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7 November 2008 Thought for the Week: 'The financiers are in fear of losing the 'confidence' of their subjects. The public cannot be exploited if there is no value left to 'cream.' The inevitability - that the public will in fact, be 'evicted from their cells in Poverty Street.' - is becoming imminent. Without tenants, there are no rents to receive! As Mugabe is now witnessing.
'Fascism, by which name it appears to be fashionable to designate anything which isn 't labelled Bolshevism, is as a title contemporaneous with the rise of Mussolini. It is quite easy to show, however, not merely that its origin is identical with Bolshevism, but that it is merely Bolshevism wintering in the Mediterranean.
'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them '" |
TOLKIEN 'S 'SAURON GROWS STRONG ONCE MOREby Betty Luks While we are constantly bombarded with 'newspeak ', and it takes a little while to recognise the truth from the PR smokescreen, the intent of the Labor Party 's Fabian Socialist plans for the further centralisation of power over the Australian people takes shape. Notice that the means for 'our salvation from the global financial crisis are based on the presently structured international privately-owned debt-money system, whose end translates into our oppression through a New World Order? History, in this case, is so important
"Now there is one danger which I see at the present time, apart from the intervention of a worldwide catastrophe, (the catastrophe was World War II) and that is, in regard to this question of change in the financial structure of the world. We know quite well that governments are supposed to be supreme over the people governed. On paper, at any rate, the Government of Australia is the supreme authority in Australia, I presume. But I refer to a country I know better, Great Britain. On paper the supreme authority in Great Britain is the House of Commons; but it is extremely doubtful if this is so at all. It is much more likely that the supreme authority is the Bank of England. But the point I want to make is this, that there is a sort of paper condition of these governments of ours which does make them a power, though they may not be the supreme power, they are the second power in the state. What I am so much afraid of is that, by undue haste in combining these two powers through the nationalisation of the financial system and its combination with the government system, you might make only one supreme power which you cannot handle and you cannot control. That is a very real danger, and I would like to impress it on you. I do not think that it might not eventually be necessary to make banking a state service, but what I 'm convinced of is that, before you do that, YOU MUST BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THAT YOU HAVE THE POLICY OF THE BANKING SYSTEM CHANGED." |
THIS IS WHERE THE LEAGUE OF RIGHTS CAME INby Betty Luks But let 's go a little further back in the story. The Social Credit movement, having earlier played a vital role in bringing John Curtain into office, now spearheaded a national campaign against Dr. Evatt 's dangerous war-time proposals. This resulted in an incensed Evatt contacting Tasmanian Labor Senator Richard Darcy, a social crediter and friend of Eric Butler and other social crediters of the time, where he adopted a threatening attitude to their campaign against his proposals. When the threats were not successful Evatt changed his tactics and suggested a meeting with Social Credit leaders. The result was an historic address by Evatt, of which in later years he did not like to be reminded. While expressing support for the main principle of Social Credit, 'what was physically possible should be made financially possible ', his real purpose for the meeting was to convince the Social Crediters such things are not always constitutionally possible. He did not convince them. For those who doubt this little bit of Australian history: The Evatt address took place at a luncheon at Farmers, Sydney on 3rd December, 1942. But now let Eric Butler take up the story in his own words from: 'Steps Towards a Monopoly State ' BANK NATIONALISATION AND THE CONSTITUTION by Eric D. Butler:
'The League of Rights is a non-Party organisation with no Parliamentary ambitions and no brief for the trading banks. It is primarily concerned with obtaining an informed public opinion in support of those fundamental British Constitution principles which, over a period of hundreds of years, were painfully evolved for the purpose of ensuring that there was a proper and clearly defined limit to the powers which any individual, or group of individuals, should exercise over the lives of other individuals. Bank nationalisation, the Victorian elections, and the subject of the Federal Constitution are inseparably connected. Bank nationalisation is a direct assault upon the Federal Constitution; it is merely a means to an end and not an end in itself. As Mr. Chifley has been persistently publicised as a financial expert, it is obvious that his argument that bank nationalisation is necessary to prevent any policy of credit restriction by the trading banks is merely camouflaging the real objective. Even the most rabid financial reformer cannot deny that the Federal Government already has more than sufficient power over general financial policy to implement any modifications deemed necessary. The Real Objective
As proved in practice in Russia and Germany, and now in Great Britain under the Socialist regime, a "planned economy" cannot be allowed to be jeopardised by any individual having the power to contract out of the centrally imposed plans if he doesn't like them. The Federal Constitution, which limits the powers of the Federal Government, is a barrier to the imposition of a "planned economy" in Australia. |
OBAMA 'S COMING MULTICULTURAL FASCIST STATEby John Steele Since that time a COOP data base has been constructed which 'includes dissidents and activists of various stripes, political and tax protesters, lawyers and professors, publishers and journalists, gun owners, illegal aliens, foreign nationals, and a great many other harmless, average people. In effect, Bush hands to Obama what is essentially a Fascist police state. Let us see if 'the man dismantles it, or merely 'high fives Bush, as Bush takes his pot of gold and heads for greener pastures. |
OBAMA AND BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGYby John Steele Obama until recently openly supported Wright with donations from his books royalties. He never condemned Wright 's radicalism until it could possibly be used against him. McCain is too weak, stupid and/or inept to use this ammunition. The Mindszenty Report concludes: In an Obama world, what do you rate the chances of constructing a 'social credit economy? |
THE SONG REMAINS, ALWAYS THE SAME - FOR THE LEFTby James Reed Not really. As many articles in On Target show, Howard et. al. were the great Asianisers of Australian history. The project of market individualism is part and parcel of economic globalisation and the Labor Party believes in this as much, if not more, than the Liberals. I await to see a book by these type of writers taking Rudd apart. The role of Labor leaders like Hawke and Keating to open the Australian economy to global market forces is not examined. |
IS IT TRUE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT POLITICAL CORRECTNESS?by James Reed According to Professor Allan, the term 'political correctness ', 'refers to an unwillingness to talk about certain issues. Further, it 'refers to a refusal to speak the truth about, or even mention, issues related to particular groups or causes for which there seems to be a hyper-sympathy, especially if that description would be badly received by such groups. ' Thus criticise the refugee or migration program and you must be a racist. Criticise Feminists and you are sexist and/or anti-women and, on this one, even the 'anti-feminists who are really closet feminists will roast you. The field of multiculturalism and Aborigines, homosexuals and even Legal Affairs, offer numerous examples. What all of this means is that some vitally important topics can no longer be talked about. Allan does not say this, but clearly the end result of the politically correct society is a type of multicultural or rainbow Fascism, the antithesis of democracy and freedom. |
THERE ! LET THAT BE A LESSON TO YOU ALL !by Betty Luks Leave aside the absurdity of having a law about holocaust denial in the first place. Assume that Germans need this to stop them becoming Nazis: what about plucking an Australian citizen from Britain, a country where denying the Holocaust is not a crime and extraditing them to a country where denying the Holocaust is a crime? This is oppression of the New World Order type at its best, using EU law to go after people that have committed thought crimes. Some 'justice '! Let us suppose that some small country, say 'Aryania, made 'racial treason and vaguely defined 'crimes against the Northern European people offences punishable by death. (This is known as a thought experiment or hypothetical). How would our shining new class elite feel if they stopped over in 'Aryania on way to some international Human Rights conference and found themselves facing some unreasonable penalty for something which they believed? What then? |
REVISIONISM IS... LETTER TO THE AUSTRALIAN PRESS FROM THE UKCorrection of misleading inaccuracies in Monday October 14th 2008 Australian Daily Telegraph https://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,24484456-5001021,00.html Dear Editor, Yours truly, Mich 'le, Lady Renouf , PO Box 18812 London SW7 4WD, U.K. For Australians to write to the British government, the address in Australia is:
The URL for British Consulate: |
STOP PRESS: POLLIES SIMULATE SEX ACT ON AUSSIE SOCIETYby Peter Ewer Now if there was intelligent life in the universe, perhaps on other planets, far, far away what would they say about Australian politics? My guess is that they would advise us to stop worrying about the underpants of drunk former ministers, and to take concern about the open rape and genocide that our political leaders perform on the hapless sheople, each and every day. |
GET READY FOR INVASION AUSTRALIAby James Reed As power moves to China and India, White Australians are fleeing the north for a variety of reasons, including racial tensions, crime and lack of services. Remote Australia is thus becoming a failed state, which stands open to possible invasion. In my opinion, this openness to invasion has always existed, not because of lack of population, but because of lack of a will to defend this country. In the post World War II period we took in migrants from non-Anglo lands on the pretence of populating and securing the nation. We could have been far better off getting nuclear weapons, as China and India did. Australia, the eternal colony, a land shamefully sold out by its intelligentsia and its 'leaders '. |
THE SECRET LIFE OF 'OUR IMMIGRATION PROGRAMby James Reed According to Birrell spouse and fianc 'e visas have grown from 25,500 in 1996-97 to 39,931 in 2007-08, which is 'very substantial growth and illustrates the dynamics of the program, which has recently been boosted by the Labor government largely to keep a lid on the price of labour. (The Weekend Australian 4-5/10/08 p.10) Australia 's overall migration program is 190,300 with 133,500 places for permanent skilled migrants, following Rudd 's flag to a 'cut in the migration intake. (The Australian 10/10/08 p.1) These are still the numbers of national suicide. It seems, as in ancient Aztec times, the great god of Immigration must be constantly fed by human sacrifices. |
The Chinese tainted milk scandal is a symbol of globalism. Cheap shoddy goods, unregulated markets, corrupt health inspectors.
Here is another symbol: 'HIV Rise Linked to Holidays in Asia (The Australian 17/9/08 p.3).
This is a product of the same 'cheap labour exploitation mentality, this time, the terrible sexual exploitation of Asian women and children by disgusting White men. Take this as the real face of globalism. |
TURNBULL 'S AMAZING JEWISH ARCHEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY!by Peter Ewer Reflect on this story. It is no bad thing in today 's world being Jewish. If Mrs. Carol Lansbury (his mother) was Jewish, why leave the telling of the story to Malcolm until the point that she could no longer be quizzed as to a witness? Never mind, with today 's computer tracing of family trees it is not too difficult to research this. When I get some spare time soon, when I am laid off work, I will use the computer resources available to research family trees, to check out Malcolm 's story. |
THE FULL MONTY ON FOODThe Soil Association is well known to the Australian League of Rights. In the early days of the League in South Australia, state director, Frank Bawden, himself a keen organic small farmer, was involved in the early beginnings of the Soil Association here in Australia. 'The paradigm of food security has shifted back to self-sufficiency and local food production; organic gardener Monty Don says we must grow our own food to save us from the global economic and food crisis that no governments can fix." A back garden food revolution
Monty understands that nowadays gardens are smaller, fewer people are growing, and the production of food has gone increasingly into the hands of bigger growers and industry. He blamed governments for the most part of the problem and for the crisis of trust that has spread and undermined community relationships. Small is beautiful
Monty emphasized that over the last fifty years our knowledge, experience and skills as growers have been deliberately abused in the name of commercial profit, which goes against all the precepts for growing good food that nourishes both body and soul. Source: https://www.i-sis.org.uk/Thefullmontyonfood.php |
THE LONELINESS OF THE LONG DISTANCE PHILLIP ADAMSby James Reed Phillip Adams doesn 't mind if either Obama or McCain wins, so long as Bush goes. Phillip hates Bush, and that seems fair enough. (See The Australian 9/9/08 p.12). But Adams hates John Howard even more - so much so that he tapped out an article pleading for Howard to return to politics, for his sake. Yes, Philly needs Johnny because no one else stirs him up like Howard did and in the journalism game you need to be stirred up to write articles people will read. No fire and passion no article, nothing but a yawning blank screen. That is the journalist 's nightmare silence. On the other hand, I don 't have that problem. I hate almost everybody in the media, not only in Australia but overseas as well. Their writings aid in the destruction of the values that I consider noble and wholesome, so they are by definition, my enemies, and I hope, yours as well. |