home of ... Douglas Social Credit
3 June 2005. Thought for the Week: "The
absolute origin of all economic activity has its organic roots in the
soil and in nature
" from "Distinguishing Between Money
and True Riches," Part 5 of the "Introducing Social Credit"
"In nature matter and energy flow: 'Nature abhors a vacuum.' In the human economy, money should flow similarly, freely fulfilling its function dynamically 'to oil the mechanism' of production and to facilitate automatic distribution of the physical proceeds of industry." Wallace Klinck, Canada 2005. |
THE CAPITAL COLLEGE & SPIRITUAL WARFARE IN THESE TRYING TIMESby James Reed Beyond this thought, much of anti-racist legislation
arises from forcing people who are incompatible to work together in
the workplace. Social Credit champions freedom of association and gives
people the choice about whom they may employ. The Capital College doesn't deal directly with individuals, but rather acts with working organisations to maximise their service ability. It does this by underwriting the real credit of working businesses through both advisory management and through publicity about a businesses services and products. Personal credibility is supplied, not money as such, by an underwriting of the firm's honesty and competency. Supplies are assured in supplying tools and equipment. This mobilises real credit faster and more efficiently than a bank lending money. Ferguson saw the Capital College as a way of diminishing the power of banks. The Capital College will be as Ferguson put it, "a flow or leaven, in the wider society of the Nation." We have stated in this note only the very basics
of this idea. The point to be made, as Geoffrey Dobbs has observed,
is that we are not helpless in this spiritual battle. There are good
ideas out there that can address the challenges of our time. All that
is needed is the co-operation, good will and dedication, to put them
into practice. Further reading on Charles Ferguson and his Capital
College ideas are to be found in Michael Lane's book "Charles
Ferguson: Herald of Social Credit". $11.50 posted. |
'HE WHO DOES NOT WORK WILL NOT EAT' IS NOW 'OLD HAT'The concept of a job 'for life' and Howard's push for 'full employment' flies in the face of the facts of a modern economy. Ron Fischer of Sebastopol, Vic. writes on the matter:"The concept that having a job is the aim of life is obsolete. All the needs, and indeed the desires, of a modern society can be provided by one in five of the working age population. This was revealed at Mikhail Gorbachev's State-of-the-World conference in San Francisco in 1995. As technology advances, that twenty per cent will be reduced to fifteen, ten and beyond. The stigma of "unemployment" should be removed from that eighty per cent plus. When robots take over the manufacturing industry to the level of ninety per cent plus how then will purchasing power be distributed to the former workers? By taxing more highly those who still have jobs? Thus the concern expressed in the Ballarat Courier editorial 20/4/05 is futile. Big businesses like Masterfoods and EMP, will continue to shed jobs in the interests of the bottom line. Ultimately, when they can downsize no more it will be no longer viable for them to remain in Australia. Included in this bracket should be Telstra (if it is 'privatised' ed). It will be owned by multinational interests with no concern for the jobs of Ballarat's residents, nor for whether we have good communications or are relegated to a backwater of the communications industry." |
IS GEORGE BUSH GUILTY OF TREASON & MASS MURDER?by James ReedIt's Time! Australia issue No.1 has as its front page story " 'Bush Ordered 9/11' - Hilton". American lawyer Stanley Hilton has claimed that George Bush authorized the 9/11 attacks. This claim has been made on many internet sites. But Hilton is a former senior adviser to Senator Bob Dole and an insider of the Republican Party. But he's not vexing his spleen on an internet site: he's taking a Taxpayers' Class Action on behalf of the families of the victims of 9/11. Hilton claims to have documentary evidence of George Bush personally authorising the attacks. Not surprisingly, he has been harassed by the FBI, he claims. That is only the beginning. |
DON'T CRY FOR ME, AUSTRALIAby James ReedThe Australian 7/3/05 reported "Holmes a Court Stirred by Plight of Refugees", that Janet Holmes a Court was "emotional" and expressed "shame" at Australia's treatment of asylum seekers. The article also tells us that Senator Vanstone has welcomed the arrival of 360 refugees from Central Africa. What a pity that our elite don't express "shame" at the treatment of Anglo Saxon Australians, who, since 1947 have faced an undemocratic immigration programme, specially designed to ethnically and racially dilute their kind. Of course it is "racist" to object to the planned destruction of our people by mass immigration. After all, we are only getting our historical deserts for building modern civilisation. |
IMMIGRATION IDIOCY & MULTICULTURAL MADNESS ACROSS THE GLOBEBy Andrew Ryan:· Here is a medley of news items on immigration and multiculturalism from across the globe. Europe is becoming increasingly concerned about immigration following 9/11 and the train bombings in Madrid - (and now further bombings in Spain ed). To deal with an aging population and below replacement levels of births - the end result of the feminist revolution - thousands of migrants have poured into Europe from the Third World to keep the captains of Capitalism supplied with cheap labour. · The United Nations estimates that 1.6 million migrants would be needed per year for the next 45 years to keep the work force at the present levels. However, a poll of 25,000 EU residents conducted in 2004 found 54 per cent of respondents opposed to further immigration to Europe. · The Dutch "lead [the] way in deporting migrants" International Express 17/2/04, has tightened up its asylum policies and since February 2004 has begun deporting some asylum seekers. · The Australian 11/4/05: "Whites Flee Migrant Rise in British Cities", tells us that White flight is occurring in Britain as Whites move from migrant areas such as Manchester, to be replaced by Asians. According to a study conducted by Migrationwatch, the greatest absolute decline in the White population is seen in Manchester, Birmingham and Bradford. · Meanwhile criticism of this form of passive genocide is silenced by the laws of once merry England. The leader of the British National Party (BNP), Nick Griffin has been charged with inciting racial hatred, The Australian 8/4/05. Also charged is BNP founder John Tyndall. Both welcomed the "martyrdom" that the race-hate charges would bring. · In London, Algerian militant Kamel Bourgass was convicted of plotting a terrorist attack to rival 9/11. He planned to smear the poison ricin - which kills on contact - throughout London on buildings and trains. Bourgass had formed a terrorist cell group as part of al Qaèda. He should have been deported as an illegal immigrant months before he stabbed one police officer to death and injured four others. · As England falls apart, British school children are given history lessons about famous gays, but are taught nothing about the greatness of what was once the British Empire. Again this is a catalogue of bad news, but there is a glimmer of hope that Europeans are waking up about immigration and multiculturalism. Let us hope that Australia follows in due course. |
IS THERE NO FORGIVING, NO FORGETTING?by Betty LuksAccording to the Adelaide Advertiser, 26th May 2005, Australian authorities have asked the Hungarian Government for more information on 86-year-old Hungarian-Australian Mr. Charles Zentai, who, it is alleged, is a 'war criminal'. We are informed the forthcoming information is to help a Senate Committee determine whether Mr. Zentai should be extradited back to Hungary to face 'war crimes' charges, allegedly committed during WWII, sixty or more years ago. According to the report the Australian Federal Police are investigating information that this man, who now lives in Perth, Western Australia, killed a Jewish teenager in Hungary during WWII. If Hungarian witnesses' memories prove as 'reliable' as some of the witnesses at the Adelaide Polyukhovic war crimes committal hearing (which I attended in the early 1990s) there will be witnesses claiming to recognise the accused, although having seen him but a few times in their earlier life - even claiming to remember what clothes the accused wore at his wedding fifty or more years before! A claim which was later easily proved false! As former Lieutenant-Governor Sir Walter Crocker said at the time of the Adelaide hearings: Vengeance poisons communities as well as people. |
AH! McCAIN - YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN!by Betty Luks The giant food company came here in the first place because of Australia's 'tax-haven' laws and Government-financed infrastructures. When are our farmers going to wake up? The League was warning them when their numbers were over 300,000 - it is mathematically certain more and more will go bankrupt, or forced off their lands, under orthodox financial policies, and no political party will come to their rescue and 'buck' the money power. Farmers' numbers have now dwindled down to 100,000 - and still they don't get it! There is no long-term answer for them under present financial policies. But they would rather listen to 'leaders' who have betrayed them, than men such as Eric D. Butler, (and Jeremy Lee) of the Australian League of Rights! Between them, these two men criss-crossed this large brown land for well over fifty years warning what was going to happen if they didn't 'take on' the money power and its toadies in the political parties. Chinese farmers are no more (probably less) efficient than Australian farmers - but neither is it a 'level playing field' as was recently revealed on SBS. It is a policy, it is planned, that the bulk of Australia's farmers are to be phased out - and they still can't see it. Meanwhile, farmers and business spokesmen have publicly expressed 'hope' that everyone will benefit from a proposed free trade agreement with China! They need to be reminded Americans had the same 'hope' but are now waking up to the fact it is very much a 'one-way' street - and not their way. CDRom |
AMERICA'S (AND AUSTRALIA'S) DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTSSource: NewsWithViews.com May 16, 2005: Brian Williams of NBC stated that the Federal
deficit will grow another $383 billon in 2006. Do you feel your pocketbook
bleeding? In the high tech jobs arena, the H-1B, H-2B and L-1 visas were given to over 1,000,000 foreigners to displace American workers. Who is responsible? Your congressman and senators! Go to www.numbersusa.com and check out the report card on your senators or congressman and you'll mostly see F's. The haemorrhaging accelerates when you realise that our Federal debt stands at $7.4 trillion. We pay over $600 million a day in interest payments. Bush bumped the debt ceiling by $800 million at the first of the year while borrowing $1.6 billion daily from foreign investors. Their interest rates bleed us further. Is the fabulously wealthy George Bush paying that interest? No, you are! The rich get richer and you get poorer. Further, you, the average American with a credit card carry an average of $8,000.00 balance (debt) on your credit card. That equals $2.0 trillion in consumer debt according to CBS News. Added to that bleeding, you're paying 18 percent APR on that debt credit card debt. For more bleeding, over 20 million illegals siphon
off $68 billion annually out of your taxpayer pocket as they use our
schools, welfare, medical care and services. Folks, they're not just
picking lettuce anymore. They're taking jobs away from Americans. Harvard's
Professor Borjas of economics showed that illegal aliens displace American
workers out of $200 billion in lost wages annually. We're not talking
about a financial nose bleed. We're talking slashed arteries! Home foreclosures and personal bankruptcies stand
at an all time high for American citizens. How about the $80 billion
annual price for the ongoing $30 billion Drug War that has solved nothing?
What about the price of a home today that has doubled in 20 years? How
about the $128 billion in cash leaving the USA annually to pay for the
drugs coming across the Mexican border? How about $81 billion just appropriated
for the Iraq War? Last year, America suffered a $230 billion trade
deficit with China. Right now, China is licking its chops as they sell
us billions in goods but buy nothing from us in return. Why? Because
we've lost our manufacturing base which means we have nothing to sell.
In fact, China aims to surpass Japan in total manufacturing output by
2015. By that time, the United States won't have anything to sell anyone
in the world. How long do we keep spending money we don't have? We're on the edge of a financial cliff with no
safety net. We're playing with fire that will burn us to death. Our
Middle Class is headed for the Low Class. Our working poor are headed
for welfare lines while illegals do the jobs that all Americans would
work for a living wage, but can't because illegal aliens depress wages
and steal jobs. What happens when another 20 million breach our borders
and take even more of our jobs? How long can we allow our leaders to
take us down this path to self destruction?" |
THE DWINDLING FARM NUMBERSby Ron Fischer"The warning on farm numbers in the Ballarat Courier 13/5/05 reflects an all too familiar scenario - "there will be only 100,000 farmers left in Australia by 2030". (Deputy P.M. John Anderson recently admitted that is already the case ed). Will this be the end? Will Australia's farming population stabilise at that level or will the attrition rate of 50 per cent in 40 years continue into the wide blue yonder? In 2070 will there then be only 50,000? There seems no indication that things will change. The 'get big or get out' advice is so entrenched within the concept of "economies of scale" that the momentum and the debt generated will keep it going. The Nationals should be extremely alarmed at the erosion of their base. However, it was one of their number, Doug Anthony, who promoted the concept of "get big or get out'. Until economics takes a more realistic view of the consequences of the current rules, we are destined to see the number of farmers continue to decline. Economists will never admit to failure. The initiative must come from this end - the grassroots - literally." |
HEALTH REGULATOR TO BE FURTHER CENTRALISED?by Betty Luks Lady Phillis Cilento was known to many of her generation as the Women's Weekly "Medical Mother". I have sighted a personal note she once wrote to Eric and Elma Butler encouraging them to keep up their vitamins and minerals, especially their vitamin B range, as they led such active and hectic lifestyles. Why do I write this? In a press release well known 'health activist'
Eve Hillary is saying: |
GALLOWAY AND THE MOTHER OF ALL INVECTIVEOliver Burkeman: "Respect MP's Washington
Performance," The Guardian, 18/5/05 Before the hearing began, the MP for Bethnal
Green and Bow even had some scorn left over to bestow generously upon
the pro-war writer Christopher Hitchens. "You're a drink-soaked
former-Trotskyist popinjay," Mr Galloway informed him. "Your
hands are shaking. You badly need another drink," he added later,
ignoring Mr Hitchens's questions and staring intently ahead. "And
you're a drink-soaked..." Eventually Mr Hitchens gave up. "You're
a real thug, aren't you?" he hissed, stalking away. "I know that standards have slipped in Washington
in recent years, but for a lawyer, you're remarkably cavalier with any
idea of justice," he told Norm Coleman, the Minnesota Republican
who chairs the senate investigations committee, after taking his seat
at the front of the high-ceilinged hearing room, and swearing an oath
to tell the truth. "I'm here today, but last week you already found
me guilty. You traduced my name around the world without ever having
asked me a single question." American reporters seemed as fascinated as the
British media: at one point yesterday, before it was his turn to speak,
Mr Galloway strode from the room, sending journalists of all nationalities
rushing after him - only to discover that he was going to the lavatory. |
BASIC FUNDThe Basic Fund figures keep climbing, thanks to our loyal supporters. It is most humbling to see the same names appear on a regular basis on the list of contributors. Thank you folk. It is this spirit to which the League of Rights always makes its appeal. It is not a spirit motivated by greed or ambition, nor by money or systems as such, but by the civilised values which make a nation, a people, truly great. That is why some people simply cannot understand the foundation upon which the League of Rights is structured and the ways and means by which it functions. But then that is because they are not motivated by the same 'spirit'.The figure has climbed to $34,619.55. We ask our supporters to continue generously supporting the appeal, time is moving on and we still have a way to go to reach the target. |