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13 August 2010 Thought for the Week: In Solzhenitsyn's famous B.B.C. address (26/3/76), he warned the west that we were accelerating down the same path that would lead to the same conditions which the people of the Soviet Union experienced. But elsewhere he warned that this great human tragedy had nothing to do with race, but everything to do with philosophy. While the world’s human bodies are distinguished by racial characteristics their minds are formed and controlled by philosophy. There are only two groups of "minds" in the world. One philosophical group believes that all power and authority arises external to each individual, while the other group believes that all power and authority arises from within each individual. All the world’s religions are rooted in one or other of these basic belief systems. Western civilisation arose from the Christian philosophy: all power and authority, from God, arises from within each individual. But now the whole world is being overtaken by systems and institutions based on the other philosophy; this includes the corporate state, centralised republican government and in particular financier/bankers. All use ‘ballot box democracy’ as a vehicle for change. To undermine and convert the western world, mass immigration from countries that don't even have a ballot box, is one of the current vehicles being used to continue the destruction of what is left of western civilisation. The matter is not even presented as a ballot box option! - - - John Brett Toowoomba, Queensland |
CALLING ALL THE HIGH PROFILE IMMIGRATION CAMPAIGNERSby Don Auchterlonie The question that Dick Smith, Bob Carr, Kelvin Thomson, The ACF, Andrew Bolt, Steve Price and the rest of the newly supportive media of a now decades old sentiment to REDUCE IMMIGRATION need to answer is: Why won't they use their high profiles and daily opportunities across all media to inform and encourage the millions who have long held the same view to write REDUCE IMMIGRATION in the blank space atop both ballot papers on Election day? The only day we are all able to tell the politicians what we want on immigration! We know a REDUCE IMMIGRATION 'write-on' would work wonderfully well with the encouragement, legitimacy, and public awareness that all these high profile individuals could generate around this idea. It could very quickly go MSM and www viral should they choose to promote it. Look up Wiki on how the NO DAMS write-on campaign worked to save the Franklin River with both Dick Smith's and Bob Brown's blessing back in the early 1980s. Presumably they recognise how much more important today's immigration/population issue is to our national future than the Franklin River ever was. So, why don't they harness support via the ballot? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_Dam ) Dick Smith et al have known for many months about the REDUCE IMMIGRATION write-on but have, so far, not responded. If these gentlemen will not back this campaign will they tell the Australian people why not? Are they pulling their punches because of political correctness or what? The present demographics in Australia and the current immigration levels mean that time is running out on Australia retaining its normal culture. Australians have never been consulted about immigration levels so it is so important to have this opportunity publicised. A MUST WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC2vStOI2ZA TARGET: Write to Dick Smith, Bob Carr, Kelvin Thomson, Andrew Bolt and Steve Price and ask them why they will not publicise this opportunity we have on the one day we have a chance to have our say! Dick Smith C/O Australia All Over, GPO Box 9994, Sydney. NSW. 2001. |
BEWARE OF ‘POLLIE SPEAK’: RESPONSIBLE VOTING NEEDEDby Louis Cook I have a suggestion, lower the GST by 2% and this would lower power and fuel costs straight away and then flow on to many other areas affecting all Australians. The GST is the tax the International Monetary Fund said we had to have! (Read Jeremy Lee's "The Tax the IMF Said We Had to Have!") Since Labor came to office rural debt has gone from $53 billion and now past $62 billion and the total tax take has escalated even further. Both parties are indicted by their respective performance as very poor money managers and further, the hard-pressed taxpayer is going to be squeezed even more as they try to do their version of “responsible” money management. When politicians say they will make the “hard decisions” it is “pollie speak” for ‘we don’t mind hurting people’ - and they do! Voting in elections should be seen as a deadly serious business it is not a “game-show” or some type of pantomime with “good guys and bad guys”. You are voting for someone who will make decisions on your behalf, someone who will make decisions affecting your personal, financial, religious and cultural freedoms, and if these freedoms are infringed then you MUST take some of the blame yourself. Unless you live in the electorates of Lalor or Warringah you cannot respectively vote for Julia Gillard or Tony Abbott but you must vote for somebody else. Who will you vote for this time? Will you vote for more of the same or will you take some responsibility for the state of the nation and try something different? Make the candidates in your electorate earn your vote by making them responsible for their actions. There is a threat that "The Greens" will hold the balance of power and to counter this they should be placed after the major parties... don't give them a chance! I have attached a message from the "Climate Sceptics" who are fielding candidates in the Senate and could be worth your 1st preference as they support The Australian Constitution and Citizens Initiated Referenda. Please check them out to see if they measure up to YOUR ideals in other fields. I believe "Family First" have similar policies, however, the choice, along with the responsibility, is yours. Don't forget Independents. If you believe in the "power of prayer" then it could be a good idea to start praying hard because the prospects for Australians right now do not look too good. Keep your chin up and start hitting! |
SCANDALOUS DISREGARD FOR MOST THINGS BEYOND RE-ELECTIONby James Reed Endeavour Forum newsletter No.139, August 2010 p.1 points out that Julie Gillard is a founding member of Emily’s List. This group seeks to elect pro-abortion women into parliament. The organisation has come from the US and spread to Australia. The group supports abortion for any reason until birth and feminist pro-abortion politicians in the US have had their campaign donations cut by Emily’s List for failing to support partial-birth abortions. Here in Australia, according to Endeavour Forum, the Victorian Abortion Law Reform Act 2008, instigated in part by Emily’s List faction in the ALP allows abortion right up to birth. This was something I did not know, and as well, some late-term aborted babies are born alive. Endeavour Forum quotes the Herald Sun of 20 May 2010 which says: “…one late-term abortion is performed in Victoria every day and 54 babies survived the procedure to die post-natally…” Now is a good time to write to the PM and ask her about her opinion of the situation described in the Herald Sun article – or perhaps a friendly former bodyguard may assist us. Clearly Gillard is not fit to be a PM. Dare I say it – she is almost, almost as bad as Rudd. Think about that Queensland! |
IF WE DIDN’T LAUGH ... WE WOULD HAVE A GOOD CRY…Source: Tim Blair, Daily Telegraph 26th July 2010: “The horror of a year in climate La La Land” Even better, they should televise every minute of the Assembly's deliberations, with underperforming Citizens being voted out (and also being sterilised, if we want to add a population theme). Al Gore could turn up to present a special Inconvenient Truth temperature graph challenge. MasterClimate! But there are one or two problems with Gillard's Citizens' Assembly plan. It would be just like the Vietnam War days, except far more terrifying. Being deployed to the Vietcong-infested Mekong Delta is one thing. Spending a year helping the Government formulate its climate change policies is quite another. "Jack? Jack, dear, are you all right?" Denise, dread on her face, walked slowly towards her motionless husband. He didn't answer. Jack was thinking about something he'd read years earlier. On certain Saturday nights, if the sky was clear and the breeze just so, inmates on the prison island of Alcatraz could hear parties from the mainland. They could hear freedom. Gillard's bizarre idea for a parallel parliament to decide climate policies reads more like the notion of a 21-year-old Australian Union of Students president than anything from a Prime Minister. Maybe Gillard was inspired by the Commonwealth Student Conference she helped organise at Melbourne University in 1983, a gathering dubbed "the kiddies' CHOGM". For that matter, Gillard in 2010 doesn't seem much changed from the Gillard of 27 years earlier. A 1983 profile of the then newly-elected student leader, published by The Age, features many of the same lines we heard after Gillard cut down her predecessor Kevin Rudd. For example: "She remembers her father talking about politics and going through the newspapers with her." Well, of course she remembered - she had been living at home only a couple of years earlier. And then there's this quote: "Student politics has taught me that there is more to political life than a few bunfights between the big parties. It is all very absorbing. I really don't think private practice would suit me after this." You got that right, sister. Gillard's comprehension of the private sector was perfectly illustrated by her latest election pledge, which was announced on Saturday, to spend $394 million buying old cars. "Australians own a lot of old motor cars, and those old cars guzzle a lot of petrol and they spew out a lot of pollution," said Gillard, who'll give two grand to anyone who trades their pre-1995 car on something new, clean and economical (and imported - only a handful of local cars are eligible for the Gillard rebate). As with climate change, Gillard is fixing a problem that doesn't exist. There is also the potential for rorting, in the manner of BER and insulation scams. Unless popular stereotypes are wildly inaccurate, used car dealers will play this system like a two-dollar banjo. One more quote from Gillard in 1983, which should especially appeal to Kevin Rudd. "I suppose you could describe me as ambitious. Whatever involves me, I seem to have the motivation to get to the top," she said. For the sake of general amusement, let's hope she stays there. Gillard is becoming the most unintentionally entertaining Labor Prime Minister since the last one. |
POLICE STATE, USAby James Reed Naturalnews speculates that ProPublica was targeted because of its story “BP Texas Refinery Had Huge Toxic Release Just Before Gulf Blowout” (https://www.propublica.org/article/b...) The photographed refinery is alleged to have illegally released 538,000 pounds of toxic chemicals! |
EXPLORATIONS IN POLITICAL INCORRECTNESSby Brian Simpson Ah! If only all philosophy was like that! I have found only one book by a conventional academic philosophy publisher which dares to politely criticise the ideology of political correctness: Howard P. Kainz, Politically Incorrect Dialogues: Topics Not Discussed in Polite Circles, (Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1999). This book is cleverly written and has a number of Plato-style dialogues on a wide range of topics from husband abuse to race. The book is available in part via Google books on-line (Google the title in quote marks) and makes enjoyable reading. |
WHY DEMOCRACY DOESN’T NEED THE UNIVERSITIESby Brian Simpson Alas, all of this has long gone. Globalised capitalism and internationalisation has already chewed up the universities and spat them out. Indeed, it was the same commitment to cosmopolitanist philosophy which enabled the global financial demons to get their sharp, dark, satanic claws into the knowledge machine in the first place. Now the universities, like the real estate industry, have become vampires, ever seeking new blood to feast upon. |
SAGA OF THE DANCING HOLOCAUSE SURVIVOR: SOME RESPECT PLEASE!One thing which both conventional Holocaust believers and revisionist deniers agree about, is that the issue of the Holocaust is a serious matter. Yet now a video clip of Adolek Kohn, a dancing Holocaust survivor is going “galactic” on the internet. Mr Kohn and his daughter and grandchildren danced to the sounds of I Will Survive at Auschwitz and other sites. This is alleged to be a celebration of life – but many are outraged, seeing the videos as a lack of respect. Others have said that it was not offensive because Kohn was a Jew “survivor” and if “someone [i.e., Gentiles] were to do it”, it would be “highly inappropriate”. |
POLYGAMY AND MULTICULTURALISM: FRENCH STYLEby Brian Simpson Over the channel British schools are rearranging texts, exams and cancelling lessons to avoid offending Muslims during Ramadan. During Ramadan, Muslims who have reached puberty avoid eating or drinking between sunrise and sunset. |
THE HEALTH LEGACY OF THE GENERATIONby Brian Simpson According to The Independent (26/4/2010) up to one in five healthy young men between the ages of 18 and 25 have abnormal sperm counts in terms of quantity and quality. In the 1940’s the average number of sperm was about 100 million sperm per millilitre of semen, but today the average is about 60 million sperm per millilitre. About 20% of young men have levels less than 20 million per millilitre. Even those sperm are of poor quality with between 95% and 85% of those sperm “abnormal”. The most common cause of infertility is due to males. Environmental toxins, especially estrogenic food substances and hormone disrupting chemicals, the products of a toxic consumer society, may spell the long-term extinction of the human race. |
THE GAY REFUGEE HOTELby James Reed The pinko lobby want Australia to take everybody who lands on our shore. That is a recipe for everybody in the Third World landing on our shore – and that is what they want. The pinko seeks the racial death of his/her people because of a psychopathological sense of guilt at having comfort. Therefore I suggest that each of these pro-open borders types swap their life with that of a refugee. A refugee of our choice moves into their house, their bed, their life and keeps their wealth. They get to be put on the high seas in a boat of our construction, so that they can feel morally superior. In Britain two gay asylum seekers have won a Supreme Court appeal against their deportation because the court accepted that they faced prosecution over their sexuality. The men were from Iran. The Home Secretary said: “I do not believe it is acceptable to send people home and expect them to hide their sexuality to avoid persecution”. Bingo – every “gay” “refugee” will be heading Britain’s way. The West, as it crumbles, has become a gay refuge. Political comment authorised by Donald Auchterlonie, 145 Russell Street, Melbourne 3000. |