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5 November 2010 Thought for the Week: Such a Parcel o’ Rogues in a Nation by Philip Giraldi: No one is found guilty for starting an unnecessary war that has killed 4,425 Americans and many thousands of Iraqis. No one is punished or even tarnished by his or her role. On the contrary, all are, in fact, richly rewarded for their presumed dedication to their country ... Until that culture is eradicated by something like a Nuremberg trial, demonstrating that no one is above the law, the United States will continue to be a place that the rest of the world quite rightly regards as preaching respect for rules and values while rewarding just the opposite. Secret Iraq War Files Offer Grim New Details from The Washington Post: Iraq War Logs: Secret Files Show How US Ignored Torture from The Guardian (Britain): |
THE SHAMING OF AMERICA – AND AUSTRALIA TOOby Betty Luks There is all the difference in the world in going to war in defence of one’s own people and land, to that of being used as pawns in the Game of World Power by power-hungry old men. Shakespeare in “Henry V” dealt with these issues and sought to delineate between what the soldiers were responsible for and what the King was responsible for, including the act of war and what he could expect of his soldiers that was his responsibility as opposed to their own. C. H. Douglas challenged my thinking on these matters in his book “Social Credit” 1924. ‘The March of the Hypocrites’: Solzhenitsyn’s words for western leaders are so apt here. Again Douglas challenges my thinking: And as for Andrew Bolt’s line of reasoning. ROBERT FISK: THE SHAMING OF AMERICA, The Independent, Sunday, 24/10/2010: Now let’s read what Robert Fisk has to say, and do remember this man has observed at first hand what has been happening in that sad, war-torn land. Only we could pretend we did not know. Only we in the West could counter every claim, every allegation against the Americans or British with some worthy general – the ghastly US military spokesman Mark Kimmitt and the awful chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Peter Pace, come to mind – to ring-fence us with lies. Find a man who'd been tortured and you'd be told it was terrorist propaganda; discover a house full of children killed by an American air strike and that, too, would be terrorist propaganda, or "collateral damage", or a simple phrase: "We have nothing on that." Of course, we all knew they always did have something. And yesterday's ocean of military memos proves it yet again. Al-Jazeera has gone to extraordinary lengths to track down the actual Iraqi families whose men and women are recorded as being wasted at US checkpoints – I've identified one because I reported it in 2004, the bullet-smashed car, the two dead journalists, even the name of the local US captain – and it was The Independent on Sunday that first alerted the world to the hordes of indisciplined gunmen being flown to Baghdad to protect diplomats and generals. These mercenaries, who murdered their way around the cities of Iraq, abused me when I told them I was writing about them way back in 2003. It's always tempting to avoid a story by saying "nothing new". The "old story" idea is used by governments to dampen journalistic interest as it can be used by us to cover journalistic idleness. And it's true that reporters have seen some of this stuff before. The "evidence" of Iranian involvement in bomb-making in southern Iraq was farmed out to The New York Times's Michael Gordon by the Pentagon in February 2007. The raw material, which we can now read, is far more doubtful than the Pentagon-peddled version. Iranian military material was still lying around all over Iraq from the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war and most of the attacks on Americans were at that stage carried out by Sunni insurgents. The reports suggesting that Syria allowed insurgents to pass through their territory, by the way, are correct. I have spoken to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers whose sons made their way to Iraq from Lebanon via the Lebanese village of Majdal Aanjar and then via the northern Syrian city of Aleppo to attack the Americans. But, written in bleak militarese as it may be, here is the evidence of America's shame. This is material that can be used by lawyers in courts. If 66,081 – I loved the "81" bit – is the highest American figure available for dead civilians, then the real civilian mortality score is infinitely higher since this records only those civilians the Americans knew of. Some of them were brought to the Baghdad mortuary in my presence, and it was the senior official there who told me that the Iraqi ministry of health had banned doctors from performing any post-mortems on dead civilians brought in by American troops. Now why should that be? Because some had been tortured to death by Iraqis working for the Americans? Did this hook up with the 1,300 independent US reports of torture in Iraqi police stations?...” Read the rest of the report here. Watch ABC interview with Robert Fisk here |
HERE WE GO AGAIN – BANKING SHARKS CIRCLING FOR ‘THE KILL’by Betty Luks: Pattern for a World Economy Already Set in Ancient Times: Our farmers need to grasp what is planned for them. Joseph, in the Genesis story, communised or socialised Egypt – just as Lenin communised Russia, and President Rooseveldt and his High Financial and Economic Advisers corporatised (monopolised) America. Bearing in mind that the Egyptians with a thousand year civilisation, would have known something about drought years and good year cycles, Joseph works his way up to become second in authority to the Pharaoh and ‘dreams’ that Egypt is to have seven years of ‘plenty’ followed by seven years of ‘drought’. Mind you the story tells of ‘famine’ - the cause of which could be for a number of reasons - not necessarily drought. The Ukrainian peoples suffered famine - because the Communists commandeered the grains! America’s ‘proletariat’ or landless ‘wage slaves’: And what of English agriculture? “Economic Hansonism and Newspoll realities” The Australian October 14, 2010 : * William Cobbett: We carry Cobbett’s two books “Rural Rides” and “The History of the Reformation of Ireland and England.” |
ABOUT THE ‘CRUMBS OFF THE TABLE’ FOR OUR ABORIGINAL FOLKReaders will remember what we had to say about ‘native title’ legislation in On Target Vol.46 No. 40: “Land Rights or Native Title is Another Example” of how “… Vast areas of land are now effectively tied up under the guise of ‘native title’. Aboriginal folk are now realising they also are ‘tied up’ under the same legislation…The land will eventually be exploited by the multinationals and the Aboriginal folk will scramble for the ‘crumbs off the table”. Andrew Bolt reports “Searching Ayers Rock for the “achievements” 26/10/2010 Millions of dollars have been spent, but not necessarily on the Aboriginal people. There are bureaucrats and bureaucracies by the dozen. The state of the Aboriginal people? Look for yourselves, watch Mike Munro with former Aboriginal Affairs Minister Mal Brough. |
GILLARD AND THE NEW DETENTION CENTRESby James Reed Gillard, in my opinion, lied during the election about taking a tough stand on border control, her body language during the speeches was a-give-away, as I saw it. Also I did not believe her for one moment because such a stance was contrary to her socialist philosophy. The Advertiser (19/10/2010) has the headline p.1
“Outrage at Hills Detention Centre: Why Weren’t We Told?” The reason is, Adelaide friends, Gillard’s mob would have lost votes. How long before “pressure” results in their release completely into the community, if this is not already a release? Again, don’t forget this voters!
Have you written to your federal member of Parliament expressing your outrage at what the political parties are imposing on this once Anglo-European nation? If he doesn’t know about your outrage you are failing in your responsibility to make him/her accountable to you. |
NICE PLACE TO VISIT – IF YOU ARE A TAMIL!by James Reed I don’t blame them, I would do the same if I was in their shoes. It is the Establishment elites who want endless numbers of migrants an refugees, for profit and their agenda of demographic displacement of Anglo-Australians. I for one, do not blame the asylum seekers or migrants; I blame our own ruling elites who have long ago betrayed us. |
THE “MORAL CRISIS” OF AMERICAby James Reed “The US today represents the paradox of a rich country falling apart because of the collapse of its core values”. The rich are not helping the poor – blacks, Hispanics and migrants. Sachs is concerned about the rise of the right in Europe. But it is “diversity” which has caused “racism” in my opinion and it is this “diversity” created by undemocratic immigration policies which has undermined core values. |
THE DARK SIDE OF CHINAby Peter Ewer “Repression isn’t just woven into the fabric of Chinese life – it is the warp and woof”. That, as I see it, is a key reason for opposing the economic rise of China and by minimising purchase, as difficult as it is, of Chinese manufactured goods. Speak to Freedom with your dollars! If enough people do this, the obese dragon will shrink. |
LEAVE ADELAIDE ALONE!from Len the Cleaner In fact, he writes “Adelaide is Stagnant”, a turn of phrase which brings to mind a green puddle of water. But in fact, Adelaide is liveable – just. The growth lobby and the Rann government want to increase Adelaide’s population by 100%, I believe making it unliveable for the little people like me. |
HISTORIC MOMENT: DVD-ROM IMPORTANT NEW RELEASE !All 1575 issues of the New Times Journals (from 1935 to 1999) are now on DVD ROM (for your computer). The DVD ROM was launched at the National Weekend; along with the new books on social credit and economic democracy, the DVD ROM proved an outstanding success. The multi-media supplement includes the only known recording of C.H. Douglas' voice in an address given in 1935 "The Causes of War". |