home of ... Douglas Social Credit
25 January 2008 Thought for the Week: Wealth list outlined: Such a (wealth) list, if it could ever be complied for even a single individual would never be strictly applicable to his life at any given moment and would tend to change from hour to hour wealth only discloses itself in consumption, for consumable goods capable of being converted by consumption into wealth at one moment of the life of the individual are quite incapable of realising any wealth at another. In other words, all questions of value are incapable of settlement because there is no possibility of fixing a standard of value and all we can say of anything is that at that particular moment it was presumably valued by an individual consumer because he consumed it. Notions of utility, likewise, arise from the confusion concerning the nature of wealth Wealth is, strictly speaking,
not the source from which the needs are supplied but the supplying of the needs.
In other words, a nation's wealth is what its citizens consume. |
Wallace Klinck, Canada: "Lou Broten's
column (November 2007) "From Civic Politics to the New World Order" is to be commended
for sounding the alarm re the treacherous and frightening move toward "globalization"
and the quickening political activities directed to amalgamation of the nations
of the world into an increasingly centralized world state or "New World Order."
Broten's references to the influences giving impetus to this sweeping move toward
centralization of world power seem apropos in consideration of such unequivocal
statements from such as David Rockefeller, quoted from his autobiography Memoirs: Mr. Broten's reference to the Social Credit movement, especially its policy as originally advanced by the late Major Clifford Hugh Douglas, is especially relevant inasmuch as genuine Social Credit policy would empower each citizen, through appropriate financial reform, producing growing independent income and falling prices by means of a universal National (Consumer) Dividend and Compensated Price. Social Credit poses the greatest threat to the policy of centralized power. Webster's
Dictionary misrepresents Social Credit: Orthodox financial policy attempts to "bridge" this financial chasm by increasing debt issued for current consumption as an inflationary charge to be recovered from future cycles of production. The major economic problem is that in consumer prices the consumer is properly charged with capital depreciation but, quite improperly, not credited with capital appreciation. Consumer
Dividend and Price Compensation: What Douglas advocated was the conferring upon each individual citizen, in effect, of an increasing and inalienable beneficial share in the communal capital in the form of increased purchasing power - so as to establish a condition wherein all citizens might enjoy increasing economic security 'wherein none could make them afraid.' To Choose Willingly in the Context
of a Free Association: Immanent
Sovereignty: |
SAVING THE WORLD'S FOOD SUPPLY WITH BIODYNAMIC FARMINGThe following article will be of interest to older On Target readers; not because there is anything new in what is said - for them - but because it shows the work of the early pioneers of organic farming such as Lady Eve Balfour and Sir Albert Howard has continued to bear enduring fruits. Saving
the World with Biodynamic Farming: Peter Proctor is a soil scientist who has worked with the stuff for over sixty years. His favourite invertebrate is the earthworm, which he describes as "the unpaid servant of soil health" and his favourite animal is the cow because of all the dung it provides. Dung is something that Proctor prizes more highly than gold, jewels, fossil fuels, or many other natural resources. His recommendation for green-fingered gardeners and for the long-term sustainability and security of global agricultural systems is the same: a complex preparation of medicinal plant material added to compost, manure and slurry. The mineral enriched compost preparations lessen soil compaction, enhance the quality of topsoil, increase microbial activity and encourage earthworms. Known as the father of the modern biodynamic farming movement in New Zealand, Proctor's work with crisis-struck farmers in India over the past fifteen years provides a strong grassroots alternative to industrialised conventional agriculture, which is failing on all counts. Like many other critics, he believes that we have become separated from our food by a global system of multinational corporations controlling what we grow and what we eat, and biodynamic agriculture may be the last chance this planet has for a healthy, secure, and ecologically efficient food supply. What
is biodynamic agriculture? In a series of eight
lectures known as the "Agricultural Course" made in 1924, Steiner taught the fundamental
ecological principle that the farm is a living organism, an individual self-contained
entity within a whole harmonious system. |
NEW ZEALAND'S GALLANT KNIGHTfrom David Flint's Opinion
Column: On the passing of Sir Edmund Hillary,
the media across the world fulsomely reported on the life and times of this extraordinary
man. Even reports about the United States presidential race gave way to news of
his passing on the front page of the New York Times website, Radio New
Zealand reported. Citizen
of Nepal...and "father of Sherpas": He used the fame that inevitably flowed from his triumph not for himself, but for the deserving, particularly in Nepal. This resulted in the building of 26 schools, two hospitals and an airport and providing scholarships for Sherpa children. Accordingly, Sir Edmund will be remembered with particular affection in Nepal, where Sherpa friends have lit butter lamps and offered special Buddhist prayers in monasteries across the country. In 2003, on the 50th anniversary of the climbing of Mount Everest, the government of Nepal had conferred honorary Nepali citizenship on Sir Edmund in recognition of his many services to the people and the region. He was the first foreign national to receive such an honour. Norbu Tenzing, the son of Tenzing Norgay who was with Sir Edmund on the famous climb, described the day of Sir Edmund's passing as one of "great sadness". Sir
Edmund, he said, was "a father for Sherpas" all around civis Britannicus sum
... Subsequently, Sir Edmund was to be lead the second conquest of the South Pole and later, to be the only man who has stood on the summit of Everest and the site of both poles. He was overwhelmed when, as a result of his triumph, he was created a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1953, a singularly appropriate recognition. Subsequently, he was made a member of the Order of New Zealand. The
greatest honour: He was also awarded the Polar
Medal for his part in the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Various streets,
schools and organisations around New Zealand and abroad are named after him, such
as Hillary College in Otara, and Edmund Hillary Primary School in Papakura. |
A SASKATCHEWAN INDIAN CHIEF AND CANADA'S 'HATE LAWS'Mr. Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFDE) reports on the latest developments in one of Canada's 'free speech' legal/political battles: "We won," Doug Christie, the Battling Barrister from Victoria, told CAFDE in a short interview this afternoon, after the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals upheld the Court of Queen's Bench ruling throwing out the 2005 Sec. 319 "hate law" conviction of Saskatchewan Indian Chief David Ahenakew for comments made to a reporter. At
trial, Doug Christie, the country's most experienced counsel in challenging Canada's
notorious "hate" laws argued that the Chief's remarks had been "in private conversation"
and not public - a key element in a Sec. 319 conviction. If anyone was guilty
of promoting "hate" it was the reporter and newspaper that trumpeted the fruits
of their interview, obtained after much harassment and bating of Chief Ahenakew.
The Freedom
Rebellion is Spreading Mr. Fromm reports: A major Toronto talk show programme called today to invite me, as a spokesman for the Canadian Association for Free Expression,to participate with free speech lawyers Doug Christie (Jim Keegstra, Ersnt Zundel, Malcolm Ross, Tony McAleer, Paul Fromm., Glenn Bahr, Chief David Ahenakew, and many other free speech victims) and Peter Lindsay (Ernst Zundel, the "Honk if you hate gypsies five", Mark Elms) this Friday in a discussion of the attacks on free speech in Canada, especially at the hands of human rights commissions. The producer told me: "This year, 2008, will be the year of free speech in Canada." Let's hope so. Let's hope the freedom rebellion will spread |
to our attention the following news: British Court Rules Airline can Censor Cross
worn by Employees: www.catholic.org 1/12/2008. A British Airways employee who
sued her employer after it required her to cover up a cross necklace while she
worked has lost her religious discrimination lawsuit, WorldNetDaily reports.
The Reading Employment Tribunal had previously ruled against Eweida, but she appealed the decision. The 56-year-old Eweida, who was placed on unpaid leave, reacted to the ruling, saying, "I'm very disappointed. I'm speechless really because I went to the tribunal to seek justice. But the judge has given way for BA to have a victory on imposing their will on all their staff." Eweida
was represented by an attorney from the Alliance Defence Fund. Chief Counsel Benjamin
Bull issued a statement responding to the decision. "Christian employees should
not be singled out for discrimination. This decision will be appealed," he said. The court ruled that the airline can prohibit Eweida from visibly wearing the cross. It held that other types of religious symbols, such as turbans, bangles, and other religious markings, are acceptable because they cannot be concealed. In a statement, British Airways said: "We have always maintained that our uniform policy did not discriminate against Christians, and we are pleased that the tribunal's decision supports our position. Our current policy allows symbols of faith to be worn openly and has been developed with multi-faith groups and our staff." British Airways noted Eweida's eight years of employment with the company, saying she "continues to be a valued member of our staff." Actionists go out and spread
the word. If
flying BA, all Christians should prominently wear their Christian crosses (or
any other Christian symbol) during their flights and bring it to the attention
of the flight attendants, asking them to pass the message on to their captains
and others in authority. |