home of ... Douglas Social Credit
16 June 2006
Thought for the Week: "Christ was tempted with complete world power on the mountain. But such power meant a renunciation of the Kingdom of God and Christ rejected Satan's temptation. The truth about power was outlined succinctly in the famous words of the great English statesman and historian, Lord Acton: "All power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Here is a law as absolute as the law of gravity. The individual defies it at his peril Those who stand idly by while centralised power is used to deny the individual the right to search for the Kingdom are traitors to God and His purpose for man. Every retreat from freedom is a retreat from God. Practical Christianity requires policies which provide the individual with freedom to make choices and which ensure that each individual is personally responsible for the choices he makes." - Eric Dudley Butler in "Releasing Reality: Social Credit and the Kingdom of God," 1979. |
is with great sadness we learn of the passing of Eric Dudley Butler, aged 90 years.
Eric was the founder of and the national director of the League of Rights for
47 years, and the advisory national director from 1993 until his retirement in
1999. We extend our sympathy to Eric's family. Eric Butler's life and teaching touched the lives of many, many people not just throughout Australia but in other parts of the English speaking world. One of Eric's old friends tells the boyhood story of once walking along a country road and an older youth riding a bicycle approached from the other direction. As he approached, the young boy asked the older youth on the bike: "Where are you going?" The answer came: "I'm going to save Australia." Those who knew Eric, know that was the direction he took for the rest of his life. We are too close to the history of the 20th century to know what lasting effect his lifelong work had; we will leave it to history to determine that. What we do know is Australia has lost a true son and we have lost a true friend. - Donald Auchterlonie, National Director. |
If you can
talk with crowds and keep your virtue, |
DETAILS OF THE FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR ERIC DUDLEY BUTLERWe are sure there will be many folk who will want to attend the funeral service of Eric Dudley Butler hence the following details:· The Funeral will be held on Monday, 19th June 2006. · Time of Service: The Service will commence at 12 Midday. · The Service will be held in: the Panton Hill Hall, Main Street, Panton Hill. · Archbishop John Hepworth of the Traditional Anglican Church of Australia will conduct the service. · After the service the funeral cortege will continue on to the Cemetery at Kangaroo Ground, Yarra Glen Road, Kangaroo Ground. |
COMRADS, LET'S TAKE OUT THE SCIENCESby James ReedKevin Donnelly, author of "Why Our Schools Are Failing," has been conducting a battle against political correctness and outcomes-based education, all of which has a tendency to favour girls over boys. Recently a debate has occurred about outcome-based education, with its anti-academic, faddish and vague philosophies, in the hard sciences. We are shocked to learn from Donnelly (The Australian 15/5/06, p.14) that political correctness has begun its long march through hard sciences. Thus in Western Australia a draft Year 12 physics paper asks physics students to write on "the ethics of making airbags compulsory". And here is one for the girls from the chemistry paper: analyse "the relationship between attitudes, values, beliefs and chemical knowledge to account for the development of the cosmetic industry over time." This is a sociological, not a chemical question - actually a question about the sociology of knowledge." The various State curricular accept the relativist doctrine that Western science is not objective. Thus the WA curriculum states that "aspects of scientific knowledge are constructed from a particular gender or cultural perspective." Such nonsense will lead to the falling down of bridges and ultimately the falling down of the West. |
REED ON THE NEW CLASS AND ABORIGINAL VIOLENCEby Brian Simpson Male rape is also rife among Aborigines. (The Weekend Australian 20-21/5/06, p.1) Aboriginal boys are 10 times more likely to be raped than other Australian males. A survey by Aboriginal researchers from the Queensland University of Technology found that 33 per cent of Aboriginal men said that they suffered some sexual abuse; 15 per cent were victims of attempted anal rape and 10 per cent victims of actual anal rape. These shocking - indeed appalling - statistics are not readily accountable by the idea that some sort of cultural misogyny is behind the scenes in Aboriginal culture pulling the strings. Even the racism/dislocation of cultures thesis doesn't really explain the implosion of Aboriginal societies. What is happening now didn't happen fifty years ago. The decline began in the 1960s when the racial egalitarianism of the 1960s bleeding heart liberals changed the law which prohibited the supply of alcohol to Aborigines. This was based upon sound racial observations that Aborigines biologically and psychologically, could not cope with alcohol. Today that idea is coming back: I heard a young girl on a trendy left radio station say: "Aborigines' bodies can't cope with alcohol." She would be shocked to realise that she had admitted that racial differences exist. Most importantly Aborigines need to become more responsible for their own actions - even the victims have unintentionally perpetrated a culture of crime. This is not my idea: Northern Territory Crown Prosecutor Nanette Rogers has been quoted as saying: "[One] of the features of the paper is that I say that Aboriginal people in central Australia must take more responsibility for not only talking about the general issues surrounding Aboriginal male violence and the violence of men in remote communities but also taking responsibility for following through if they're a witness to the matter, following through and giving the correct evidence in court. When I say correct evidence, the evidence that's contained in their police stories. Because often what we get is that Aboriginal people will provide a statement about a particular offence then refuse to come to court, or, when they're in court, refuse to give the evidence because they say: "No, I didn't see it. No, it's not my responsibility." (Source: The Australian 18/5/06, p.13) Yes,
it is your responsibility. Victimology and rants about 'White racism" by well-paid
academics, will not solve the problem of Aboriginal violence. Wesley Aird of the
National Indigenous Council (The Australian 18/5/06, p.12) summed up the
situation well in saying that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
was one where "big man" elites through "grace and favour", "wielded tremendous
power over an impoverished people with poor literacy and even poorer governance
skills." This led to a "breakdown of Aboriginal society." |
Jeremy Lee This is a sector which produces over a tonne of wheat for every living Australian, 25 kgs of mutton and lamb for each Australian, 600 litres of milk per head and 220 kgs of beef for everyone in the country; PLUS sugar, fruit and vegetables of every description! Between 1965 - the time the League of Rights drew attention to the impending crisis in its startling little booklet "They Want Your Land" - and 2005, the rural debt grew by 9.1 per cent, compounding, per year. There was a time when a few politicians dared speak out about this compounding debt and the effect on rural Australia. Prior to the advent of the Whitlam government in 1972 the Labor Shadow Agriculture spokesman, Dr Rex Patterson, outlined a realistic crisis policy for farmers, which included a five-year holiday from debt repayments and interest, to enable them to regain their feet. He proposed the use of the 'peoples' bank' (the Commonwealth) for this purpose. Of course, this programme never saw the light of day, and the Commonwealth Bank was subsequently sold off to the private money lenders. Since then, Australia has lost almost 200,000 farmers - and they are still leaving the land. So convoluted has the argument become that spokesmen (mainly bankers) quoted in the Weekly Times article hailed the current debt figure as "a sign of farming investor confidence!" Presumably, if and when the debt doubles again, the few remaining farmers will have reached the promised land! |
John Steele If you believe the establishment story, Martin Bryant killed 35 people with a semi-automatic rifle. All of these people were unarmed. Bryant did not have a gun licence as he himself considered that he was too mentally deficient to own one! The gun used was an illegal gun. Such weapons can be obtained today, largely from ethnic and Asian gangs in Sydney who do a roaring trade selling illegal guns. The gun ban merely disarmed innocent people and has done nothing to prevent another Martin Bryant (if you believe that he really did it) from killing. The new "Bryant" could buy a real fully automatic gun from the criminal underworld which increasingly rules the streets of Australia. Of course the government's agenda to disarm the population to meet its new world order obligations was always clear. Why ban semi-automatic .22 rifles, used primarily to shoot rabbits? No massacre has ever occurred with such a gun. The gun scam was more than just a symbolic castration of Australian manhood. Alex
Robson, economics lecturer at the Australian National University (The Australian
28/4/06, p.14) wrote on the tenth anniversary of the Port Arthur massacre that
there is no statistical evidence to support gun abolitionist rhetoric. Firearm
related deaths had been declining since 1991. The attempted murder rate and the
manslaughter rate have not significantly changed since the 1997 gun-buy-back.
Nor is, he says, the evidence of gun-buy-backs reducing crime elsewhere in the
world. US evidence by John Lott indicates that the right to carry handguns drives
down the murder rate. Robson says: Of the firearms' homicides that are committed in Australia, the vast majority (more than 90 per cent) are committed with unregistered weapons by unlicensed owners. Of course, this comes as no surprise to the police, law-abiding citizens, or criminals themselves. Criminals will not bother selling a gun at all if they plan on using it to commit future crimes. Knives are now the most common weapon used in murders and other violent crimes. Gun buybacks simply help criminals to dispose of unwanted, low-value weapons at a price that is guaranteed by taxpayers. Criminals can then use the funds to purchase knives and other weapons to commit crimes against a defenceless citizenry, safe in the knowledge that a firearm will not be used against them. And even if criminals decide to sell highly valued weapons, they will not bother in participating in a legitimate buyback scheme when they can obtain far higher prices on illegal secondary markets in exchange for cash, drugs or other weapons." |
Ewer In "Pre-emption" Dershowitz puts his obviously brilliant legal mind to the doctrines of pre-emptive and preventive war and of pre-emptive and preventive assassination. The US now uses preventive detention, expansive surveillance, pre-emptive attacks on terrorist bases and murder - sorry, "targeted killing" of potential terrorists, and of course, full-scale preventive war against the enemies of Israel - sorry, of "democracy". So, being a hard-nosed realist, Dershowitz says that the law should adapt to political reality. Dershowitz disapproves of America's war on Iraq but only because no WMD were found. He disapproves of none of Israel's activities in making preventive attacks except the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, but only because the response by the Israelis was not reasonable in relation to the threat. On Iran he wants a pre-emptive strike even is there are huge civilian casualties due to Iran putting nuclear centres in civilian areas. It is selfish to put human rights of Iranians over the lives of Israelis he argues.Dershowitz puts in personal anecdotes where he describes how he watched guided missiles being radar directed on the cars of Palestinians. The book is sprinkled with mathematics. What these types of books are legitimating is really the end of the moral rule of law. Something resembling a technocratic rule of the jungle is being put into place. |
OUT FOR A SMOKEby James ReedBorder protection - sure, Australia is really serious about it - after all, Johnny Howard told us so in the 2001 election. That is why two Chinese illegal fishermen were able to flee immigration officials when they were allowed to go out for a cigarette-break at Brisbane airport. (The Weekend Australian, 6-7,5/06, p.3) Although the crew of 15 Chinese and one Taiwanese were said not to be illegal fishermen, the boat was captured in Australian waters. Chairman of the Gulf of Carpentaria Commercial Fisherman's Association said: "This proves that the Australian Government is quite happy to have Indonesians and Chinese and other foreign fishermen fishing in our waters." Meanwhile the Australian fishing industry's survival is threatened as never before. It's all part of the process of Asianisation Kali with respect to our race. |
Betty Luks He writes: "I could not count the numbers of emails I have received that have ascribed my future soul as suffering the torments of the damned because I have dared to challenge the policies and political decisions of President Bush," he writes." The Liberals'
use of the God-card: "Touchy-touchy
feely-feely Christianity" Aren't
the same things happening in this country? Church leaders teach their people they
must 'love' one another, but with never an explanation of what the word means.
This politically-correct 'love' is a 'touch-touchy feely-feely' emotion. And if
ever a brave soul questions the teaching or direction the church leader is taking
the church, that brave soul will soon be ostracised and marginalised. That brave
soul will soon find he/she has become 'unloved'. That is not Christian love -
that is tyranny! |
Ballarat Courier: 18/5/06: Physics
Prof. Says Cutter Charges
nation: |