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6 May 2011 Thought for the Week: The eternal “I AM” made his temporary home with the most immemorial of all human settlers upon the cultivated earth since man had left his primitive childhood… He made his home among the great home-makers of all civilised nations in all periods, and who alone maintain that personal intimacy with the earth from which one civilisation after another releases itself to its final destruction… God and his ways are to be looked for in nature and in anything fundamentally human…” “There are two symbols, bread and money; and there are two mysteries, the Eucharistic mystery of bread and the satanic mystery of money. We are faced with a great task; to overthrow the rule of money and to establish in its place the rule of bread. Money divorces spirit and world, spirit and bread, spirit and labour.
In the symbol of bread, spirit becomes one with the flesh of the world. It is completely wrong to base the spiritual life on the old antithesis of spirit and flesh”. Israeli Humour- Mocking Jesus on Israeli TV Easter Weekend Special...... |
ANZAC DAY – "CHINESE POPPIES CAUSE RIFT" LETTER TO EDITOR:I consider it ludicrous that some people are complaining about the Anzac Day poppies being made in China. After all, the Anzac soldiers who died in Gallipolli were mowed down by bullets the British arms manufacturer Vickers had sold to the Turks just prior to the conflict. Surely, national boundaries should not be allowed to interfere with trade and profits. CHINESE WARSHIPS HEADING FOR OUR PORTS? The Sydney Morning Herald reports: CHINESE warships could be heading to Australian ports this year after the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, took "a few small steps" towards military transparency and co-operation with President Hu Jintao. Ms Gillard told the Herald last night her key meeting with Mr Hu was "friendly in demeanour". |
CAPITALISM, MARTIANS AND THE NEW WORLD ORDERby Nero (of Mars) As one of the last of the Martians living here on Earth and walking among you in disguise, let me tell you that we killed ourselves off just as you are doing – through economic suicide, bringing in masses of indigestible guest workers from Jupiter and taking in asylum seekers from Uranus.
In the end, liberalism, multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism just eroded our planet away until nothing was left but a burnt out mass of red sand. |
THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS: SOON TO PLAY AT A SUBURB NEAR YOU!by James Reed The present wave of asylum seekers are primarily illegal migrants rather than refugees.
Greg Sheridan (“ALP Goes to Water as Boats Threaten Sovereignty”, The Australian, 24 March, 2011, p.14) is right on this issue. Present ALP “soft touch” policy has led to an increase in asylum-seeker applications to Australia by 76%. In Europe the National Front’s Marine Le Pen’s popularity has arisen because many Europeans feel that a Camp of the Saints scenario is being played out. Thus boats containing hundreds of Africans set sail for Europe not containing refugees but people wanting a better life. (“'Biblical Exodus' from Africa Feeds Anti-Immigration Rhetoric”, March 17, 2011, at https://www.bloomberg.com/news...) Why then stop these boats? Libya’s Gaddafi (Daily News, 7 March 2011) put his finger on the spot when he said: “There are millions of blacks who could come to the Mediterranean to cross to France and Italy and Libya plays a role in securing the Mediterranean”. His son added: “Libya may become the Somalia of North Africa, of the Mediterranean. You will see the pirates of Sicily, in Crete, in Lampedusa. You will see millions of illegal immigrants. The terror will be next door”. |
MULTICULTURALISM AND ISLAM: WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG, GREG?by James Reed “Australia has experienced a profound transformation since World War II from an overwhelmingly Anglo-Celtic society to one of the most multicultural of nations… This diversity has delivered many dividends to the Australian economy, society and culture and the presence of significant communities from over 100 countries in Australia has ‘hardwired’ Australia into the global economy. Much remains to be done in terms of social inclusion of Australia’s diverse communities”. (p.43) (“We have a problem and not just with African beauty contests” says Andrew Bolt. There it is in a nutshell. An uncritical acceptance of the demographic displacement of Anglo-Celts, the connection of multi-ethnicism to globalisation and the social agenda of multiculturalism. Of course there is no mention of the costs of this program of dispossessing the once majority ethnic group of Australia. What about ethnic crime gangs? Well here the standard view is that “ethnic crime waves break as new communities settle in” (“Migrant Groups Going Gang Busters”, The Australian, 9 March 2011, p.11) and it is all because the migrant groups experience “a lack of social and economic services and moral support” (“Lack of Proper Support for New Migrants ‘Fuels Ethnic-Based Crime Surges”, The Australian, 8 March, 2011, p.3) Thus, ethnic groups are not more criminally inclined but rather they don’t get enough benefits. Incredible: the benefits received today outweigh those given to other groups in history who did not form ethno-racial crime groups. Other ethno-racial crime groups belong to ethno-racial groups who have performed well economically, but have these groups deeply entrenched within their society. Greg Sheridan, “How I Lost Faith in Multiculturalism”, The Weekend Australian (Inquirer), 2-3 April, 2011 begins with the large quote: “A middle-aged white woman emerged alone from the station. Two strong young men of Middle Eastern appearance began taunting her before spitting at her and walking away laughing. She wiped the spittle off of her face and hurried off.” Sheridan begins by saying that he had supported multiculturalism for decades but now believes that the “European experience” has shown that this policy is “doomed to fail”. Sheridan believes that there is a problem with large-scale Muslim migration: “the only people who don’t think there is a problem with Islam are those who live on some other planet”, he says. This is an interesting observation because Sheridan has been a conservative anti-racist, a critic of Pauline Hanson who essentially made the same criticism of Multiculturalism. In any case, Sheridan is essentially adopting the common sense approach to multiculturalism that Professor Blainey adopted. Further, Islam migration is the logical conclusion of the same “Big Australia” immigration that Sheridan has championed. And if he is right about Islam, then this is a reductio ad absurdum of his entire position. Let the “debate” begin! Those who want to dig deeper should consider Dr Frank Ellis’ review of Thilo Sarrazin’s Germany Abolishes Itself |
RINEHART’S CALL FOR CHEAP ASIAN LABOURby James Reed Now, wait a minute Gina! Isn’t mining now a high tech industry employing things called … machines? Aren’t the days of the pick and shovel out? Wouldn’t the migrants just shoot through to the cities – unless the proposal is to wire them in? And if you are so “humanitarian”, why take “cheap” labour – why not pay decent wages to help the Asian poor? What then, would be the point? |
WHOSE LAND? ‘NATIVE TITLE’ REVEALING IT’S NOT THEIRS?by Betty Luks According to Australian National University Professor Jon Altman Could we say that Aboriginal lands under Native Title have been effectively ‘corporatised’? |
FREEHOLD TITLE UNDER THE CROWNA number of years ago at a public meeting held in the Arkaba Hotel, Adelaide, a question was put to Constitutional authority Dr. David Mitchell on Aboriginal Land Rights: "Under Land Rights legislation, do the Aboriginal people have title to the land in the same way the owners of this hotel have freehold title? His answer was, "it is not clear!" The Aboriginal people probably did believe they had freehold title to the land but are discovering the legal situation is not quite so straightforward. In August 2004 ‘Dave’ Barton wrote to Labor’s Mark Latham to clarify a point that he had issue with which would also be of much interest and concern to all freehold property owners in this land – should the push for a republic succeed. https://alor.org/Volume40/Vol40No34.htm Dear Mr. Latham, Leader of the Opposition: 9th August, 2004. I also have a further understanding based on what I believe to be sound legal advice, that in the event of Australia becoming a republic on the abolishment of the Crown Title, before any foundational title based on a republic can be put into place, even be it less time than a nanosecond, that on the removal of the Crown foundational title Native Title immediately, and automatically slips into the place of the Crown Title as the foundational title for future land titles in Australia! I have a question: Will you fully inform the people of Australia of how Native Title will replace the Crown Title as the basic foundational title of all land titles in Australia, on the advent of Australia becoming a Republic BEFORE the question of Australia becoming a Republic is placed before the Australian people at a referendum?
An answer to my question, before the campaign for the coming Federal Election gets fully underway would be very much appreciated. Surely it is a question all Australians should be putting to those wanting a republic. |
A STRONG RECOMMENDATION FOR JACK LANG’S BOOK “WHY I FIGHT”by Peter Davis Over the years I have read many books relating to the world private banking system. Given that Lang's book was written over 75 years ago, I have no hesitation recommending it to any person desiring knowledge of world finance and trade, together with the negative impact upon individual nations. The book is a treasure trove of intimate precise knowledge. For example, how many people then or even now would believe that The Bank of England had a close relationship with re-establishing the German economy and banking system. This it did at the same time it imposed the restricted credit and high interest rate policy upon Australia under the guise of "The Premiers' Plan" that Jack Lang fought to defeat, but was himself evicted from Government.... At a time when Australia had no debt owing to the Bank of England. Lang details the colossal profits flowing to various banks and associated companies, their interlocking directorships and huge negative impact upon Australia over many years. Remember, we are talking 75 years ago. He details the methods Franklin Delano Roosevelt used to reduce the impact of the depression on Americans; but failed to take the decisive step of regaining control of his Nation's credit creation arid interest rates resulting in the debacle of the now current unrepayable $13 TRILLION national debt. Lang meticulously demonstrates that a nation that does not control its own currency, interest rates and credit creation is NOT a Sovereign Government but is held in thrall to the private banking system. The book should be compulsory reading for every student of economics and finance. Repeatedly, the book is prescient. Lang shows that private banking debt becomes impossible to repay with huge negative impact upon our nation. First time in modern history, the People took on the government and the banks! Article explaining the Iceland situation here… (“Now for an Angle with a Populist Tilt”: https://alor.org/Volume47/Vol47No15.htm#1a) Jeremy Lee's book “Australia 2000: What will we tell our children ?" explained what Jack Lang, former NSW premier wrote about 75 years ago. PLEASE BUY THE BOOK AND DISTRIBUTE IT WIDELY. Price $28.00 plus postage. Further: As an aside, perhaps it is worth pointing out what a Trillion dollars represents. Let us use the current 2010/11 Adelaide phone book. It contains 1250 pages. What "Jack" Lang detailed 75 years ago, Jeremy Lee has similarly defined in his book, "Australia 2000: What will we tell our Children?" PLEASE BUY J.T. LANG'S BOOK AND DISTRIBUTE IT WIDELY. Both books are invaluable. |
NOT FOR THOSE WITH SENSITIVE STOMACHSby James Reed Underneath the mother of all photos we find Transport Minister Anthony Albanese saying in criticism of Tony Abbot “The incoming Premier of NSW would never share a platform with Pauline Hanson”. Abbott’s sin, it seems, was being in the same place and same time as Pauline Hanson at the anti-carbon tax rally. |
THE DISENCHANTMENT OF LAW: THE CASE AGAINST LAWYERSby Ian Wilson LL.B. Quoting Robert Nagel, he says that US, and probably most common law courts, “have become places where the name-calling and exaggeration that mark the lower depths of our political debate are simply given a more acceptable, authoritative form” (p.9). The same degradation is found, Smith believes, in legal scholarship and he agrees with judge and law professor Richard Posner that much legal scholarship is “trivial, ephemeral and soon forgotten”. The same, of course, can be said about much “scholarship” right throughout the modern university. Thus Smith sees our public discourse as degraded. He has not much to offer as a solution, merely advocating “openness” (p.225), a disappointing conclusion after 225 pages of sustained attack upon the foundations of legal discourse. Catherine Crier’s "The Case Against Lawyers", is a difficult book to open because the cover features a photograph of her – beautiful, well groomed, conservative and radiating intellect. Womanhood at its very best. Her book is not a foundational treatise like Smith’s but a practical guide as to how the legal profession have harmed society, primarily focusing on the United States, with its culture of litigation excess. Here, Alexis de Tocqueville in "Democracy in America" (1840) essentially was ahead of his time when he said: Crier devotes the last chapter of her book to how Americans can take back their country from the lawyers. This involves restoring personal responsibility so socialistic style principles like joint and several liability (defendants end up paying for someone else’s conduct) and the restoration of assumption of risk needs to be made. Missing from both books, as good as they are, is the recognition that law is not sui generis, but is largely a by product of social processes, a reflection of society. If law is rotten it is because our society is starting to decay and law simply goes with it. Legal reforms advocated by Crier will do little unless we first reclaim our nation. We have to regain the will to resist tyranny. |
THE "DIRT THREAT" OF FOLEYAh, politics, dirty one day, filthy the next! (“Foley Threatens Dirty as Things Get Personal”, The Australian, 10 March 2011, p.8) South Australian Police Minister Kevin Foley said that he will get dirty on the dirt that he saw as state treasurer. |