home of ... Douglas Social Credit
18 February 2005. Thought for the Week: "Bread
for my Neighbour: Christianity has all too often meant withdrawal and
the unwillingness to share the common suffering of mankind. But the
world has rightly risen in protest against such piety... The care of
another - even material, bodily care - is spiritual in essence. Bread
for myself is a material question; bread for my neighbour is a spiritual
Jacques Maritain |
THE MARRIAGE OF THE PRINCE OF WALES The marriage of HRH The Prince of Wales and
Mrs. Camilla Parker Bowles will take place on Friday 8th April 2005
at Windsor Castle. |
THE CHRISTIAN FAITH - FOUNDATION OF WESTERN WORLDby Betty Luks The League of Rights' position cannot be understood
apart from its stated policies which has as its foundation 'the Christian
Eric Butler stated the case succinctly: "Centralised planning not only must lead to some ultimate form of tyranny but is a tyranny in itself because it suppresses freedom of individual initiative within the framework of true law. All tyranny is that which robs the individual of power in association with others to determine policy." SOVEREIGN NATION I am sure Mr. Benwell is quite aware of other threats to our freedoms and institutions. We admit we are human and do make mistakes, and yes, at times use inappropriate words conveying the wrong impressions. Sorry about that. Sovereign nation and Constitutional Monarchy C.H. Douglas' words from "The Big Idea,"
are particularly apt: Australians must exercise their own freedom: But the reality is it is up to the Australian people to exercise their own freedom - or lose it! OVERSEAS FOCUS VERSUS LOCAL/NATIONAL: Again we quote C.H. Douglas: Once this fundamental idea is grasped, the fact that wars occur in the face of the expressed desire of all but a small fraction of the world's population to remain at peace, takes on a new aspect." We seek to shine the spotlight on those who lied about the 'weapons of mass destruction' and pushed for the war in Iraq. |
TERMINATOR TECHNOLOGIESAlthough the following report is about Canadian action, genetic modification of the earth's food supply concerns us all. Those who have been following the genetic modification of seeds know that "Terminator Technology would take away farmers' traditional rights to save harvested seed for replanting - the basis on which agriculture was developed over thousands of years. Seed saving is essential to the maintenance and further evolution of agricultural diversity world-wide, the basis of food security," as Bob Phelps of GeneEthics has warned. And the Genetic Use Restriction Technologies (GURTS) relates to the Public opposition to the introduction of these "suicide seeds" in 1998 which forced the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to impose a de facto moratorium on further development. Attempt to overturn international moratorium The GeneEthics Network in Australia has sent out an urgent communiqué to the Canadians, which they ask us to also do. It reads: "Your government will betray all humanity if you enable this ban to be lifted, especially without the full knowledge, participation or consent of civil society." The ETC Group announced an emailing campaign urging "the Canadian government to immediately take action to direct the Canadian delegation to back continuation of the ban on GURTS. Also to develop, with other governments, a process for a permanent prohibition on all GURTS technologies. For those with access to the Internet: |
THE LEAGUE'S ROLE IN 1961 and THE BRITISH REFERENDUMMr.Phillip Benwell of the Australian Monarchist League reports:"It is likely that in 2005 Britain will have a referendum on the European Constitution, the results of which will have a grave effect on the Commonwealth Realms. The millions of British subjects residing throughout the Commonwealth have a moral right to vote in the Referendum. Whilst it is not likely that the Blair Government will allow them to do so (even though they will allow non-British citizens residing in Britain to vote) these people can influence their relations and friends in the United Kingdom. No stone can be left unturned in the battle to retain Britain's sovereignty and if we in Australia have any say, even if we have to fight alone by ourselves, no stone WILL be left unturned." TO WHICH PHILLIP BUTLER RESPONDED Although he was attacked by the Zionists and the "politically correct" Liberals - especially by Sir Arthur McFadden - because of his association with the Australian League of Rights, Jim held his ground and went to the UK with my father. Their special "Mission to Britain" saw them campaigning against Edward Heath and his push for the UK to join the Common Market, with many Members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons present at one of their biggest meetings in Caxton Hall. The warnings of what was the real agenda of the
'globalists', given then by my father - just remember it was 1961 -
have now come to fruition. |
A TORY-LED IMMIGRATION DEBATE IN THE U.K.?by James Reed Indeed, Britain's population of 60 million will increase by another 6 million in the next 30 years with immigration accounting for 84 per cent of that increase. Howard is facing an impending election defeat and is seizing upon an issue of vital importance for the survival of Britain. It is highly doubtful though that Howard (Hect) will act if elected in stopping the immigration-led threatened death of once 'Great' Britain. You can be sure that some EU law, regulation, agreement, etc., will prevent this, and that the tide of colour will continue to rise and swamp once white Britain - unless the British people awake to the treachery of the mainstream parties." |
IS IT TRUE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT TELSTRA'S DIRECTORY NUMBER?Anyone contemplating using the Sensis directory service number, 1234, Sensis, which as you may or may not know, is a subsidiary of Telstra? We have been informed the 1234 number is replacing the Telstra 12456 directory assistance number, but this time with outrageous costs attached: 40c to call the number, then 4c A SECOND!If it is true, with this sort of pricing structure in place, it's no wonder so many Australians hold Telstra in the same regard as the major banks. By law, Telstra have to provide a FREE directory assistance number, because they are still majority owned by the government. They choose however not to pass this number on to the public. What's the number? 1223. Check it out. And if it proves to be true then "Thumbs up" to Telstra for finding a way to charge for a service that is supposed to be provided for free! |
ISRAELI DIPLOMAT EXPELLED?Australia has expelled a senior Israeli diplomat
for an unspecified offence, media reports say. The Sydney Morning
Herald newspaper said the diplomat was believed to have been told
to leave a few weeks ago, but the move was kept secret to avoid any
damage to relations between Australia and Israel. The Sydney Morning Herald said the diplomat's official
duties included visiting the two alleged spies while they were in prison
in New Zealand. |
BASIC FUNDDo keep up the contributions to the League's Basic Fund. The need was never greater for the continuing work of the League; we need your support through your financial contributions. Decide to send in a donation today. |
LETTERSThe following letter was sent by Edward Rock to his parliamentary representative Mr. Russell Broadbent M.P., Federal Member for McMillan, Vic.Dear Russell, Thank you for your letter of 19. 1. 05. I write again as a matter of great Christian importance, and to that intent I enclose a copy of a letter to Mr. Ian McFarlane, Chairman of the Reserve Bank of Australia. In view of current speculation predicting an imminent rise in interest rates and therefore house mortgages I ask that you register your objection to any such proposal with Mr. McFarlane, the Prime Minister and the Treasurer, the two latter who claim adherence to the Christian faith. Let me say unequivocally that money is not an instrument of power over the lives of people or nation, it is an instrument of service. As a symbol it does not change in its function as a means of enabling access to the fruits of God's vineyard, it remains stable and reliable and is available at all times to fulfil its prime function of ensuring a just relationship between man and the reality. In this respect both money and government are only means to the end and to give the means, the money symbols, power over man is an obscenity in the sight of God, being a flagrant breaking of the second commandment. Be assured of my prayers for the right use of money, the right policy governing its creation and distribution, which will result in both money and government becoming the servants of the people under the authority of Jesus Christ our Lord. In your letter you mentioned your respect for my Rector, Bruce Charles. I am having a meeting with him tomorrow to discuss the responsibility of the Christian Church in these matters. I will also pass on a copy of this letter to my Bishop, The Right Rev'd Jeffrey Driver, Bishop of Gippsland. Yours very sincerely, Edward Rock, Cape Paterson, Victoria. |
CANADIAN SOCIAL CREDITERS COMINGRepresentatives from the French-Canadian social credit "Michael" movement will be in Australia during Feb/March and we are pleased to announce they will speak at the venues below. We want to hear what developments have taken place as a result of their Convention held late last year. Representatives from many, many countries attended to learn more about Social Credit. After all, all that most of these people in the Third World countries can lose is their abject poverty! Pierre Marchildon will give us a report on the
developments that have since taken place. We heard one report that 80,
yes 80, bishops of the Church had come together in one of the Latin
countries to look at Social Credit. It is a very exciting development. |
ADELAIDE - CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBPublic Schools' Club, 207 East Terrace (Cnr.
Carrington) Adelaide, Thursday, 3rd March, 2005. Dinner to commence
6.45pm with the speaker addressing the audience later. If unable to
come to the dinner do come to hear the speaker (7.45pm). ADELAIDE - Parish Hall, Church of Christ the
King, 459 Henley Beach Road, Lockleys. Wednesday, 2nd March, 7.30pm.
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBThe next meeting of the SCC will be held on Thursday 24th February with the meeting commencing at 7.30pm. The venue is the Lithuanian Club, 16 East Terrace, Bankstown. The guest speaker is: Mr. David Duffy and his subject is "Atlantis, a Drowned World" (An Epitaph for Imperial Russia). An interesting and competent speaker, for over 32 years Mr. Duffy has acted as Chairman and Programme Director for a weekly forum in Chippendale. Cost of attendance is $5. Bring a friend and the cost will be waived. |
VICTORIA'S 2005 STATE LUNCH AND SEMINARTo be held on Saturday, 19th March, 2005, from 12.00noon through to 4.45pm. The venue will be The Central Hotel, No 1 Princes Highway, Beaconsfield Vic. The Hotel is on the old Princes Highway, just 5 minutes walk from the Beaconsfield Railway Station.The speakers: Donald Auchterlonie, "Bridging the (purchasing power) Gap"; Kurt Bauer, "Party Politics in the EU". Mr. Bauer toured Europe in 2004. And Betty Luks will speak on "Aspects of Social Credit in the Gospels". The charge will be $28.00 per person and RSVP's to be in by 10/3/05. Make cheques out to Australian League of Rights, indicate what they are for, then send to G.P.O Box 1052, Melbourne 3001. Evening meals will be available in the bistro for anyone wishing to stay later. |
HELP SAVE TELSTRA - WHAT HAS TO BE DONE· Inform your federal politicians, both Representatives and Senators, you do not want him/her to vote for sale of Telstra.· Insist Senators represent their State on this matter not a political party. · Contact all Local Government and State Government representatives, including the Premier, and ask them to support the campaign to retain Telstra for the people. · Write to as many media outlets as possible informing the readers of what is happening and asking readers to join in the campaign. · Write to local business leaders and community groups seeking their involvement in the campaign. Send for your supply of "Telstra" flyers. Addresses on back page of Bulletin. Prices include postage & handling: 5 copies $3.00; 10 copies $5.00; 50 copies $15.00 |
IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS"The Money Trick": Veritas Publishing Co. is to be commended for bringing out an updated version of this valuable Australian publication. This new edition needs to go out in its thousands to people who still believe banks only lend out other people's deposits!Creating money 'from nothing' is the banking fraternity's greatest 'black magic' trick -- ever! Learn how your home-loan is created from nothing; learn how we, the people, produce all the wealth, all the goods and services, while the banks produce all the debts! Learn why Governments are on a 'debt roller-coaster' -- and why under such a fraudulent system, debt and tax increases are inevitable. · Learn about Paul Keating's betrayal of the Australian people when he opened our nation's doors to 13 foreign banks. · Learn why John Howard toadies to the American establishment! Price: $11.00 posted. "How to Kill a Country" by Linda Weiss,
Elizabeth Thurbon & John Mathews. "1215: The Year of Magna Carta" by
Danny Danziger & John Gillingham. |