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6 April 2007
Thought for the Week: A Blessed
Holy Week to All Our Readers "Indeed
it is my opinion that the best of prophets - even those whose words have become
scripture - have had, each in his own degree, only the kind of qualifications
that I have. They foretold what would happen to men, because they understood what
was happening and what had happened
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James Reed Thus
behind the Howard government's buyback of water licences in the Murray-Darling
Basin, foreign capitalists stand to make a flood of profits. The headline says
it all: "Foreigners Clean Up in Water Plan," The Australian 23/2/07 p.6).
Thus behind every government action, there is an equal and opposite reaction by those puppet masters who pull the strings. Indeed, seeing John Howard respond to the opinion polls which put Kev Rudd ahead of him, I could have sworn I saw the ventriloquist's lips move. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
THE THIEF OF WATERby Len the Cleaner The old Water Resources Act 1997 (S.A.)
was replaced by the Natural Resources Management Act 2004. The former Act replaced
the common law position on water which gave water rights to the owners of the
land through which it flowed with the idea that surface water was owned by the
Government. That means our houses. Abraham quotes from
a reply by SA Minister Hill to an Adelaide businessman, which states that the
government does have the power to take water from our roofs. Hence South Australia
is the only state with the power to tax rainwater. South Australia - beautiful one day - fascist the next. And still the sheople sleep on | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IS IT TRUE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT LIBERALS?by Betty Luks According to a report in the Australian Jewish News 23/3/07 "Senior Liberal powerbrokers including Treasurer Peter Costello have moved to ease Jewish community concerns over the possible come-back of a former MP accused of making antisemitic attacks in Parliament." The former MP is Mr.Ken Aldred, who has won preselection for the seat of Holt, 10 years ago claimed in federal Parliament that Jewish lawyer Mark Liebler was involved in a money-laundering scam run by Israel's spy agency Mossad. But never fear,
both John and Peter have come to the rescue. According to the AJN, John
Howard and Peter Costello "intervened within hours of Aldred's win on Sunday to
block his return to politics and avert an embarrassing backlash from the Jewish
community." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I DIDN'T MEAN TOJewish high-profile businessman Frank Lowy 'inadvertently' met up with Binyamin Ben Eliezer the visiting Israeli Infrastructure Minister whilst out socialising in Melbourne recently. "So what?! You may ask. Who cares what the man does on his days off? Mr. Lowy had, it seems, already turned down an offer to meet up with the visiting Israeli "because of the ongoing probe (in Israel) into Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's alleged interference on behalf of Lowy in the 2005 sale of Bank Leumi." According
to Dan Goldberg in the AJN 23/3/07 "LOWY 'INADVERTENTLY' MEETS MINISTER":
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a comfort to know the federal politicians have our welfare at heart. In the same
AJN edition I read: And, so as to reassure me, I'm sure, the report went on: "The 24 high-profile VIPs arrived in Sydney this week to cement the bilateral tie, which was launched with the signing of a formal "declaration of intent" by the said Israeli Minister for Infrastructure Benyamin Ben Eliezer and the former moneylender turned politician Malcolm Turnbull, now Federal Minister for the Environment and Water. What 'water technologies' do they intend to partner and extensively collaborate on? The intent is: "Both governments express their interest in enhancing their friendly bilateral relations to promote technical co-operation between the two countries, in the water sector." Anyone for Drought and Climate Change? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luks Agenda 21: There are most definitely plans for controlling oops, I should say 'privatising', our rivers and waterways - our water resources. But how to do it without alarming the masses? First the federal government must wrest constitutional control out of the hands of the States. This they are in the process of doing - AND THE STATES' PREMIERS ARE GOING ALONG WITH IT! Once the constitutional powers over the rivers and waterways are centralised in Canberra, the next step will be to fully 'internationally privatise' the nation's Water. But God help those who should fall foul of the International Corporations controlling the Water. If the Internationalists gain the upper hand over our Water, and some of us prove to be 'politically incorrect', can we expect better treatment from that elite than that which was shown by the Soviets to the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, or now being shown by the Israelis to their Palestinian neighbours? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lee's March 2007 Prayer Letter: Six months before the Howard government gained office in March 1996, a World Bank Survey of 192 nations concluded that Australia was by far the richest per capita country on the face of the planet. Its mineral, manufacturing and agricultural wealth was fabulous, with an asset valuation well over $A 1 million per head of population, and a sophisticated infrastructure - ports, harbours, railways, roads, communications etc. - built up by our forefathers. Yet Australians were heavily in debt. The average debt of Australian households when John Howard and John Anderson gained office was 60% of annual income. Five years later this figure had reached 100% of average annual income. Now, in the beginning of the year 2007, Household Debt in Australia has reached just under one trillion dollars, equal to about 160% of average annual household income! Interest payments alone on such a sum, paid year after year on top of direct and indirect taxation, are horrendous! Mammon is firmly in the saddle! I am sad to say mammon regards Christians as the least of his worries. Let them sing as many choruses as they can in the brief one or two hours a week they can spare from paying mammon's tribute. Just so long as they don't challenge his authority! If you think Australians are alone in their distress, the following statistics from America crossed my desk this morning: OUTSTANDING PUBLIC DEBT (U.S.) AS AT 15 MARCH 2007: US$8,835,908,813,651.85 This has increased by US$205,601,529,810 since November of last year (2006). The estimated population of the United States is 301.2 million; so each American citizen's share of this debt (man, woman and child) is $29,336, or $600 more than 5 months ago! The National Debt has increased by $1.96 billion per day since September 29, 2006. And remember, this is only public debt. It does not include private or household debt, which averages about 140% of average annual income - a little behind Australia. How is it possible for elected governments - whether in Australia, the United States or, for that matter, anywhere else - to burden their subjects with such intolerable and unpayable levels of debt? How is debt created? Who owns it? If all nations in the world are in debt, who is the mortgagee? In Australia's case the power over notes and coin, banking, borrowing, promissory notes and matters pertaining thereto, are laid out in Section 51 of the Commonwealth Constitution. It is beyond question that every power necessary to lift the debt-load from the backs of the Australian people lies in the hands of the elected Federal Government - if it only dared use them! Instead, it has allowed the world of private trading banks to take over the money-creation process, and to use it exclusively to assume ownership of Australia, its people, its homes, its industries, its infrastructure and, apparently, its politicians. The only portion of Australia's Money Supply still created by government is Notes & Coin - an ever-diminishing and miniscule percentage of the whole. Under the Howard government the total Money Supply has increased at an astounding rate - all as interest-bearing debt. The banks, which are licensed to create this new money, have had a ball!
'Monetary Aggregates':
Howard Government came to power........................................................
'booming economy'? The increase under Howard and Costello has been $3.8 billion per month, or $126 million every 24 hours. Howard's 11-year Money Supply increase works out at $25,000 for every living Australian, or $100,000 for the average family of four. If the increases had been credited to Australia instead of being debited, we'd be living in an entirely different nation - free, with widespread home and property ownership, stable families, security for the elderly and plenty of opportunity for young Australians. The chance for young families to own their own home without life-time mortgages would be the norm. It would be easily possible for married couples with young families to live on one income - as once happened in Australia's past. Increasingly
enslaving 'borrowers' It is increasingly understood
that banks create the money they lend in a costless transaction that increasingly
enslaves borrowers, and periodically dispossesses them. The same system prevails
in every country. It was well described by a former President of the Bank of England,
Sir Josiah Stamp in the first half of the 20th Century: Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear; for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit". Would it be possible for an Australian Government to resume its responsibility to create any new money required by the economy as a credit sooner than a debt? The question was raised emphatically during the Great Depression of the 1930s, leading to a Royal Commission into the banking system in 1937. At that time the Commonwealth Bank was publicly owned, and had served government policy since its foundation. Section 504 of the Royal Commission's
findings read: As
this last clause led to a good deal of controversy as to its exact meaning, Mr
Justice Napier, Chairman of the Commission, was asked to interpret it, and his
reply, received through the Secretary of the Commission (Mr Harris) was as follows:
National Balance Sheet:
Depending on final balance growth, an equivalent increase in the Money Supply should be credited to Australia Pty Ltd's shareholders -the Australian people. Such credits would progressively diminish the household debt, finally putting the nation in the black. Who will give the people a lead?
So great is the rate of money-creation by the Federal Reserve system in the United States, that eighteen months ago it was announced that the M3 figures would no longer be published! One commentator has said that a major recession is only being staved off by massive credit-creation. The art is to create money at a faster rate than the price structure rises! But the consequence is that money loses its value at an ever-increasing rate. The world is on the edge of a precipice. Who
will inform and motivate the people? Why, the Christian Church, of course - just as soon as it once again takes up the battle against mammon! So far, there is no sign that it even recognizes the nature of the battle. At the moment it cannot muster enough fortitude to organize a publicly-announced National Day of Prayer for rain! When it comes to the social order and justice, the Church has used more soap to wash its hands than Pontius Pilate! May the day of courageous Christian regeneration come - before it is too late!" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BOOK REVIEWSDumbing Down: Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest
by James Reed: Donnelly has published his basic critique in various articles in The Australian and I have summarised these as they appeared. But here it is all together under one cover, a tale of disintegration indeed. Students have become electronic barbarians in many schools and run out of control. But so are teachers, who through outcomes-based education and lack of enforced discipline, have intentionally, or unintentionally, made students into barbarians. Students leave school, Donnelly says with a "fragmented and superficial understanding of the past": from my experience many students leave school with no understanding of anything much beyond sex and drugs. Education has and is being used "as an instrument to enforce control and impose a one-sided view of the world." In my opinion that is why boys do so badly : they simply cannot stand what one student once told me, "all of the ****** lies and rubbish that we have to tell and swallow to pass." Donnelly
shows that an education based upon the basic building blocks of Mathematics, Science,
English and History has been eroded by political correctness. The fate of our
future society hinges on a return to Enlightenment values and the pursuit of reason
rather than ideology. Brainwashing Us for War and
Programming Us to Kill by Peter Ewer: Chang explores the "hidden reality" behind globalisation and the creation of McWorld: behind the façade of the market is the grim reality of the global war machine, primed for action. Wars are said to be for freedom and democracy, but in the end they are always for the benefit of the global financial elite, who through their control of the mass media, brainwash the populace. Chang shows this for all the wars of the past century. For example, as Chang says earlier in his book, Sir Hartle Shawcross, who was the British Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials gave a speech entitled "Ashamed and Humiliated" on 12 March 1948, which was reported in the Times of London where Shawcross said: "Step by step I have arrived at the conviction that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister and fatal. At the Nuremberg trials, I, together with my Russian Colleagues, condemned Nazi aggression and terror. I believe now that Hitler and the German people did not want war. But we [Britain] declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of the balance of power, and we were encouraged by the Americans around Roosevelt." p.xxii Chang is no defender of Hitler, but a critic. His aim is to dig below the brainwashed surface appearance to find a deeper level of corrupt reality beneath. To do this, with a lawyer's skill and research ability, he has assembled hundreds of juicy, telling quotes like the one just given. War is big business and a way for the globalist capitalist/communist class to benefit whatever side wins. With painstaking detail Chang names these elites and examines the mind-set of the warmongers of Empire Capitalism. As the chapters pile up, one is left with the impression that we are ruled by the criminally insane. Although the book is likely to shock the reader with the depth of its portrait of evil, it is the 'must read' of the year. Anyone interested in the fate of freedom in the world needs to be themselves forearmed with the facts and arguments of this tremendous book - "Brainwashed for War, Programmed to Kill," by Matthias Chang. Get your copy from one of the Heritage Book Services. Price, including postage, $57.95. |