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June 2007 Thought for the Week: - - Amy Chua in "World on Fire," 2003 |
THE DAY AFTER THE 'NUKE' ATTACK - WHAT WILL THEY THEN DO?Gary Leupp (https://www.counterpunch.org/leupp06152007.html) poses the question as the neocon-warmongers in the United States 'hype up' public opinion in preparation for just such an event. "Let us suppose that the Bush-Cheney administration answers the neocons' prayer and does indeed bomb Iran sometime soon. The plan apparently involves more than the destruction of nuclear facilities, replicating Israel's attack on Iraq's Osirak reactor in 1981. (That attack, by the way was condemned by the whole world, including a furious President Ronald Reagan). It includes an all-out assault on the Iranian political and religious leadership. Government buildings and officials' residences will be targeted, guaranteeing collateral damage. Since Iran is a highly complex society, and its government widely unpopular, (?) there may well be some local support for a "shock and awe" campaign. We know that the administration has cultivated ties with the Mujahadeen Khalq (even though they remain on the State Department's terrorist list) and the Pakistan-based Balochi separatist group Jundallah (the Party of God). These among other organisations will get their marching orders amid the "creative chaos" produced by the attack. There can be no large deployment of U.S. troops in Iran, unless they evacuate from Afghanistan and Iraq which is unlikely. I doubt that administration plans for the construction of a post-attack Iranian polity are any more sophisticated than their plans for post-Taliban Afghanistan or occupied Iraq. Some have suggested that the neocons' goal is actually to plunge the Muslim Middle East into prolonged pandemonium, insuring that all foes of Israel are off-balance and terrorised by the might of Israel's protector for generations to come. Paul Craig Roberts says |
IRANIAN HISTORY IGNORED AT OUR PERIL?by Peter Ewer Professor Algar wrote
that "with the hindsight provided by the Islamic Revolution, it will be more appropriate
to write the Iranian history of the past three or four centuries not so much in
terms of dynasties as in terms of the development of the Iranian ulama." He continued: "Dynasties have come and gone but the class of Shi'i ulama in Iran has been totally without parallel in the Islamic world." Two
radically different ruling classes If
Professor Algar is right, then America and Iran clearly represent two radically
different kinds of ruling class: In the US, the powerful
neo-cons could by no stretch of the imagination be called the representatives
of the masses, and so must constantly use lies and propaganda to deceive and appease
the masses. There was a time when the English-speaking peoples enjoyed "countless strong and closely knit communities", centred around the local church. But then there was also a more representative type of government! |
Betty Luks Quite
frankly - who cares? Neither party is dealing with the real issues concerning
the Australian people.If the agro-unionists' behaviour is beyond the law then
the court system will deal with them. |
Peter Ewer Meanwhile
an increasing number of engineers and scientists have continued to chip away at
the official 9/11 story. Opinion polls in the US show that over half of the respondents
think that 9/11 was a set-up job. The "9/11 Truth" is now a world-wide movement
which is rapidly growing. If the evidence points to a controlled demolition with explosives, then the US government was and is involved in a criminal conspiracy. Generations of conspiracy theorists will be proven right and respectable establishment academics, shown to be the toadies they are. |
Reed In the past the claims made by
Aboriginal women have been dismissed by the new class elites - and feminists,
typically White middle class females. Multiracialism and multiculturalism have
papered over the cracks of real social injustices. The few writers who have dealt with this horrific problem of social decay have typically blamed dispossession by Whites as the cause. This is essentially meaningless because an epidemic of domestic violence did not exist, say, in Aboriginal communities before WW II, or even 20 years ago. The rise corresponds precisely with a general liberalisation of sexual culture. Nowra does not go down the James Reed road. His explanation is that traditional Aboriginal culture was aggressive and misogynous. Child brides and gang rapes were customs. Once these practices were regulated but the false idealisation of Aboriginal culture since the 1960s has hidden these fundamental misogynous realities, but now alcohol, welfare dependence and drugs have perverted traditional Aboriginal culture. I agree, but Nowra does not detail the destructive impact that pornography has had on Aboriginal culture. This is the real engine behind Aboriginal domestic violence. I would like to see pornography banned for both Aboriginal and White communities, with severe penalties for black marketeers. However, this market of misery and social misogyny has become mainstream now, and feminists are major consumers - and defenders. Feminism, as Pamela Bone has pointed out ("Western Sisters Failing the Fight," The Australian 8/3/07, p.12) has let women down, failing to protest against stonings, honour killings and other forms of persecution. Race and cultural for the basically Left feminists, are the new absolutes, not women's rights." Thus "feminist" Germaine Greer defends the (non-White) practice of female genital mutilation. The example says it all. I have watched intently and observed that none of the feminist champions of human rights, refugees, etc. etc. has taken a stand on the Aboriginal domestic violence issue. No doubt the issue is stored in the "too hard" basket, which is next to their basket of chocolates and cream buns. |
Brian Simpson Hilary Clinton, although married, is viewed as a feminist representative of the careerist new women. Her marriage, of course, is something of an "open" one, as it would have to be with Bill Clinton. Hilary's hopes for the Presidency have taken a turn for the worse with Black Democrat Senator Barak Obama throwing his hat into the ring. Using drugs, cocaine and marijuana in his youth, he as President will bring in the era of post-White America. He is Big on immigration and Big on political correctness - even Bigger than Hilary. Now why couldn't the new world order have made it easier on themselves and mixed the two candidates: a feminist person of colour. Make her a lesbian and disabled to boot! The elites of the new world order must be slipping or getting soft! Surely we deserve a better quality of oppression from our oppressors! |
GLOBALISATION AND MULTICULTURALISMby James Reed Elliott does not appreciate the world that has been lost because of immigration and multiculturalism because sociology itself has, as it has come to be practised, something of an anti-Anglo bias. Sociology is a product of Leftist thought and its very foundations and research programme is tainted with this. Matters are perhaps
even worse because since the 1980s the Leftist elites have dropped their concern
with working people and championed the cause of ethnic minorities with full force.
Before that time, there was something of a division of labour in the study and
ideological support of "cool groups". The working class is no longer championed.
The White working class is "roundly despised" as journalist Andrew Gimson has
put it. ("Why is the White Working Class so Roundly Despised?" The Weekly Telegraph
18-24/10/06 p.20). Professor Robert
Putnam of Harvard University has shown that cultural diversity/ multiculturalism
is also corrosive of community values such as trust - even for ethnic communities.
Thus the more diverse a community, the less likely people in that community are
to trust anyone. This research knocks Professor Anthony Elliott's work for a six.
yet, Putnam has said in reference to Jack Straw, leader of the UK House of Commons
who said that he prefers Muslim women not to wear a full veil: "What we shouldn't
do is to say that they [immigrants] should be more like us." Professor
Elliott is concerned about the effects that electronic off-shoring will have on
jobs, with 30-40 million service jobs in the US alone becoming susceptible to
off-shoring in the future. Well if that is the road the elites intend to take
us down, and if we can't stop the globalist disease in the short-term, the thing
to do may be to ripen the boil so that the infection can ultimately be lanced.
So let's "bring it on". The cure to the diseases of our civilisation will have to be, bringing them to a head. Maybe in the world to come, our race's social immune system will be more resistant to new infections - and the old ones. |
He is very much the priest; indeed a priest of the globalist religion of environmentalism. Flannery has become Mr. Climate Change on the basis of a popular book on climate change, "The Weather Makers". He previously published "The Future Eaters" which made an ecological case for immigration restriction to Australia, but Flannery seems to have gone a bit quiet on the "Australia is over-populated" line. Having read this article I would like to ask a few questions about Flannery's lifestyle which have also been asked of Al Gore. It is fair to do so of people that request us to make personal life-style changes. How
carbon neutral is his lifestyle? Did he "offset" his pretty suit? How much of
his personal salary is donated to: |
James Reed First
a plebiscite: Rudd in the great Labor tradition will use the Fabian approach of stealth by gradualism but his ultimate aims are the same as Latham, Beasley and Whitlam. If my blood pressure can take it, prepare for biting pieces from this writer when Kev takes up the Sheriff's star, dropped to the dust of main street by an ageing Johnny the Kid. |
SUPER FOR DEBT SWAP - OR DIPPING INTO SUPER TO SURVIVETens of thousands of Australian families are raiding their superannuation savings to pay off personal debts. The amount of money taken from superannuation accounts to pay off debt has quadrupled in five years, going from $35 million in 2001 to $135.3 million last year, Fairfax newspapers reported. Last year, 16,500 people applied for early access to their super accounts, and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority approved 13,871 applications, more than double the approvals in 2001. Applications for early access to super are approved in cases of severe hardship. Money may also be released to prevent foreclosure of a mortgage or the forced sale of one's home. To qualify for an early release, the individual must have received federal income support for 26 weeks and must satisfy the trustee that the money is essential for living expenses. "If
you satisfy both of the above tests, the trustee/RSA (retirement savings account)
provider may, in any 12-month period, release to you one lump sum payment," the
guidelines say. And the crisis could deepen as there is a good chance of another
interest rate rise. If that eventuates, a voter backlash could dash the re-election
hopes of Prime Minister John Howard, who had promised low interest rates at the
last election. |
THE CULTURE WAR CONTINUESby James Reed The History Teachers Association wants a rethink of teaching methods in this subject on the basis of reports showing that teaching "indigenous history" tended to produce "racism". In other words, teaching what Professor Geoffrey Blainey called the "black armband view of history" produced not guilty compliance - but resistance. Students were "not prepared to wear the guilt" as one executive officer put it. Why should they: compared to the history of all nations, especially Asiatic ones, and the accounts of genocide in the Old Testament, Australian history has been relatively peaceful. Only well-fed academics that care nothing about Aborigines, but everything about their own publication and media status, work to feed the black armband guilt industry. How
much of the profits from the books written about racism/guilt of White Australians,
by White Liberals, was donated to help, say, preserve eyesight in remote Aboriginal
communities? I continue to redirect poor, disadvantaged and homeless people to the Arts departments of our universities for help. Put your money where your mouths are chatterers! |