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19 October 2007 Thought for the Week: "The sinister fact that
strikes any detached observer is that if only you bellow and howl loud and long
enough about Freedom and Democracy you can quietly filch even such poor scraps
of liberty of action as still remained until recently to the propaganda-infatuated
numskulls of this continent, and can rivet upon them totalitarian tyrannies of
an all-pervading and drastic ruthlessness that makes the rule of Ivan the Terrible,
or Ghengis Khan, seem like a kindergarten by comparison; and without their in
the least being aware of what you are doing until they are hopelessly enmeshed." |
Reed Not to be outdone at the time, the Greens' (WA) Senator Kerry Nettle, supporter of all things politically correct, put out a press release calling on the vice chancellor of Macquarie University to review the teaching and assessment history of Professor Fraser. Nettle said: "It's important that when dangerous racist views are aired publicly the government is quick to repudiate them." So, in a so-called democracy where 'free speech' is allegedly permitted, public criticism of Asian and African immigration must receive a government jackboot upon it for fear these ethnic groups may be offended. Never mind about the rights of Anglo-Australians to survive in this land. As Senator Nettle said: "The Greens celebrate the multicultural nature of Australia and welcome the cultural wealth it brings." The Greens are concerned about the preservation of all 'species' of being - except Nordics (Northern Europeans). Greenism, a particular variety of Leftist doctrine, has little to do with saving nature; its agenda is to attack the culture and people of Northern Europe, the West, and work for its extinction. Consequently most of the energy and concerns of Greenies goes towards social justice and politically correct social causes, rather than rolling up their sleeves and cleaning up local environments. Please
note: |
CHATTERING CLASS - BAD FOR THE PLANETby James Reed According to John Guillebaud co-chairman of OPT and emeritus professor of family planning at University College London: "The effect on the planet of having one child less is an order of magnitude greater than all these other things we might do, such as switching off lights." Even though almost all of the future population growth will be by the non-developing (non-White) world - giving a growth of 2.5 billion by 2050 producing a brown planet of 9.2 billion - these greenies want the British to stop breeding. The reason is the environmental impact of extra consumers in the developed world (oh no, it's not the race!). But, by a logical extension of this argument Britain should first stop all Third World immigration to its shores, for immigration makes low carbon producers into high carbon producers. So, the greenies should be advocating zero net immigration. But not a peep from them on that. No prizes for guessing why. |
John Brett Territorians
resisting: The plan
includes: Lest we forget, it was the Whitlam government back in 1972 which planned to introduce the programme of local council amalgamations. And we should remember the forced amalgamations that took place in Victoria and South Australia under the Liberal and National Parties! Local government is the last bastion of our freedom to choose or refuse one thing at a time. Hitler and Stalin understood this. (As well as ex Premier Beattie!) Excerpt from essay
on the destruction of Local Government: Bob
Hawke's 1984 Fabian Society Speech: To date, those precious 724 Councillors remain, but once they are disposed of, the centralising forces move on to removing the next lot of Councillors. It is now all so easy, as the ordinary Councillor has been cut off from the past and the promise of more money (Power!) prevents them from making a stand". Further
reading: Further
viewing DVDs and/or Videos: |
WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE - AND NOT A DROP FOR OUR USE!Bravo Alan Jones! League supporters and activists well know their stand for real freedom and real democracy has, at times, been a lonely stand as they bore the brunt of the smears, character assassinations and psycho-political swear words (e.g., 'neo-nazi' 'anti-semitic' 'extreme right wing', etc) of the one-worlders in the media and politics - whether conservative or socialist. It is therefore encouraging to note the stand taken by influential people such as Alan Jones of Sydney Radio 2GB on the Water 'shortage'. (Subheading are emboldened sentences for emphasis ed) He recently stated: "If the hype about global warming is top of the charts for massive public deception and the public being completely led astray on hype, exaggeration and political opportunism, surely the argument about water can't be far behind. On the one hand you hear about drought, well what could you expect. We after all are a dreadfully dry continent. The reality is Sydney gets more rain than London. In fact it would be more truthful to say there's water everywhere. But then we're told, well it's too dear to get it from A to B. Yet in 1898 Charles O'Connor, one of Australia's greatest engineers, began his project to pump water from the Mundaring Reservoir in the Darling Range 30 kilometres north east of Perth more than 600 kilometres to Kalgoorlie. That pipeline is still the lifeline for the West Australian goldfields. At the time it was the longest pipeline in the world. To give you some idea if it began in Perth, Scotland as opposed to Perth, Western Australia, it would end in London. Nothing like this had ever been done before. The water is lifted a thousand feet over an escarpment and pumped 528 kilometres to a reservoir at Coolgardie. And 23 million litres of water is piped daily. Here's the rub. Work began in 1898. It was finished in 1902. And yes, O'Connor faced such criticism he took his own life. Today 100,000 people and six million sheep rely on the pipeline. But there is the Clarence River catchment with five million megalitres of water, ten Sydney Harbours flowing out to the sea each year. We could divert 2 million megalitres, four Sydney Harbours into the Murray Darling Basin and it would increase the flow of the Murray Darling by 100 per cent. Indeed, the total average discharge of the New South Wales coastal river catchments is 27 per cent greater than the whole of the Murray Darling river system. Can't be done? But then you've got the Morgan Whyalla pipeline. No one has heard of it. It could be done. It was first begun in 1940, completed in 1944. It's predominantly above the ground. And it enables industries on a large scale to be sustained by an assured water supply via the pipeline which goes through Morgan, Hanson, Spalding, Helshaby and Port Augusta to Whyalla. An extension to the pipeline takes water to Woomera and Iron Knob and Jamestown and Peterborough and various other country towns and farming areas in South Australia. In 1962 construction began on a duplicate pipeline next to the first. And the two pipelines lie side by side, 66,000 megalitres a year. That's 66 billion litres. And
then of course you've got the Ord River system in Western Australia. Every day
nearly 4 billion litres of water is not used. And the Fitzroy River is 50 times
greater than the Ord. Only ten per cent of Lake Argyll's water is used in the
Ord irrigation system, 45 tonnes per second, 4 billion litres per day is pushed
into the Timor Sea. Two
points. We've been brainwashed over global warming and we're brainwashed that
we're a continent with no water. And then we're brainwashed that it's all too
dear. Comment:
Further reading: "Who Owns the Water?" by Ian McLeod. Price: $10.00 posted |
ENGLISH JUDGES REFUTE AL GORE'S "AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH"The decision by the British government to distribute Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" has been the subject of a legal action by New Party member Stewart Dimmock. Although a full ruling has yet to be given, the Court found that the film was misleading in 11 respects and that the Guidance Notes drafted by the Education Secretary's advisors served only to exacerbate the political propaganda in the film. In
order for the film to be shown, the Government must first amend their Guidance
Notes to Teachers to make clear that: The
inaccuracies are: |
James Reed In conclusion Dawkins (et al) has done us a service. There is a conflict between secular materialist science and Christianity. Science has become a new cathedral of faith and scientists the new amoral magicians who have won over the consumer population with their technological magic. In reality scientific materialism has littered history with countless millions of bodies and their utopia is a brave new world of greater technological control for the monsters of the new world order. Science is the new sacred cow. At this stage I would like to introduce our readers to an article by American Daniel Neyer which appeared in New Zealand's On Target May-June 2003. Daniel Neyer blames the Church itself for the separation of man's physical nature from his spiritual nature and his reason from his other senses. Although the concept has been with Western man since the Greeks, it was codified in the 13th century. Over the centuries since then it has eaten away at the vitals of the Faith but there have been counter attacks although not specifically planned. Neyer saw that Darwinism, capitalism and communism were the logical outgrowths of this separatist concept. Another most interesting study concerning the question of how the Christian world may have come to get some of this wrong is provided by Michael Lane in his lengthy review of the late Thomas Robertsons' "Human Ecology: The Science of Social Adjustment". Downplay of
intuitive and instinctive faculties: Further
reading: |
the Editor of The Australian, 5th October 2007 Origins of Politically Correctness:
Letter to Editor: Daily Mail, UK, 1st October 2007. |