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17 June 2005. Thought for the Week: World Government:
"The concept of absolute sovereignty of States will have to make
concessions as never before in [the] face of today's emerging environmental
crisis. There will have to be a high degree of willing subordination
of national sovereignty in favour of the common good of all nations."
- Sir Ninian Stephens, "The Growth of International Environmental Law," Environmental Planning Law Journal, vol.9, 1991 at p.185. |
THE FRENCH AND DUTCH POLITICAL TSUNAMI!by Michael James The mainstream German press, constrained as it
is by a general prohibition on all talk of alternatives to the European
Union, could only speculate on what might have happened had the German
people been allowed to vote. "The French voted for us," was
a common refrain on the streets of Frankfurt. The German parliament,
traditionally fearful of allowing ordinary citizens to vote in referenda,
in much the same way it fears any objective discussion about the lies
contained within the pages of Germany's official 'history' books, treasonously
ratified the treaty with a comfortable majority on Friday, May 27, following
a series of quisling pro-EU speeches reminiscent of East Germany's subservience
to the Soviet Union. |
SURE TORTURE'S OKAY says Academicby James ReedThe head of the Law School at Deakin University in Victoria, Professor Mirko Bagaric has written a paper arguing that torture by governments is justified in "extremely limited circumstances" to save thousands of lives. Suspects in such circumstances could, justifiably, be tortured even to the point of death. The proposal has met a storm of controversy. Senator Kerry Nettle, Australian Greens, said that Professor Bagaric should be sacked as a member of the Refugee Review Tribunal. I will review the paper when it is available. |
REGION ON A KNIFE EDGEby Betty LuksThe Wimmera Times' 11/4/05 report of the crises faced by so many of our Australian farmers, due, not only to the prolonged drought conditions, but also to their crippling debts and the cruel interest charges, leaves one with such a sense of despair as well as frustration. Natural-law seasonal conditions such as drought we can't help them with, but isn't fifty years long enough spent in trying to get their attention and make them realise the corrupt, fraudulent banking system is weighted against them? Will they not accept they have been handed "loaded dice"? No, Australian farmers as a rule, would rather put their faith in their 'leaders' who have led them down a path that leads to a fathomless pit of despair and ruin. Question: How many years have they farmed their lands and had fairly good seasons, how many generations have farmed the lands - and yet after all this time, not only are they not secure on their farms, they are battling such crippling debts many of them will never be able to pay off? We have heard there are foreign banks busily buying up the farms - for a song - from desperate farmers. This is just history repeating itself because the people would not and will not learn the truth. "War Cycles - Peace Cycles," by Richard Kelly Hopkins is a good book to help get the real picture of how this parasitic banking system has worked over the centuries, it is available from all League Book Services. Another thing, hasn't it ever dawned on our farmers and struggling businessmen, how odd it is that John Howard can readily find well over $4 billion dollars (when last noted) for the destructive, murderous war in Iraq, and yet, even though they, the farmers - who feed and clothe him - are approaching him with their begging bowls, he is being very tardy and cautious in his response to them? These politicians seem to believe there is something 'immoral' in saving our farmers, thus saving and securing a future food supply for the nation - and yet nothing immoral in blasting the hell out of the Iraqi people who have done us no harm. One would have thought the security of our farmers on their lands and surety of our nation's food supply would have been one of the first priorities of a people's government. |
WARNING DEMOCRACYIn 1931 C.H. Douglas wrote: "One of the first conceptions which is driven home to a consistent critic of the money system is the curious and widely spread desire which seems to exist to attribute our troubles to anything but the money system.From one quarter you will be told that it is the incorrigible laziness of what is called "labour" which is at fault. On the other hand, the rapacious employer is the difficulty, or lack of education, or too much education, or obsolete tools, or too many tools, or the climate, or spots on the sun. On the whole, however, there is a strong tendency to suggest that it is the depravity of human nature that is at fault, and to epitomise the matter ... "If we all went to church our incomes would be larger." In a smaller number of cases, but still quite numerous, one's criticism of the existing money system, and the suggestion that it could be improved, provokes the most furious resentment, akin to the resentment roused by religious heresy in the Middle Ages. I have never been able to explain to my own satisfaction this resentment, although no doubt it has some connection with the prevalent idea that the money system is so simple, obvious, and natural, that it is an insult to one's intelligence to assume that anything very serious could be the matter with it, which would not be patent to the man in the street. While the broad functions of the money system are simple enough, the mechanism of it is, of course, very far from simple, and so far from being "natural," it is highly artificial. Since the institution of a modified financial system of a suitable nature would rapidly increase the (what is called) material wealth of everyone without detracting from the wealth of anyone, it would be imagined that when once agreement had been obtained as to the feasibility of such a readjustment opposition would cease. But this is far from being the case. The more important the individual with whom one is dealing in these matters, and the more able such a person may be to assist in the end desired, the more likely one is to find a very definite dissent, not as to the competency of the mechanism, but as to the desirability of the end. It is a curious feature of the average human being that he deems himself singular in the ability to make a right and proper use of wealth. "It is a good and desirable thing for me to have ten thousand pounds a year. I am a sober and right-minded person, but it would be absolutely disastrous for my neighbour over the way to have a comfortable income. He would not know what to do with it, and it would only hasten his career of drunkenness and depravity " Analogous to this, and no doubt closely connected with it, is the rooted objection existing in the minds of most people that anyone but themselves should get something for nothing. I have heard innumerable cases of furious resentment against the grant of what is so improperly called "the dole" (which is, of course a form of contributory unemployment insurance to which the workman himself contributes) and these denunciations, proceeding from normally kind-hearted, persons of both sexes, are usually accompanied by remarks on the demoralising effect of money received without working. If you enquire, as mildly as possible, of such people, if by chance they receive any dividends which enable them to exist without working, you will, of course, be very unpopular, and you will be told that that is different, and if you suggest that a generalisation of the dividend system if it could be obtained (and it can) would be desirable, you will be called "Socialistic," a Parliamentary epithet for dangerous. An extreme variant of the same idea is that there is some virtue in poverty." |
BURNING DOWN THE WORLD: FAILURE OF MULTIRACIAL SOCIETIESThe latest edition of the Monash University journal People and Place (vol.13, no.1, 2005) contains an article by Frank Dean, Susan Brown and Jennifer Lee entitled "Immigration and Racial/Ethnic Relations in the United States". The article attempts to show that mass immigration and intermarriage of racial groups is improving racial relationships in the United States. In other words as the relative proportion of White Americans diminish, things are getting better. Thus the authors make much out of the statistics that the States in America which are the biggest immigration States and the most racially diverse, also have the highest incomes, or so they say although this is asserted (p.510) but not shown in their paper. They rejoice at a loosening of racial categories because of miscegenation/multiracial marriages, but the most multiracial State in America, Hawaii has 21.4 per cent multiracial persons - the next to Alaska at 5.4. Multiracial individuals account for one in forty for the United States as a whole. This is in my opinion undesirably high but does not show that race is disappearing.The reality is that immigration is dispossessing Whites. Californian Republicans deny funds to White candidates in favour of Hispanics, and the push for a Californian State holiday honouring Cesar Chavez continues as California slowly becomes part of Mexico. Non-White migrants push for the de-Christianisation of Christmas and oppose all aspects of traditional Anglo-American culture such as Columbus Day parades. Amy Chua in her "World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability," (William Heinemann, London, 2003) gives a much needed antidote to the vision of multicultural/multiracial harmony pushed by most academics in our politically correct establishments. The book not only shows that multicultural and multiracial societies ultimately face social tensions that more homogenous societies lack, but also that certain market dominant minorities (such as the Chinese in South East Asia, the Jews in Russia) in democratic societies populated by impoverished masses, face on-going resentment that will often erupt in violence. Democratic elections will bring power to anti-market and anti-American leaders. Free market democracy and the rise of ethnic violence then are inextricably linked. Chua shows this through a discussion of the Chinese in Southeast Asia, "Whites" in Latin America, the Jewish billionaires of post-communist Russia, among other case studies. Many of these regions, such as South America (especially Brazil) have a high degree of multiracialism and higher degrees of intermarriage than seen in the United States. But such regions are not havens of interracial peace, but are experiencing increasing racial and ethnic tensions and violence. The view of Dean, Brown and Lee is out of balance with the larger body of evidence of multiracial societies. Many of these myths about racial harmony in America are debunked in a brilliant pro-White book by U.S. lawyer Edgar J. Steele, "Defensive Racism," (ProPer Press, Sagle, 2004) which will be reviewed at another time. |
WHERE YOUR MONEY GOESby Benjamin DavisTwo Jewish academics, Dr. Suzanne Rutland, chair of the University of Sydney's Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies department and University of New South Wales sociologist, emeritus (i.e. "retired") professor Sol Encel have received a three-year $85,000 grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC) for the Study "A Political Sociology of Australian Jewry". The study marks the 60th anniversary of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ). According to ECAJ deputy president Diane Shteinman, the study will be a historical and sociological examination of "the Jewish community through the prism of ECAJ's six decades and its future goals," (Australian Jewish News 3/12/04). The project is co-sponsored by the ECAJ, Sydney's Jewish Communal Appeal and World Jewish Congress senior vice-president, Isi Liebler. Liebler now lives in Israel. The ECAJ had its origins "in 1944 as a unifying federal roof body that worked with Canberra to help with the intake of Holocaust refugees". So, $85,000 of Australians' hard-earned tax monies can be spent on a study of a lobby group which protected the interests of a powerful ethnic group. In fairness and equal opportunity, how about $85,000 from the Australian Research Council for a biography of that great League of Rights man, Eric Butler, who devoted this life to the tireless defence of the freedom of all individuals?" Oh well, don't hold your breath waiting for the ARC to send a cheque. The ARC is a cash cow for an array of politically correct projects in the humanities and social sciences. |
THE RISE AND RISE OF ANTISEMITISMby Benjamin DavisIt seems that every time we open a newspaper more evidence of antisemitism is there before our eyes. An article by Emma-Kate Symons in the Weekend Australian of 7-8/5/05, tells us about an "Old Poison in a New Cup". Anti-Israel sentiment in the mainstream press is, according to that writer one of the most worrying signs. There are of course the traditional antisemite attacks on Jewish cemeteries performed by, we suppose, the mad and the bad. But the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia in a report released in April this year notices a strong connection between political events in the Middle East and antisemitic attacks. Could Middle East activities by Zionists be producing this dark racist response? Many European intellectuals think so and are now saying so. The article goes on to point out that antisemitism is now standard fare in the mainstream European media and among intellectual elite. Britain's Association of University Teachers in early May voted to boycott Israeli academic institutions over activities of Israel in its occupation of the territories of Palestine. Howard Jacobs in London's Evening Standard responded by saying: "Anti-Zionism is, after all, anti-Semitism". And in a sense he is right: the Leftist critics of Israel never attack China, African or Arab countries for their human rights abuses. The Left has a very selective morality. But that is Europe. You may be surprised to learn that antisemitism is flourishing on Australian campuses, according to Joseph Solomon "Higher Edu-caution", The Review May 2005, a publication of the Australia/Israel Affairs Council. The article documents a number of examples of graffiti incidents and confrontations between Jewish students and aggressive socialist/communist thugs, including one incident where a Jewish student had his sun-glasses broken by such beings. The common thread running through all of this is the Left: and as an embodiment of the Will-to-Power the League has fought this evil throughout its life. Perhaps magazines like The Review will in future concentrate their critical energies on the real threat to Jewish existence. Over the page from the Solomon article (p.22) we still find The Review pushing the ridiculous line that the League is a "racist" organisation that pushes "conspiracy theories". Well, as the wheels of history have turned, Eric Butler seems to have been right on most accounts and his fight against the tyranny of communism (which in its Leftist form is now generating antisemitism) is hardly "racist" but surely a noble and honourable act. |
REMEMBER THE LIBERTY?The 8th of June is a day that needs to be remembered by all freedom loving people and by loyal Americans in particular. It is the anniversary of an infamous event that most Americans don't even know happened. It is the day of the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty by Israel on June 8th, 1967.The cover-up by the 'freedom loving' American government was massive, and the crew were given medals in private and told never to speak of the incident again under threat of imprisonment. The Commander of the Liberty, William L. McGonagle, was even awarded the Medal of Honor - in private of course. This attack was an attempt to draw America into the war but was called off at the last minute as Israel was preparing to sink the Liberty. The Australian League of Rights has known of this cowardly act upon an American naval vessel by a (supposedly) friendly ally for over twenty-five years. The League's book services carried the exposé of the attack by James M. Ennes, Jr. in his book "Assault on the Liberty", published by Random House in 1979. With 'friends' like these - who needs enemies? Here is a brief overview of the incident by John E. Borne Ph.D.: "On June 8, 1967, during the Six Day War, Israeli forces attacked the USS Liberty, a U.S. Navy intelligence-gathering ship off the coast of Gaza, killing 35 men and wounding 171. Israel apologized and called the attack an accident. The U.S. government accepted the apology and did not openly challenge the explanation. For almost three decades the crewmen of the Liberty have waged a campaign to have the attack investigated. Indeed, they claim that not only was the attack intentional, but also that Johnson recalled the Sixth Fleet rescue flights to avoid a clash between the U.S. and Israel." Here are two internet links for more information on the event that Uncle Scam would have you believe never happened. https://www.logogo.net/liberty .htm https://www.ussliberty.org/ |
IMPORTANT BOOKS"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,"
by John Perkins: The inside story of how America turned from a respected
republic into a feared empire. "The Church and Farming," by
Rev. Denis Fahey, C.S.S.p, D.D., D.Ph., BA. |
40 YEARS OF "ON TARGET" ON CD-ROMA groundbreaking first for the League! Two years in the making. The CD-ROM covers over forty years of On Target plus a bonus - a selection of essays by Clifford Hugh Douglas and Eric Dudley Butler. "LIONS FOR FREEDOM" What an excellent tool for research and what a wonderful gift to your children and grandchildren - Forty Years of Australian political history and commentary at their finger tips. Just down load the search engine off the internet on to your computer, and you will have your own 'research assistant' at your fingertips as you 'crawl' all over the "Lions for Freedom" CD-Rom! Easy instructions for doing so are on the CD-Rom.*** A SPECIAL OFFER FOR ON TARGET SUBSCRIBERS till 30th June 2005 *** On Target subscribers who send in their journal's envelope-wrapping with their Mail Order can purchase one "Lions for Freedom" CD-Rom for $22.00 posted! That is a $10 discount! Over the counter purchase, again with your journal's envelope-wrapping offer is one CD-Rom for $20.00! Mail orders without the journal's envelope -wrapping is $32.00 including postage and over the counter sales without journal's envelope -wrapping is $30.00 each. |