home of ... Douglas Social Credit
16 May 2008
Thought for the Week: The first thing to
be remembered is that Australia is a common law country, and, as Mr. Justice Dixon
once said, that simple statement carries with it 'prodigious consequences'. (Common
law as defined in the Oxford Dictionary is the "unwritten law of England
as administered by the Queen's Courts, based on ancient and universal usage and
embodied in commentaries and reported cases".)
Having looked carefully at Senator
Murphy's Bill I doubt whether there is a solitary matter in it which has not been
dealt with under our common law system to protect the rights of the individual
I am sure that most lawyers would recognise that to live in a common law country
is in itself the very best guarantee of the rights of the individual
" |
James Reed "The Muslim cleric at the centre of Griffith University's Saudi embassy donation affair - Mohamad Abdalla - is regarded as the Brisbane leader of an Islamic group whose overseas members have been linked to al-Qa'ida and the 2005 London bombings. Dr. Abdalla who has refused to be drawn on the Tablighi Jamaat group, has been identified as its Brisbane head by Muslim community figures, including prominent Islamic leader Fadi Rahman. "He's the head of Tablighi in Brisbane," said Mr. Rahman, who attended the 2020 Summit as a delegate with Dr. Abdalla. "I know Mohamad Abdalla very well," he said. Should we be concerned about such revelations? No, not according to Queensland's Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson. Here is what The Australian 30/4/08 says about the Police Commissioner. "Queensland's
Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson last night intervened to support the Islamic
scholar, who, The Australian revealed last week, had in 2006 sought $1.37 million
from the Saudi embassy and offered to keep elements of the deal secret. Mr. Atkinson
praised Dr. Abdalla for engaging with authorities and promoting harmony between
Brisbane's Muslims and the rest of the community. He dismissed Dr. Abdalla's links
to Tablighi Jamaat - whose overseas members have been linked to al-Qa'ida and
the 2005 London bombings - saying the Griffith academic was a role model for young
Muslim men. "His stance from what I have seen of him, is in terms of being a moderate
person, a sensible person, a person who encourages the Islamic community to engage
with the broader Australian community," he said. "(He) works extremely well with
youth and has a very positive influence on youth."
But not at expense of our kids Well, wake up folks, to the picture on our campuses, where full fee-paying foreign students represent 25 per cent of our total enrolments, a situation forced on the universities because of cutbacks in their federal funding and limitations on our own population: middle-class hardworking Australian families who are willing to pay for their kids' university education. It's a situation where our university leaders, who should be focussing on running top-quality educational organisations primarily servicing and educating kids of taxpaying Australians, spend too much time offshore recruiting new students and wringing their hands at the thought that their foreign students intake may fall away." The McWorld rammed down our throats To this I say: who wants a "rich" culture and who wants to be integrated with the region? Not me! The "rich" culture is the present McWorld which we have had rammed down our throats. And I for one, never voted on the issue of Asianisation. |
grasp the political changes. Victoria:
New South Wales: The
psychopolitical attack: How many really believed the earlier enactment of racial and religious vilification legislation was aimed only at such outspoken 'racist' groups as the Australian League of Rights? In truth, the strategy and tactics of the psychopolitical brigade suggest, the League was merely the earlier scapegoat for what was intended for all in the long-term. While the agents of change were busily indoctrinating the younger generations within the education systems, the League of Rights was used to demonstrate what timid individuals and leaders of institutions to expect should they even so much as express a 'politically incorrect' thought. One of its founders, Eric D. Butler - a true Australian patriot - was smeared and besmirched continually by Marxist-infected church leaders, party-politicians and mainline media, but his character was such, in spite of the attacks, he continued serving his people all his active life. The Threatened Destruction
of the Federal Constitution: Destruction of the Family
and Nation: Neither the policies nor the direction has changed in all these years - no matter which political party has been in power. Further study: |
https://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/05/02/2233307.htm 2/5/08 by Bruce Haigh: Submissions
from interested parties have been called for: How will trading
in water and water licences achieve this? Cornering the market Leaseholder
not owner takes the risks Investors and
speculators hope to create a profitable market in water By what leap of faith is it asserted that licence holders will sell their licences to government when commercial assessments might lead to the conclusion that the market will offer six or 20 times the amount being offered in five or 10 years' time? The same considerations will apply on the purchase of water for environmental flows. By acceding power to licence holders the Government has become a mendicant, subject to the greed of the market place in relation to a scarce resource. Faced with growing shortages for environmental and humanitarian needs the Government might move to regulate prices and minimum purchases, however government regulation of private monopolies and cartels is an imperfect instrument as we have seen with Telstra and the oil companies. Complete
Audit by National Water Authority needed The ABC writes: Bruce Haigh is a retired Diplomat who now farms near Mudgee; he irrigates grapes and olives |
to the Stock Journal 1/5/08 the Federal Minister for Agriculture Tony Burke
claims that Labor's wheat marketing legislation is aimed at preventing monopolies.
Is he to be believed? What say you gentle reader? So, why is the Federal Minister for Agriculture to be believed when he insists:"The principle behind the legislation is to make sure competition works." The multinationals have been "circling their prey" since the 2006 AWB Ltd $300m scandal inquiry, and it seems their patience will be rewarded. If the reports coming through emails from concerned farmers are 'on track' they believe the Labor government intends to hand the carcass of the AWB over to the multinationals. The
Stock Journal continues: |
make billions in profit out of growing global food crisis, by Geoffrey Lean, Environment
Editor The Independent on Sunday, 4/5/08: The World Bank says that 100 million more people are facing severe hunger. Yet some of the world's richest food companies are making record profits. Monsanto last month reported that its net income for the three months up to the end of February this year had more than doubled over the same period in 2007, from $543m (£275m) to $1.12bn. Its profits increased from $1.44bn to $2.22bn. Cargill's net earnings soared by 86 per cent from $553m to $1.030bn over the same three months. And Archer Daniels Midland, one of the world's largest agricultural processors of soy, corn and wheat, increased its net earnings by 42 per cent in the first three months of this year from $363m to $517m. The operating profit of its grains merchandising and handling operations jumped 16-fold from $21m to $341m. Similarly, the Mosaic Company, one of the world's largest fertiliser companies, saw its income for the three months ending 29 February rise more than 12-fold, from $42.2m to $520.8m, on the back of a shortage of fertiliser. The prices of some kinds of fertiliser have more than tripled over the past year as demand has outstripped supply. As a result, plans to increase harvests in developing countries have been hit hard. The Food and Agriculture Organisation reports that 37 developing countries are in urgent need of food. And food riots are breaking out across the globe from Bangladesh to Burkina Faso, from China to Cameroon, and from Uzbekistan to the United Arab Emirates. Benedict Southworth, director of the World Development Movement, called the escalating earnings and profits "immoral" late last week. He said that the benefits of the food price increases were being kept by the big companies, and were not finding their way down to farmers in the developing world. The soaring prices of food and fertilisers mainly come from increased demand. This has partly been caused by the boom in biofuels, which require vast amounts of grain, but even more by increasing appetites for meat, especially in India and China; producing 1lb of beef in a feedlot, for example, takes 7lbs of grain. World food stocks at record lows, export bans and a drought in Australia have contributed to the crisis, but experts are also fingering food speculation. Professor Bob Watson - chief scientist at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, who led the giant International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development - last week identified it as a factor. Index-fund investment in grain and meat has increased almost fivefold to over $47bn in the past year, concludes AgResource Co, a Chicago-based research firm. And the official US Commodity Futures Trading Commission held special hearings in Washington two weeks ago to examine how much speculators were helping to push up food prices. Cargill says that its results "reflect the cumulative effect of having invested more than $18bn in fixed and working capital over the past seven years to expand our physical facilities, service capabilities, and knowledge around the world". The revelations are bound to increase outrage over multinational companies following last week's disclosure that Shell and BP between them recorded profits of £14bn in the first three months of the year - or £3m an hour - on the back of rising oil prices. Shell promptly attracted even greater condemnation by announcing that it was pulling out of plans to build the world's biggest wind farm off the Kent coast. |
ARE YOU GETTING THE PICTURE AT LAST ?We thought our struggling farmers, small business men and home buyers would want to know about the parasites milking the 'house of cards' financial system for all its worth. Why even the New York Times (16/4/08) is writing about the obscenities:"Hedge fund managers, those masters of a secretive, sometimes volatile financial universe, are making money on a scale that once seemed unimaginable, even in Wall Street's rarefied realms. One manager, John Paulson, made $3.7 billion last year ... The hedge fund managers James H. Simons and George Soros each earned almost $3 billion last year ... Their unprecedented and growing affluence underscores the gaping inequality between the millions of Americans facing stagnating wages and rising home foreclosures and an agile financial elite that seems to thrive in good times and bad." |
Coalition described the proposed Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) as "A Weapon
of Mass Taxation". "Staggering estimates of the costs of forcing industry to purchase permits to emit CO2 are just starting to emerge: Germany (100 billion euros), Australia (up to $22 billion), New Zealand ($4.5 billion). The amazing fact is that even though consumers in many countries will bear oppressive costs, there may be no reduction whatsoever in CO2 emissions, and no beneficial effects on the world climate. (The Chairman of the Australian Taxation Institute, Mr Michael Dirkis, recently estimated that the direct tax cost of an Emissions Trading Scheme could be $22 billion or 40% of company tax receipts.) "The immediate tax revenues collected from the forced sale of the emission permits will just be the start of the ETS tax pain. This tax will feed immediately into the prices for electricity, transport, food, cement and metal products. It will be like spreading the costs of petrol excise taxes into everything we buy. "But to administer the whole complicated scheme, with tentacles into every business in the land, will require a stifling bureaucratic overhead of administrators, consultants, regulators, statisticians, tax collectors, auditors, inspectors, enforcers and prosecutors. At a time when real industry is suffering from a shortage of labour and services, all of these people and resources will be sucked into an ETS black hole. This bureaucratic burden is yet another hidden tax. "Then to cope with the vast increase in green/red tape, the business world will build a matching unproductive empire of corporate bureaucrats charged with complying with all the new laws, statistics, reports, taxes, regulations and audits. "All these morbid results will be followed by the growth of a parasitic class of traders, speculators and bankers already gearing up to profit from the creation of paper carbon credits - another addition to the hidden ETS tax burden paid for by consumers, taxpayers or shareholders. "Then there is the insidious effect on the supply and cost of food. The Ethanol Obsession is already diverting grains and other foods to produce motor fuel. This stupid policy of subsidising or mandating the use of ethanol and biofuels will gobble up rapidly increasing quantities of corn, wheat, oils and sugar. Farmers all over the world are diverting land from food production and destroying forest land to produce motor fuel. "An even more ominous threat to future food supplies is the growing plague of sterile carbon-credit plantations which are already smothering food farm land and native pastures at an alarming rate. Every farming community is watching with increasing alarm as families leave, food production ceases, farm houses are abandoned and the land is covered by a monoculture of unproductive artificial plantations. Once the ETS becomes operational, this destructive process will multiply. Some hungry future generation will have the job of eradicating this crop of woody weeds for a new race of pioneering farmers. "Even more insidious is the fact that schemes like carbon sequestration and carbon credit plantations will rob the atmosphere of the life-producing carbon dioxide. For 100 years, the green revolution has produced more food from the same land, partly because of the free carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere by burning carbon fuels. If the world managed to be so stupid to limit or stop man's emissions of this plant food, he would surely starve all plants (and himself) - the ultimate tax blunder. "When people notice all food products becoming scarce and expensive, they should remember the real villains - Al Gore with his baseless hysteria about carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the Garnaut/Rudd emissions trading racket. Moreover, if Australia decided to become part of a world ETS, the net result will be a huge transfer of carbon credit money into dubious schemes in the third world, so Australians will never see any benefits or jobs from the spending of their own carbon tax money. "Another inevitable result of a carbon ETS will be to force-feed inefficient, costly and environmentally destructive methods of generating electricity such as wind and solar. This will sop up capital to build these invasive facilities, and push up the cost of electricity from such expensive, intermittent, scattered and unreliable power sources. At the same time, low cost reliable concentrated power from coal will see its share of the electricity market decline - more collateral damage from the ET Weapon of Mass Taxation. "Finally, shareholders and employees will suffer as plants and facilities made unprofitable by the cost of emissions permits or carbon taxes are prematurely scrapped or mothballed. It is amazing that our government seems prepared to turn this ET Weapon of Mass Taxation onto the Australian people without any proof that reduction in man's emissions of CO2 will bring any benefits, and without telling the Australian people what the scheme will cost." As
an American report on emissions reductions concluded recently: "Two things must be done before
saddling Australians with such costs. CARBON TAX: Is this carbon tax simply a re-run of the Tobin Tax which - we suspect - was intended to finance a permanent army for the U.N.? |