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26 June 2009 Thought for the Week: There is a saying among the south sea islanders: Know the roots and you will know the tree. Know the tree and behold! It will answer to your cultivation. History is the endless record of experiments; a series that cannot be broken and of which there is never complete specification nor adequate separation from a multiplicity of similar operations. The movement of events cannot be arrested for examination and analysis, history shows and must show approximation upon approximation. Within itself each event appears to be complete and completed, it cannot be undone; but, as a part of a series which is one whole, what is so indeterminate as an isolated event? It seems conclusive, yet it is always moving on to fresh conclusions. It is in this difficult complexity that policy is crystallised and becomes history in which men of understanding as well as of action have erected signposts for the use of their successors. To illuminate one of these is to select that particular incident or aspect as being of a significance exceeding that of a thousand other happenings which might have been chosen. He who writes history, chooses history. - - Taken from “The Cultivation of History” by Hewlett Edwards. |
FOR OUR UK READERS: LISBON TREATY1. Commons debate = Oral Answers to Questions - Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Lisbon Treaty (19 May 2009) https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2009-05-19a.1326.3&s=Lisbon+Treaty#g1329.6 Mark Francois: |
THE BRITISH ISLES AND THE ANNIVERSARY OF MAGNA CARTAby Ian Dunt, Legal and Constitutional Comment. Monday, 15 June 2009. Over the years the monarchy has protected us against executive power by its very existence. On the anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, we would do well to remember what the document says about Britain, and its ideals. Our greatest gift [to the world] is the Magna Carta, the first attempt of the modern world to limit executive power. The Magna Carta's content helps define what British society is. But its story is also typically British, in that it was a total mess. The nobles and barons who forced it on the king were not motivated by society, but by power and their own well-being. It is a document which was barely followed for the centuries that followed its creation. And sections of it were endlessly added to and done away with once it was signed. It's not a simple story – it's a muddle But Britain isn't a very idealistic place, and most of its great achievements are conceived through muddle, accident, smarts, and moderation Take, for instance, the monarchy. It's a paradox, but over the years, the monarchy has protected us against executive power by its very existence. I was in the States at the start of the year and socialising with some right-wing friends when I asked them about their new president, expecting a flood of anger and resentment. There was none of that. He wasn't just their president; he was their commander in chief and, importantly, their head of state. Instead, they said they were disappointed by the result but that it was their job now to get behind him. Sounds nice, doesn't it? It isn't. It's dangerous: The Expenses Scandal: It is perfectly possible to love your country and not the government, as Britons prove every day. And the government does not provide free health and education; we do. We pay taxes and give it to our fellow man, through the medium of the state. It's not 'government money' as people often say. It's our money. The government is not something to be loved or admired: The tragedy is that this is happening in Britain, the country which gave the modern world the concept of limiting executive power. When we fail on these issues, the world fails too, because we give it less to live up to. Today of all days, we should remember why the Magna Carta came to be, and what it says about us as a people. It’s quite evident our politicians forgot those lessons a long time ago. Source: https://www.politics.co.uk/interviews/legal-and-constitutional/comment-thank-god-britain-hates-its-government-$1303818.htm --- *Editor’s comment: I never cease to be amazed that writers such as Mr. Dunt, although patriotic etc., cannot see that Magna Carta was not the result of just ‘any’ people. Further reading: "Freedom Wears a Crown" by John Farthing. “Realistic Constitutionalism" by C.H. Douglas. “The Big Idea” by C.H. Douglas. |
BIG KEV 09 'S BUDGET CIRCUS ACTby James Reed Perhaps this explains a surprising article “China Finds Rudd ‘more difficult’ than Howard”, (The Australian, 18/5/09, p.1). Chinese analysts were more comfortable with John Howard as Rudd “offers words that can be very touching, but may not be taken too seriously”. |
SOL TRUJILLO GETS THE LAST LAUGHby Brian Simpson Stated simply, if Australia was a ‘racist’ country, Sol Trujillo would have never been permitted to step forth onto Australian Soil, let alone get such a top job, let alone be able to do all that Don Randall complains about. But that’s the price we pay for ‘openness’ and cosmopolitanism. |
ANTI-CHINESE PNG RIOTS: WHY NO CRY OF RACISM?by Peter West The National newspaper summed it up: |
THE GREAT LIBERAL DEATH WISHby Brian Simpson Now one would have thought that a person would be, rightly, quite angry about this. But Ms de Rijke said that while her rapists “did horrible things to me”, they “also respected me…they are not monsters”.
Stockholm Syndrome occurs when captives identify with captors. After all, the journalist wanted to interview these terrorists for a story: but why? Surely only to put across their point of view and legitimise them in some way. That’s the trendy, ‘cool’ thing to do for a cosmopolitan. All of this is a symbol of the West’s decline. |
THE DISAPPEARANCE OF BLONDESby Brian Simpson In short, Nordic features have mythological and symbolic significance. Red hair, followed then by blonde hair, is predicted by some geneticists to disappear this century. The cause is the low birth rate of Nordics, race-mixing and inter-ethnic mixing. Nordic genes are recessive and are typically overcome by matings with darker individuals. |
DO NOT BASH THE CURRY!from Len the Cleaner The best response to this was given by Indian-born writer Akash Arora in The Age (2/6/09) where he points out that more Indians are assaulted on the Delhi Metro train over a period of days than in Australia in one month. And he says: As usual, this incident has been used by our elites in a show of “how racist we are” to put Anglo-Australians in their place, and how even tighter thought control laws are needed. But what really needs examination, if we are hunting for ‘racism’, is the international student racket. This education industry has created ‘dollar degrees’ and further degraded our universities. It would be a good idea to close down the international student market circus and to get universities and the education system under national control again. The goal should be to educate Australians, not flog off ‘education’. Australia loses much more than the alleged $15+ billion industry supposedly brings in because our own institutions become corporatised and corrupted from the real ideals which a university should pursue. Otherwise, follow James Reed’s idea and just close down the universities and sell them off as shopping centres. If we are going to be crass and rotten, then that’s what should be done. I’ll find something else to clean. |
WHY MUCH OF ACADEMIA (AND LIFE) RUNS ON 'BS 'by Brian Simpson Much of academia and modern life runs on ‘BS’ because the truth would set us free. Deception, lies, manipulation and the like are necessary as mental mechanisms of socio-political control. Much of the writing done by the team of ‘younger’ writers at the League is addressed to combating the lies and distortions of the media and its agents. |
GREED WILL BURY US ALLby Brian Simpson Certainly markets and the unchaining of the creative energies of individuals produce real wealth. But the ‘greed’ of Gekko from the movie Wall Street that her article defends, is the greed of a financial parasite who does not produce real wealth. |
ADVENTURES OF KEVIN WONG & PENNY RUDD, OR IS THATby James Reed: This is all part of the new face of politics where politicians such as Rudd and Obama are forever on an election campaign. It is like some kind of media adrenalin drug that they can never get off, or want to get off. There is no conversation from Rudd, just an on-going election speech about his personal excellence. That is the fatal defect, and also that of Obama as well. Both really believe their own propaganda. That is why the face of the new migrant Australia – Penny Wong – who in one package is so ‘politically correct’, will inevitably rise to become the first Asian-lesbian Prime Minister of Australia. |
THE OBAMA WORLD IS FALLING APARTby James Reed Obama was friends with Tony Rezko, who on 4 June, 2008 was convicted of 16 out of 24 counts of political influence, peddling and corruption. Rezko’s fundraising got Obama elected to the Illinois Senate and US Senate. Another friend is radical Professor William Ayres, part of the Weathermen terrorist group. Obama and Ayers worked together at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) from 1995 – 1999 and again from 1999 to 2002 on the Board of the Woods Fund of Chicago. Better known as Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a Marxist Black Liberation preacher. Obama went to his church until the association proved a bit of an embarrassment for him. Dr Borst asks: “Is it not reasonable to think that…Obama has been brainwashed by his years of close proximity to some of the most radical political extremists in American political history and what the country sees is but a mask?” On this hypothesis, Obama is like the character Sergeant Raymond Shaw in author Richard Condon’s “The Manchurian Candidate” (1959), someone who can be “switched on” when it suits the elites. Looking at some of the facial expressions of Obama (e.g. The Weekend Australian, 30-31/5/09, p.11) there could well be some truth in this idea. North Korea now has nuclear fireworks and has renounced the truce that has existed since 1953. Better yet, the colourful Kim Jong Il, leader of North Korea, has threatened military strikes on allied troops. A nuclear North Korea comes to us thanks to China. China gave Pakistan nuclear know-how and allowed Pakistan to transfer this to North Korea. No matter, China is beyond criticism and Hussein Obama fears the Chinese as much as he idolises the Muslim world. Thus Obama’s tough talk that he will not tolerate North Korea as a permanent nuclear state is just hot air and more showmanship. If Borst is right, it will be interesting to see what happens in the future as (1) Obama’s popularity crashes as dopey liberals realise that he is just a corporate boy; (2) the American economy continues to nose-dive and (3) North Korea and Iran start setting off nuclear firecrackers. Will Obama’s alleged switch be pulled at that point? Will he then be like the robots in Terminator Salvation (big, tough), or merely like the robot in Wall-E? A pussy cat? |
AMERICAN GRAND JURIESAmericans are searching for Constitutional ways of dealing with Obama. Australians concerned for their own nation hope their American friends have a Constitution that 'works' rather than what is happening in Oz. Australia’s Commonwealth Constitution Act has clauses which are continually ignored or over-ridden by Australian politicians. And, sadly, Australians, are just too apathetic to care. Illinois “Land of Lincoln” Grand Jury hands down indictment against Obama: The following criminal allegations and complaints were voted upon: COUNT TWO: The charge of “Treason” against Obama is before the people of the United States of America. That such complaint is CRIMINAL, of high crimes, and extremely damaging against the people. It was a great day for the patriots in Illinois. Obama politics is a big problem for the State but hopefully these presentments will purge some of the stench coming off Obama as he moved from Illinois to becoming the notorious “usurper” in Washington. The momentum is growing. American Grand Jury, Texas, Arkansas and now Illinois have combined for a total of 9 Grand Jury indictments against Obama. The presentments are being served on Sheriffs, Judges, Courts and DA’s across the land. So far most of these liberal courts are trying to hide from acting upon the presentments but in the long run the numbers are starting to mount. We are not fooling ourselves; we know it is going to take many more Grand Juries and possibly 100’s of filings to get the job done. Sooner or later the court system is going to be inundated with “presentments” against Obama. Public sentiment is growing against Obama and some of these courts will be forced to step up or lose complete credibility with the people. The good news is that many people are responding to the American Grand Jury movement and are willing to serve. The June schedule is booked solid but we need jury members for the upcoming July Grand Juries. |