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December 2006 Thought for the Week: "O God, heavenly Father, who by Thy Son Jesus Christ has promised to all them that seek Thy Kingdom, and the righteousness thereof, all things necessary to their bodily sustenance; Send us, we beseech Thee, in this our necessity, such moderate rains and showers that we may receive the fruits of the earth to our comfort, and to Thy honour, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen" -- From the original Book of Common Prayer, authorized by the Crown and Act of Parliament in the 17th Century. |
Jeremy Lee: |
POINTS TO PONDER On November 3 the first item on the 7 o'clock ABC News was that a day of prayer for rain had been held by combined churches in Brisbane, which included the Premier Mr Beattie. Whether this news item was extended to other States I do not know.The background to this news is interesting, In early September a letter from the Queensland Governor, H.E. Ms Quentin Bryce, said: " . At a recent and publicised meeting between church leaders and the Premier, the prospect of prayer was raised and discussed. Evidently congregations across all denominations in Queensland and in many parts of the nation are already engaging in prayer for this purpose. The Governor has asked me to let you know that she too is praying for rain " On September 25 a letter from the Governor-General, H.E. Major-General Jeffery, said: " Major-General Jeffery appreciates the time and trouble you have taken to write to him and shares your concerns about current drought conditions and the other conditions you mention. As National Days of Prayer are conducted at the instigation of the Heads of Churches, may I suggest you write to the General Secretary, National Council of Churches in Australia, Locked Bag 199, Sydney NSW 1230 with your request " (emphasis added) On October 5 a letter from Queensland Premier Peter Beattie read: "Thank you for your recent correspondence calling for a day of prayer for rain . As you may be aware, the Premier recently met with church leaders and discussed the possibility of a prayer campaign to help ease the current drought situation. Whilst no time frame has been set, leaders are now considering an inter-denominational week of prayer for rain and will be responsible for co-ordinating local arrangements. The Premier shares your concerns and appreciates your thoughts " This was followed by the ABC news item concerning prayers for rain first mentioned and within 48 hours good, heavy rain began to fall across many areas of drought-stricken Queensland and northern New South Wales! On
November 12, Frank Davis of Nambour, Queensland, wrote to The Sunshine Coast Daily
on this issue. No
National Day of Prayer for PM: Malcolm Turnbull - who is scheduled to be fast-tracked past more experienced representatives to Cabinet status -has announced that the commercial water market will be immensely profitable. This is not to decry human initiative. But a complete reliance on the invincibility of Science and Engineering given full rein by centralised power, to the exclusion of faith and obedience to God is a recipe for disaster! The
fantasy of 'starting at the top' will not work: Small scale decentralised solutions
is the answer: Wouldn't it be
PART II - SMALL LOW-COST SOLUTIONS A recent exhibit on the ABC "New Inventors" programme featured a simple evaporation unit, about 1 metre square which used the sun's rays to evaporate clean water from effluent which trickled over a black surface. It could be carried in the boot of a car, and could provide campers with 5-6 litres of clean, uncontaminated water in a day of normal sunshine. The concept is simply an adaptation of the principle underlying a solar water heater; but it was simple, effective and won plaudits for the many applications it offered.The same idea could be expanded to a variety of sizes. As its inventor pointed out, it could be rushed to areas of natural disasters where normal water supplies had been disrupted. On a larger scale, the following segment from an article by Phillip Adams in The Australian: Under the heading "EVAPORATION SALVATION", told of a letter he had received from an oncologist friend, Max Whisson, MB, BS, FRCPath., part of which said: " We can provide an unlimited supply of pure water almost anywhere in the world. Now and for the foreseeable future. Moreover, we can do this with virtually no running costs. Yes, it sounds too good to be true but, like all good ideas, it is ridiculously simple Like quite a few other schemes, the water comes from the sea It is commonplace to prepare relatively small amounts of salt-free water from the ocean by reverse osmosis, a sort of ultra-filtration system. It is used on luxury yachts in some of the more affluent Gulf states. But reverse osmosis (i.e. the process that was proposed for the aborted Toowoomba re-cycling proposal - ed.) is hi-tech and expensive to run, so very unlikely to provide an answer for large-scale use, let alone for irrigation and industrial purposes Most of your readers are familiar with the preparation of salt - by evaporation of ponds in the sun, followed by scraping up the deposited salt. In this process, water is a waste product chucked away into the air. So why not do the opposite? Why not keep the water and chuck away the salt? Let's take a leaf from C.Y. O'Connor's book the bloke who provided Kalgoorlie with its life-giving pipeline? The surface area of a 600km pipeline from Perth to Kalgoorlie could be more than 10 million sq. metres. At least 50 megalitres would evaporate from such a channel as a result of solar evaporation every day. That's around 18,000 megalitres a year - a useful amount of water. But hang on again - in no time your channel of sea-water would be full of salt. Half a year would be spent scratching out the salt with a front-end loader. And where would you put it? We've already got enough trouble with salt in Australia. The answer is ridiculously simple. You put a U-turn in your channel and head back towards the sea. You could direct the returning channel through a different dry area and provide another 18 gigalitres on the way back. The concentrated seawater, which has given perhaps three-quarters of its pure water for collection in the solar distribution system, then returns from whence it came " This
is lateral thinking which opens up immense possibilities: In Queensland such population centres as the
Gold and Sunshine Coasts, as well as cities such as Brisbane, Maryborough, Bundaberg,
Rockhampton, Sarina, Mackay, Townsville and Cairns could meet all their water
requirements this way - rather than the schemes being put forward by Malcolm Turnbull
and Prime Minister Howard. The same would apply to other States. Let's hope that these 'alternative' ideas will stimulate more lateral thinking from those who still have the inclination to "think small'. We can then give freedom and initiative back to Councils and local communities, send the global corporations on their way, and re-discover that 'Small Is Beautiful'. Contact: Jeremy Lee at: P.O. Box 1234, Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350. |
a strong monarchist for you! And a black Archbishop from Uganda too!" writes Jeremy
Lee: BBC
frightened of criticising Islam, says archbishop, by Jonathan Petre, London
Daily Telegraph, 14/11/06: Dr
Sentamu claims Christians take 'more knocks' at the BBC: The Ugandan-born archbishop nevertheless said Christians must be more forceful in promoting their beliefs. Blaming the "chattering classes" for undermining traditional Christian culture, he said: "They see themselves as holding the flag for Britain and that Britain is definitely secular and atheist. I want them to have their say but not to lord it over the rest of us." In an interview with the Daily Mail, he called for a return to family values and an end to the tyranny of materialism, especially at Christmas. "We have become a society where we all gather around the microwave or the television. Even while you are eating, the television is blaring. Come on! Parents should spend more time talking to children because that is where behaviour is learned, in the home." Dr Sentamu rejected the idea of the Church
severing its remaining ties with the State: Dr
Sentamu also questioned whether Muslim women were required to wear the veil by
the Koran, and argued that those who did should not expect British society to
be reordered to accommodate them. He said Muslim scholars would say three things
about the veil. "I think in the
British context it renders you less secure because you stick out and it brings
unwelcome attention. "On the first question (of whether the veil conforms to norms
of decency) I don't think it does conform." A BBC spokesman declined to comment but referred to a newspaper article by Mark Thompson, the director general, which denied that the BBC was systematically biased against Christianity and in favour of Islam, saying that it did not square with the facts. The Muslim Council of Britain said that if women chose to wear the veil on religious grounds it was "their business and no one else's" as long as it did not conflict with the rights of others. HOW
CAN IT BE? by Betty Luks |
James Reed Von Hayek, a Jewish economist and philosopher was a champion of the thesis that the market is god; morals are just those attitudes necessary for the smooth running of the market. As Rudd aptly puts it for von Hayek "there are virtually no shared values between societies, other than liberty and the desire for limitless material acquisition." Sound familiar? Rudd distances
himself from von Hayek and his disciple John Howard. Rudd is a good guy - a social
democrat. The so-called social democrat tradition from Adam Smith sees human beings
as both "self-regarding" and "other-regarding," whereas neo-liberals see humans
as primarily self-regarding. Although Rudd may like to philosophically distance himself and the Labor Party from Howard, they are all fellow travellers heading down the same road. This road was well described by Dr. Geoffrey Dobbs in a thought-provoking address given in Melbourne and recorded in The New Times, February 1985. Both sides of politics accept Monopolism in one of its forms. As Dr. Dobbs said: "Such warfare is an expression of Monopolism - perhaps its ultimate expression - whether in the form of Monopolo-theism (belief in a unitary Dictator-God, as in Judaism and Islam) or in the form of Monopolo-humanism (Man is the Ultimate power, which is wielded by the Top Men). But it is of the nature of Monopolism that it generates Dualistic conflict. For if 'We' (the Monopolists) alone are 'good' and have a sacred right to power, any others who challenge us are 'evil' and must be destroyed." Both Labor and Liberal
are united in accepting this philosophy, and no carefully historical hair-splitting
between the various liberal camps can really hide it. It is the entire philosophical
paradigm of monopolism that social credit rejects. |
James Reed Murdoch has a political agenda of promoting globalisation, Asianisation and a reductionist form of neo-liberal economic rationalism. Those who dissent from the News Corporation's religion of globalism - be they from the Left or Right, watch out! Professor Robert Manne reached the same conclusion in his recent article in The Monthly November 2006 and as much as I hate to agree with Professor Manne on political matters, he is right on this one. The Australian, he notes, has a "missionary zeal" and a "take-no-prisoners combativeness like a student newspaper". (p.12) All of this amounts to a damaging assault on democracy, Professor Manne argues. Media concentration dilutes political diversity. He says: "Media concentration has already created an almost textbook example of a vicious circle. The more the media is concentrated, the greater the problem for the health of democracy. Yet the more the media is concentrated, the less likely it is that the issue will be debated freely in the only appropriate forum for the discussion, the media itself." Professor Manne does know an answer to this vicious circle dilemma. Clearly an alternative media - parallel for example to home schooling - needs to be encouraged and to flourish. People need to come to support it with their money votes and gradually starve the giants to death. Although the giants seem to be as vulnerable as Superman, they have an Achilles heel - and that is keeping up sales numbers so that advertisers advertise and the banks are kept happy. In the end, we will need to stop debating our ideological enemies. But perhaps, for me, not yet! |
YES! YES! SECTION 59 OF CONSTITUTION REMAINS "IN ALL ITS GLORY"!We have reported before that constitutional authority, Dr. Mitchell insists the Governor General does have important constitutional powers which the G-G's 'advisers' keep telling him he doesn't have! South Australians Doug and Jean Holmes wrote to the Governor General after correspondence had been flowing between both parties on the partial sale of Telstra: The G-G had responded insisting he did not now have the constitutional power to refuse to sign the legislation. Doug
and Jean responded: Australians
need to have the 5-set DVD series "The Spirit of Australia's Constitution and
History" by Dr. David Mitchell, BA., LL.B., Ph.D., LL.M. that was very successfully
launched at the Albury National Weekend. It is essential we all understand the
basic structure and concept of law underpinning our legal system and its historical
roots. We are in very grave danger of losing sight of its philosophical and historical
roots. |