home of ... Douglas Social Credit
13 August 2004. Thought for the Week:
To the banker, the satisfactory conditions of industry at
any time are those which make the banking system work most
smoothly. If it cannot be made to work smoothly, it must be
made to work, even though in the process every other interest
is sacrificed.
While grave criticism of the personnel of the banking system and its prostitution to politics of a peculiarly vicious character is becoming daily more common it is evident that the world is becoming daily less willing to trust any personnel with a system at once so powerful, irresponsible, and convulsive in its operation." C.H. Douglas in "The Monopoly of Credit", 1931 |
MODERN COMMERCIAL 'CREDIT'by Betty Luks Above a doorway's upper-level entrance
to Moody's Investors Service, 99 Church Street, New York stands
a huge 12-square-metre relief covered in gold leaf which reads:
"Commercial credit is the invention of the modern world,
and only the enlightened and best-governed nations are entitled
to it. Credit is the life's breath of the free system in modern
trade. It has contributed more than a thousand times as much
to the wealth of the nations than all the mines in the world."
In truth, 'commercial credit' is not
the invention of the modern world, this type of 'credit',
(read debt
ed) i.e., fraudulently 'creating' money 'out
of nothing', claiming it as their own 'legal currency', to
be repaid - with interest, probably goes back, at least, to
the Sumerian civilisation. The Good News Thanks to the work of such groups as
the French-Canadian "Pilgrims of St. Michael" many
people of other nations are studying social credit. The more who understand the basics of social credit means that more and more of mankind will grasp the truth more and more people of every nation will grasp what is the true purpose of a money system and will say to their political and financial masters: "Enough is enough of this fraudulent tyranny!" |
SOCIAL CREDIT ACTIVITIESby Diane Boucher "The subject of the conference in Zakopane was about practical ways to implement social credit policies. (The) people interested in social credit in Poland do not want to use a top-down strategy but a bottom-up one. That is to say they choose not to implement social credit at the national level, but to create small communities using local monies. Maybe you know that there are now more than 3000 experiments of local monies in the world and many were supposedly inspired by the story of five men establishing a social credit system on an island after their ship sank. The story of the five men on an island was published by the Pilgrims of St. Michael in ten different languages. People in the Louis Even Institute think that the way Poland chose (to go) is a good way to begin an implementation of a social credit system." ARGENTINIAN "CREDITO SOCIALO" IMF ordered Government - "inflate
the currency" Definition of monetary Inflation:
An increase in the money supply accompanied by an equivalent
rise in prices. This is equivalent to depreciation of the
purchasing power of the unit of money. The compensated discount 'price' IN REGARD TO CONSUMER DISCOUNTS OR SUBSIDIESJeremy Lee had this to say The Australian Year Books for the period
show three years where there was no inflationary rise at all
and, in fact, costs dropped slightly. There was no recessive
side effect. All that happened was that some money was injected
into the economy in a way that countered the otherwise inevitable
cost squeezes that the debt system generates. The same system
was used in New Zealand, Britain and I believe Canada. The Opposition, consisting of a Liberal-Country Party Coalition, campaigned for the 1949 Federal election on the slogan "We'll put the shillings back into the pound" (modern parlance - "cents back into the dollar") Asked how they would do this, a number of politicians including Sir Robert Menzies and Jack McEwen said they would immediately return to the wartime consumer subsidy scheme which, they said, did not need price and wage control to work effectively. But once elected, the policy mysteriously disappeared! When I first toured New Zealand in 1969
the scheme still applied to bread and milk. Bread was a penny
a loaf and milk fourpence a quart. The poorest family could
still feed itself. In Britain the dismantling of the scheme
was the price required for entry into the (then) European
Common Market (now the EU). In Indonesia they had a similar
scheme under Suharto, which brought the price of rice, cooking
oil and fuel within reach of all. A consumer subsidy is different to a producer subsidy in that it is only applied to goods actually sold. There is no chance of subsidising an article for which there is no demand. Therefore, it allows supply and demand to work by ensuring that "consumers who want something can pay for it." Further reading: For those who want to know more about Social Credit the League's Book Services carry the story of "The Island and the Tree", the 5-part series "An Introduction to Social Credit" which gives simply that - an introduction to the basic concepts of social credit, plus a full range of C. H. Douglas' works. Send to any of the League Book Services for a book list. |
THE TRUE FUNCTION OF CREDIT IN A MODERN ECONOMYTaken from "Economic Democracy" by C.H. Douglas"There is no doubt whatever that the first step towards dealing with the problem is the recognition of the fact that what is commonly called credit by the banker is administered by him primarily for the purpose of private profit, whereas it is most definitely communal property. In its essence it is the estimated value of the only real capital - it is the estimate of the potential capacity under a given set of conditions, including plant, etc., of a society to do work. The banking system has been allowed to become the administrator of this credit and its financial derivatives with the result that the creative energy of mankind has been subjected to fetters which have no relation whatever to the real demands of existence. Now it cannot be too clearly emphasized that real credit is a measure of the reserve of energy belonging to a community and in consequence drafts on this reserve should be accounted for by a financial system which reflects that fact. |
CAN'T BLAIR (AND HOWARD) SEE THE COUNTRY IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE?"Can't Blair see that this country is about to explode? Can't Bush?" asks Robert Fisk. The Independent, Baghdad, 1st August 2004:"The war is a fraud. I'm not talking about the weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist. Nor the links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qa'ida which didn't exist. Nor all the other lies upon which we went to war. I'm talking about the new lies. For just as before the war, our governments warned us of threats that did not exist; now they hide from us the threats that do exist. Much of Iraq has fallen outside the control of America's puppet government in Baghdad but we are not told. Hundreds of attacks are made against US troops every month. But unless an American dies, we are not told. This month's death toll of Iraqis in Baghdad alone has now reached 700 - the worst month since the invasion ended. But we are not told. The stage management of this catastrophe in Iraq (is) all too evident." |
31, 2004: The rule of the few At the time, President Boris Yeltsin
was in a steep decline. On the eve of the new elections for
the presidency, his rating in public opinion polls stood at
4%. He was an alcoholic with a severe heart disease, working
about two hours a day. His bodyguard and his daughter in practice
ruled the state; corruption was the order of the day. The
oligarchs decided to take power through him. They had almost
unlimited funds, control of all TV channels and most of the
other media. They put all these at the disposal of Yeltsin's
re-election campaign, denying his opponents even one minute
of TV time and pouring huge sums of money into the effort.
The campaign bore fruit: Yeltsin was
indeed re-elected. On the very same day he had another heart
attack and spent the rest of his term in hospital. In practice,
the oligarchs ruled Russia. One of them, Boris Berezovsky,
appointed himself Prime Minister. There was a minor scandal
when it became known that he (like most of the oligarchs)
had acquired Israeli citizenship, but he gave up his Israeli
passport and everything was in order again. In the end, there was a reaction Moving from Russia to America - the same
thing happened, of course, in the US, but more than a hundred
years ago. At the time, the great "robber barons",
Morgan, Rockefeller et al, all of them good 'Christians',
used very similar methods to acquire capital and power on
a massive scale. Today, it works in far more refined ways. The problem is rooted in the fact that
presidential candidates (and all other candidates for political
office) need ever increasing amounts of money. Elections are
mainly fought out on TV and cost huge sums. It is not a coincidence
that all the present candidates in the US are multi-millionaires.
In Israel, too, talk about "Money
and Power" is now in vogue A political scandal concerning the Israeli Minister for Infrastructure has mushroomed into an affair involving giant multi-national corporations competing for contracts for supplying natural gas to the Israeli Electricity Company, an affair of billions in which underworld figures, politicians and private investigators play their parts. This disclosure has made it clear to Israelis that here, too, politicians of the highest rank have long ago been acting as mercenaries for powerful financial interests. These facts must alarm everybody who
cares about democracy - in Israel, Russia, the United States
ed) and elsewhere. Oligarchy and democracy
are incompatible. |
BASIC FUNDWe have reached the total of $47,518.70. We would like to remind supporters we usually make the end of August the cut-off date for each year's Basic Fund Appeal. We need to seen some really generous contributions if we are going to reach the target we are aiming for -- $60,000.That is really a very modest amount of funds for the tasks we have set ourselves for the year. Will you help us reach that amount by giving generously over the next couple of weeks? A sincere thank you to those who have already done so. |
LETTER TO THE EDITORDangerous totalitarian viewpoint: The Editor, The Australian: Dear Sir,Caution is required in public responses to the apparently racist attacks on a number of sites in Perth ("Neo-Nazis launch new attacks", 20/7), until the identity of the perpetrators has been clearly established. The possibility of other motivation (such as juvenile pranking or expressions of generalised alienation from society) should be kept in mind. Thus, it is regrettable to read that the WA Government is "planning to strengthen its racial vilification laws by introducing the option of civil action", as this may endanger free speech unjustifiably. Your editorial response is especially disconcerting. You refer, without naming them, to "marginal groups that want to inflame hatred". The word "hatred" has too often in recent times been misapplied to individuals and groups who have legitimate viewpoints to express on quite a range of topics involving race and ethnicity. To argue that such groups (and your vagueness effectively does this) are "not only outside the contemporary Australian social and political settlement" (whatever that is), but "are also outside the law", is to express a dangerously authoritarian, even totalitarian viewpoint. Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic 21st July, 2004. |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBDates for your diaryThursday, August 26th - Annual General Meeting & Roy Gustard, "Books Worth Reading". Thursday, September 30th - Guest Speaker will be Mr. David Hooper - "Origins of the British Monarchy" Books will be on display as usual by the Heritage Book Service. Should you want a certain book, it can be ordered through the Heritage Book Service, P.O. Box 6086, Lake Munmorah, 2259, or Phone: (02) 4358 3634. |
SOUTH AUSTRALIA'S STATE WEEKENDThe 36th Annual Seminar, Dinner and Action Conference will be held over August 21st-22nd, 2004. The venue for both days will be The Public Schools' Club, 207 East Terrace, Adelaide.Seminar: "A Realignment to the Real World" - Admittance $13.50 per person. Saturday, August 21st, 2004. Registration from 12.30pm. Commence 1.30pm. Speakers: Mr. David Brockschmidt, "What in the world is happening to the Welfare Groups?", Mr. Brian Waters, "Building Local Economies & Renewing Communities", and Mrs. Betty Luks, "Let's Start to get Our Priorities Right". Frank Bawden Memorial Dinner: Saturday, 21st, to be seated by 6.30pm. The 3-course Dinner is $27.50 per person. Bar facilities available. Divine Service & Sunday Action Conference, 10.00am. The Action Conference will commence with a Divine Service followed by individual reports. Come prepared to have some input. Lunch can be provided - please make your booking: $12.00 per person. The messages will be taped by Mayo Tapes and available for sale. A wide selection of books, audios and videos will be available for sale. Come early and browse. South Australians: Contact Doug and Jean Holmes for further details, phone (08) 8296 4704. |
NATIONAL WEEKEND COMING UPWe do hope there are many, many folk already making plans for attending the National Weekend in Albury, NSW. It will take place over October 8th, 9th & 10th, 2004. We will have the pleasure of hearing such great speakers as Wally Klinck of Canada, Jeremy Lee of Queensland and Roy Gustard of New South Wales. National Director, Betty Luks will open the Seminar by welcoming everyone in attendance. Make sure of your accommodation at the Hume Motor Inn by phoning and booking your rooms - Phone: (02) 6021 2733. All meetings will be held at the Hume Motor Inn in the Main Function Room, 406 Wodonga Place, Albury, NSW. |
Margo Kingston: Solicitor, lecturer in business law and political
commentator, Sydney Morning Herald journalist Margo
Kingston thinks its crunch time for Australia. She tells us
she isn't interested in the old, out-worn left-right rhetoric,
what she is interested in is the urgent need for Australians
to reassert the core values that once made this nation a humane,
egalitarian, liberal democracy - the core values with which
she agrees. We could agree with her on many issues. "Dumbing Us Down" by John Taylor Gatto. Mr. Gatto spells out so clearly just what is the hidden curriculum of compulsory schooling - and has been for many, may years! Central to understanding Gatto's warnings is understanding schools are not failing; they are doing exactly what they were intended to do Dumb our children down!! This is an excellent expose of the hidden agenda in modern education. $28.95 posted. "The Disaster Road" by Jean Wallis. The book should be read in conjunction with John Taylor Gattos' "Dumbing Us Down". Mrs. Wallis fought hard to warn Australians what was happening to the education system in the 1970-80's. $18.00 posted. |