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17 January 2011 Thought for the Week: “This chapter is going to be difficult to write,
for in it I have to challenge some of the major prejudices which have
been massively established in the public mind, especially that of the
post-War generations, by those who have the use of the mechanisms of
mass-opinion control. It is something called the ‘mobpsyche,' the irrational but formidable force of public opinion backed by hostile emotion against anyone who challenges it, which is formed by the endless repetition and suggestion to which we are all subjected through the broadcast media, the press, advertisers, employment, books, the political and educational systems. It then maintains and spreads its pressure through the every-day exchanges between people. Such mob-psyching propaganda is as old as civilisation, but was formerly limited by the range of the human voice. Now its powers are magnified beyond all estimation and reason by modern electronic technology. It is the chief tool of revolution, that is, organised ideological war waged upon an existing culture in order to 'destabilize' it and bring about social chaos with a view to displacing the current ruling class by a dictatorship of the revolutionaries, whose actions are the inverse of their idealistic propaganda…” “The Local World” by Geoffrey Dobbs, Chapter X: From Class War to Race War . More here: |
THE CONNECTION BETWEEN BELARUS AND AUSTRALIAby Betty Luks Yes, during the German occupation Jewish people from in and around Serniki were murdered and buried in a mass grave; but had the accused man taken part in the crime? The eventual outcome was verdict of “not guilty” by a jury of his peers. I well remember the committal hearing, which I attended as often as possible. I was struck by the obvious differences between the prosecution witnesses from that remote Communist-controlled village and a Jewish lady then residing in America, but originally from in or around Serniki. The Serniki villagers would cast furtive glances around the court room; they were wary and mistrustful, even quite sly looking, and very shabbily dressed. I was led to believe some of the ‘officials’ accompanying them were in fact the local ‘KGB’, so the villagers’ manner was understandable. – they had to return to an oppressive regime while the (well dressed) Jewish lady would return to a much freer and certainly more affluent USA. The US witness amused the people
in the court room; being very talkative, she not only responded to
the questions posed to her but would ‘prattle on’ till the magistrate
insisted she just give her answers to the questions asked. Her cheerful,
free and easy manner was in such contrast to those from the Communist-controlled
village. Modern Belarus Once upon a time, its forests and marshes trapped crack divisions of the German SS; now they sit again in peace, healed by many snowfalls… Minsk is surprisingly civilised and human-sized; it was rebuilt in the comfortable 1950’s and refurbished fairly recently. The streets are neat and fit for pedestrians, small cafés are made cosy with glowing fireplaces, and there are English newspapers on every table. A large and festive Christmas tree marks the main square… Indeed, Belarus is the East European
counterpart of the Scandinavian socialist states of yesteryear; but
while the Swedes and the Danes are busy dismantling their social systems,
Belarus has so far resisted the drive toward privatization… Words mean what ‘they’ want them
to mean When the USSR was broken down into digestible chunks, it was tiny Belarus that chose to keep the Soviet flag, the Soviet arms, and the socialist ethos. Belarus was not as quick as other countries to cast off what was stable and good within the Soviet system. While other countries suffered under IMF-imposed privatization, Belarus took the slow and steady path to intelligently upgrade and restore their industries and cities. End result: Belarus is as up-to-date as any country in the East…” • DVD dealing with "The War Crimes Threat to Christian Justice", featuring Canadian barrister Douglas Christie filmed at the ALOR National Weekend in 1991. DVD price $12.00 including postage from Heritage Bookshop Services. Political Democracy- further to the above article on the League’s website- An important example * If you are interested, you may
read the moral and rational reasons why supporting Assange is completely
wrong - but only wrong when judged from a truly (Christian) moral perspective. * Although my first impression of
ALOR was that it is a conservative and true Christian organisation,
upon closer inspection I started to perceive a great deal of socialist
thinking and perspectives. Since the beginning of the division of labour, the products of a man’s labour have been ‘pooled’. Our production systems have become ‘socialised’ and the products from that ‘socialised’ system have been obtained from the market place through wages, salaries, etc. A Socialist Political System
- A political system and its undergirding philosophy. Am I to assume you have given serious
thought to that historical conundrum - how to distribute the products
of the machine - machines that have replaced human labour? The Christian resolution
to the issues would be found in Christian principles – wouldn’t
they? • DVD: “The Sovietisation of Australia” 1.
“Farming” by retired West Coast of South Australia farmer Mr. Bill
Ridgway; 2. “Education” by Dr. Fredrick Toben. |
“PORNO SCANS” AND TERRORIST SCAMSby James Reed Comment: West Australians were known fondly by their fellow Australians as ‘the sand gropers’; Queenslanders as ‘banana benders’. America that ‘land of the brave and home of the free’ is becoming known as the ‘public gropers’. Subject: “Your flight is waiting” Watch: |
SAYING “NO” TO “GAY” MARRIAGEby James Reed Joe Hockey, a Liberal Party “moderate”, believes that Gays should be able to have kids but he opposes Gay marriage. Ahh! – politics means that you never have to be logically consistent. Surely having kids is an inseparable part of marriage, even modern marriage. Hockey’s stance shows that there is a place for him over in the Red Lizard’s camp. Let’s vote him out next time around. |
COUNTDOWN TO WAR WITH CHINAby James Reed North Korea is well on the way to producing significant quantities of highly enriched uranium for nuclear bombs, thanks to Chinese technical support. North Korea will aid Iran in obtaining such bombs. This is creating a dangerous world because both North Korea and Iran are highly likely to use their nuclear weapons. The real fault for this threat to the human race is China, which should never have been built up economically by the West. If China is allowed to grow further in power then expect global nuclear war to bring down civilisation. Read further: The Nature of the Present Crisis and Its Solution" by C.H. Douglas |
Research Unit at the University of East Anglia played a “gatekeeper”
role in climate change research where any “journal that dared publish
a rival point of view was blacklisted” and any papers expressing a
different point of view were rejected. Parallel to this was research
by epidemiologists at the prestige Johns Hopkins University who published
a paper in the medical journal The Lancet claiming to prove
by interview techniques that the true Iraqi death toll was 3-4 times
higher than official figures. |
INTELLECTUAL EXPLOITATION by Brian Simpson and Ian Wilson LL.B. When it comes down to it, many of these upper level elites are affirmative action types who don’t really do much harm even as parasites because they are lacking in IQ. Nevertheless they are a burden on the tax payers and the sooner their positions are removed the better. |
PAUL KEATING AND ECONOMIC IRRATIONALITYby James Reed Why should giving decent wages to
people lead to high inflation anyway? There are no shortages of goods
in the modern economy as Major Douglas and Eric Butler both observed. |
AUSTRALIAN LAUREATE FELLOWSHIPS – FOR WOMENby Brian Simpson and Chris Knight This sort of condescending affirmative actionism is completely contrary to the spirit of a high ranking research Fellowship. At these top levels merit not sex should decide the award. Having two special awards for women is unjustified discrimination. The requirement of the fellow then having to promote women in research is disgraceful. The successful women should devote their energies to their research, not feminist politics. Write to the Federal Minister of Education and complain about this. Do it for women everywhere! |
FORCING 'GAY' MARRIAGEby Chris Knight Wong is right in saying the ALP should now support same-sex marriage. It has supported every other politically correct cause so consistency demands that it do so now. This party needs to lose contact completely with its traditional working class base. The process of self-destruction needs to be complete. The ALP is the party of university-educated inner city professionals, a slave to the Left. If the Red Lizard does not deliver the goods, Penny should challenge her for leadership so that Australia can have its first Asian lesbian prime minister. Where can political correctness go from that dizzy height? |
ARE HOBBITS WHITE RACISTS?by James Reed Well if race is a problem (Hobbits, the person of “Pakistani heritage said “all look homogenised beige and are all derived from the Caucasian gene pool”) then why not make height a problem as well? Employ 7 foot tall Negro basketball players. That would destroy the heritage of the film, of course. So don’t make the film at all. Happy now? |
EXPLORING THE “JEW TABOO”QUESTIONby Ian Wilson LL.B. I am not convinced by all of these words, words, words and would direct the interested reader to a sociobiological explanation advanced by Professor Kevin McDonald in his book The Culture of Critique as an alternative exploration of these questions. "The Culture of Critique" by Kevin McDonald available at Heritage Bookshop Services $52.00 plus postage |
CORRECTING A MISLEADING REPORT - THE NATIONAL DIRECTORPlease Note: This gives the false impression that the Australian League of Rights has something in common with these other groups. There were three of our subscribers at the meeting in Melbourne none of whom are in any leadership positions. |
LETTER TO THE PRESSTo the Editor of The Australian 5th January 2011: It is most regrettable that the federal
Government has not accepted the July finding of Federal Court judge
Neil McKerracher that 88 year-old Charles Zentai should not be extradited
to Hungary to face questioning and a possible trial for an alleged
war crime of 1944. That ruling was based on common sense and humanitarian
appreciation of Mr Zentai's age and fragility of health. It has long
been obvious that, after such a long lapse of time, he could not possibly
be given a fair trial in Hungary. Why then has Home Affairs Minister
Brendan O'Connor appealed the court ruling ('The Nation', 5/1)? - - Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic |