Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

3 September 2010 Thought for the Week:

So far from nationality being the cause of the world-wide unrest, it is sovereignty, whether national or international, which is resented, and that to replace national sovereignty by international sovereignty is to still further complicate and exaggerate the evil against which the whole world is rebelling. (Internationalists) are not really interested in removing the cause of complaint at all, they are merely interested in making it impossible for complaints to become effective.

• Society at the present time is a battle ground of two fundamentally opposed ideas and the future of society (now civilisation) likely to be determined by which of those ideas shall prevail. One of these ideas is the breaking down of all differences, social and national, and the setting up of a world state. And evidence to the contrary offers no evidence or argument to the Internationalist. The idea is impervious to the assault of fact.

• The mentality which is attracted by the Internationalist idea is incapable of distinguishing between numbers, things, and individuals. It is a type of mentality which is fostered and ultimately becomes inseparable from people who deal with nothing but figures, and is, the reason why the banker in particular is fundamentally unsuited for the position of reorganiser of the world.

• No banker as such, has any knowledge of large undertakings. He thinks he has, because he deals with large figures, and he mistakes the dealing with large figures as being equivalent to dealing with large numbers of things and people. ''Can like be equated to like, by any necromancy of gold?" You might put the matter another way by enquiring whether there was any similarity between a Beethoven Sonata and a bottle of wood alcohol in New York, because you can buy either of them for 5s.

- - The International Idea by C.H. Douglas - "The New Age" 14 January 1932 


Port Lincoln Mayor Peter Davis publicly voted informally in both the House of Representatives and the Senate elections – and below are his reasons why.
I, Peter Woodley Davis, Vote INFORMALLY for the election of a representative for the seat of GREY because:

1. No candidate has given an unequivocal guarantee to defend our cultural and religious origins: That is, the British Constitutional Monarchical system of Parliament, our National flag and our Christian origins.
2. No candidate has stated their desire to resume control of the Nation's currency, credit creation ability and interest rate stability that prevailed when Parliament owned and controlled the COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA FROM 1914 TO 1929,
3. All candidates desire a multicultural and multiracial Australia despite the fact of building tensions evident within our Nation as increasing numbers of diverse peoples place our majority Christian, European cohesion under tension.

- - Signed: P.W. Davis, Pt. Lincoln S.A. 5606  


Mayor of the Naracoorte Lucindale Council, South Australia Mr. Ken Grundy writes: The Weekly Times of August 18th reports the grim situation facing Local Government where an estimated $31 million shortfall exists as Shires attempt to fund repairs to infrastructure including roads and bridges.

Councillors face the annual balancing act where the bulk of expenditure needs to be financed from rates. This year many have increased rate revenue by 12% and some individual ratepayers have been angered by their increases of between 30% and 40%.
Chief Executives and Councillors are calling for big changes in the way Shires are funded from State and Federal Governments. The story below provides an interesting possibility. It will not solve tomorrow’s problem but deserves to be on the agenda for the long-term plan.

As Mayor of the Naracoorte Lucindale Council, I certainly see the need for a change. As the Global Financial Crisis approached, the Rudd Government decided to stimulate the economy as a means of minimising the impact on Australia. Millions of dollars were made available to individuals, schools and Local Government, to name a few. Recipients were delighted and soon put the money to ‘work’ in their communities.

The Coalition parties in Opposition offered some criticism about the amount of funds but generally agreed that some level of stimulus spending was necessary. Like any stimulating drug, the enjoyment has been followed by the hangover. In this case the enjoyment of spending has been followed with the bill. We have the bill to pay because all of the stimulus funds were borrowed as an interest bearing debt.

What was the source of the borrowed funds? It surely was not some wealthy individuals. It could not have been any other nation around the world because they too were borrowing to stimulate their own economies. There is only one remaining source and that is the Banks. The Banks have the power to create the new finance.
There are several terms given to the new finance including; quantitative easing, pump priming, fiat money and fractional reserve lending. In these instances all have involved debt, but need they have?

The Nation’s Bank
Our nation has its own bank known as the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). It was established to provide the necessary finance for the development of this nation. The RBA certainly played a major role during war and peace, by using its power to provide finance at a minimal cost. At one stage we had a Royal Commission into banking which virtually endorsed the actions of the RBA (which was formerly known as the Commonwealth Bank until it was split into the RBA and today’s Commonwealth Trading Bank). Although the Royal Commission was held in 1937, its findings have not been affected by any subsequent legislation.

Money - backed by productive capacity of the Nation!
Summarising some of the findings, the Chairman of the Commission, Mr Justice Napier declared, “… the Bank (RBA) can make money available to governments or to others on such terms as it chooses - even by way of a loan without interest, or even without requiring either interest or repayment of principal.” Quoted from *The Story of the Commonwealth Bank” by D J Amos (F C I S).

Just imagine the benefit the stimulus money would have had, if it was sourced from the RBA on the generous terms available! That same amount of money could have been issued debt free. It is worth stressing that any increase in the money supply needs to be appropriately backed by the productive capacity of the nation.

Local Government is always battling the equation of services supplied and rate revenue. Meeting the rules of compliancy imposed by other levels of Government is a cost which consumes a good deal of rates. If only the politicians would exercise the powers of the RBA to direct a new stream of finance to Councils, Local Government could flourish.

* A brief story about the establishment of the original Commonwealth Bank (read RBA) is available in a small book online “The Story of the Commonwealth Bank” or is available in hard copy from Heritage Bookshop Services.  


To the Editor, New Zealand Herald 25-8-10:

I almost wept at reading of John McKearney’s and others “Save Our Farms” campaign. They have my complete support.
There was a time when the family farm – along with family owned homes - was a valued and respected part of New Zealand social life. But several decades of financial ideology, serious government mismanagement and too much centralized political power has caused economic devastation and a serious loss of personal and national sovereignty.
We don’t have to crawl like beggars to foreign financial institutions. We used to be more sensible and finance our needs from local banks and occasional strategically-aimed issues of Reserve Bank credit for public works.

- - Bill Daly, Glen Eden New Zealand  


by James Reed:
… we get to hang them?” Thus asked Jimmy, the boy next door. No, I said, sadly, it just means that the Red Lizard and Tony Rabbit whisper sweet nothings into the ears of the Independents and hug a tree with a Greenie – and bingo – same game, new players.

And my, how the ruling elites intermesh: “our” Governor General Quentin Bryce (a lady of course) may have a conflict of interest because her daughter is married to Labor “faceless man” Bill Shorten who, with other “faceless men” organised for Kevin Rudd to receive a knock on the door at midnight, as “Mad Monk” Abbott put it.

What a truly sickening mess our society has become in its plunge downwards. My only satisfaction is that there is still enough guts left in the remaining Australian people to throw a spanner in the works for a while I say “remaining Australian people” after chewing on Department of Immigration and Citizenship population estimates for 2007-2008.

Quoting from Endeavour magazine, August 2010, p.3:
• The Indian-born population numbered 239,295 – a rise of 39,529 in 2007-08.
• The Chinese-born population numbered 313,572, a rise of 32,563 in 2007-08.
• The Philippines-born population numbered 155,124, a rise of 10,784 in 2007-08.
• The Malaysian-born population numbered 120,053, a rise of 6,684 in 2007-08.
• The South Korean-born numbered 78,260 a rise of 9,118.

These figures refer to “first-generation” migrants; that is, only people born overseas. Endeavour says: “with the outright numbers of “non-traditional” migrants rising, and with the percentage of “non-traditional” births here exceeding those of the founding population, the core ethnic group of the Australian nation is shrinking year by year. Endeavour believes that Anglos will be a minority before too long: my guess is that it has already happened.

Elections in the future for ruling Chinese and Indian MPs are just around the corner. Did YOU put “Reduce Immigration” on your democracy slip?  


by James Reed
Now that old man Reed has learned to google, I am off to the local library to sit next to the Asians and Africans, and search for the freshest, juiciest news for our readers. On Monday’s, feeling in good spirits, I do a doomsday apocalypse run looking at what fellow ‘balls of fun’ have written over the past week.

Sharon Astyk, “Things Fall Apart Slowly” (Science Blogs, 12/8/2010) is a smart lady with a lot of good old-fashioned home-spun wisdom. She says that when a society can no longer afford to maintain basic infrastructure such as schools, roads, libraries, street lights, etc., that society is heading for collapse.

Across the USA the decline continues, with public schools cutting down hours to save money, transit systems cutting services to save money and cities switching off street lights for periods of time, to also save money. I followed the links to check this: to the New York Times (“Governments Go to Extremes as the Downturn Wears On” 6 August, 2010).

Another article from the Wall Street Journal in July 2010 “Back to the Stone Age” describes how paved roads, historical emblems of American achievement, are being torn up across rural America and replaced with gravel or other rough surfaces as counties struggle with tight budgets and dwindling state and federal revenue”.

The more centralised and complex things become
Leading collapse theorist Joseph A. Tainter (“Problem Solving: Complexity, History, Sustainability”, Population and Environment vol.72, 2000 pp.3-4), sees all complex social systems subject to the likelihood of collapse due to diseconomies of scale: the more centralised and complex things become, the greater the chance of a failure to solve the problems.

Problems unsolved fester and ultimately poison the social system, so to speak.
All the signs are there that we are in this process of disintegration: the river of time is carrying this fetid social order to its logical conclusion. We, the outsiders, await the time to rebuild from the rubble of the now.  


by Betty Luks
A comment by a Labor fellow on election night stirred my interest more than all the recent spin the Australian people have been subjected to. The Labor fellow said Bob Katter’s two political ‘heroes’ were ‘Black Jack’ McEwen (Country) and ‘Red Ted’ Theodore (Labor). He described the men as political opposites - McEwen the ‘right’ and Theodore ‘left of left’.
I once saw a documentary on “Red Ted and the Great Depression”. My impression was Theodore - while trying to give relief to the working man and family during those terrible years - was just as much a Bankers’ man, although nicknamed ‘Red’ Ted, as were the ‘conservatives’. The film claimed he tried to get rid of the Communists within the Labor party.

Another person mentioned in the film was Professor Giblin, a Canberran ‘economic adviser and planner’. In the “Australian Quarterly” September 1943, this man bluntly said that “there must come a time when somebody must decide what is a suitable job for a man to do, and he must do it.” Not all the Soviets were in Russia!
Famous Fabian Socialist Bernard Shaw was honest enough to answer truthfully the question: “How does socialism work in practice?” Shaw replied: “Compulsory labour with death as the final penalty, is the keystone of socialism.” (English Labour Monthly October 1921.

But why didn’t film producers dig deeper?
Why didn’t the film producers present to the Australian people the wonderful story of truly great men – ones I would consider true heroes - such as King O’Malley (Labor) and Sir Denison Miller (first Governor, Commonwealth Bank of Australia) and what they did for the Australian people in the formation of the original Commonwealth Bank of Australia? These men and their policies were genuinely for the Australian people – not like the career politicians and political opportunists we have today.

Voters will become disillusioned - yet again!
I am afraid neither the Labor nor the Liberal voter will be satisfied with what they think they voted for – both parties have their own agenda and will continue along the path the financiers have set for them, unless major changes among the electors themselves takes place.

Back to Katter’s heroes: 'Red Ted' Theodore - Wikipedia:
“During 1931 Theodore faced the greatest economic crisis in Australian history. The government imported an advisor from the Bank of England, Dr Otto Niemeyer, who recommended an "orthodox" solution, including sharp reductions in government spending such as pensions and unemployment benefits.
The radical Premier of New South Wales, Jack Lang, on the other hand, campaigned for the repudiation of Australia's debt to bond-holders in London.
Theodore rejected both these alternatives and proposed instead an expansion of credit to farmers and small business, through the issue of "fiduciary notes" which could be redeemed after the Depression. (Shades of Rudd’s ‘stimulus package!)
His Fiduciary Notes Bill was denounced as financially unsound by orthodox economists and the banks, and was eventually defeated in the Senate. Theodore has been described as a visionary proto-Keynesian for this proposal,… ”

'Black Jack' McEwen - I can remember Eric Butler saying he helped to campaign for McEwen in Victoria in the very early days. Wikipedia has the following on McEwen:

“… At the Federal elections on 15 September 1934 he won the seat of Echuca in the House of Representatives. The Victorian Country Party had endorsed him while it was engaged in a bitter dispute with its federal parliamentary members. During the campaign McEwen clashed with (Sir) Earle Page, the party's federal leader. When McEwen arrived in Canberra he made peace with the federal party, thereby earning the hostility of his former colleagues in the State branch.” (italics added)

That must have been after McEwen had been ‘taken up on the high mountain and shown all the kingdoms of the world…’ and found he liked the view.

The following report eventually appeared in a League publication (sorry, date and source details not to hand):
“Later in the same address Mr. McEwen said:-
“Superficially the proposal that we should surrender our sovereignty appears to be a very serious one. But there can be no order in modern society unless the individual surrenders his sovereignty to the sovereign State. There can be no ultimate order, good Government and peace in this world unless sovereign States are prepared to surrender such a portion of their sovereignty as is necessary to achieve effective international co-operation.”

At the time Eric Butler commented: “This is another classical example of (Menzies’) “practical Socialism”. Why don’t Mr. McEwen, Mr. Menzies and many other members of the “Opposition” at Canberra openly join the Socialists and cease humbugging the people?”

The Strangling of the People's Bank
In June, 1924, the Bruce-Page Government brought in a Bill to amend the Commonwealth Bank Act by taking the control of the Commonwealth Bank out of the hands of the new Governor, and placing it in the hands of a directorate consisting of the Governor of the Bank, the Secretary of the Treasury, and six persons actively engaged in agriculture, commerce, finance, and industry, to be appointed by the Governor-General (which in practice meant the Bruce-Page Government) for different terms of years.

The Bill provided that the Governor of the Bank should be merely the chief executive officer of the directorate, which should elect its own chairman, who should have a casting vote. (The effect of these clauses was to place the Bank absolutely under the control of a body of men who might be bitterly opposed to any competition with private banking).

I have to say - so much for Mr. Katter’s heroes!  


If the Greens were genuinely concerned about the environment their first target would be the Money Power, the waste of our resources and the nation’s ever-expanding financial debt.

There is nothing new in the twin problems of a people’s financial debt-slavery and soil erosion. The story of money is one long unbroken history of debt-slavery, corruption, waste, wars and soil-erosion or man-made deserts.  


by James Reed
Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling was roasted by the medical establishment for claiming vitamin C may inhibit cancer. Now he seems vindicated, according to a study by New Zealand researchers in the journal Cancer Research. It was shown that tumour growth was less vigorous in the presence of vitamin C; low vitamin cell levels had more of the protein HIF-1, which encouraged cancer growth. Vitamin C is hypothesised to reduce the HIF-1 levels.

On the downside, a doctor from Imperial College, London has proposed that people who eat junk food at fast-food joints shall be given free statin drugs to counteract the cholesterol effects. ( 13 August 2010)

In fact the good doctor doesn’t want statin drugs to be prescription drugs at all, wanting them to be seen as a “supplement”. Will you have one lump of statin or two with your Mcheartattack burger and flies (oops, I mean ‘fries’). Don’t worry about side effects like kidney and liver disease – just drive in and eat your fill. What next? Mobile funerals?  


The news that a Perth judge “has ordered that a Muslim woman must remove a full burqa (niqab) while giving evidence before a jury in a fraud case” has proved of interest overseas.

The BBC headlines read: “Australia judge orders witness to remove niqab in court” - An Australian judge has ruled that a Muslim woman must remove her full veil while giving evidence before a jury in a fraud case. The judge in Perth said she did not consider it appropriate that the witness appear with her face covered.

The prosecution said the woman - identified only as Tasneem - would feel uncomfortable without her niqab. But the defence team argued the jury should be able to watch her facial expressions. Lawyers said it would affect the way she presented her evidence.
But the defence team argued that the jury should be able to see her face to help judge the veracity of what she was saying. It also said it was common for women to appear in Islamic courts without the covering.

Judge Shauna Deane ruled the woman should remove the niqab, though stressed she was not making a decision which should stand as a legal precedent. It was simply her ruling in these circumstances, she said. The judge also rejected the comparison with jurisdictions elsewhere, saying they were irrelevant because this was an Australian and not an Islamic court.
The witness, who has lived in Australia for seven years, has worn the burqa since the age of 17. She only removes it in front of her family and male blood relatives.


by Susan Simpson
Recently the French passed a bill banning the burqa. However, over the channel when such a bill was introduced into the British Parliament, it was considered by the champions of multiculturalism to be “UnBritish” for parliament to decide how women should dress.

A lexander Downer Foreign Affairs minister from 1996-2007 sees the difference between the French and British positions as one of an “organic” view of society where “individuals… act alone”, where “individuals in a society are supreme”. (“Don’t Ban the Burqa” The Advertiser 26/7/2010, p.21) So, does it come down to the old battle between social holism and radical individualism? I think not. Downer goes on to defend the clearest expression of women’s subservience to sharia law, the burqa, paradoxically on freedom of expression grounds.
He says “plenty of people probably disapprove of the way I dress – and no, I didn’t ever wear fishnet stockings!” Really? Then Alex, why not try to wear a burqa if you feel so strongly about this as a show of your liberalism?

The issue is one about multiculturalism vs individual liberty, but in this case, the liberty of women to be equal with men. The burqa is an expression of women’s subservience under Islam and this is quite incompatible with our Christian traditions of freedom. Downer has put the argument back to front in his bid to be ultra-politically correct. I would suggest a burqa with fishnet stockings for your next outing in the streets of Adelaide Alex.  


According to the UK Telegraph “At the insistence of the husbands of some burka-wearing women, a leading rabbinical authority is to issue an edict declaring burka wearing a sexual fetish that is as promiscuous as wearing too little. A small group of ultra-orthodox Jews in the town of Beit Shemesh chose to don the burka, usually associated with women in repressive Islamist regimes, three years ago in a bid to protect their modesty.”

Obviously there are a number of ways to spell ‘burka’ in English!  

More on the UK story here:  


by Chris Knight
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a leading critic of radical Islam has now come out in criticism of the 1951 United Nations Convention on Refugees. She correctly sees this convention as out of date and incapable of dealing with the challenge of a new age of migration.
She states the obvious: would-be-refugees lie through their teeth to gain asylum and she would know for she lied to the Dutch government to gain asylum.

She hopes that Australia will begin the international movement to abandon the convention: “This convention is from a different era. It doesn’t work in our time”. Agreed: the convention was to enable primarily Jewish refugees from Europe to gain refuge in places like Australia. Now that they are all safe, there is no point to the convention.

For that matter, nations should withdraw from a whole web of similar UN conventions that have strangled our freedom and sovereignty in the name of internationalism and one-world cosmopolitanism.