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24 September 2010 Thought for the Week: “Accepting and not questioning the language and belief of the mainline media and party politicians, will not help to halt our deteriorating political affairs and enslavement. The recent election was the function of a democratic mechanism - it was not, and cannot be defined as democracy itself. Democratic government, as practiced in its beginning, was when the membership (the People) controlled and directed the executive. This mechanism can be observed on a national scale when referendums are held, which in effect, is the executive asking us for permission or direction. One thing needed at this time, to help halt the descent into more totalitarian government, is Australians demanding that, "The Rule of Law be restored”! Sovietisation by stealth and the loss of the Rule of Law; From the Soviet revolution to every political assassination in Europe leading to WW2, the Mau Mau, China, Malaya and Vietnam and so to the IRA and now the Taliban and other terrorists groups, there has been one constant ingredient that has made it all possible and continuous, but never mentioned in the media. None of them had enough money to even buy a water pistol, until it was supplied to them for the purchase of arms and explosives. That ingredient is finance, or crudely put, Money. Other essential ingredients for success are, organisation, an objective, and recruitment of those psychologically suited – or conditioned - to the task of murder. This whole century of violence against civilisation has been perpetrated on the ground by the smallest-mind group that exists. They have no idea or intention of building. Their genes demand only destruction. But without organisation and money provided by well-concealed people, these vandals would have self-destructed as they had down the centuries before this political use was found for them. The force of the Lie, married to Financial force culminates finally in destructive Physical force. Our nation is not immune by isolation to these forces. - - John Brett, Toowoomba Queensland |
STRIPPING PRIVATE BANKS OF THE POWER TO 'CREATE' MONEY ?The following communication has come from Mr. Ben Dyson of the UK. He writes: The full text and video is available here: The second reading of the bill will be on 19th November 2010 and we'll be in touch shortly once we've figured out the best way to push this bill ahead. It may require that we each get on the phone to our respective MPs. We hope our readers will not stop at the battle to strip the banks of their ‘private’ money creation. Read “The Enemy Within the Empire” by Eric D. Butler at https://alor.org/Library/EnemyWithintheEmpire.htm#1a. Important as it is, monetary reform for its own sake is not enough. As noted in the Summer 2010 edition of “The Social Crediter”: In the meantime, women and low-status men developed the co-operative, technological, scientific and caring skills necessary to the nurturing and provisioning of mankind as a whole. All such truly economic activity – farming, production of food, clothing and shelter, caring for the land, nurturing plants and animals, creating useful artefacts, child rearing and production of the essentials of life – derives from the skills and expertise developed by low-status males and the women. As individuals, we can remain in our personal ‘comfort zones’, continuing to work for ‘the
system’, as we rear our families and make small improvements to our lifestyles and local
communities as our personal resources allow. In short, we can watch from the sidelines as the
catastrophe takes shape, prepared to pick up the pieces from what is left. Alternatively, we can look around thoughtfully at the institutions of society with a view to bringing about gradual but purposeful transformation…” A must read: “Understanding the Financial System: Social Credit Rediscovered” by Frances Hutchinson. $35.00 plus postage from Heritage Book Services. As James Reed said in his review this is a truly magnificent book. |
FEMINISM AND THE END OF MENby James Reed Technology advances, from the pill to power steering have “freed” women from their traditional roles. Feminism, as an ideology, has legitimised women becoming key players in capitalism because women, in general, are more obedient workers. Women are excellent consumers and it is no surprise that the large department stores always have cosmetics at the entrance. No greenie will ever comment or critique the consumerist role of women. Today even for conservatives to be critical of this work view is to “alienate readers” In Australia conservative Christian magazines like Endeavour Forum maintain the rage. In the United States, “The Thinking Housewife” >https://www.thinkinghousewife.com< says things that I can’t say. “Save the Males” >https://www.henrymakow.com< is equally hard hitting. But it is a drop in the ocean. The traditional world and traditional family has now been largely destroyed. That, though, will spell the end of this evil and corrupt regime – and the sooner the better. As pointed out by S. Goldberg in “The Inevitability of Patriarchy”, societies which attempt to tamper with the natural order always come to a sticky end. I believe that most of us will live to see the end of this sub-urban nightmare. |
DID STEPHEN HAWKING CREATE HIMSELF?by Chris Knight Usually quantum mechanics is used when atheists want to pull the rabbit of the universe out of the hat of nothingness. Hawking I think has got his general relativity physics wrong. Gravity according to Einstein, and Hawking follows him, is a property of matter to bend space-time, and it is not an independent force. Thus “nothingness:, meaning no matter, no gravity and no universe. The distinguished professor is talking nonsense. But it is nonsense which is selling books. |
THE DARK SIDE OF REASONby Chris Knight Why should the entire universe be bound by the logic and mathematics of physics, as atheists such as Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking suppose? How can this requirement be justified in any non-circular fashion – that is what is begging the question in favour of scientific materialism? Clearly it cannot. To suppose that God and His Ways, must conform to the positivistic reasoning of scientific materialism is an illusion produced by an arrogant culture, drunk on its own petty pride. But then, pride comes before a fall… CAN’T BE JEW AND CHRISTIAN AT THE SAME TIME by Betty Luks Author Henry Bamford Parkes writes in “Gods and Men - The Origins of Western Culture”: "The most significant feature of the Jewish heritage, however, was its view of history. Other ancient peoples had believed in a golden age, but had always located it in the past at the beginning of time. Israel alone looked forward to a golden age in the future and interpreted history as a meaningful and progressive movement toward this Messianic consummation. Originating in tribalistic loyalty, and reflecting the determination of a weak people to retain its identity in spite of conquest and enslavement, the Messianic hope was given universal scope by the prophets and became the end toward which all earthly events were moving. In various manifestations, religious and secular, spiritual and materialistic, it became one of those dynamic social myths which give meaning and direction to human life and which have more influence on human action than any rational philosophy. Unless its importance is understood, the development not merely of the Jewish people but also of the whole Western world becomes unintelligible…." As to the ‘golden age’ that is claimed ancient Israel looked forward to, I think the matter has to be looked into more deeply. The following letter, originally published in The Edmonton Journal, (Canada), Wednesday December 31 1997 would not have it as the above author claims. “The article about Bayt Moshiach and the “Messianic Jews” neglected to mention one very important fact: it has nothing to do with Judaism. (One family’s reconciliation with tradition and a tree, The Journal, Dec. 13). - - - Rabbi Y.L. bat Joseph, Temple Beth Ora, Edmonton [emphasis added] |
THE ISLAMISATION OF PARIS: SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME?by James Reed Oh come now Mr Maxime Lepante, wherever did you get that idea from? And how will you feel when a Muslim French president has control of French nuclear weapons? |
ISLAM, SLAVERY AND THE COLLAPSE OF CLASSICAL CIVILISATIONby Peter Ewer The Vikings supplied slaves to the Muslims for centuries and when the Vikings were converted to Christianity, for centuries Muslim corsairs raided entire communities in Spain, Sicily, Greece and along the Mediterranean. The Siberian Peninsula was the principal force behind the Atlantic slave trade, O’Neill documents. The Northern European nations were not involved initially. The interesting historical point made by O’Neill is that the Dark Ages come to Europe from Islam’s blockade of the Mediterranean. The so-called Nordic invaders did not destroy Roman civil society, but rather adopted it. Only in the seventh century did this civilisation come to an end due to Islamic strangulation. The Eastern Roman Empire, contrary to common belief, was also strangled by Islamic assaults, O’Neill shows. Thus, also contrary to common politically correct belief, Islam did not save classical civilisation, it destroyed it. |
WHERE HAS THE REAL AUSTRALIA GONE?by Peter West I can sympathise for I too pine for the world that has been lost. But it has not just been technology which has crushed the life out of…life, but population growth through immigration. Without this massive post World War II growth, we would never have had the concrete nightmare of the modern city imposed on us. A racially homogenous White Anglo Saxon population would have been worth fighting for. But multicultural Australia – why should we Anglos care? Immigration has played a major part in giving us this nightmarish consumer junk world and trash popular culture which we now have. |
ISN’T THIS A LITTLE TOO HUGGER-MUGGER?From Andrew Bolt’s Blog – Friday, September 10, 10 (01:06 pm) Lazard Australia’s head of corporate advisory John Wylie says Mr Tanner will be a valuable asset to the business… Lazard has recently been appointed by the Government to provide advice on the $43 billion national broadband network (NBN) program. Lazard said Mr Tanner was not involved in the appointment of Lazard to the contract and he will not have a role in the NBN project. Reader Kevin notes: The story running acknowledges Lazards has a contract with the government to give financial advice on the NBN but says Tanner had no part in the appointment. Link to the $3.4 million contract: https://www.tenders.gov.au/?event=public.cn.view&CNUUID=F89785DD-A554-9604-87380AF4376E5DA3 |
TAKING POSTMODERNISM TO ITS ILLOGICAL CONCLUSIONby Chris Knight Postmodern social constructivism/constructionism, thus goes on to make a new cult out of the weakest of all areas of human study – sociology. This is a discipline where concerns with the inner crisis of the discipline and its very coherence dominate theory. Sociology consists of a multitude of warring schools of thought, each of which wallow in vagueness and near mysticism, like a pig in mud. Sociology’s main concern is avoiding grounding its vague theoretical structure in something more rigorous like biology. A second or third rate discipline naturally attracts poor minds. The quest for relativism and attacking objecting sciences like physics and biology is just a smokescreen to cover up the fundamental inadequacy of this discipline. Humanity can live perfectly well without this pseudo-science. |
IMMIGRATION AND THE FAILURE OF SECULAR DISCOURSEby Chris Knight The second “unpalatable truth” mentioned in the Crikey piece is this: “There is private acknowledgement among government and strategic decision-makers that Australia has a moral responsibility, as the richest and most underpopulated nation in the Asian region, to be seen to be growing its population and assuming its share of humanitarian migration. This is partly because of the terrible optics of a fortress Australia approach, and partly because such an approach is so out of sync with population trends in our region that it could generate enough resentment among our neighbours to present a serious security risk to Australia.” Let’s look at this second unpalatable truth here, in particular the morality of mass migration. What Sort of Neighbours Do That? In fact there is no such Asian “thought police”. All of this is for domestic consumption. Our elites decided in World War II that Australia would not be defended from Asia, but the population of White people would be demographically swamped. What else could a policy of Asianisation be? No Asian country has or had a policy of “Americanisation”, including Japan who was defeated by the Americans. This American writer has a clearer vision of our Asian neighbours: “Bangladesh, at a mind bending 157 million people struggling in a landmass the size of the US State of Iowa (very small), continue adding population without end. They endure disease, filthy water, little food, no sanitation and no education. They live on a flood plain that kills 100,000 of them during monsoons or other disasters from nature. Yet, they explode their population beyond imagination. They love exporting their human exhaust in the form of immigrants to any country that will take them. At no time will that Muslim nation engage birth control. Thus, and you can Google this figure, they expect to add another 100 million within this century. The ultimate result? Australia and other countries transform their own countries into third world nations that manifest the same illiteracy rates, overcrowding and unsustainability.” “One look at China and its ‘one-child’ birth policy, you cannot help but realize that they took action 50 years too late. Even with one child per family, they add eight million annually, net gain. It’s called ‘population momentum’ which resembles a brakeless train that cannot be stopped. Even at one child per woman, with 1.3 billion people, they continue exploding their population beyond sustainability. Thus, their citizens race to leave their mother country to immigrate to Canada, America and Australia.” According to this American writer and author of “America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans” the “morality” of Crikey’s second unpalatable “truth” would lead to a collapse of Civilisation in Australia. Worse yet for the globalist and cosmopolitan is the failure of secular ethics to maintain its coherence. Postmodernist Stanley Fish in “Are There Secular Reasons”, The New York Times, Opinionator, February 22, 2010, raises this issue in relation to a new book by Steven Smith, “The Disenchantment of Secular Discourse” (2010) where Smith argues that secular reason “can’t do its own self-assigned job – of describing the world in ways that allow us to move forward in our projects”. That is what Dummett does with his argument: “smuggle” the conclusion which he wants (i.e., mass migration) already into his premises. So in conclusion, the moral foundations of mass migration are shaky. The unpalatable “truth” mentioned by Crikey.com is not a “truth” at all, but an absurdity. |