home of ... Douglas Social Credit
14 September 2007 Thought for the Week: "There was
a period, say between 1850 and 1914, in which the economic aspect of this
problem was in a fair way to solution. The gold sovereign was a complete order
system. Mr. Brown had only: To tender his yellow warrant of sovereignty and he
got what he wanted
He set in motion the most marvellous train of self-acting
psychological sanctions
factories sprang to life, trains ran, and ships
sailed, all concerned not merely to do his will, but to do it better than anyone
It is perhaps unnecessary to observe that the virtue of the gold sovereign
lay not in its material but in its sanctions. |
MAYOR PETER DAVIS' CONCERN FOR AUSTRALIA'S FUTUREPeter Davis, Port Lincoln's popular Mayor, has raised the issue of Australia's out of control escalating financial debts with South Australia's Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Martin Hamilton-Smith, MP, 31/8/07: "I do thank you for sending
me your response to the State budget for the coming year, together with your concerns
at the rising level of State Debt you have identified, predicated to rise some
ten fold to some $3.5 Billion by 2011, plus of course, the additional unfunded
liabilities of Workcover and superannuation, some $7 Billions. |
LET'S RUIN YOUR COUNTRY TO HELP OTHERS!The following article appeared in a recent newsletter "Middle American News" and sets out some of the immigration and financial plans the World Bank has for us in Australia. One of our American friends subscribes to the monthly newsletter and thought we would like to know what is planned. "Bob Zoellick, the newly installed president of the World Bank, said it was "absolutely crucial" for Australia to import more immigrants from South Pacific nations. In Sydney last month, Zoellick told a newspaper interviewer, "labour mobility is absolutely critical to the long-term development of the South Pacific." Of
course, Australia and New Zealand are already developed. What Zoellick has in
mind is "developing" non-white countries at the expense of the people in Australia
and New Zealand. He said so. What
he means is that the white nations must bring in non-whites from the underdeveloped
South Pacific nations so that the non-white workers can send money back to people
in their home countries, the way Mexican workers in the U.S. send cash back to
Mexico. He says they are "fragile states" and that they are "a key area of concern to the bank." In a report last year, the World Bank recommended creation of "guest worker" programs in Australia and New Zealand in order to create "economic futures" for non-white Third World nations in the South Pacific." Further
reading: "The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," by John Perkins.
James Reed This
book shows that China's desire to be number one, and its present growth rate threatens
the world both ecologically and economically. Not only are there likely to be
scarcities in resources such as oil, but basic food items as well. |
James Reed Denying basic rights to Chinese workers shows that globalisation is a cancer. In June 2007 thousands of Chinese children in Shanzi province were freed after being kidnapped and worked nearly to death. Rural workers in China, especially migrants, are often seized by police at railway stations and if unable to pay a large fine, are sold as slaves and forced to work for nothing on farms. All this is but the tip of the iceberg of slavery in China. What will our future Mandarin-speaking Prime Minister Rudd do about it, do you think? |
FUTURE STATE POLITICIANS WILL 'HATE HIM' - BEATTIENow why would that be so? Why would
future State politicians hate the charming on TV Mr. Beattie? His
following (paraphrased) remarks on the Sunday ABCTV programme "On the Land"
will give us a clue. Mr. Beattie has
now publicly declared himself to be on the side of those working at the Sovietisation
of the Australian political structure. | GROWING OPPOSITION TO COUNCIL AMALGAMATIONS IN N.T?It is not only in Queensland that traitorous politicians are continuing their Sovietisation of our nation and at the same time tearing apart its Constitutional structure. The Northern Territory's Martin Government is in the process of jamming amalgamation legislation through its parliament. The
local press reports: Territorians
are resisting: Who can believe it? Howard doesn't want the "little people" becoming too alarmed as he works steadily at dismantling this tripartite Constitutional Monarchy with its separation, checks and balances of the powers of civil government. There most certainly are power-hungry men intent upon taking us into the New World Slave State. In
the 1990s Councillor Bevan O'Regan of Narrabri NSW outlined this part of the plans
for the New World Order in two separate speeches - "Your Council the Target,"
and "Councils at the Crossroads". . The plan includes: Send for a copy of either Video: Each video is $15.00 posted from Heritage Books, P.O. Box 27, Happy Valley 5159 |
DECLARATION OF WAR UNLIKELY - WHEN U.S. ATTACKS IRANWe have received numerous emails from various sources warning of the intended attack by America on Iran, even The Sunday Times, London reports the U.S. is planning a massive attack on Iran. With the headlines reading: "Pentagon three-day blitz for Iran," their Washington correspondent Sarah Baxter writes: "The Pentagon has drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians' military capability in three days, according to a national security expert. Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that U.S. military planners were not preparing for "pinprick strikes" against Iran's nuclear facilities. "They're about taking out the entire Iranian military," he said. Debat was speaking at a meeting organized by The National Interest, a conservative foreign policy journal. He told The Sunday Times that the U.S. military had concluded: "Whether you go for pinprick strikes or all-out military action, the reaction from the Iranians will be the same. "It was," he added, a "very legitimate strategic calculus." President George Bush intensified
the rhetoric against Iran last week, accusing Tehran of putting the Middle East
"under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust." He warned that the US and its allies
would confront Iran "before it is too late." Will Bush's Bosses Demand Iranian
Blood? Willis Carto of American Free Press
asks: Equally insane are Zionist con men like Norman Posheretz who is quoted in The New Yorker predicting that Bush will bomb Iran "before he leaves office." Mr.
Carto rightly observes: It is a pity the American people don't grasp the fact that the alien dark forces that took over the direction and administration of their country by stealth, seduction and corruption through the Power of Money, really don't care that America's strength is waning and in great danger of failing. Over the centuries, in fact over thousands of years, this Money Power, Mammon, Babylonian Woe, Sauron, whatever name you care to give this evil diabolical system - and those who wield its power - use nations for its own purpose. When that nation's life-blood has been sucked dry, its flees the dying carcass having already determined the next host-body-nation to parasitically latch on to. Why do you think
China is tipped to be the coming 'world power'? Do you really think China built
itself up into such a strong force? The key that opens the doors to the western
world's resources is International Finance. The stupid, greedy, gullible Western
politicians, financiers and businessmen eagerly helped in this development. |
HAVE THE REMAINS OF RUSSIA'S YOUNG CZAR BEEN FOUND?The remains of the last Czar's haemophiliac son and heir to the Russian throne, missing since the royal family was gunned down nine decades ago by Bolsheviks in a basement room, may have been found, an archaeologist has said. Bones were found in a burned area in the ground near Yekaterinburg, the city where Czar Nicholas II and his wife and children were held prisoner and then shot in 1918. A
local archaeologist said the bones belong to a boy and a young woman roughly the
ages of the Czar's son, Alexei, and a daughter whose remains have also never been
found. |