home of ... Douglas Social Credit
11 March 2005. Thought for the Week: Democracy
and Education: "For far the largest part of the history of mankind,
society has not, even in theory, been assumed to be for the benefit
of the individuals who compose it, but purely for the benefit of a minority
who rule
Democracy, like Christianity, has never been tried, for
the simple reason that there have never yet been men and women with
the ability or the courage to use it for their own and society's sake."
Richard Ogden, M.A. in "The Fig Tree" September 1936. |
SO 'RED' THAT THEY ARE GREENby James Reed The Threat of Enviromentalism,
Religion of the New World Order.
The environmentalist movement is typically globalist in its orientation. It consists of a vast network of Non-Government Organisations and government organisations committed to a common goal. That goal, since the 1990s, has been called "ecological sustainability" or "global justice". It is a programme of social reform more radical perhaps than even Marxism. Marxism at least believed in the capacity of humans to obtain technological mastery of the planet. Environmentalism in its most extreme form sees human beings as a "cancer" on the face of the earth. This is not an idle metaphor: Some environmentalists have argued for the cancer hypothesis first-hand, comparing human population growth to the growth of cancers (Population & Environment W.M. Hern Vol. 12, 1990). Here we will examine environmentalism as a new world order religion and expel some myths from the ecological writings of an otherwise sound social credit theorist, Geoffrey Dobbs. Most importantly, we will look at the issue of "peak oil" which like the greenhouse exaggeration is being used by environmentalists in their racially suicidal quest to destroy White Christian civilisation and especially the Nordic racial group. Anti-Christ Religion Non-Nordic civilisations, such as the Chinese and Australian Aborigines are good = non-polluting, the Nordic or Northern European people are bad being intrinsically destructive. All this is maintained whilst also advocating anti-racism, that race is a "social construction", an ideology by Northern Europeans to suppress the otherwise gentle, harmonious non-Nordics. For the environmentalist, the advance of civilisation is a threat to the sustainability of the Earth's life support systems. Various "crises' are rolled out to support such an outlandish claim, a claim which probably wouldn't even have been made without the use of the very technology that they condemn. "Peak Oil" set to take
over "Global Warming"? Earlier I said that environmentalism
was anti-Christian. Such a claim can be well confirmed through consulting
the standard environmental 'classics' such as Aldo Leopold's A Sand
County Almanac, E.F. Schumacher's Small is Beautiful and
James Lovelock's Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. This tradition
has been highly influenced by a paper published in 1967 by Lynn White,
which summarised the ecological attack on Christianity. The paper's
title is The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis, published
in the leading scientific journal, Science, March 1967. As a scientific description of
history, this is all nonsense Reversion to "Mother Earth"
concepts Dobbs notes that the Gaia concept can lead to pagan 'Earth Mother' worship. As well he notes that Christian civilisation is under attack by the monopolistic world debt-culture. However, although making a mild criticism of the 'Earth Mother' concept as a "source of direct power over people", Dobbs, disappointingly for a social crediter, does not make the connection that Gaia is fundamentally anti-Christian. Christianity gives primacy to human beings over nature. Only humans have souls which are eternal. Nature will ultimately perish. In the meantime, environmental 'destruction' and the death of animals and plants for human life to continue, is inevitable. For civilisation to continue, natural resources must be used. PEAK OIL: THEN LET CIVILISATION BURN! This brings me to the issue of 'peak oil', one of the frightening new world order scams about to be perpetrated against the public. Let me summarise the argument. I will take a bit of space to put the environmentalists' case. You need to know if you are a farmer or small businessman, because in the future, the use of this nonsense will affect you. So bear with me as I put on my green mask and tell you a fishy tale. The headline in the "Business" section of The Australian 21/1/2005 read: "Santos Hails Huge Oil Strike". Santos has discovered a reserve of about 170 million barrels of oil off the coast of Indonesia, the "Jeruk discovery". Such a find could bring in billions of dollars of revenue to Santos. One could be forgiven for thinking that the world's oil resources are just as secure: there will be plenty more finds of such magnitude for a long time to come. That is the conventional view. For a number of years, doubts about
such predictions have been made by a number of oil industry 'experts'
that a peak in the supply of cheap oil will soon occur. These doubts
were voiced in the technical publications and covered in popular scientific
journals and magazines. The National Geographic of June 2004,
for example, features an article entitled "The End of Cheap Oil".
Likewise it is full of shock and horror. The 'Grimm' tale for industrial
society Trevor Sykes has discussed this issue in The Australian Financial Review, 15-16/1/2005, in an article grimly entitled "Global Oil Supply Running Out". He sites the European Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas which estimates that the Hubbert Peak is 2008. Let's put Santos discovery in
perspective Environmentalists argue Natural gas is thought, by the environmentalists, to have a peak a few years after that of oil. Although there are vast coal reserves on Earth much of it is of low quality and difficult to access. The energy-profit ratio for coal has been falling over the last few decades. An increased reliance on coal could result in extraction rates peaking within two decades - the environmentalists claim. Nuclear power would not be a suitable substitute they believe. Ignoring the problem of waste disposal there would need to be hundreds of new nuclear power plants built which would deplete uranium reserves within a few decades. There is doubt by a number of "experts' about whether solar, wind and "alternative" energy sources could fuel the global industrial society. Or so the environmentalists tell us. Apart from energy, oil is used to produce agri-chemicals and fertilizers. It takes about ¾ of a gallon of oil to produce a pound of beef. Large scale power outages, such as occurred in the United States in August 2003, could become frequent occurrences. The result is a crash of the information economy and industrial civilisation itself. So that, in a nutshell is their case. An alternative argument - the
RIP ratio On this view we will not be in trouble
for, at worst forty years, but most likely one hundred, giving technology
plenty of time to solve the problem. All that we can say for sure is that "peak oil" will be used by the new world order elite to further their demonic lust for centralised power. We will see a push to push ever more small farmers off the land in the name of sustainability. A phantom shortage of oil will ensure super high prices for petrol at the pump. And, finally, there will be a ready excuse for the United States to invade further oil rich "terrorist" nations, to make the world safe for Zionism, as Vialls has noted. Actionists need to begin researching this issue so that they are ready for the battle to come. You can be sure that in some shape or form, environmentalism will continue to be used to crash human freedom. |
THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME?by James Reed In Europe there are further "alarming"
statistics In Britain, there is the beginnings of a critique
of multiculturalism from the 'Left' with David Goodhart, editor of Prospect
magazine, and old Marxists Frank Furedi and Kenan Malik now attacking
'identity politics'. Their argument is that multiculturalism causes
problems for migrants. Claire Fox of the Institute of Ideas, an organisation
that morphed from Living Marxism has said that multiculturalism "reflects
a self-loathing that comes from their desperate attempts to modernise
themselves, and a loss of belief in the achievements of Western civilisation." |
A FURTHER ATTACK ON BRITISH TRADITIONSThe English tradition of hunting foxes with hounds, a tradition thought to be 700 years old, has ended. Hunting foxes with hounds, or "wild mammals", is now against the law in England and Wales. There is a similar law in Scotland. Northern Ireland has maintained its sanity and has no such law. The destruction of the hunt is yet another socialist victory against traditions. It is true that some groups such as the League Against Cruel Sports are concerned about the fox - an animal which is a cruel predator itself (ask chickens). Poisoning foxes - still legal - leads to greater suffering than the quick kill by a dog. No matter, the landed gentry must be destroyed totally, even symbolically. Nothing must remain but the common dark uniformity of a multiracial third world Britain. Oh - the hunting dogs will have to be killed because they are not suitable domestic pets. There was no outcry from animal liberationists about that though. |
HEADS ROLL AT U.S. VETERANS ADMINISTRATIONMushrooming depleted uranium (DU) scandal blamed Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter has charged that the reason the United States' Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi stepped down earlier this month was the growing scandal surrounding the use of uranium munitions in the Iraq War. Writing in Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter No. 169, Arthur N. Bernklau, executive director of Veterans for Constitutional Law in New York, stated: "The real reason for Mr. Principi's departure was really never given, however a special report published by eminent scientist Leuren Moret naming depleted uranium as the definitive cause of the 'Gulf War Syndrome' has fed a growing scandal about the continued use of uranium munitions by the US Military." Bernklau continued: "This malady (from uranium munitions), that thousands of our military have suffered and died from, has finally been identified as the cause of this sickness, eliminating the guessing. The terrible truth is now being revealed." He added, "Out of the 580,400 soldiers who served in GW1 (the first Gulf War), of them, 11,000 are now dead! By the year 2000, there were 325,000 on Permanent Medical Disability. This astounding number of 'Disabled Vets' means that a decade later, 56% of those soldiers who served have some form of permanent medical problems!" The disability rate for the wars of the last century was 5 percent; it was higher, 10 percent, in VietNam. "The VA Secretary (Principi) was aware of this fact as far back as 2000," wrote Bernklau. "He, and the Bush administration have been hiding these facts, but now, thanks to Moret's report, (it) ... is far too big to hide or to cover up!" "Terry Jamison, Public Affairs Specialist,
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Department
of Veterans Affairs, at the VA Central Office, recently reported that
'Gulf Era Veterans' now on medical disability, since 1991, number 518,739
Veterans," said Berklau. When asked if the main purpose of using DU was
for "destroying things and killing people," Fulk was more
specific: "I would say it is the perfect weapon for killing lots
of people!" Editor's comment: References: |
ERNST ZUNDEL SECRETLY DEPORTEDfrom Paul Fromm, Canada Family members and lawyers are normally advised of the flight and time of a deportation, but once again, the Ottawa tyranny's laughable obsession with "national security" intervened. What real national security concern was there? Did they really think Peter Lindsay would go berserk in the airport lounge and start beating passengers senseless with his briefcase. Like a typical totalitarian state Civil libertarians' 'concern' seen as 'phony' Chi-Kun Shi said today: "Ernst Zundel has become a mirror to look at ourselves and it's not pretty. These secret trials are the real enemy to civil liberties." Canadian Press reports put different 'spin'
on it Jewish groups were ecstatic LATEST NEWS OF ZUNDEL Our German correspondent reports |
CONSTRUCTIVE PROGRAMMES OF ACTIONWe can all draw on the 'social credit' of our
communities when we come together on an issue or a task. What about
you becoming involved at your own local level by organising an action
group? There are many matters that need attention, but they also need
constructive policies. Hasco's Peoples' Poll: Another initiative from the Queensland folk. The Poll is run by volunteer teams in a growing number of Queensland centres, as a service to voters, consumers, political representatives and the media. For further information: Hasco Inc., P.O. Box 642, Nanango, Qld. 4615. Ph: 07 4163 2160. Constitutional Property Rights Committee: Farmers and graziers entangled in the 'environmentalist' nightmare, make contact with Councillor Bevan O'Regan and find out what he is doing. Write to him at Narrabri, NSW 2390. |
LAUNCESTON CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUB CELEBRATES!Wednesday, March 30th, 2005 marks the 100th meeting of the Launceston Conservative Speakers' Club and we plan to make it a special night.We shall be contacting many of our past Guest Speakers and Supporters informing them of this landmark and thanking them for helping us to reach our 100th. Our first Guest Speaker (August 28th, 1995) was the Hon. Neil Robson, a Member of the Tasmanian Parliament for 15 years - including holding Ministerial portfolios. He was also our first Patron, but unfortunately is unable to be with us for our 100th meeting. Mr. Robson's topic was "Some absurdities in the Government system," and he also spoke on credit creation by the banking system. He was a former bank clerk! The evening's proceedings were recorded by the late Tom Fielder who came to Launceston especially for our inaugural meeting. We meet in the Max Fry Hall, Gorge Rd., Trevallyn at 7.30 pm. |
VICTORIA'S 2005 STATE LUNCH AND SEMINARThis is the last call for Victoria's League's State Lunch and Seminar to be held on Saturday, 19th March, 2005. The charge will be $28.00 per person and RSVP's need to be posted without delay.Make cheques out to Australian League of Rights, indicate what they are for, then send to G.P.O Box 1052, Melbourne 3001. Assembly is from 12.00noon. Guests for Lunch to be seated by 12.30pm - and going through to 1.30pm. The Seminar will then commence at 1.35pm going through to 4.45pm. The venue will be The Central Hotel, No 1 Princes Highway, Beaconsfield Vic. The Hotel is on the old Princes Highway, just 5 minutes walk from the Beaconsfield Railway Station. The speakers: Donald Auchterlonie, "Bridging the (purchasing power) Gap"; Kurt Bauer, "Party Politics in the EU". Mr. Bauer toured Europe in 2004. And Betty Luks will speak on "Aspects of Social Credit in the Gospels". (Evening meals will be available in the bistro for anyone wishing to stay later. |
IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS "The Money Trick": Veritas
Publishing Co. is to be commended for bringing out an updated version
of this valuable Australian publication. This new edition needs to go
out in its thousands to people who still believe banks only lend out
other people's deposits! "How to Kill a Country" by Linda
Weiss, Elizabeth Thurbon & John Mathews. |