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25 November
2005 Thought for the Week: "The Prince reflects widespread concern about the uneven effects of globalisation,...he described the whole concept as 'deeply flawed and utterly unsustainable' unless 'we can find ways of achieving a much wider acceptance that responsible corporate behaviour includes the need to address these issues comprehensively, in partnerships with Governments and civil society.'" David Lorimer in "The Radical Prince," 2003. |
*NewsFlash* DAVID IRVING ARRESTED IN AUSTRIAThe British historian David Irving has been arrested while on a one-day visit to Vienna. According to a BBC report he is being held in Austria under laws against denying the Holocaust. An interior ministry spokesman said police in the province of Styria acted on a warrant issued in 1989 to arrest him last Friday.An expert on Hitler's Third Reich, Irving had been invited by courageous students to address an ancient University association in the Austrian capital. He chose as his subject the secret negotiations between Adolf Eichmann and the Jewish leaders in Budapest, Joel Brand and Rezsö Kasztner, the so-called "trucks for Jews" deal, and British knowledge of the scheme from codebreaking. He has researched the topic extensively in Allied archives for both his Churchill and his Himmler biographies. Despite precautions, the Austrian political police are believed to have learned of the visit by wiretaps or intercepting e-mails. Mr Irving had privately visited his embattled friend the German playwright Rolf Hochhuth on the way to Austria; they had not met for twenty years because of travel restrictions imposed on each of them. |
SORRY FELLOW AUSSIES, YOU WERE SOLD OUT LONG AGOby Betty LuksAustralian workers are expressing their unease and concerns about the proposed workplace changes by the Howard regime by staging mass rallies in the main cities around the land. The Australian 16th November 2005, reported on the mass protests with the headlines, "Howard shrugs off mass IR protests". In other words no matter what, this regime is going to force the changes through. It is of great interest to those who have studied the push for The New World Order that neither the Unions nor the Labor Party have mentioned the fact that these changes in work place relations were worked out many a year ago, the workers were just not told about it; except by such groups as the Australian League of Rights. That great writer and lecturer Jeremy Lee put it all together in a book published in 1997 - "Australia 2000 - What Will We Tell Our Children". [1] Under the rules of the game, Australian governments must prepare the way for the further imposition of The New World Order, by, not only reducing barriers to trade, but any standards - environmental standards, health standards, high wages - anything that could be considered impediments to trade. WHO IS DOING IT? The three institutions are the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (G.A.T.T.) now known as the World Trade Organisation. WHO BENEFITS? Jeremy quotes Dr. Susan George of the Transnational Institute, Amsterdam: "The World Bank is in charge of imposing this economic doctrine, the International Monetary Fund is in charge of imposing structural adjustment and GATT (now the World Trade Organisation) is involved with reducing not only barriers to trade, but any standards - environmental standards, health standards, high wages - that could be considered impediments to trade." She insists that the "undemocratic nature of these institutions will mean that a whole new world order is put into place and that it is an anti-democratic, authoritarian order run by the elites of the rich world on their own behalf " (emphasis added ed) A BANKING GATHERING: "Dr. George is right," says Jeremy. "Even the so-called G-7 is only a banking gathering not subject to the parliaments of their respective countries. So it is a near-perfect world for the international banking fraternity. · Theirs is a borderless world. · Their loans pave the way for the multinationals they control. · Lending risks are transferred to taxpayers, · and they are sheltered from the public gaze by GATT (now the World Trade Organisation), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, · which they control through their directorships." [1] "Australia 2000: What will we tell our children?" Available from all League Book Services, $20.00 including postage. |
WHY AREN'T THE UNIONS AND LABOR SPEAKING ABOUT IT?Why aren't the Unions and Labor telling the people about this? Because they also have been pushing for a New World Order!How can they explain to their fellow Australians they support policies "reducing not only barriers to trade, but any standards - environmental standards, health standards, high wages - that could be considered impediments to trade," and yet are "fighting for workers' rights"? The average Australian hasn't a 'snow flake's hope in hell' of fitting the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together, including the forced sale of our national communications system, TELSTRA, and the reduction of their living standards to the level of the Third World nations, without a clear understanding of what this push for a New World Order implies. We at the League cannot exercise other Australians' freedom for them - if we could they would be living in a 'fascist' state. Australians must exercise their own freedom by bringing their own representatives to account for the decisions taken. Have you written to your parliamentary representative and insisted he come against this horrendous legislation? If not, why not? |
HOWARD GOVERNMENT, IR LAWS AND COST/PRICE SPIRALby Kenneth GrundyWith the Howard Government's Industrial Relation laws in the headlines, more people are once again asking whether a wage rise ever delivers sufficient purchasing power to catch up to rising prices. At this point the age-old debate between employer and employee is set in motion. The employer claiming the need to raise prices because his costs (wages, fuel, electricity, materials, taxes, levies etc.) have risen. The employee claims the need for a wage rise because his cost of living has risen. He finds that his bills for food, rent, fuel, electricity, water, school fees and medical services have all risen. Which one has the legitimate claim? Both claims are legitimate. Until the groups stop blaming each other and look beyond the square for an effective answer, the cost price spiral will continue, as it has for many decades. A lack of purchasing power: Whenever a wage rise is granted, the authorities have recognized that purchasing power has declined but is the traditional wage rise delivering the best result? The cost price spiral needs to be intercepted at some stage, so let us examine the situation when a wage rise is imminent. EXAMPLE No.1: Under the present scenario, a hypothetical $10 per week wage rise causes the following to occur: The employer who works on overdraft has to increase his limit to fund the extra wage bill. He will also be liable for greater contributions to Superannuation, Workcover and possibly Payroll tax. Even using hypothetical dollar amounts on these costs, it is abundantly clear that his costs have risen above the $10 wage rise to, say $11.50. To remain a viable enterprise, his prices need to rise to cover the extra cost of $11.50 per employee per week. The employee has in the meantime discovered his pay packet did not contain the full $10 extra that he expected. The tax man had made his claim too and the packet only contained an extra, say $8.50. The outcome: The exercise has delivered a result where the price tags on the goods and services need to rise by $11.50 per employee and the extra money distributed to purchase the same goods and services is only $8.50. The economic situation has worsened and the cost price spiral has found a faster gear. EXAMPLE No. 2: Noting from example No.1 that sufficient finance was available to fund a $10 per week rise for each employee, the question is: Could the funds have been applied in a more effective way? A government eager to effectively end the cost spiral could use the exact same funds that employers needed to borrow, and distribute it to every employee as a "cost compensation payment". Every employee would receive his full $10 with no negative impact on the employer. The outcome: No increased borrowings and interest for the employer, no higher superfund and Workcover costs. NO NEED TO RAISE PRICES. PURCHASING POWER MAINTAINED FOR EVERYONE including employers, employees, pensioners and welfare recipients. Will we continue to chase our tail like we have done for so long or will a different idea be implemented? Surely it is worth a trial run! Government will not alter course until sufficient demand from electors happens. If you believe the above is worth trying, ask your Member of Parliament to assist. |
UK AND US SLAM AUSSIE TERROR LAWS"Unable to communicate directly with Australia's Prime Minister, international legal professional bodies have turned to the Law Council of Australia (LCA) to express their opposition to the federal Government's proposed anti-terrorism legislation. The American Bar Association (ABA) and the UK Bar Council have written to the peak body representing the Australian legal profession backing its vehement criticism of the proposals.The LCA has relentlessly attacked the federal Government over its proposed anti-terrorism legislation. In a letter to the Prime Minister this month, LCA president John North said, "the legislation offends our traditional rights and freedoms". He argued that the justification for their introduction is "meagre" and that it is impossible for the Australian community to know whether they are necessary. He said that if the legislation was to be introduced, its development and passage through Parliament should be transparent and underpinned by a consultative process "that ensures our traditional rights and freedoms are protected and that the laws are accompanied by all appropriate safeguards". President of the ABA, Michael Greco, wrote in a letter to LCA president North, obtained by Lawyers Weekly, that he shares the concerns about the threats to the rule of law and procedural fairness in the proposed legislation. Greco praised the work of the Law Council in its opposition to the Australian Federal Government. "As I said in an address to the ABA House of Delegates last year, if we permit our freedoms to be eroded by well-intentioned but misguided government leaders we will give victory to terrorists that they can never otherwise achieve. Indeed, we will allow ourselves to be co-conspirators in giving them what they most seek: destruction of democracy," he said. As well, UK Bar Council chairman Guy Mansfield QC said in a letter to the Law Council's North that he was "anxious to express support for the Law Council of Australia in its efforts to raise public awareness of the nature and implications of the proposed anti-terror legislation". Smacks of "Guantanamo Bay treatment" to be meted out: The Australian legislation has a number of similarities to laws in the US, said Greco. "The orders and preventative detention orders being proposed in Australia have corollaries in the United States. For example, the ABA has taken a firm position opposing the United States government's designation and treatment of 'enemy combatants', who are currently subject to indefinite detention without a requirement that they be charged with a crime, given immediate access to counsel, and allowed to petition for judicial review of their status. "The ABA urges that US citizens and residents who are detained within the United States as 'enemy combatants' be provided access to counsel and judicial review of their status. The ABA's positions were validated in the decisions handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States on June 28, 2004," said Greco. The UK Bar Council was concerned that the new anti-terror laws include measures that offend the rule of law and procedural fairness. "There are other disquieting features of the proposed laws as well, but the imposition of controls of these kinds over persons who have committed no crime is an anathema to a justice system based on the rule of law and procedural fairness," wrote Mansfield. While the Bar of England and Wales acknowledged that terrorism can create very high levels of fear in communities, and that legitimate counter-terrorism measures must be taken, "protecting life and wellbeing must not lead to disproportionate measures", said Mansfield. Rule of law rights should be inalienable: "Every step taken in the name of our safety must be justified," he said. "Elements of the rule of law should be inalienable. The rights of our citizens to their liberty and to freedoms of speech, movement and association should be protected by our parliaments rather than reduced by them. Governments are moving to address internal dangers with greater enthusiasm for repressive measures." Mansfield argued that even defendants charged with the most appalling crimes remain entitled to basic rights. "These are enshrined in international instruments." On the specifics of the legislation and comparing it to the situation in the US, ABA president Greco said that, in the area of trials conducted by the US military, the ABA urges that military commissions not be used. However if they are used, "that they be used in limited circumstances and in accordance with fair trial standards". He said the ABA has also called for all defendants in US military commission trials to have the assistance of Civilian Defense Counsel. As well, defendants' confidential communications with counsel should not be subject to monitoring by the government, Greco said. The importance of maintaining the rule of law were exemplified in a keynote address given by Justice Albie Sachs of the Constitutional Court of South Africa to the UK Bar Conference last month, said Mansfield. Justice Sachs made two important points, he said. "First, human rights are not just there for good, law-abiding people; they are standards of basic humanity, a mark of civilised behaviour. A nation's level of civilisation is to be judged not by the way it treats the majority of its citizens but what it does to its minorities, its criminals, its troublemakers, its misfits," he said. "Second, you cannot defend and promote a democratic system by taking away the very freedoms that made it a democracy in the first place. All that happens is that the country becomes unfree and unpleasant - and probably still unable to resolve the terrorism problem with which it started off." Taken from: https://www.lawyersweekly.com.au/articles/47/0C038447.asp?Type=53&Category=85 |
PROPAGANDA FOR THE RISE OF CHINAby James ReedWith the rise of China's power it is not surprising that some Westerners would bite the bullet and accept the inevitability of Chinese dominance. How much easier to do this if history showed that the West only dominated the world for the last few centuries, but before that, China was the only real power around. Gavin Menzies essentially supports such an ideology in his book "1421-The Year China Discovered the World". The book deals with the Chinese treasure fleets of the Ming Chinese Empire. Standard history is that the fleets extracted money from South East Asia. Menzies' revisionist history is that these fleets mapped most of the world. Menzies searched for evidence of Chinese visitations and of course found it, much like those who search for evidence of UFOs and aliens, find them. For Menzies, evidence of Chinese exploration is found in stone monuments as far off as New Zealand, in the DNA of native peoples (indicating interbreeding with the Chinese) and maps. One map produced in Turkey in the 16th century shows what Menzies thinks is the coast of North America, and this map was presumably, based on older Chinese maps. However no stone monument writing on it and the DNA evidence is flawed in the opinion of geneticists. The map evidence is also speculation. [1] With the rise of China as a superpower expect more kowtowing books like this. Menzies and his camp do not examine the impressive evidence of ancient Nordic mummies found in China, giving a likely European origin to Chinese civilisation. These mummies are such an embarrassment for the racist Chinese that the mummies are kept away from Western researchers and left to deteriorate. [1] See www.apd.net/dightonrock/discoveryofamericabychinese is.htm |
FOREIGN STUDENTS FOREVERby James ReedAccording to The Australian (14 September 2005) Australian universities have more foreign students per share of total enrolments than any country in the OECD. In 2002, about one in five of Australian university students were foreign: double the rate in Britain and France. Education has become an export service and the education of our own students has suffered. The universities long departed from their traditional calling of promoting a liberal education and now exist primarily to milk the cash cows from Asia. Over the years many scandals have reached the papers about special exams and marking for foreign students, but nothing has changed. I do not despair. Our task is to encourage intellectual activity and debate outside of them. |
AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR US?The Australian 8 November, 2005 fills us in as to why the foundations of a Sydney suburb's block of flats recently began to collapse and a gaping hole 'appeared' beneath the foundations.The Lane Cove Tunnel authority 'tunnelling away beneath the streets of this suburb had altered the path of their tunnelling 'without the approval' of the appropriate authorities and without informing them they were going to do so. How can this be? Those who have had any experience in the building industry know the trouble they would make for themselves by not abiding by the building and planning regulations. In this day of strict council control and planning regulations, who can believe "the private consortium building Sydney's Lane Cove Tunnel secretly changed its route without seeking approval or informing the local council". The article continues: "Had the company stuck to the plan approved by the council, a block of apartments seriously damaged by a tunnel cave-in last week would have been spared. The 65m change in the route around the site of the tunnel collapse has prompted speculation as to whether the builders had conducted adequate geological surveys or, as some independent engineers have suggested, they rushed the project." Company changed underground route without approval: The Lane Cove Council report brings to our attention the extraordinarily irresponsible actions on the part of this consortium and raises the question: Is this the way 'economic rationalism' will work in the future? How many times have you heard John Howard or one of his mouth pieces 'pass the buck' now that governments have 'privatised' our essential services? At least state Opposition Leader Peter Debnam pays lip service to the idea that governments still do have a responsibility, "It is yet another example of how government oversight of such projects is grossly inadequate," he said. The Australian reports, "The Left, emboldened by intervention from the right-wing Labor machine, will press for the Government to scrap "public-private partnerships" such as toll roads and the controversial $2 billion desalination plant planned for Sydney. The Left will press for the Government to borrow for infrastructure rather than cede control to the private sector and grant concessions." (When, if ever, will these people grasp the fact that a nation has the right to create and issue its own money? Why oh! Why! do we have to 'borrow' money 'created out of thin air' from a private banking system?...ed) |
RACIAL VILIFICATION AND WHITE AUSTRALIAby Ian Wilson LL.B.In the hornet's nest stirred up by Professor Andrew Fraser's defence of the White Australia Policy, the legal aspects of the issue have been un-discussed. Professor Fraser had submitted a paper defending the White Australia Policy to the Deakin Law Review. The paper was peer reviewed and accepted. A lawyer for Sudanese refugees threatened Deakin University with legal action under Australia's "Racial Discrimination Act" if it published the paper. It has never been said how exactly the lawyer got to know this, but you can be sure that someone didn't want the paper to appear and made a phone call or sent an email. The Deakin University Vice Chancellor then pulled the paper. The Australian 21 September 2005 says that the legal threat came after The Australian got word of the forthcoming paper. Well, how did they get to know? Law reviews are usually pretty quietly run affairs and only a handful of people, if that, get to see the submitted papers. Further, Professor Fraser's report clearly doesn't violate the "Racial Vilification Act" in the sense of singling gout any specific racial ground or ethnicity. There was no case to answer and everybody knew it. Nevertheless, as I have said before in these pages, the race hate Act was used as a gag to stifle free speech once more. The genocide of Anglo-Australia proceeds, silently. |
I AM A WOMAN, HEAR ME ROARby James ReedThe madness and destructiveness of feminism continues. A British Government report predicts that millions of women will not marry, and not live with any one in their middle age. The British Office of National Statistics predicts that one in three women will be solo by their mid-forties, devoting their attention to anything but babies. By 2031 a mere 40 per cent of British adult women will have married, and 39 per cent will have never married. These statistics are replicated in Australia. Women are abandoning marriage to pursue careers. You can see them everyday on their journeys to work where they work like little unquestioning robots in the great meat machine of global capitalism. Women are psychologically more compliant than men and are thus preferred workers in the new regime. And the added bonus for the black spiders of the new world order is that these women will be too old and selfish to want babies. Generally the women in question are Northern European women. Women of other races are proud to continue in traditional roles, waiting for the inevitable day of our demise through the lack of numbers. Hence the coming future of an Islamic Europe in some European countries within a generation or two. Even from our side of politics, this is an uncomfortable topic, but survival now depends upon us facing reality and saying uncomfortable things. |
LETTERSTo the Editor of The Australian, 16th November 2005:"Gerard Menuhin has spoken the truth about the corruption of the German state ('Menuhin's Right shame', 16/11) and his observation that international pressure, mainly Jewish, has been preying on German war guilt needs to be confronted rationally, not dismissed with insults. The fact that the Nazis engaged in massive unjust action against Jews does not justify the intellectual oppression of revisionists which Germany and other Western nations now practise. Gerard Menuhin's grandfather, Moshe, published an important book 'The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time' shortly after World War Two. He argued that Jews were erring in forsaking their sacred tradition and the high code of ethics based upon it. He saw the politicisation of secular Jewry as leading to wrongful treatment of the Arabs in Palestine. Moshe would support his grandson today and condemn his forced resignation from the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation. Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic Editor's note: Nigel Jackson refers to Gerard Menuhin's grandfather Mr. Moshe Menuhin, father of world famous violinist Yehudi. According to the background information in his book 'The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time,' Moshe Menuhin was born in Russia to a distinguished religious Jewish family. The family first moved to Palestine where he was sent to Orthodox Jewish schools. He completed his higher education in the United States, and after graduating came to recognise "his disenchantment with the developments of political Zionism." Eventually settling in California with his wife and small son Yehudi, he devoted those early years to guiding the phenomenal musical genius of his son. As a conscientious Jew, along with other prominent American Jews, he helped establish an organisation 'Jewish Alternatives to Zionism Inc.' "to conduct an educational programme applying Judaism's values of justice and knowledge to the Arab-Israeli conflict." The League's former national director, Eric Butler, was very familiar with Mr. Moshe Menuhin's work and that of Dr. Elmer Berger who in 1969 was the acting executive of the organisation. |
THE 60TH YEAR OF THE AUSTRALIAN LEAGUE OF RIGHTS - 2006!We are making an early call for our supporters and friends to plan to join in the celebrations of the 60th Year of The Australian League of Rights! The League was formed in 1946 in Adelaide, South Australia and next year - 2006 - makes it our sixtieth!We are calling on all our supporters and friends to plan now to make it to the celebrations in Albury, NSW next October. Already Canadians have indicated they want to be part of the celebrations. National Director, Don Auchterlonie is already giving it a lot of his attention to ensure a tremendous weekend for all who attend. The dates will be the 6th, 7th and 8th of October 2006. Is it a date? See you there! |
RETURN OF BOOKSCould the Victorian readers who have books they wish to return, please contact the Melbourne office on 6950 9749. |
OUTSTANDING NEW BOOKS"The Radical Prince: The Practical Vision of the Prince of Wales," by David Lorimer:We are receiving glowing reports about this book from our supporters and readers. It is a book to inspire and encourage. It offers suggestions and ideas for the reclamation and regeneration of communities and regions. "I would have called the book The Philosopher Prince," wrote James Reed. Prince Charles says: "As I have grown older I have gradually come to realise that my entire life so far has been motivated by a desire to heal - to heal the dismembered landscape and the poisoned soil; - the cruelly shattered townscape, where harmony has been replaced by cacophony; - to heal the divisions between intuition and rational thought, between mind, body and soul, so that the temple of our humanity can once again be lit by a sacred flame; - to level the monstrous artificial barrier erected between Tradition and Modernity, - and above all, to heal the mortally wounded soul that, alone, can give us warning of the folly of playing God and of believing that knowledge on its own is a substitute for wisdom". Price: $37.00 posted. "Terror Laws: ASIO, Counter Terrorism & Threat to Democracy," by Jenny Hocking: Detention without charge, indefinitely? Organisations banned without trial? Children kidnapped off the street, strip-searched, and interrogated without charge? Those things don't happen in Australia you say? Wake up Aussie or you are in for a rude awakening! Our once jealously guarded civil and political rights - freedom of expression, freedom of association, protection from arbitrary detention, the right to independent legal advice - have been deceitfully and cunningly tossed aside in the name of the "war on terror". Jenny Hocking traces the growth of Australia's internal security organizations to the powerful 'counter terrorism' networks that now reach into every corner of our lives. Price: $43.00 posted. Available from all League Book Services. |