers for the New Times Dinner and Seminar at the National Weekend commencing with the New Times Dinner on the Friday evening October 8th through to Sunday 10th October 2004. Come on now League supporters, let's make it one of the very best weekends - ever. Great speakers, good friends and wonderful fellowship. What more can we ask for? See you there!Venue for all the functions will be The Hume Inn, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, 2640. For your accommodation reservations book in early by phoning: (02) 6021 2733. |
BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS"TO PROTECT AND TO SERVE" by Tim Priest and Richard Basham:Former policeman Tim Priest came to our attention through an article he wrote for Quadrant Jan.-Feb. 2004, "The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime in Australia". His wrote of his own experience 'on the beat' which confirmed that the rise of Middle Eastern organised crime in Sydney will have an impact on our society unlike anything yet seen. But the corruption and decay is much deeper than that and along with co-author Richard Basham he exposes the truth about the New South Wales Police Service in "To Protect and to Serve". The 'spin doctors' are not just working amongst politicians, they are in all institutions and systems, as this book reveals. The authors claim that with crime spiralling out of control, plummeting morale among the rank and file, the police service in NSW is on the point of collapse. Truly a 'wake up call' for us all. Price: $40.00 posted. "WHY OUR SCHOOLS ARE FAILING" by Kevin Donnelly. Mr. Donnelly's book is a good read, as long as the reader is aware he approaches the subject from a neo-'conservative' Left-Right position. There is the Left, there is the Right and then there is Truth. $25.00 posted. "THE DISASTER ROAD"
by Jean Wallis. Mrs Wallis exposed the deliberate and sustained
assaults on the traditional values-system that was once at
the core of Australian education. Copies of this little masterpiece
are still available. (Read it along with Donnelly's book.)
$18.00 posted. |