Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
3 December 2004. Thought for the Week: "Why does Sir Stafford Cripps, as gentle a Parlour Pirate as ever slit a cream bun, advocate the wholesale looting of the well-to-do, when he would faint at the suggestion that he should steal a teaspoon? We are not seriously helped …by saying that what this country needs is a little common honesty. It needs a great many things. Additional grey matter between the ears of some of its leading men would be a help. There is small doubt, however, that Great Britain and America are handicapped by a system of political thought which takes its immediate rise from Puritanism, although Puritanism, as well as what is commonly called "capitalism", which is an ally of Puritanism, can be traced much further back.
Philosophically, one of the characteristics of Puritanism is the transcendence of God, as distinguished from the immanence of God. Arising directly out of this philosophy there has grown up a convention, to use the mildest description, that to be respectable it is necessary to be "other worldly."
"Thy kingdom come" is noble, but "Give us this day our daily bread" is vulgar, and "Let me get at the bread which is going to waste," is downright immoral."
"The Enemy" by C.H. Douglas, The New English Weekly 1933.


by Betty Luks
Who remembers the year of 1975 and the so-called 'constitutional crisis'? I remember it well. I, along with other League folk, trudged the footpaths around the towns and cities of the nation, requesting electors' signatures on a petition calling for Sir John Kerr, then Australia's Governor-General (G-G), to withdraw Gough Whitlam's commission to form government, thus sending the matter back to the people to decide at a federal election.

The constitutional 'reserve powers' of the Governor-General
Over the years, the League through its journals has published Sir David Smith's papers and speeches on the matter. Sir David was official secretary to a number of Governors-General, including Sir John Kerr a Whitlam-government appointee. The whole episode clearly demonstrated the importance and effectiveness of the G-G's constitutional reserve powers. The 'dismissal' was an historic and dramatic episode for many Australians, and even yet raises the ire of those who supported and approved of Fabius Maximus' vision of a new world era, which, at the time, he was hurriedly attempting to implement.
The 29th anniversary of that 11th November 1975 dismissal saw Sir David at Old Parliament House lecturing on: The 1975 Dismissal: Setting the Record Straight, an edited version of which appeared in the Canberra Times 9/11/04. Sir David's address does 'set the record straight,' as far as it goes, but nowhere does it touch on "the deeper implications of this affair" which Eric Butler wrote on in July 1975.

But let's turn to Eric Butler's report in the 18th July, 1975 edition of On Target, bearing in mind that at the time, Whitlam's Government was only doing what all previous Governments had done -- except in a different manner. As the situation was developing Eric Butler wrote:

"The froth of what has been termed the "foreign loans scandal" has unfortunately obscured the deeper implications of this affair. Intent on stressing the point that Whitlam, Connor and Cairns had gone about their attempted loan-raising in a secretive and unorthodox manner, dealing with shadowy figures some only hinted at but not named, the media generally has been more concerned with providing Australians with sensationalism than the real essence of the loans issue.
While it is true that The Age, Melbourne, on its own admission, bought evidence "which had been withheld from the Parliament and the people", and paid for documents "which revealed previously unpublished facts bearing on the credit and the credibility of the Government's financial dealings," it, along with most of the media, also seized the opportunity to present the affair as some type of human interest saga. Circulation is as important to the press as the 'public interest'.

"Admittedly all the ingredients of human drama have been present: There was the mysterious T. H. Klemlani, the intermediary who was to lead Mr. Connor to the fabulous petrodollars. Senior Treasury officials so strongly disapproved of Mr. Connor's fund-raising methods that they had Scotland Yard make investigations about Mr. Klemlani. "Uncle Harry" Gilham, the London finance broker, made a distinctive contribution with sold documents, claiming that he also had others damaging to the Whitlam Government. There were stories of documents forged, and of others being burnt.
"The activities of Phillip Cairns, exploiting his position as a member of his stepfather's staff, in association with the incredible Sear Cowles, a self-confessed liar, are but incidental to the main story. But they didn't help Dr. Cairns, who emerges as a man who could not be trusted to run even a school tuck shop, still less a major Government Department.

"Irrespective of how Dr. Cairns came to sign the fateful letter to Melbourne businessman George Harris, offering a brokerage fee of 2.5 per cent if a foreign loan could be arranged, the truth is that Treasury officials brought a copy of the letter to the attention of Dr. Cairns and urged him to withdraw it…

"While Prime Minister Whitlam had no alternative to first removing Dr. Cairns as Treasurer and then from the Ministry, he was no doubt hopeful that this would not only remove the strongest potential thwart to his leadership of the Labor Government, but also tend to direct attention away from the loan-raising activities of Mr. Rex Connor. But this was not to be and so, in typical Whitlam manner, a special meeting of the House of Representatives was called for Wednesday, July 9th, with the Opposition challenged to "put up or shut up." It must be conceded that after a massive build up by the media, the Parliamentary clash was a non-event.

"Mr. Whitlam admitted that Mr. Connor had been authorised to raise loans of up to $4,000 million. But his Government was only doing what all previous Governments had done, except in a different manner. Nothing illegal had been done, a point, which Mr. Whitlam challenged the Opposition to dispute. The debate did not touch the fundamental question of why the Government was attempting to obtain loans at all. The only suggestion, supported by Mr. Frank Cream after being elected Deputy Prime Minister, was that the loans were too great, and were being sought in the wrong manner.

Why was it necessary for Australia to 'import' foreign capital in the first place?
"During the early days of the controversy the well-known Queensland consulting economist, Mr. W. Herbert, went right to the heart of the subject, asking why was it necessary for Australia to be seeking overseas finance capital to develop Australian resources. An able and persistent critic of the policy of importing foreign finance capital into Australia, Mr. Herbert has over many years outlined that in practice the policy means that contra-credits are written by the Australian Reserve Bank against credits deposited with a Central Bank in some other countries, and that Australian Governments, Government or semi-Government Authorities, and economic organisations in Australia can then use these credits by the normal process of writing cheques against them. There is a clear addition to the Australian money supply. But if this money is to be used to pay Australians to operate machinery, most of it made in Australia, or already paid for by Australian exports, to develop Australian resources, then why must it be borrowed abroad?

"If Mr. Whitlam, Minerals and Energy Minister Connor, and their supporters are so keen to ensure that Australia's vast natural resources are developed and controlled by Australians, why do they not adopt a financial policy, which enables the necessary development to be financed domestically? Why seek to increase enormously Australia's foreign indebtedness?
"As Mr. Malcolm Fraser is in favour of obtaining foreign capital to develop Australia, it is understandable that his main charges are against the Whitlam Government's "unorthodox" methods of attempting to raise overseas loans. Generally overlooked as a result of the loans controversy is the fact that the Whitlam Government has been raising foreign loans in the traditional manner, the latest being $100 million in New York…

"In view of the size of the proposed Connor loan, and the manner in which it was authorised, the Whitlam Government is vulnerable to the charge that perhaps it acted unconstitutionally by describing the loan as being necessary for "temporary purposes," thus by-passing the necessity of obtaining Loan Council approval. According to Mr. Whitlam, the Executive Council was advised by Attorney-General Murphy, now safely on the High Court, that the Loan "could probably be regarded as borrowing for temporary purposes within the meaning of the Financial Agreement."

One of the most serious suggestions concerning the proposed Connor loan comes from the distinguished constitutional authority Professor Colin Howard, that Mr. Whitlam may have thought that the borrowed millions could be used to keep the Government afloat if the Opposition refused Supply. It is certain that the Whitlam Government will do everything possible to keep itself in office."

Realistic financial policies needed
While the League actively campaigned for a constitutional resolution of the matter, it also insisted there must be changes to the financial policies of both parties or disaster would result.
"…it will be disastrous for Australia if the Opposition forces the Government to face the electors on the Loan issue, and then wins on an electoral backlash without making any firm pledges to the electors on much more fundamental issues…" (emphasis added…ed)

No sooner did the Fraser Opposition come to power than the League circulated a flyer predicting the Fraser years would be even more disastrous than the Whitlam years if they didn't change their financial policies. They were! Fraser didn't!
Sir David thinks its time Gough Whitlam said 'sorry'. Sorry to "his party for being such a failure as leader", to "the Australian people for being such a failure as prime minister and for giving us the most incompetent government we have ever had". Sir David also thought it time Gough "told the truth about the events of 1975."


In the July 1975 edition of On Target the 'thought for the week' came from Dr. Revilo P. Oliver's "Christianity And The Survival of The West". It read:
"The visible consequences of the withering of our religion are enormous, overshadowing, frightening. Christianity was much more than a religion comparable to the religion of Osiris in early Egypt, the worship of the Olympian gods, the Orphic mysteries, or Mithraism. Unlike these cults in their time and place, Christianity for a large part of our history was the whole formal basis of our entire culture, the absolute from which were deduced our moral codes, our laws, and our political systems; it largely informed our art, inspired our literature, animated our music, and sustained our men of science."

The ABSOLUTE from which we deduced our moral codes, laws, and political systems?
Let's stop right there and gather our thoughts. Something absolute is "perfect or complete or pure"; it is "not capable of being violated or infringed." (Eric Butler was fond of using the law of gravity to illustrate an absolute. We can't 'see' the law of gravity but we sure as hell can and do experience the effects of it!)
We were cautioned on another matter two thousand years ago: You cannot serve God and Mammon (money). Also known as The Great Harlot, or the Whore of Babylon, 'Mammon' was the corrupt and fraudulent system of usurious banking and finance, and what effect such a corrupt system had on the souls of men: "What if you should gain the whole world and lose your own soul…"
Throughout recorded history the human leeches with their corrupt system have attached themselves to venal kings and parliaments, and, by perverting the true purpose of the nations' accounting (money) systems, have brought about ruin and despoliation.


Both sides in Ukraine's disputed presidential election have warned of a civil conflict, as tens of thousands of people continue to protest in Kiev.
Opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko rejected the official results declaring Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych as president, and urged a general strike. Outgoing President Leonid Kuchma called on world leaders not to interfere. US Secretary of State Colin Powell said Washington "cannot accept" the election result as legitimate and correspondents say the opposition supporters show no signs of ending their three days of protests.
Calling for a general strike, Mr Yushchenko told a vast crowd of supporters in the central Independence Square that Ukraine was on the brink of a "civil conflict".


What does the new year bring for the League? New projects are already on the drawing boards. But first, let's look at what has been accomplished, week in week out, over the past year.
Not only do our folk faithfully produce and mail out three journals on a regular basis, and others faithfully look after the book mailing services, others also organize regular 'educational' meetings in various states, and in many and varied ways attend to the enquiries and requirements of the countless people who contact the League. This last year saw the completion of placing 40 years of On Target on to a CD, and the 'launch' will take place early in 2005. It also saw, as a result of the regular servicing of the website, the numbers of the League's website readers hugely increase.

So, with the continual support of that band of amazingly dedicated League folk, we can 'clear the decks' for more work and the new projects.
What are they? Two major objectives will be the commencement of a 'university-online' and the updating of Eric Butler's important works. The second website now known as will be expanded, and, with the marvels of modern technology, the 'university-online' will be made into a readily accessible 'research centre'. It will concentrate on the body of knowledge known as Social Credit and matters relating to our British-Christian Faith, History and Culture. With internet technology it is the easiest thing for enquirers to look up answers, or references to persons or issues which the League has written about over the last four decades! The technology means you have your own personal research assistant!
That is why your commitment and financial support to the continuing work of the League is so essential. Make the goals your own, and target your contributions towards it. And give most generously!


Keep a close watch on what is happening to America as the blood of its young is spilt on the desert sands of Iraq; as its financial debts reach astronomical proportions (and yes, the nation has been the most productive in all of known history); and as the value of the US dollar slides.
Which nation has been 'chosen' to be the next blood rich 'host-body', to take the place of America? China? Perhaps. Europe?

Chinese exchange rate threat to 'world economy'
Paul Craig Roberts of warned his people:
"China's currency peg to the US dollar prevents correction of the US trade imbalance and imperils the US dollar's role as reserve currency.
In the post World War II period, the dollar took over the reserve currency role from the British pound, because the supremacy of US manufacturing guaranteed US trade surpluses. The British pound lost its role due to debts of two world wars, loss of empire, a run down industrial base…
The reserve currency conveys unique advantages on the favoured country. As the reserve currency, the US dollar is guaranteed a high level of demand. Foreign central banks hold their reserves in dollars, and countries are billed in dollars for their oil imports, which requires other countries to buy dollars with their currencies.

As a reserve currency fulfils world needs in addition to the functions of a domestic currency, the favoured country can haemorrhage debt for a protracted period on a scale that would promptly wreck any other country's currency. This advantage is a two-edged sword, because it permits the reserve country to behave irresponsibly by running large trade and budget deficits. When the tide turns against the reserve currency, its exchange value collapses.
The reason for the collapse is the huge stock of reserve currency held by foreigners. When other countries conclude that their hoards of dollars represent claims that the US cannot meet, dollar dumping begins. Financing for US debt dries up; interest rates rise; imported goods become unaffordable and living standards fall.

Flight from the dollar is already underway
During the past two years, the US dollar has declined 52% against the new European currency, the Euro. This decline is striking in view of the sluggish European economy and the fact that many analysts regard the Euro as merely a political currency. Indeed, the dollar is declining against all currencies that have any international standing: the British pound, the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, and even against the Japanese yen despite Tokyo's intervention to support the dollar.
Overcome by hubris and superpower delusion, US policymakers are unaware of America's peril. Economists and pundits are equally in the dark. Economists believe that decline in the dollar's exchange value will correct the US trade deficit by reducing imports and increasing exports. Once upon a time a case could be argued for this logic. But that was a time before US corporations took to outsourcing jobs and locating production for US markets offshore.

US imports of goods and services rise each time a US factory moves offshore or a US job is outsourced. Goods and services produced offshore by US corporations for US customers count as imports and worsen the trade deficit. The US cannot reduce its trade deficit by increasing sales to China of goods made by US firms in China…

It is amazing that US policymakers and economists do not understand that dollar devaluation is meaningless as long as China keeps its currency pegged to the dollar. America's greatest trade imbalance is with China. In 2000 the US merchandise trade deficit with China became larger than the chronic US trade deficit with Japan. By 2003 the US trade deficit with China was almost twice as large as the US deficit with Japan: $124 billion versus $66 billion. This year the US trade deficit with China is expected to be $160 billion, a 29% increase from last year.
This imbalance cannot be corrected as long as China maintains the peg. As the dollar falls against the Euro and other currencies, the Chinese currency falls with it, thus maintaining China's advantage over US goods in world markets…

The combination of cheap Chinese labour and an undervalued currency are destroying US middle class living standards. As America's industrial base erodes, so does its competitiveness and ability to close its trade deficit through exports. Currency markets cannot correct the undervalued Chinese currency, because China does not permit its currency to be traded and there are insufficient stocks of Chinese currency in foreign hands with which to form a currency market.
Sooner or later the peg will come to an end -- perhaps when China fulfils its WTO obligation to let its currency float. When the peg ends, it will deliver a severe shock to US living standards.

Suddenly, Chinese manufactured goods -- including advanced technology products -- on which the US is now dependent will cost much more. Overnight, shopping at Wal-Mart will be like shopping in high-end department stores…Recently, Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company declared its intention to close all US plants and to manufacture offshore for US markets. Each time the US loses an industry, America's export potential declines and America's imports rise. This scenario guarantees a rising trade deficit and the end of the dollar's reserve currency role.

Dr. Roberts was the US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during 1981-82.


Prime Minister Tony Blair faced fresh accusations that he misled Britain about the case for war in Iraq, as lawmakers stepped up their campaign to have him impeached. Twenty-three lawmakers have signed a motion calling for a parliamentary committee to investigate Blair's conduct in the run-up to the war and decide whether he should be removed from office.
Several celebrities, including former Monty Python comedian Terry Jones, actor Corin Redgrave and author Frederick Forsyth, are backing the impeachment bid, the first in Britain for more than 150 years.
"What we are seeking to do is decide as Parliament whether Tony Blair is a fit person to hold that post," Liberal Democrat lawmaker Jenny Tonge told a news conference. The motion was included today on the House of Commons order paper, meaning that it could eventually be debated, at the discretion of parliamentary officials.
But it stands virtually no chance of being passed in a vote. With only 23 lawmakers backing the motion, campaigners are more than 300 votes short of the majority they would need to prevail in the 659-member Commons.


"Once a nation loses control of its currency and credit to selfish private interests, it matters little what political party is in power or who makes its laws. Usurious banking, by its intrinsically evil and antisocial nature, will wreck any nation once it usurps power and will ultimately destroy itself, as will any finite self-centred positive feedback evolutionary system. Until governments of countries resume control of the issue of their currency and credit and understand that the creation of the lifeblood of the economic body is its most godlike activity and responsibility, all talk about real democracy is just hypocrisy and deceit."
Peter Lock in "The Saga of the Peoples' Bank" $3.00 posted from all Book Services.


Have you noticed the way the mass media are raising 'religion' as a coming factor in politics? What do they mean by 'religion'? Do they mean an organisation or institution known as a church? Or, do they mean what I think of when I dwell on the matter?
The word 'religion' comes from two Latin words: the prefix re as in repay, return, etc., and ligare which means to bind. A ligament, which is a fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages, stems from the same Latin root as ligare, from which comes the English word 'religion'. In medicine a ligature is a thread used to tie or bind a vessel. Therefore, when I think of 'religion' I am thinking of a 'set of beliefs' by which a person is guided, a 'set of beliefs' which he 'binds back to' - and applies.

Even atheists and agnostics have their own 'religion'. Just because they don't believe in a higher spiritual Being, or a spiritual dimension of Life, doesn't mean they don't have their own belief system! Fabian socialist prime ministers of Australia, Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke and Paul Keating most certainly had a set of beliefs, out of which stemmed the policies they imposed upon this nation. We are living with the 'bitter fruits' of those policies today! They most certainly did apply their 'religion'! Just as are John Howard and George Bush now doing so.

The same applies to all the statements of Christian leaders about the Common Good, or Social Justice, or Development and Peace. But, what do all these wordy statements mean in practice? By their 'fruits' (i.e., by what they do and by the results of what they do) we will know them.
What about the 'fruit' of party politics? Party politics is another form of monopoly which struts the world in the name of democracy. The people are taken in by the sham; they think the parties were made for them, whereas in truth, they were made to exploit them.


From: 16th November, 2004.
In January of this year, newspaper columnist Richard Littlejohn was investigated by Scotland Yard, after he criticised the award of an MBE to the head of the Gay Police, Inspector Paul Cahill, and suggested that homosexuality was a 'career move' in the Metropolitan Police. Now it is the turn of the Christian Voice.
The police have launched a Scotland Yard investigation following the launch last month of website, in which Christian Voice sent up the pro-gay police initiative, 'True Vision', together with Home Secretary David Blunkett's identification earlier this year of evangelical Christians as terrorists.
Inspector Steve Deehan of the Metropolitan Police, who is also projects manager of the 'Gay Police Association', confirmed that Christian Voice is under investigation.
The Gay Police Association cannot tolerate any view -- other than their own. Just as predicted, they are trawling the bottom of the legislative sea for any law which can be used to shut up their opponents. Although the threat of prosecution may amount to nothing, it shows the way things are going…
However, if David Blunkett carries out his threat to bring in legislation against stirring up religious hatred, we can be sure that homosexual activists will argue that speaking against homosexuality should also be a crime. The 'Gay Police Association' (funded by the taxpayer - the Christian Police Association isn't) will be at the forefront of the campaign.


From Health Sciences Institute e-Alert, 16th November 2004
Media overboard!
"Pity the mainstream media outlets. Every hour they strain to get our attention in an information environment that's become a 24-7-365 buzz of hyped up info-bites. To draw our eye amid all this chaos, they'll promote anything that's sensational, even if it's not actually sensational at all.
"This is what happened last week when the "Annals of Internal Medicine" released a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine meta-analysis of vitamin E supplementation. Researchers analysed the results of 19 studies in which vitamin E supplements played a role.
Their conclusion: Doses of vitamin E in excess of 400 IU per day may slightly increase the risk of (drum roll please…..) death!
The media outlets immediately seized on this and sent out the sensational, detail-free message: Vitamin E supplements can kill you.

Here are just three of the wildly generalized scare headlines
Vitamin E's Fatal Flaw; Vitamin E Can Be Deadly; Vitamin E Dosages May Be Lethal.
"Run for your lives! The vitamin E sky is falling! What a joke.
I knew that HSI Panelist Allan Spreen, M.D., would have some choice words for the Johns Hopkins results, and I was right…
"Dr. Spreen cites a major problem with the length of the individual studies. The 19 studies represent a total of 45 years of research. That averages to less than three years per study. 'First of all,' writes Dr. Spreen, 'three years when you're talking about long-term mortality studies means nothing. Second, the 'conclusions' certainly weren't definitively backed up by the study.'
'This flies in the face of decades of research, using doses up to 2400 IU. The Shute brothers (both M.Ds) used even higher amounts and documented excellent results. (But I guess 'old' research somehow becomes untrue due to age or something.)'
"Dr. Spreen's take on the Hopkins conclusions run parallel to a response from the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN). A CRN representative pointed out to that it was inappropriate for the researchers to draw conclusions for the entire population based on studies of subjects who were 'already at grave risk with existing diseases including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and kidney failure.' Funny... I didn't hear that detail pointed out on the evening news…"


"A Race Against Time: Racial heresies for the 21st Century," edited by George McDaniel. What does the future hold for the West? Must our Civilisation give way before the waves of Third World newcomers? It is increasingly clear that race and civilisation cannot be separated; that only the people who created a culture can sustain it. Price: $45.00 includes postage.

"Killing Hope: US Military & CIA Interventions since WW II," by William Blum. The West has been soundly conditioned to react Pavlovianly to a number of psycho-political terms; 'swear words' such as 'communist' or 'fascist', terms intended to conjure up mental pictures from Stalinist purges to slave-labour camps. A 'Them' agin 'Us' reflex. "Them" can mean a peasant in the Philippines, a mural-painter in Nicaragua, or a legally-elected prime minister in British Guiana - but all, somehow, presented as part of the same monolithic conspiracy; all in some way, a threat to our Way of Life. William Blum has done a mammoth service to his people by listing the destabilising, revolutionary activities of the U.S. Military and the CIA, from China in the 1940s to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Price $40.00 includes postage.