home of ... Douglas Social Credit
18 May 2007 Thought for the Week: "What
matters most in history is the continuity in the soul of man. For it is there
that the values are formed which prevent the material chronicles of earth from
remaining a mere tale |
Betty Luks: Where were the policies to safeguard our own assets and resources and regenerate our own industries, thus making way for our own young to work and plan for their own homes and raise their own families in future years? I say it still - a pox on both their parties! |
James Reed Cooks galore and Hairdressers
aplenty for Kev: According to an article by Bob Birrell (et al) in People and Place the onshore skilled overseas student visa categories are a major part of Australia's skilled migration programme but most of the growth in courses are in cooking and hairdressing with a small number of visas granted for trades. (People and Place, vol.15, no.1, 2007). What is going on? My
interpretation is that it is just another scam to rapidly Asianise the country
by bringing in more Asian migrants! Alan Ramsey, writing in The Sydney Morning
Herald (quoted The Australian 30/4/07 p.9) says that Kev Rudd has a
dark side, a glass jaw, a quick temper and a foul tongue. |
Alan Jones on Radio 2GB, Sydney. 10/5/2007. My correspondent says "This unfair dismissal-exemption for Rudd policy is not only condoned but encouraged by union officials who are prepared themselves to benefit personally from Rudd disloyalty. "The beneficiaries of the Rudd process of candidate selection are no less than scabs on fellow candidates. And let's face it, a scab is anathema to the unions." What a good point. From an 81 year old doctor. And it certainly is happening everywhere." Editor's comment: Of course, what else would you expect? In Kevin Rudd's 'Animal Farm Land' all men are equal but some are more so! |
Brian Simpson The idea is to make the present farm murders or plaasmoorde (in Afrikaans) look like a Sunday school picnic. (Most of the attacks, by the way, are on Sunday, and most White farmers are killed by ambush after returning from church.) The same liberals that forced South Africa into the hands of the communist ANC also allows the genocide to continue without criticism. The Western media is silent about this State sanctioned genocide and will also be silent if and when the "Night of the Long Knives" occurs. Various internet sites say that there are plans for 70,000 armed Blacks to be transported to the Johannesburg city centre within an hour of Mandela's death to slaughter Whites. A google search "Night of the Long Knives" South Africa, comes up with thousands of sites detailing the grim details of this. These sites may be wrong but I doubt it. I sent an email to firearms writer John Steele about what should be done if all this is true. He replied that in the past Afrikaans folk have been vastly outnumbered but have still survived the day. Maybe they will start watching paths on the way back from church when Nelson Mandela dies. At least they have been warned. |
SETTING THE JAMESTOWN STORY STRAIGHTby Betty Luks Mr. Cooney demolishes some popular myths that have arisen out of early American history. As now publicly admitted - although many Americans still believe the first English settlement was when "The Pilgrim Fathers" settled in Plymouth - although the so-called "Pilgrim Fathers" arrived 13 years later than the settlers to Jamestown. The
myth-making is now explained away thus: "Historians in the 19th century were looking
for a more noble beginning and opted for The Pilgrim Fathers," [historian] Bly
Straube explained. But Anthony Cooney insists the "Pilgrim Fathers" were not the peace-loving gentle folk of popular myth, they didn't come from England but from Holland, and they did aim for Jamestown intending to join their co-religionists there, but were blown off course, and had to settle for Massachusetts. The popular impression is given they were peaceful folk like the Quakers and are still depicted as dressed in Quaker dress, whereas in fact, they were Calvinist Puritans. George Fox founder of the Society of Friends (known to history as the Quakers ed) was not born till four years after the Mayflower voyage. There is much more to this part of America's history that can be found in Anthony Cooney's booklet, "Social Credit: Aspects," along with Eric D. Butler's revelation about the origins of the Puritans (Pilgrim Fathers) in "The Enemy Within the Empire". |
U.K.: Last month, The Independent on Sunday
reported exclusively that exploratory research at Germany's Landau University
suggested the radiation interferes with bees' navigation systems. The German scientists,
whose work has won two international awards, found that bees failed to return
to their hives when "cordless DECT mobile phones" were placed in the masts. This
was supported yesterday by Ferdinand Ruzicka, emeritus professor at the University
of Vienna. He revealed that two-thirds of the beekeepers he surveyed who had a
mobile phone mast within 300m had suffered "unexplained colony collapse". At the end of April, Eastbourne's planning committee overturned its officers' advice and refused permission for T-Mobile to erect a 14.7m mast on a roundabout. Officially, the committee rejected it for aesthetic reasons, the only grounds open to it under planning law. But Councillor Barry Taylor, the chairman, said the threat to bees was "an important issue" and permission for masts should be refused unless they could be "proved" to be safe for the insects. Bolton council has asked
its planning working party to investigate the issue. Last month, one London beekeeper
reported that 23 of his 40 hives had been abruptly abandoned; there are reports
of similar collapses in Scotland and the North-west. |
MALCOLM'S JUNK SCIENCE POLICYby Betty Luks When this family first read of the potential hazards of the soon to be compulsory CFLs we phoned the local supermarket about them. No, the manager hadn't heard they were a potential environmental hazard so he followed up the matter and reported back to us. Yes, it was correct they were a known hazard, but no, government wasn't going to do anything about the matter till the old bulbs were being phased out. Now read on: "Junk Science: Light Bulb
Lunacy," by Steven Milloy, 29/4/07(US spelling). According
to an April 12 article in The Ellsworth American, Bridges had the misfortune
of breaking a CFL during installation in her daughter's bedroom: It dropped and
shattered on the carpeted floor. Aware that CFLs contain potentially hazardous
substances, Bridges called her local Home Depot for advice. The
DEP sent a specialist to Bridges' house to test for mercury contamination. The
specialist found mercury levels in the bedroom in excess of six times the state's
"safe" level for mercury contamination of 300 billionths of a gram per cubic meter.
Reportedly, her insurance company wouldn't cover the cleanup costs because mercury is a pollutant. Given that the replacement of incandescent bulbs with CFLs in the average U.S. household is touted as saving as much as $180 annually in energy costs - and assuming that Bridges doesn't break any more CFLs - it will take her more than 11 years to recoup the cleanup costs in the form of energy savings. Even
if you don't go for the full-scale panic of the $2,000 cleanup, the do-it-yourself
approach is still somewhat intense, if not downright alarming. Consider the procedure
offered by the Maine DEP's Web page entitled, "What if I accidentally break a
fluorescent bulb in my home?" The only step
the Maine DEP left off was the final one: Wal-Mart
stores: (In Australia, Coles and Woolworths stores) Greenpeace, China and India: The
EPA regulatory programme: Source: https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,268747,00.html Steven Milloy publishes JunkScience.com and CSRWatch.com. He is a junk science expert, and advocate of free enterprise and an adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. |
ROYAL APPLAUSEfrom David Flint's Opinion Column:I recently saw the film "The Queen". This was my second viewing, this time on a liner in the Pacific. At the end of the film, I saw and heard something which neither I nor my companions had ever experienced on a cruise before. This was when the audience, mainly made up of Americans, Canadians, Australians, Britons and New Zealanders, broke into spontaneous applause. Although the scriptwriter says he wrote it as a hatchet job, what Dame Helen Mirren has achieved is to capture, exquisitely, that sense of duty and service to the people which has always guided Elizabeth II, as Princess, as Queen of her several Realms and as Head of the Commonwealth. Long May She Reign. |
James Reed By 2030, he said robots will
take over fifty per cent of the jobs in the US economy. The result will be a social
disaster without basic income guarantee (BIG). Major Douglas would have agreed. The idea of a national dividend, based upon the productive capacity of a Society, was to supply at a minimum, basic income security. Even here in Australia we have moved far away from a commitment to income security. The dole and work for the dole scheme in Australia has become a means of supplying cheap labour to corporations at a high social cost. It would be more efficient to eliminate the vast network, amounting to a highly oppressive State bureaucracy around the dole and let work-displaced people live in peace. There is hardly any incentive for the rest of the worker ants to down tools if this is done because they believe in consumerism. For those who did not make this economic hell - let them live in peace on the dole. That is my idea of Stage 1 of the B.I.G. idea. Anthony Cooney in his booklet "Social Credit:
Politics" put the philosophy behind such thinking quite clearly in this passage:
Introductory reading: "Introducing Social Credit: Part 2, Economics: Three Allied Activities and Part 4, Distinguishing Between Means and Ends. Each booklet $6.00 posted. Available from all Heritage Book Services. |
from other States will be quite familiar with the tactics used by both sides of
politics to 'reform' their local councils. Community consultation was once the
'in-thing'. We
have received the following report on the matter: Local
government elections will be held on the 15th March 2008 when Queenslanders will
get to vote on who will represent them on these new councils. Brisbane City Council
is the only council that has been excluded from the reform, the remaining 156
councils are under the gun. |