home of ... Douglas Social Credit
3 December 2010 Thought for the Week: Scrambled Social Credit: Policy is always more important than method: The Social Credit movement in its early days attracted a number of Socialists who did not understand Social Credit policy, but thought that the technical proposals could make Socialism workable. With the publication of the perverted proposals of John Maynard Keynes, they joyfully transferred their allegiance, landing us in the very antithesis of Social Credit – Monopoly Socialism dominated by the institutions of Finance. - - The Social Crediter 7th September 1968. Freedom - the Issue: "... it should be plain that the fundamental issue we face today is not materialistic. It is not a question of whether people should have more food, better homes or a higher standard of living. That is an issue, but it is not the central issue. Economic security can be purchased at too high a price as the people of Germany (and Russia and Poland and Hungary and China, etc., etc…) found to their cost under the Nazi regime. Economic security without freedom in all its fullness would be little better than slavery. - - Taken from “Battle for Freedom” by L.D. Byrne Canada, May 1943. |
IT’S NOT A GAME - PASTOR TO HANG FOR APOSTASYby Betty Luks The practical significance? Pastor Grigor-Scott asks: Please continue to uphold our Brother in prayer, and sign this petition which names other Iranian Brethren including Pastor Youcef's wife, Fatemeh Pasandideh; Pastor Behrouz and his wife, Fatemeh Kojouri Tork; Mehdi and Mina Kerbalayi and their mother, Nahid; Brother Afshin, Sister Mahsa, Brother Mid, Sister Nasrin Karaj, and Pastor Behnam Irani Shiraz who are all incarcerated for the faith or released on bail, and email or Fax the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, + 98 21 774 2228; His Excellency the President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Fax: + 98 21 649 5880, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Mr. Manouchehr Mottaki, Fax: + 98 21 390 1999, requesting the release and remission of all charges against Pastors Youcef Nadarkhani, Behrouz Sadegh-Khandjan, Behnam Irani Shiraz, and other Christians and prisoners of conscience in Iran. |
THIS YOU’VE JUST GOT TO WATCH !Irish Minister Suffers Humiliating Take-Down: This fellow seems to have that rare (these days) loyalty and concern for his people, the Irish people. He displays great moral courage and singleness of purpose. He is like a breath of fresh, clean, invigorating air - so good after the foul, putrid party-politically-correct smell that usually comes across the airways ! Here https://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/?id=342614&t= DON’T FORGET ‘THE BANKER’ here: "The curious myopia (possibly resulting from the exoteric interpretation of Genesis which was supposed to indicate the date of creation as about B.C. 4000) which regards history as the events subsequently to the landing of Norman William, with his select body of Jews, A.D. 1066, enables the statement that "Christopher Columbus discovered America at the end of the fifteenth century" to be accepted as accurate. Apart from the fact that Columbus never saw America, the mainland of which was "discovered" by John Cabot, who sailed from Bristol in 1497, there is strong, reason to believe that various Scandinavian peoples had fairly constant intercourse with the North American Continent hundreds, if not thousands, of years earlier. Their traditional name for it was Markland. "There are, however, certain features in regard to the
rediscovery of America which are worth attention. Christopher Columbus was a Jew, and John Cabot, although
his ship and crew were English, was a Venetian. But the
extraordinary and significant fact is that there was in
Bristol at that time a secret Jewish community "who
handed on their tradition by word of mouth" (Lord Melchett: Thy Neighbour, p. 90).
subsequently, and it is not without significance also that
the original British settlers were followed by a wave of
Dutch, who for the most part remained on the Atlantic
seaboard as traders and bankers. Vikings brought Amerindian to Iceland 1,000 years ago: study AFP/SCANPIX/File – The Oseberg viking ship at the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo. The first Native American to arrive in Europe …
– Wed Nov 17, 12:09 pm ET |
NOW, LET’S GET THIS CLEAR IN OUR MINDSThe headlines read: “An Irish crisis and a British nightmare” ... Am I to understand from the headline that the people of Ireland woke up one morning and found the sun had not risen, the shops had run out of food, and, to make matters worse, the sheep, cattle and everything else that makes up their real world, their true economy, had either dropped dead or fell off the face of the earth? Of course not! Look behind the ‘magical spin’ of the Money Cult gentle reader and what can you see? Isn’t the situation such as Wallace Klinck once wrote of? “The problems flow from our universal, evil and defective (non-distributive) financial system. (Note the headline once again, it is the Irish and the British people’s fault – not the financial system. Nor the fault of those who control the system nor that of the politicians who collude with the controllers!) This provides an abundant field for those with the Will-to-Power to seek increasing means of controlling rather than serving their fellow man. Angels could not live moral lives under the existing evil financial system. We engage in massive immoral programs of mass destruction and increasingly superfluous wasteful and ballooning bureaucratic administrative systems and still we cannot convey to the consumer our vast output. Social Credit is concerned with the primary problem of the modern world and that is to distribute the results which flow from the Unearned Increment of Association and the Cultural Heritage. Douglas identified the artificial financial restraint in respect of consumption as the central and growing problem of the modern world. He regarded the problems of production in the modern technological era--if properly supported by effective consumer financial demand--as either essentially solved or solvable. We live in a positively insane dimension of consciousness. Social Credit declares that anything that is physically required or desired and possible must be also financially possible. There is no sanity to making such things possible if the consumer is denied access to them as they emerge from the production system. If we instituted realistic financial measures as advocated by Douglas, we could utilize our resources toward living in peace and would not have to finance War. But no, the plan is not to ‘institute sane financial measures’, not to give the people of Ireland and/or Britain relief from the debt-structure under which they groan, the plan is to centralise the world financial system even further and the trigger is to panic the nations into accepting The Plan. |
YOU CAN'T EAT TREES !Taken from Andrew Bolt’s Blog, 22/11/2010 (08:08 am): Update: To confirm what critics in comments below seek to deny, here are examples of carbon dioxide offset schemes boasting that they are indeed sticking their (non-fruiting) trees on farmland: Rewards offers carbon sequestration projects for commercial clients, using permanent forest plantations to sequester carbon abatement from the atmosphere through the incorporation of Australian native species on to cleared Western Australian Wheat belt farm land. And: Carbon Conscious plants mallee eucalypt trees… Importantly the majority of the plantations are on marginal Australian farmland. We work very closely with Australian farmers to identify tracts of land on their farm that are considered less productive. Comment: I was on a League speaking-tour in south-west West Australia a number of years ago. My driver pointed out the sad sight of productive farm land (he remembered it being cleared for farming forty years before) being planted with ‘pine forests’. As the NSW Farmers Association says: Carbon plantation tax breaks are alienating agricultural land. The Australian Banana Growers’ Council warns: As a major national agricultural industry association, we are fundamentally opposed to providing tax incentives for enterprises that will occupy agricultural land without providing food or fibre for consumption… First, developers of carbon sink forests are provided with massive financial advantage over the farmers who produce our food. Second, the proposed emissions trading scheme (ETS) will allow large polluters to offset their emissions by merely planting more forests, and third, the tree plantation industry itself will execute plans to treble forests acreage within 12 years. Any one of these proposals alone would have a severe impact on Australian agriculture, however there is no doubt that this combination of factors - and their propensity to leverage each other - will have a devastating effect on the availability of good agricultural land in Australia over the next decade, and the ability of our farmers to provide agricultural produce at reasonable and sustainable prices. As the South Australian Advisory Board of Agriculture tried to tell the Rudd Government: Threats to food security, employment in regional areas, and social ramifications, are high amongst the implications of Australia’s most productive land being locked up to tree plantings for at least 100 years under the ETS Lack of food production will impose imported foods grown under regimes with far lower safety standards… HOW IMPORTANT IS CARBON FOR OUR HEALTH? Well worth giving this piece some thought. Reference: H. A. Harper, V. W. Rodwell, P. A. Mayes, Review of Physiological Chemistry, 16th ed., Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, California 1977. |
BETTER PART OF IRELAND THAN ASIA!by Peter West Although said in jest the idea is not a bad one and far better than “Asianisation”. The geographical separation by distance argument has been killed by modern transport and the internet. The two countries could merge: for that matter it was probably a mistake to separate from Britain in the first place. Australia was a ripe sugar plum that our traitorous elites could not wait to sell to the lowest bidder. Of course, it was the same globalism which trapped Ireland and is now throwing her on the same rubbish dump as Greece. |
MONOPOLY SOCIALISM DOMINATED BY THE INSTITUTIONS OF FINANCE“‘The City’ demands End of Sovereignty - for Ireland and the World” from Richard Eastman: The flagship [Rothschild's] London Economist similarly says that the purpose of the bailout of the Irish banking sector is to 'make it sturdy enough for some of Ireland's banks to be bought up by foreign ones'. . . Since the old game is up, the article then calls for a technocratic dictatorship to restructure the banking system into a system of "super banks" backed by a European governments-financed bailout in the form of the European Financial Stability Facility and other such funds. "No one can be relaxed about the chaos such a process may cause. But it can be minimized by putting in place the technocratic capacity; by preparing large, well-capitalized banks for quickly taking over operations whose disruption is most damaging, such as small business banking and deposit taking; and [by] readying the large funds needed for transitional outlays and liquidity needs — with borrowing from the EFSF if necessary." (emphasis added..ed) |
SWEDISH 'RACE-HATE': MERELY MIGRATION AT END OF ITS TETHER?by Peter West Writing in The Times, Roger Boyes says that this “reflects the failure of Swedish multiculturalism”. And ‘Foreigners are more likely to be pushed into urban enclaves, where they live on welfare, often barred from working”. Yes, call it “racism” – call it what you will – but the fault for all of this lies with those who promote mass migration with no concern for social cohesion, all for a few dollars more. Racial hate is the effect of this, not the cause. Clearly immigration must end to allow these terrible social wounds to heal. |
BBC IN DISTRESS - BAD NEWS FOR MULTICULTURALISTSThe latest is the Sweden Democrats. With over 4% of the vote they passed the threshold to enter parliament and now have 20 seats and potentially hold the balance of power. |
THE SUICIDE OF REASON AND THE COMING CRASH OF CIVILISATIONby James Reed So long reconciliation and unity from Mr I-am-beyond-race. Hello the war against white Americans. Perhaps it was a bad hair day or did he just read Lee Harris’ "The Next American Civil War: The Populist Revolt Against the Liberal Elite", (Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2010) another book dealing with the yawning abyss between the cosmopolitan dreams of the intellectuals and the practical localism of the ordinary folk. Lee Harris previously published The Suicide of Reason: Radical Islam’s Threat to the West (Basic Books, New York, 2007) which predicts a “crash of civilisations”. Radical Islam is an example of the reawakening of the tribal mind. Individualistic rational Western man is expecting the world to conform to Enlightenment ideals, but it is not. All this is set for a battle between reason and tribalism. Harris does not see any inevitability to the triumph of Western liberalism. There is no end of history or coming golden age. It is an illusion to suppose that reason is universal. Although Harris does not discuss demography, a recent book by Eric Kaufman, "Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth: Demography and Politics in the Twnty-First Century", (Profile Books, London, 2010) adds to this “crash of civilisation” picture. For example, in 1959 Europe had 2.5 times the population of Africa. By 2050, Africa will have over four times the population of Europe. By the same token about 40% of Europeans will be over 60. Kaufman analyses these trends in terms of religion rather than race. But it is obvious that the demographic explosion is in the non-white world – all thanks to our promiscuous altruism, cosmopolitanism and universalism. Add to this that the West will try to prop up its diseased economy by immigration of majority non-whites, further demographically displacing itself. Hopefully a quick global economic/ecological crash will bring forth the horsemen of the apocalypse and a return to reality, forcing the West to toughen up. |
HISTORIC MOMENT : DVD-ROM IMPORTANT NEW RELEASEAll 1575 issues of the New Times Journals (from 1935 to 1999) are now on DVD-ROM (for your computer). The DVD-ROM was launched at the National Weekend; along with the new books on social credit and economic democracy, the DVD-ROM proved an outstanding success. The Journals are presented in a reader format, with menus enabling each journal to be selected. Or if you prefer, you can print each issue to read at your convenience. The DVD-ROM may be purchased from Heritage Book Shops Mailing Service - Send $35 plus postage ($2) for your copy of this huge and valuable resource! |