26 March 2010 Thought for the Week: Israeli Apartheid and The Nakba: There can be absolutely no doubt that Israel has created an inhuman, illegal and utterly disgraceful Apartheid state, and the international community will never be able to excuse itself if it takes no action against this blatant, ongoing and in-plain-sight crime against humanity. - - Gilad Atzmon https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article25004.htm Israel and the lobby against the US: A Perfect Storm in Washington: - - http://pulsemedia.org/2010/03/18/israel-and-the-lobby-against-the-us-a-perfect-storm-in-washington/ |
THE “SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP” IS DEADGordon Duff: Source: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/03/16/gordon-duff-u-s-tells-israel-you-are-undermining-america-endangering-troops/. “Military Veterans and Foreign Affairs” journal, 16/3/2010: U.S. Tells Israel: “You are undermining America, endangering troops” Here is some background on CENTOM Commander, General Petraeus’ shocking briefing But Petraeus wasn’t finished: two days after the Mullen briefing, Petraeus sent a paper to the White House requesting that the West Bank and Gaza (which, with Israel, is a part of the European Command — or EUCOM), be made a part of his area of operations. The Mullen briefing and Petraeus’s request hit the White House like a bombshell… pressing Israel once again on the settlements issue, sending Mitchell on a visit to a number of Arab capitals and dispatching Mullen for a carefully arranged meeting with the chief of the Israeli General Staff, Lt. General Gabi Ashkenazi. … Certainly, it was thought, Israel would get the message. Israel didn’t. When Vice President Joe Biden was embarrassed by an Israeli announcement that the Netanyahu government was building 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem, the administration reacted.
But no one was more outraged than Biden who, according to the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, engaged in a private, and angry, exchange with the Israeli Prime Minister: This is what was discovered The Israeli attack on Gaza was timed to an American change of administration and done without consultation. Broad intelligence sources indicate that the attacks were not in retaliation to any terrorist activity but are spoken of “behind closed doors” by top US officials as ethnic cleansing not unlike the issues that brought NATO into conflict with Serbia. The systematic nature of the attack, destroying water-treatment, schools, hospitals, food storage, power generation and the massive loss of life, especially among children, has soured many in the Obama camp on Israel. The Israeli agenda of working with India to destabilize Pakistan, organize terror attacks there and, less publicly known, in Afghanistan and Iraq, some against American targets, can no longer be ignored by the current administration, Secretary Gates, General’s Mullen and Petraeus. Israeli’s “dynamic duo,” Senators McCain and Lieberman, though still holding important committee assignments on the hill, are being held increasingly in disrepute in the United States. When Israel sends these two on errands, it no longer carries the weight and power of the United States as it had during the Bush administration. Re-examination of a number of terrorist attacks during the Bush administration, particularly in Europe, show a clear “Mossad footprint,” something adding credence to the hypothesis that the “war on terror” and intelligence failures in Iraq had been heavily influenced by Israeli sources, many of the same individuals tied to the Edmonds spy affair, many close to, not only Israel but President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Recently a secret El Al/Israel flight from JFK in New York has been discovered, a flight authorized by top Bush officials, one previously kept secret and now being tied covering up 9/11 intelligence failures. The El Al Boeing 747 left only hours after the 9/11 attack, at a time all air traffic in the United States was grounded. With nearly all Arab/Muslim governments aligned behind the US, including a softening of tensions with Iran, Israel feels it must act quickly. However, the US no longer has any strategic requirement for a relationship with Israel. What had been seen as a potential ally, perhaps now wrongly so, in the region is now generally perceived as a “runaway train” that the United States can no longer go to the United Nations time after time to protect from sanctions, 32 times thus far. Israel clearly feels it has the United States “over a barrel” with control of media, a massive AIPAC lobby working against American policy and huge new financial influence over the upcoming Congressional elections handed over to them by the highly controversial 5/4 Supreme Court “free speech” election funding decision clearly meant to aid Israel further in her ability to intimidate Congress. Unofficially, Israel has moved to the top of America’s “terrorist watch list” and is now drifting toward “evildoer” status, not only by the White House but, more broadly, through top defense officials who now perceive Israel as a threat to the United States.” |
A MATTER OF TIMING – WIPING THE SPIT OFF HIS FACEby Uri Avnery As the Frenchman said: It’s worse than criminal, it’s stupid. On the other hand, when the act of folly is in line with the spirit of the regime, there are no brakes. When it moves from one bureaucrat to the next, it looks quite natural to both. No red light. No alarm bell. And so the folly rolls on to the bitter end. That’s what happened this week in Jerusalem Now the pace is speeded up even more. Because there is no more effective means of obstructing peace than building new settlements in East Jerusalem. That is clear to anyone who has dealings with this region. No peace without an independent Palestinian state, no Palestinian state without East Jerusalem. About this there is total unanimity among all Palestinians, from Fatah to Hamas, and between all Arabs, from Morocco to Iraq, and between all Muslims, from Nigeria to Iran. Anyone who wants to wreck any chance for peace – it is here that he has to act. The settlers and their supporters, who know that any peace agreement would include the elimination of (at least) most settlements, have planned in the past (and probably are planning now) to blow up the mosques on the Temple Mount, hoping that this would cause a worldwide conflagration which would reduce to ashes the chances of peace once and for all. Less extreme people dream about the creeping ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem by administrative chicanery, demolition of houses, denying means of livelihood and just making life in general miserable for Arabs. Moderate rightists just want to cover every empty square inch in East Jerusalem with Jewish neighbourhoods. The aim is always the same. This reality is, of course, well known to Obama and his advisors. In the beginning they believed, in their innocence, that they could sweet talk Netanyahu and Co. into stopping the building activity to facilitate the start of negotiations for the two-state solution. Very soon they learned that this was impossible without exerting massive pressure – and they were not prepared to do that. Only the matter of “timing” remained Even at this late stage, Abbas and his people still hope that something good will come out of all this: the US will acknowledge that they are right and exert, at long last, real pressure on Israel to implement the two-state solution. But Biden and Obama did not give much cause for hope. They wiped the spit off their faces and smiled politely. As the saying goes: when you spit in the face of a weakling, he pretends that it is raining. Does this apply to the president of the most powerful country in the world? Comment: Wasn’t it Krushchev, the Soviet Union president who, in observing the subservience of the west’s ‘leaders’ said: “We spit in their eye and they think it is dew!” |
LAW AND THOUGHT CONTROLby Ian Wilson LL.B. Albrechtsen goes on to outline some of the views of the complainer in his 15-page letter to the radio station. She then goes on to say that such race-hate laws have a “chilling effect” (a frequently quoted legal turn of the phrase) driving discussion underground. We have all heard this before but still the march of suppression of free speech continues. I imagine then that those who really do want to speak on such topics will, in the future, truly need to “go underground”.
Perhaps even science education may not need to “go underground” like during the dark ages, as political correctness washes through US campuses. |
THE INVENTION OF A JEWISH ‘RACE’The Weekend Australian Review 13-14/3/2010 published a review by Rafael Behr “The Holy Land May Not Be Promised” of Shlomo Sand’s book “The Invention of a Jewish People”. Mr. Sand, a professor at the Tel Aviv University, has ignited a controversy that is spreading worldwide. It is the best selling book in Israel at this time and has received a prestigious literary award in France and yet the Jewish-French community’s reaction has been termed ‘hostile’ while the author describes it as ‘hysterical’. Mr. Sand’s work challenges the accepted theory of the historical link between ancient Israel and modern Judaism. He is ‘shaking the faith’ of those who have believed in an historical link between modern Judaism and ancient Israel, but more importantly, it is a serious challenge to the claims of ‘the chosen’ people to build a modern Jewish state on the soil of ancient Israel; a land on which the Palestinian peoples have dwelt for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. |
JOIN THE ‘TEA PARTY’by James Reed Of course, supporters of the US Freedom movement see that ‘freedom’ is only that which the politically correct coalition is willing to grant them and that is why they fight on. They are unlikely to be frightened of big bad words such as ‘racism’. We need the equivalent of the Tea Party movement in Australia. Anyone for a cup of tea? |
BEHIND “ASKING THE PHILOSOPHER”by Brain Simpson As I see it, home schooling could be a social antidote to the politically correct multicultural nonsense presently force-fed to our children. So, contrary to Soutphommasane, home schooling is to be warmly embraced by families that can do it. Children seem to outperform comparative children in battery-hen-like conditions in our degenerate schools. Three cheers for home schooling. |