home of ... Douglas Social Credit
25 February 2005. Thought for the Week: "Courage
is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
John Wayne (1907-1979) |
THE REAL 'VALENTINE'S DAY' MASSACREby Betty LuksAnyone who has read David Irving's book on Dresden knows just what a holocaust the Allies 'rained down' on the people of Dresden on that fateful night. This last week on the 60th Anniversary, that slaughter was brought to remembrance. I would think anyone who lost a loved one in such or similar circumstances would have felt empathy for the German people on this occasion. Indeed, it reminded me of a cautionary warning I once read: "Be careful that you do not become the very evil you see in others." Whilst in the U.K. a number of years ago, I had the privilege of staying in the home of a wonderful old lady - a WWII war-widow. We would sit up till all hours of the early morning discussing all sorts of matters including some of her family background history during and after WWII. This grand lady told me of her sister's experience; having married a German chap before WWII, she lived in Germany during the war. On the point of starvation immediately after the war - as were so many German people at that time - British 'tommies' who were stationed in the region and knew of her plight, would slip food, etc., over her front fence; often signalling their presence by whistling a British army tune as they pedalled by on their bikes, or by some other such means. They were forbidden to 'fraternise' with her, but found their own ways of helping her and getting messages to and from her family in the U.K. Honourable deeds: Another story my hostess told me was about a family friend of long standing; a French doctor. Taken prisoner during the hostilities, he was in a POW camp outside of Dresden when so many human beings were sacrificed to the god of war in that holocaust. We now know, more than 700,000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million people. One bomb for every 2 people. The temperature in the centre of the city reached 1,600 centigrade. More than 260,000 bodies and residues of bodies were counted. Approximately 500,000 children, women, the elderly, wounded soldiers and the animals of the zoo were slaughtered in one night. From their POW camp, the prisoners could see the magnitude of the bombing and they knew a dreadful destruction was taking place. Suddenly their German guards just 'disappeared' (probably had loved-ones in that holocaust) and the Frenchman thought to himself: I am a Christian first, a doctor second and then a Frenchman, I must go and try to help where I can. With that, he asked other prisoners to join him and the story goes they gathered what medical supplies they could find, commandeered a truck, and went to help their fellow man, to do what they could, after which they returned to the camp. When the German authorities heard of what they had done, they wanted to honour the men for their deeds, but the doctor for one refused. He knew his people back home wouldn't understand - and they didn't. He was ostracised by the townsfolk for many years after the war; he had "given comfort to the enemy." Do you think he did that which was right? And, whose actions were the more honourable? |
OUR RIGHT ROYAL PRINCEThe supreme contemporary exponent of royal philanthropy is the Prince of Wales who has throughout his adult life immersed himself in good works, acting not just as a patron of voluntary societies but in a much more proactive role, setting up a host of agencies and piloting major initiatives in the field of employment, homelessness and social and physical disadvantage.As early as 1978, Anthony Holden estimated that Prince Charles' 'social work', as he called it, consumed a third of his working hours. Since then his involvement has grown so that he has become, in the words of the author of a recent study of this still underrated aspect of his life, 'the executive chairman of an enormous charitable conglomerate' and 'a seed capitalist for social issues'. The Prince's Trust, set up in 1976 with his own money to give grants directly to young people to help themselves, and inspired by a probation officer's description of the cycle of alienation suffered by young people who were without jobs, family and other support, was followed by the creation in 1982 of the Youth Business Initiative to facilitate youth training and the development of self-employment and small businesses. In 1985 came Community Venture, a 43-week course combining team-building, skills training, personal development, work experience and community service, and in 1990 the Prince's Trust Volunteers, which set itself the task of putting 10,000 young people into community service projects. The practical results of these various schemes are chronicled in James Morton's book, 'Prince Charles - Breaking the Cycle'. It points out that by the time of his 50th birthday Prince Charles had set up a self-employment scheme which had started 39,000 businesses and created 50,000 jobs; helped over 60,000 other young people to find work through his community service projects, assisted over 100,000 school pupils to do their homework through his Study Support scheme, encouraged over 400 of the largest companies in Britain to contribute to the regeneration of depressed communities across the country and been the principal catalyst of improvement in the quality of life of many disabled people. Overall, Morton calculates that the Prince's work up to 1998 had brought tangible improvement to the lives of over 600,000 disadvantaged young people and in the process generated benefits for the country with a value approaching 12 billion pounds. His book is full of moving testaments of lives turned round from despair to hope and transformed as a direct result of schemes set up by the Prince. Prince Charles' 'hands on' commitment to philanthropic projects has been driven by a restless idealism, a passionate concern for the disadvantaged and a vision of voluntary community service binding together a fractured and divided nation. It also has deep spiritual roots and is strongly influenced by the example of Jesus Christ'. So writes Ian Bradley in God Save the Queen. "Indeed," writes one writer from www.psrg.org.nz (Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Genetics), "but his real courage shows when dealing with giant corporations whose only interest is in ramming GE food down the public's throat, or developing nannotechnology at the expense of public safety." |
THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURDThe Weekend Australian magazine of 5-6 February, 2005 devoted a cover story to a new feminist "battle ground": husbands' alleged failure to do "their share" of the housework. The battle has been taken up by sex discrimination commissioner Pru Goward.The published material in the article dealt mainly with how her 73-year-old hubby David Barnett dealt with life with her. Goward begins a year-long inquiry into this subject. No mention is made that most women would prefer to be at home in their traditional roles - with flexibility of working if necessary. Economic forces, manipulated by the dark masters of finance, in their psychopathic quest for power, eliminated the working wage and forced women into the work force. Feminism merely rationalised this atomisation of the family and the production of more isolated pockets of consumers. Stay tuned for Pru's report. It promises to be gripping. |
LIES, DAMNED LIES AND THEM MORE DAMNED LIESWe can only wonder at the mediocrities we have in Parliament and/or question to whom do they give their loyalties: who do they serve? Hands up those who watched the ABC's Four Corners segment, "Secrets and Lies" 14/2/05 by reporter Liz Jackson.Via interview and contemporaneous diary notes, the 'Insider' painted a disturbing picture of the backroom political forces at play in the run-up to the Iraq War. The 'Insider' detailed to Four Corners: * how he quit in disgust after the CIA censored a crucial WMD report, leading to deletion of central facts and conclusions. "We left the impression that maybe there were, was WMD out there. I thought it was dishonest," he says; * his personal observations of the present head of Britain's MI6, who also played a key role in the David Kelly affair, applying pressure to "sex up" the same report; * his pre-war advice to the Australian and US governments that Iraq's weapons did not threaten either country; * how he reported to Australian authorities his suspicions about systemic abuse of prisoners in Iraq by coalition forces, before the Abu Ghraib scandal broke, and how his concerns were ignored; * his and other Australians' roles in interrogating "high value" Iraqi prisoners - despite Canberra's denials of Australia's involvement in interrogations. "Someone was brought to me in an orange jumpsuit with a guard with a gun standing behind him. Of course I didn't pull any fingernails out. But I think it's misleading to say no Australians were involved. I was involved." https://www.abc.net.au/4corners/content/2005/s1300705.htm |
WE WILL SPIT IN THEIR EYEThe 'Insiders'' report to the ABC programme took us back into the League files - in fact back to 17th April, 1970:The 1970s On Target "painted a disturbing picture of the backroom political forces then at play" in Canberra. About twelve years before, a Soviet defector, Mr. Khaznacheeve, had alleged in published memoirs that a Soviet visitor to Canberra, a Professor Gafurov, was at one time a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The fellow admitted that he was deputy-Chairman of a committee of solidarity with African and Asian people in Moscow, the task of which was to help people engaged in "wars of liberation." (Remarkable, in those days it was the Communists who were engaged in 'wars of liberation' now it is the land of the free and home of the brave - Neo-con-America). What was the Professor doing in Australia at the time? He was on a ten-day visit to the Australian National University, discussing a possible exchange scheme between the ANU and the Institute of Oriental Studies in the Soviet Academy of Sciences. On Target explained: The Institute of Oriental Studies was originally set up in the Soviet Union in 1921 as a prelude to Lenin's strategy of reaching London and Paris by way of Peking. Many African and Asian revolutionaries trained there in the tactics of "Wars of liberation." At the time On Target commented: "We listened for an outraged roar of indignation from the Gorton (Liberal) Government at the very impertinence of this latest maneuver by the Communists." But it was not forthcoming. What was the attitude of the Communists to these toadying Western politicians? Utter contempt according to Nikita Krushchev! And surely that contempt was aptly summed up with his famous words: "We will spit in their faces, and they will think it is dew." |
HAS NOTHING CHANGED OVER THE YEARS?It would seem nothing has changed in those thirty or more years. There has been no "outraged roar of indignation" from any camp that we know of, yet Australians might like to know more details about the comings and goings of Israeli citizens to these shores.First there is the strange case of the disappearing diplomat. The Federal Government has refused to explain why Mr Amir Laty, who was only 18 months into his posting, was asked to leave under the threat of deportation. Claims have emerged that Mr Laty's expulsion was related to espionage, as well as personal "indiscretions". But an Israeli Foreign Ministry investigation has reportedly cleared him of inappropriate behaviour (of course, what else could they do?). And now the news has broken his proposed replacement as Israeli consul in Canberra, Mr. Arie Scher, had to leave Brazil five years ago after being implicated in a sex scandal. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has rejected as "terribly exaggerated" an Israeli newspaper article claiming the newly appointed Mr Scher has been flagged as the replacement for Amir Laty, the former Israeli consul to Australia who was expelled amid extreme secrecy from Australia about a month ago. Mr Scher's choice as Mr Laty's replacement is certain to spark controversy. According to a report in the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv, Mr Scher abandoned his posting in Brazil five years ago after being implicated in a sex scandal and before police were able to question him. (Notice how they can flee back to Israel and thus escape the law of the land in which the offence occurred?) Israel and Brazil do not have an extradition treaty but the Brazilian Government asked the Israeli Government to take proceedings against Mr Scher. (Sydney Morning Herald 11/2/05). |
BASIC FUNDIt is most encouraging to see the Fund filling up. We know the work of the League is going out to all sorts of unexpected people and places thanks to the continuing support of our readers. The Fund has reached the figure of $17,097.30; keep up the momentum. CD: it is only a very short time and the CD will be available for sale. How exciting it will be to see the finished product going out in the hundreds and hundreds. |
LETTERSTo the Editor, The Australian: 12th February 2005:Your editorial ("Charles's choice is no concern of ours", 12-13/2) does not successfully establish any logical connection between the coming marriage of HRH Prince Charles to Camilla Parker-Bowles and an alleged "creeping irrelevance of the Crown to this country". Such an irrelevance can only be established if someone presents a model for a republican Australia that is manifestly better, in constitutional structure and in equity, than the monarchy we currently possess. No one has yet done this. Hence republicans are forced to two evasive and misleading strategies: to seek to focus public interest on the sensationalized failings of members of the Royal Family, and to agitate for plebiscites and a referendum that will lock Australians into a republic before a satisfactory model has been devised. It seems that, partly by accidents of history, the Crown really does function as a significant check upon abuses of power by influential groups in Britain, Australia and the other realms in the present time. It may also in the future act successfully as an anchor to protect Britain from absorption into Europe - an absorption not in Australia's interests. As for the question of adultery raised by Quentin M. J. Schneider (12-13/2), the story of David and Bathsheba, as well as the gentleness shown by Jesus to the woman taken in adultery, suggest that God is more merciful about human weakness of this kind than he realises - and will happily bless the coming marriage. Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic |
CANADIAN SOCIAL CREDITERS COMINGRepresentatives from the French-Canadian social credit "Michael" movement will be in Australia during Feb/March and we are pleased to announce they will speak at the venues below. We want to hear what developments have taken place as a result of their Convention held late last year. Representatives from many, many countries attended to learn more about Social Credit. After all, all that most of these people in the Third World countries can lose is their abject poverty!Pierre Marchildon will give us a report on the developments that have since taken place. We heard one report that 80, yes 80, bishops of the Church had come together in one of the Latin countries to look at Social Credit. It is a very exciting development. MELBOURNE - Heritage Book Shop, 2nd Floor, 45 Russell Street, Melbourne. Friday, 25th February commencing at 1.30 PM. Phone 03 650 9749 to say you are coming. |
ADELAIDE - CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUBPublic Schools' Club, 207 East Terrace (Cnr. Carrington) Adelaide, Thursday, 3rd March, 2005. Dinner to commence 6.45pm with the speaker addressing the audience later. If unable to come to the dinner do come to hear the speaker (7.45pm).Bookings for the dinner must be made by phoning: 8296 4704. ADELAIDE - Parish Hall, Church of Christ the King, 459 Henley Beach Road, Lockleys. Wednesday, 2nd March, 7.30pm. Pierre Marchildon is speaking on: "The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church; Globalisation and the Eucharist." |
VICTORIA'S 2005 STATE LUNCH AND SEMINARTo be held on Saturday, 19th March, 2005, from 12.00noon through to 4.45pm. The venue will be The Central Hotel, No 1 Princes Highway, Beaconsfield Vic. The Hotel is on the old Princes Highway, just 5 minutes walk from the Beaconsfield Railway Station.The speakers: Donald Auchterlonie, "Bridging the (purchasing power) Gap"; Kurt Bauer, "Party Politics in the EU". Mr. Bauer toured Europe in 2004. And Betty Luks will speak on "Aspects of Social Credit in the Gospels". The charge will be $28.00 per person and RSVP's to be in by 10/3/05. Make cheques out to Australian League of Rights, indicate what they are for, then send to G.P.O Box 1052, Melbourne 3001. (Evening meals will be available in the bistro for anyone wishing to stay later. |
HELP SAVE TELSTRA - WHAT HAS TO BE DONE· Inform your federal politicians, both Representatives and Senators, you do not want him/her to vote for sale of Telstra.· Insist Senators represent their State on this matter not a political party. · Contact all Local Government and State Government representatives, including the Premier, and ask them to support the campaign to retain Telstra for the people. · Write to as many media outlets as possible informing the readers of what is happening and asking readers to join in the campaign. · Write to local business leaders and community groups seeking their involvement in the campaign. Send for your supply of "Telstra" flyers. Addresses on back page of Bulletin. Prices include postage & handling: 5 copies $3.00; 10 copies $5.00; 50 copies $15.00 |
IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS "The Money Trick": Veritas
Publishing Co. is to be commended for bringing out an updated version
of this valuable Australian publication. This new edition needs to go
out in its thousands to people who still believe banks only lend out
other people's deposits! "How to Kill a Country" by Linda
Weiss, Elizabeth Thurbon & John Mathews. |