home of ... Douglas Social Credit
29 July 2005. Thought for the Week: "...his
logic was a little lacking. Would the pure-minded visitors from Bongo-Bongo
be hurrying up the hall to read what Adolf Collins has to say? Come
to think of it, his logic was more than a little lacking because in
the great majority of the Commonwealth countries, freedom of speech
and human rights are as rare as cold beer in the Sahara.
Try opening your mouth wide in Ghana. Or Nigeria. Or Malaysia. Or Pakistan. In most such blessed lands you would end up in the clink or be fed to the crocodiles faster than you could say 'wealth' let alone 'Commonwealth'. Only in the United Nations itself could you find a greater group of pirates, killers, swindlers, scroungers and hypocrites. Instead of being down on their knees giving thanks for the help they get from the West, the Commonwealth folk never cease howling that we've done them wrong..." "Here We Go Again: Battle Against Censorship", Doug Collins, 1998. |
Launching the manifesto, Mr Sogavare said his party believes in working for the people mostly with the grassroots, youths and unemployed because they make the largest percentage of the population in the country and within the rural sectors. "We believed in principles to help these people. Our decision must be made in a way that best suit the future of the country. Our national framework must be designed in such a way that allows full participation in all sectors to eliminate poverty and boost development," he said. "Poverty is one of the pressing issues the
country needs to address because while we are blessed with resources
that can potentially be developed, Solomon Islands is one of the six
Pacific islands being named as still living under the poverty line. Yesterday's launching ceremony was preceded by
a march that started from Burns Creek in east Honiara and the Borderline
area to the Multi-Purpose hall. It attracted several hundreds of people
marching together under the theme "Peoples March Against Poverty
Amidst Plenty". Mr Sogavare said the country's 135-year history,
which included the 85 years of colonialism and 27 years of independence,
has been a trying period for Solomon Islands. Only a few changes in
regards to development have taken place, he said. |
THE BUSYBODY WESTERNERWhat a tangled mess the bleeding hearts and power-hungry
elites have made of the western world and what harm they have done to
peoples of other nations. The London bombings can't be considered in
isolation, and although Blair, Bush and Howard want to lay the blame
on Muslim extremists, so far the news reports 'just don't add up' and,
in fact, are even contradictory. It may be that the four young men accused
of the bombing did carry out the ghastly acts - or it may not be. The
dust needs to settle a little yet. Now it is all coming back to haunt us. The western
nations are caught on the horns of their own pathetically unrealistic,
politically-correct idealism, and the multicultural and multiracial
fantasies. |
A VICTORY FOR MULITCULTI OVER COMMON SENSEby Mark Steyn The London bombers were, to the naked eye, assimilated
- they ate fish 'n' chips, played cricket, sported appalling leisurewear.
They'd adopted so many trees we couldn't see they lacked the big overarching
forest - the essence of identity, of allegiance. As I've said before,
you can't assimilate with a nullity - which is what multiculturalism
is. Sir Edward's successor, Mr Blair, said on the
day of the bombing that terrorists would not be allowed to "change
our country or our way of life". Of course not. That's his job
- from hunting to Europeanisation. Could you reliably say what aspects
of "our way of life" Britain's ruling class, whether pseudo-Labour
like Mr Blair or pseudo-Conservative like Sir Ted, wish to preserve?
The Notting Hill Carnival? Not enough, alas. Cherie - ne Booth - Blair - defends the indefensible Miss Begum's Bangladeshi origins One of the striking features of the post-9/11
world is the minimal degree of separation between the so-called "extremists"
and the establishment. But among all these many examples of the multiculti
mainstream ushering the extremists from the dark fringe to the centre
of western life, there is surely no more emblematic example than that
of Shabina Begum, whose victory over the school dress code was achieved
with the professional support of both the wife of the Prime Minister
who pledges to defend "our way of life" and of Hizb ut Tahir,
a group which (according to the German Interior Minister) "supports
violence as a means to realise political goals" such as a worldwide
caliphate and (according to the BBC) "urges Muslims to kill Jewish
people". Oh, well. Back to business as usual. In yesterday's
Independent, Dave Brown had a cartoon showing Bush and Blair
as terrorists boarding the Tube to Baghdad. Ha-ha. The other day in
Thailand, where 800 folks have been killed by Islamists since the start
of the year, two Laotian farm workers were beheaded. I suppose that's
Bush and Blair's fault, too. |
THE BREAKDOWN OF BRITAINby James ReedThe excellent magazine Endeavour: Journal of the British Australian Community (P.O. Box 707 South Yarra, Vic. 3141) in its June/July edition reports on some startling crime statistics. In 1964 in England and Wales there were 72,000 burglaries. In 2003/4 there were 402,000. In 1964 there were 3,000 robberies; in 2003/4 there were 101,000. These results are part of a Civitas Study of the rise of crime in Britain which sees the cause as being a lack of shared norms. As Endeavour rightly observes: "Another word for the same thing is multiculturalism," a policy designed to fragment British values." |
ALL THE EXCUSE THAT IS NEEDEDby James Reed"Thanks to the blood of the martyrs, a new Islamic revolution has arisen and the Islamic revolution of 1384 (the current Iranian year) will, if God wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world . The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world." Thus said Iran's ultra-conservative President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after his recent electoral victory. With Iran's continuing, alleged nuclear programme, it is a hot tip in the opinion of this writer that some form of US military action against Iran, probably short of a full invasion, will occur in the next twelve months. US missile attacks on nuclear facilities is most likely. |
OUR GENETIC INTERESTSby Andrew Ryan and Peter J. White The themes discussed in Salter's book can be
best illustrated by two contrasting quotes. First are the words of J.G.
Herder, a German nationalist philosopher who said in 1785: "The
family is a product of Nature. The most natural State is, therefore,
a state composed of a single people with a single national character
for a people is a natural growth like a family, only spread more widely." The liberal-internationalist sentiments of those like Price were behind the undermining of the White Australia Policy and the flooding of Australia with first the Mediterraneans and Eastern Europeans in the post-World War period, and then later Asians, and now Africans. Whilst some defend this open-borders world on philosophical grounds - such as the Jewish philosopher and animal liberationist Peter Singer (The Ethics of Globalization, 2002), Slater sets out a sociobiological view of politics based on a genetic theory of ethnic nepotism. Genetic continuity is an end in itself for all species including humans. From a biological point of view, the function of an organism is to reproduce and that means ensure the survival of genes. A core concept here is inclusive fitness. Each of your children carry half of your genes and those of a sister, a quarter of your genes. It would aid one's inclusive fitness by helping sister bring up three children rather than "selfishly" using all one's wealth on one's own child, if one had only one child. In other words there is a genetic basis to altruism. A patriot dying for a homeland can be seen as aching to ensure the survival of his genes as embodied in relatives at home. Another core concept in Slater's theory is that of "ethny," "a population sharing common descent," a more precise term than "ethnic group". An ethny is "a named human population with myths of common ancestry, shared historical memories, one or more elements of common culture, a link with homeland and a sense of solidarity among at least some of its members". (p.30) There exists a concentric circle of relatedness from self (and identical twins) to family, clan, ethny and race. Because of inclusive fitness considerations individuals have a larger genetic interest in their ethny than in their families. The genetic distance between the Nordic or Aryan (Salter does not use these terms, preferring "Northern European") and the Mediterranean is great enough to be of biopolitical significance - which of course is a matter of common sense. Mass migration has led to the situation where
humans face each other as genetic competitors. Slater argues at length
that the immigration of genetically distant ethnies and races to White
countries results in a replacement scenario: "Asymmetric immigration
between closely related ethnies replaces native children in the receiving
population by a small amount, while immigration from genetically distant
populations has large effects." (p.59) He goes on to say: "A
decimated, defeated, or impoverished population has a chance to recover
if it retains control of its territory. But a large-scale influx of
genetically distant immigrants has the potential permanently to reduce
the genetic interest of the original population." (p.60) |
Presse, 07/17/05- Greenstock, who was Blair's special representative
to Iraq in the aftermath of the war, has apparently been asked to remove
all these sections. "Some people are really surprised that someone
like Sir Jeremy has done this," an unidentified source told the
paper. "In particular the way he has quoted private conversations
with the prime minister." |
URGENT GERMAR RUDOLPH APPEAL AND ERNST ZUNDEL NEWSAn urgent appeal has been circulated by historical
revisionist, Germar Rudolf. In February 2005 the Board of Appeal of
the US Immigration Services denied Rudolf leave to apply for permanent
residence, although he is married to a US citizen and they have a child.
That decision violates US law; but Rudolf needs top quality legal support
to successfully oppose it. The latest news is Ernst Zundel has been charged
with inciting racial hatred, four months after he was deported from
Canada to Germany. |
NSW GOVT. ON RAMPAGE - AND WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!You wouldn't think the NSW government had the
time. Of course, it has the money - yours. The NSW Premier has not even been content with
ejecting the Governor from Government House, at considerable additional
cost to the taxpayer, and ensuring that the position is reserved only
for those who live in inner Sydney. We now have the absolutely pointless
removal of the Royal Coat of Arms, which has been displayed in New South
Wales from 1788. The practice was that the Governor and the Courts displayed
the Royal Coat of Arms, and the politicians the State Coat of Arms.
The electors will no doubt be interested to know
what their representatives have been doing. Let's embarrass those republican politicians
with details of what they get up to and how much of your money they
spend! |
BASIC FUNDWe have reached the figure of $47,099.65, which is just so encouraging. We are now nearing the goal. With the filling of the target the next planned major projects will be assured. Thank you one and all for the continuing loyal and generous support. |
DR. DAVID MITCHELL FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIAN WEEKENDThe dates are: Saturday and Sunday 10th-11th, September, 2005.It is vital that Australians grasp their constitutional and legal heritage, the foundations upon which their nation was founded. Constitutional authority Dr. David Mitchell of Tasmania has kindly consented to conduct a two-day seminar outlining those foundations, and the Christian concepts and history from which they grew. We will shortly issue a flyer with further details. Mark the dates in your diary. Make the effort to attend this stimulating and inspiring occasion. |
SAVE TELSTRA - SELL JOHN!Hasco has launched a great "message-card campaign" against the sale of Telstra. The theme is "Save Telstra Sell John!" with the following message: "A government which persistently and deliberately defies the considered will of the people on a single issue destroys the democracy which gave it office in the first place."The cards are aimed at all sections of the community (appealing to them to join in the battle) - Radio, TV, business leaders, community organizations, your political representative - the receiver limited only by your imagination. Send for your supply, with cheque/money order to: Hasco, Box 642, Nanango, Qld. 4615. Prices range from 10 for $4, 20 for $6, 50 for $12 and 100 for $17 and prices include postage. |
IMPORTANT BOOKS"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," by John Perkins: The inside story of how America turned from a respected republic into a feared empire."Economic hit men," John Perkins writes, "are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex and murder." John Perkins should know - he was an economic hit man. His job was to convince countries that are strategically important to the U.S. - from Indonesia to Panama - to accept enormous loans for infrastructure development, and to make sure that the lucrative profits were contracted to the U.S. corporations. Saddled with huge debts these countries came under the control of the United States government, World Bank and other U.S. dominated aid agencies that acted like loan sharks. This extraordinary real-life tale exposes international intrigue, corruption, and little-known government and corporate activities that have dire consequences for American democracy and the world. Price: $52.95 posted. "The Church and Farming," by
Rev. Denis Fahey, C.S.S.p, D.D., D.Ph., BA. |