home of ... Douglas Social Credit
18 March 2005. Thought for the Week: "Essentially, the
Governor of the Bank is the godfather of Posterity. It is he who assesses
the liabilities to be shouldered by our new-born and unborn, and who
lightens the load on our shoulders. There is no need, however, for
us to shed tears on behalf of these youngsters. The Godfather never
dies; and when the time comes for our children to take over our liabilities,
there he will be in their midst, doing the same deal as between them
and their descendants as he is now doing as between us and ours. One
thing we can rest assured of, and it is that never will he shear the
sheep of any generation so close that they die of bronchitis..."
"But alas for you Pharisees! You who pay your tithe of mint
and rue and all sorts of garden herbs and overlook justice and the
love of God!
A lawyer then spoke up. 'Master,' he said 'when
you speak like this you insult us too.' 'Alas for you lawyers also,'
he replied 'because you load on men burdens that are unendurable,
burdens that you yourselves do not move a finger to lift.'
for you lawyers who have taken away the key of knowledge! You have
not gone in yourselves and have prevented others going in who wanted
to.' |
THE GREAT LAND SNATCHby Ian Wilson, LL.B. For a number of decades the Aboriginal issue in Australia has been used and manipulated by a powerful group of elites as part of their agenda to dove-tail Australia into a scheme for the achievement of a one-world "communist" (collectivist/globalist) government. Many aspects of this manipulation of Aboriginal affairs came to public attention at the time of the Pauline Hanson debates, but more recently the work of Keith Windschuttle in The Fabrication of Aboriginal History has 'outed' other aspects of the elite's agenda. Two brilliant books available from the League
which deal with the history of the manipulation of Aboriginal affairs
by the collectivists/globalists are Peter B. English's Land Rights-
Birth Rights and Geoff McDonald's Red Over Black: Behind the
Aboriginal Land Rights. Chapter 4 of McDonald's book is entitled "Singling Out the Anglo-Saxons for Attack". He makes the sound point that the intellectual elites have a divide and rule strategy. A strategy of demoralising the dominant ethnic group, creating divisions where none need exist and thereby de-legitimising the Australian nation. Since McDonald wrote, this demoralising strategy has been well demonstrated in the "stolen generation" debate. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
report "Bringing Them Home" concluded that the removal by
the State of "Aboriginal" (generally mixed race) children
from their usually single mothers, was an act of genocide. This theme
of genocide was pursued in the pages of Quadrant magazine and
elsewhere by a number of leading Jewish academics, most notably Professor
Robert Manne. By no stretch of the imagination can such removals
be called genocide. Indeed a number of critics pointed out that in traditional
Aboriginal society these mixed blood babies would often be killed by
being taken and left on ants' nests to die. So much for "racism". THE CULTURE OF GUILT The culture of guilt has been championed by a
number of academic writers, most notably Henry Reynolds. The Mabo judgement,
which overturned two hundred years of Australian land law was heavily
influenced by Reynolds' work and also by Canadian law on native title.
Canada, as readers of this publication would know, is a more advanced
testing ground for the social schemes of the new world order. The main
judgements in Mabo - delivered by Justice Brennan (father of Jesuit
activist Frank Brennan who supports the standard politically correct
causes) and Justices Deane and Gaudron - is coloured by the rhetoric
of guilt. Remove the quotations from the legal papers and there is a
"deep structure" to the text which reads that white Australia
dispossessed the Aborigines but now is judgement day and a "time
to pay the rent". One can almost hear the (all-white) Leftist band
Midnight Oil playing in the background. Aboriginal groups made claims to numerous supposed sacred sites, including the CBDs of most capital cities. Needless to say such claims did not succeed even in our court system. At July 2004 there had been 50 native title determinations
made. There was agreement in 26 of these 50, and native title was found
in only 33. THE GLOBALIST AGENDA A brilliant article by John Fonte of the US Hudson
Institute, "A World of Difference," somehow found its way
into The Weekend Australian 51-16/12/04. Fonte argues convincingly
that national sovereignty is threatened by an elite motivated by a philosophy
of global governance on the idea of "human rights". International institutions such as the UN monitor and adjudicate these international agreements and laws. The regime of global governance is provided through networks of transnational elites, especially international lawyers and judges. Their views, Fonte notes, " are very rarely the views of democratic majorities in democratic nations." The Aboriginal land rights conspiracy is but one sample of this international elites' attack upon democratic majorities. It is important for actionists fighting such tyrannies to see the connection between these issues and their origin. For that reason P.B. English's Land Right - Birth Rights and G. McDonald's Red Over Black are necessary reading for those concerned with the issues discussed in this paper. 'BLACK ARMBAND' HISTORY The black armband view of history championed
by Henry Reynolds was attacked by Professors Blainey and Partington
and others. Real damage though has been done by the devastating critique
more recently presented by Keith Windschuttle in The Fabrication
of Aboriginal History. |
LOCAL S.A. COUNCILS TO FUND ABORIGINAL 'SELF-DETERMINATION' Residents already irate at the recent council
property valuation 'rate hikes', might not take too kindly to the proposed
"Kaurna Tappi Ira Reconciliation Agreement 2005-2008", news
of which has reached us via the local Messenger newspapers. What this means - in effect! The Ratepayers'
Defence Association, P.O. 444, Marleston Business Centre 5033 are conducting
a survey of the residents asking them the following questions: Residents of the aforementioned councils in South
Australia would do well to contact their Local Councils and ask for
further information. Also, send in your response to the Survey answering
Yes or No to each question. |
OBITUARY - PASSING OF COMMON SENSEToday we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend by the name of Common Sense who has been with us for many years.No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge). His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion, his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. |
BLAIR'S BLOODY HANDSby John Pilger, 4th March, 2005. Former Labour Party deputy leader Roy Hattersley
described one of the most ideological regimes in modern British history
as "untainted by dogma"; Blair was "taking the politics
out of politics." Let's pause to consider the truth. A study by ActionAid reveals that the Blair government
has sold weapons to 14 impoverished African countries where there is
internal conflict. Almost everything about a Blair regime was known
before it was elected. A certain PC-ism, such as the sound and fury over dropping the gay age of consent, adds to the illusion of a Labour government that, had it not fallen in with the awful Bush, would be celebrated as "progressive." Tell that to the people of a faraway country, more than half of whom are children, whose lives have been devastated by the fanatical Blair and his court of apologists. Read the robotic Hoon's statement on the use of cluster bombs - how Iraqi mothers would one day be "grateful" for the use of weapons that killed their children - and Ministry of Defence letters to the public that lie about depleted uranium and its Hiroshima effect. The silence of those who regard themselves as commissars of this country's and Europe's respectable, moral, liberal class is quite disgusting. In a superb piece in The Guardian on Feb.
24, Victoria Brittain asked: Witnessed the aftermath of a massacre It is not surprising that the Blair government has refused Ismael fresh permission to visit and speak out in Britain. His testimony, and that of many other reliable witnesses, is known and feared. Last April, the U.S. command agreed that it may well have slaughtered as many as 600 people in Fallujah. When a listener asked Judy Swallow, presenter of the BBC World Service Newshour program, why the BBC continued to suppress this truth; Swallow sent this e-mail to a colleague: "Oh God, Mike - do you take care of these sorts of things, or do we ignore them?" On the BBC Web site, she describes Newshour as "exposing injustice and challenging lies." The silence is almost never broken by those paid to "expose injustice and challenge lies," let alone set the record straight. On Channel 5, a member of the public, Neil Coppendale from Shoreham-by-Sea, confronted Blair with this question: "Bearing in mind that tens of thousands of innocent men, women, and children have died as a result of the invasion of Iraq, how do you sleep at night, Mr. Blair?" When did a journalist, one with privileged access to Blair, ever ask that? For their part, the BBC's Downing Street man Andrew Marr (apparently together with his wife) and his colleague from the Today program James Naughtie have been over to the prime minister's country home, Chequers, to sup with the killer Blair. It was Marr who, at the fall of Baghdad, told viewers that Blair had "said they would be able to take Baghdad without a bloodbath, and in the end the Iraqis would be celebrating, and on both these points he has been proved conclusively right." And it is Naughtie who has played a leading role in the British American Project, set up by Ronald Reagan to find a "successor generation" to those who propagated the Cold War on America's behalf. If shame has no place in what is called "public life," then the rest of us should break their silence for them. The Guardian says the electorate is "cross" with Blair. Cross? Such a genteel word. Supporting Blair, in his propaganda and his contemptuous need for another term of office, is supporting mass murder." |
PRATT'S PLAN FOR AUSTRALIA: WATCH OUT!by David Sutherland Dick, don't stick to a piddling 50, go for a
golden 1 billion. The sky's the limit. |
LAUNCESTON CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUB CELEBRATES!Wednesday, 30th March, 2005 marks the 100th meeting of the Launceston Conservative Speakers' Club and we plan to make it a special night.We shall be contacting many of our past Guest Speakers and Supporters informing them of this landmark and thanking them for helping us to reach our 100th. Our first Guest Speaker (August 28th, 1995) was the Hon. Neil Robson, a Member of the Tasmanian Parliament for 15 years - including holding Ministerial portfolios. He was also our first Patron, but unfortunately is unable to be with us for our 100th meeting. Mr. Robson's topic was "Some absurdities in the Government system," and he also spoke on credit creation by the banking system. He was a former bank clerk! The evening's proceedings were recorded by the late Tom Fielder who came to Launceston especially for our inaugural meeting. We meet in the Max Fry Hall, Gorge Rd., Trevallyn at 7.30 pm. |
CD "LIONS FOR FREEDOM" TO BE LAUNCHED AT VICTORIA'S SEMINAR!We are just so thrilled to announce the League's
CD will be launched at the Victorian Lunch/Seminar on the 19th March,
2005. Phew! Two years in the making. The CD covers over forty years
of On Target plus a bonus - a selection of essays by Clifford Hugh Douglas
and Eric Dudley Butler. Be sure to obtain your copy at the Lunch/Seminar
on the day. The Lunch/Seminar will be held on Saturday, 19th
March, 2005. The charge will be $28.00 per person and RSVP's need to
be posted without delay. Make cheques out to Australian League of Rights,
indicate what they are for, then send to G.P.O Box 1052, Melbourne 3001.
CONSTRUCTIVE PROGRAMMES OF ACTIONWe can all draw on the 'social credit' of our
communities when we come together on an issue or a task. What about
you becoming involved at your own local level by organising an action
group? There are many matters that need attention, but they also need
constructive policies. Hasco's Peoples' Poll: Another initiative from the Queensland folk. The Poll is run by volunteer teams in a growing number of Queensland centres, as a service to voters, consumers, political representatives and the media. For further information: Hasco Inc., P.O. Box 642, Nanango, Qld. 4615. Ph: 07 4163 2160. Constitutional Property Rights Committee |
IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS"The Money Trick": "How to Kill a Country" by Linda
Weiss, Elizabeth Thurbon & John Mathews. "Land Rights - Birth Rights"
by Peter B. English. "Red Over Black: Behind the Aboriginal
Land Rights" by Geoff McDonald. |