home of ... Douglas Social Credit
for the Week: A Blessed
and Holy Christmass Season To All "Sad
indeed would the whole matter be if the Bible had told us everything God meant
us to believe. But herein is the Bible itself greatly wronged. It nowhere lays
claim to be regarded as the Word, the Way, the Truth. The Bible leads us to Jesus,
the inexhaustible, the ever-unfolding Revelation of God. It is Christ "in
whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," not the Bible, save
as leading to him
The Son of God is the Teacher of men, giving to them of
his Spirit - that Spirit which manifests the deep things of God, being to a man
the mind of Christ. The great heresy of the Church of the present day is unbelief
in this Spirit. The mass of the Church does not believe that the Spirit has a
revelation for every man individually - a revelation as different from the revelation
of the Bible, as the food in the moment of passing into living brain and nerve
differs from the bread and meat. If we were once filled with the mind of Christ,
we should know that the Bible had done its work, was fulfilled, and had for us
passed away, that thereby the Word of our God might abide for ever." "If
democracy contained what the politicians have said that it contains, and nothing
more, it would be an entirely hopeless enterprise
Were it not better to
be a peasant and reverence a lord, than be a politician and reverence nothing?
The old aristocratic idea had more blood in it than that, and was more nearly
a real and credible thing. A lord, a peasant, a priest - good enough, if only
the lord had fed the peasant, and the priest had reverenced his soul; but since
the peasant fed the lord and had to himself all the reverence in his own narrow,
glimmering heart, he grew and lightened, and came to be at length himself both
lord and priest! That is the authentic biology of democracy." |
THOSE WHO LIVE BY IMMIGRATION, DIE BY IMMIGRATIONby James Reed John Howard exits the stage carrying forward the agenda of Whitlam-Fraser-Hawke-Keating. Asian immigration was higher under Howard (>70%) than under any of the Labor PMs. And of course, as a good new world order man, Howard disarmed Australia. I have written before of the "Howard illusion"; for too long many conservatives have been intellectually challenged and maintained that "Howard is secretly on side". Howard was never on side. My late Father summed up Howard when Howard was treasurer under Mal Fraser: "He's the 'so-and-so' that dreams up all this evil stuff." Ironically it was high Asian immigration into Howard's electorate that finished him off. Now that he has gone - and good riddance - maybe conservatives can start to wake up that the time in now one minute to the final midnight. |
OH DEAR THEY STILL DON'T GET IT!by Betty Luks By their fruits: But surely, many Australians now realise that whatever the so-called 'conservative' Liberal party presented itself as, in reality, its actions were nothing more than those of a centralist-one-world party who continued to betray their fellow Australians to the Neo-Communist World State. With the recent death of former PM of Rhodesia Ian Smith still fresh in our minds we could benefit from the warning journalist Ivor Benson gave us when exposing Smith's betrayal of the people of Rhodesia in the 1960-70s. There is an important lesson for us here which we must act upon, if we want to retain any hope of saving our freedoms and sovereignty. First, get it clear in your mind, for all
his pretensions, Ian Smith was not a conservative. In
his newsletter Behind the News September 1977, Benson wrote: In
his book, "Truth Out of Africa" he continued: It was not the outside powers trying to enforce revolutionary change in Rhodesia that Mr. Smith was fighting - his real opponents were the RF members of parliament who had chosen him as party leader and prime minister plus the rank and file members of the RF Mr Smith as a dedicated liberal and proponent of multiracialism had decided that there was no better position from which to advance his 'ideals' than from inside a political party that was most effectively opposing them. As events were to show, Ian Smith was a shrewd, tough and ruthless party-political operator who knew very well how to exploit to the utmost a psychology of group dynamics which makes it well nigh imperative for any group that is threatened from without to render blind loyalty and submission to its leader. Thus the Rhodesians were reduced to a moral condition described in the Gospels: having eyes they could not see, having ears they could not hear, and having minds they could neither understand nor remember. Many were to be the target of Ian Smith's enmity as, in an atmosphere of bewilderment reminiscent of George Orwell's Animal Farm, he picked off one by one those who opposed him or might do so in the future " Twelve RF members of parliament rebelled against Smith and formed an opposition Rhodesian Action Party (RAP). Even a deputy minister attached to the Prime Minster's office rebelled and resigned from his job " "The real traitors," wrote one correspondent, "though never numerous, were well positioned in the party structure." Oh! How frighteningly familiar it all sounds for Australia. |
James Reed And now President Mugabe has further mutilated Zimbabwe's already dying economy by announcing a law giving the State a controlling stake in mining operations across this torn and bleeding land. The State can now take over 51 per cent of companies' strategic fuels and minerals. And, legalising theft, 25 per cent can be taken without any payment at all. This is all done "in virtue of its [the State's] original ownership of all useful minerals in its sub-soils." Say goodbye to all new mining developments by private individual companies. Zimbabwe has achieved something rarely accomplished by a society: the rate of inflation is no longer calculated, according to a recent article in The Times of London, because the shops no longer have enough goods left on the shelves to do price comparisons. The last inflation figure, calculated at October 2007 gave an inflation rate of 14,840 per cent. Mugabe's solution to the inflation problem was to send soldiers to shops that refused to lower prices and have the soldiers loot the shops! The liberals in the West though are happy, because, after all, Mugabe is black so whatever happens, by definition, all is well. |
unknown) So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio. Soon, the back yard was like it used to be...quiet, serene and no one demanding their rights to a free meal. Now let's see.... 'our'
government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, and free
education and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen. Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder. If you agree, pass this message on; if not, continue cleaning up the poop! |
is able to do this because there is no specific requirement set down in the Constitution
which only provides for the Oath of Members of the Parliament under Part 1: 42:
Reed Scores of books are available outlining China's vision of world domination based upon their idea of Chinese racial superiority over all things foreign: Steven Mosher, "Hegemon: China's Plan to Dominate Asia and the World"; Bill Gertz, "The China Threat" (2001); Jeb Babbin, "Showdown: Why China Wants War with the United States" and Constantine Menges, "China: The Gathering Storm" to name a few. The economic and political direction taken by Australia in recent times puts Australia into the class of being a colony of China. In any future conflict with the United States we are likely to be the bloody meat in the sandwich. If there was ever a good reason for embracing social credit and opting out of the global madhouse, the coming nuclear war - World War IV - this is it! |
Benwell MBE has circulated a letter to likeminded groups with an appeal to work
together to come against the expected push for a republic. We publish a portion
of his letter. Not
one of Rudd's comments has been constant: It is therefore reasonable to assume that we could face a scenario where the Rudd Government will introduce a Plebiscite with an innocuous and misleading question such as 'Do you want an Australian as Head of State' and will take a simple majority of 50% plus one as a mandate to use the Australia Acts, the powers of which have never been tested in this area, to circumvent Section 128 by repealing the Constitution Act in its entirety and replacing the Constitution with a republican one of their own drafting. Whilst this would be very unconventional, and some would hold illegal, I ask whenever have these niceties prevented governments, in their belief that Parliament is essentially supreme, from acting first and then contesting any legal challenge, particularly when they have use of the public purse? Of course this may never happen, but, as in chess, we must always anticipate all potential moves by our opponent and be prepared to counter them. To do otherwise would be failing in our duty to protect our Constitution." |
American people must be feeling a huge sense of betrayal as they learn more and
more about what happened that fateful day now known as 9/11. The headlines read: Man who blew the whistle on Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad. On 30th November, 2007 the former President of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, wrote in Italy's largest newspaper: "Bin Laden supposedly confessed the Qaeda September attack to the two towers in New York claiming to be the author of the attack of the 11, while all the intelligence services of America and Europe now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq and Afghanistan." (This is a rough translation from Italian to English using Babelfish.) Mr.
Cossiga previously stated, in 2001: Operation
Gladio - a rogue intelligence network: In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in a sworn testimony: "You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security." (Aka John Howard's 'terrorist' propaganda?) Cossiga's new revelations
appeared in Italy's oldest and most widely read newspaper, Corriere della Sera.
REFERENDUM BEFORE MORE FLUORIDATIONby Don Auchterlonie The bill was debated at length in the Victorian parliament on 21/11/07. Most Government (Labor) MP's heaped scorn on the bill and Mr. Kavanagh. Most Liberal MP's said they supported fluoridation but people should decide the issue locally. A few admitted there was scientific evidence on both sides of the debate. Mr. Atkinson (Liberal) questioned the lack of studies on health effects of fluoridation in regard to ADD and type 2 diabetes. He was "angry at the stonewalling and at times what appears to be almost an industry behind fluoridation that does not really have the benefits to point to ....nobody has bothered to, or nobody wants to, do the scientific work. I think we should all be demanding that that scientific work be done. Mr. Kavanagh pointed out that there is very strong opposition to fluoridation in Western Victoria. "I attended a meeting of 800 people in Warnambool" Mr. Kavanagh said "less than 6% of the world's population drink deliberately fluoridated water ....the onus of proving that a poison is beneficial is on the proponent of the practice ..." The bill was passed 21 to 19. It won't get to the Lower House because the government has a majority there, it is however a ray of light in the fluoridation debate. |