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13 May 2011 Thought for the Week: “The reporter should forget about yesterday's principles of respecting reality. "That's not the way the world works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality - judiciously, as you will - then we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." (See www.321 gold, Feb 2, "We are Victims of a Financial Coup d' Etat", by Catherine Fitts.) - - - Bishop Richard Williamson, "Unbelievable Hubris" reported in OT Vol 47 No 8 2011 ‘Mmmmmmm… Something is fishy’: "They accomplished three objectives: justification of all the crimes (kidnappings, torture, illegal imprisonment, murders, etc, etc.) having been and presently being committed in the name of the war on terror (whatever that means). Next, loosen even more the purse strings of Congress for additional multi-billion funding for the continuation and enhancement of the first objective, and last but not least, political points for the party now in power, particularly the president. All the rest that comes with this official murder is gravy." - - -Manuel Sotil, ReportersNotebook, 5th May 2011. "Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends." - - - Gandalf in “The Lord Of the Rings”, Book VI, Chapter I, by J. R. R. Tolkien (1892 -1973) |
RACE-WAR – A DEEPER DIVISION from Geoffrey Dobb’s The Local World Part XFrom Class War to Race War: There are deeper divisions which can be carved into human nature than those between cultural and economic classes: being biological they are even more deadly. 'Race' is one of these. In one sense it may be said that in the matter of insane thinking about 'race,' Hitler won the War. While the totalitarian imposition of 'correct' political and religious opinion in the U.S.S.R. was tolerated and even praised by the opinion-formers of the Left in the West for generations, because they agreed with the opinions imposed, the monstrous abominations committed under the Nazi regime, as suddenly and dramatically revealed at the end of the War, produced a reaction so violent that it partakes somewhat of the insanity which produced it. What concerns me is that the abominations which came to light when the Hitler War ended have so long occupied and polluted our minds and emotions that after fifty years they have induced a sort of back-to-front Naziism (one might call lzanism) intolerant of any impartial enquiry into them or into how the German people came to follow Hitler. Public thinking on this subject is that of the lynch mob: these men were monsters of evil; therefore all they thought or said was untrue and wicked; it follows that anyone who looks into it and finds any truth in some of it shares in their guilt, is condoning their crimes and should be denounced. This was the Nazi attitude towards the Jews, and is the Jewish attitude towards the Nazis, and is now the only 'politically correct' attitude, departure from which is liable to be punished by the post-War invented terms of political abuse such as racist, fascist and 'anti-semitic' (meaning anti-Jewish). In contrast to this attitude, is that reported of an old priest who had known Hitler in his youth. When asked what this monster was like he paused, and then said, with a sigh: "He was a man. Like every man. Like all men. Like Christ." |
OSAMA’S BEEN LADEN(ED) BY B. HUSSEIN OBAMAby Peter Ewer We, the people, all thought bin Laden was living in a cave. Instead he was allegedly living in the posh Pakistani Bilal Town in a mansion. The US sent a team of elite Navy Seals (not the fish-eating, flipping kind) into Pakistan to kill him. There was, apparently, no joint operation with the Pakistani security forces. Some media comments suggest that as bin Laden was virtually next door to the Pakistani Military Academy, the Pakistani government may have protected him. If so, they failed. The question to be asked, all conspiracy aside is: why did they take so long to get him? We can understand a man living in a cave would be hard to find – but a luxury mansion? Satellite technology? – come now! And most importantly, the US advertised they wanted bin Laden dead or alive, but mostly the emphasis was on dead. The trained Seals killed him. No doubt he put a fight in, but any man with just a gun can be taken alive. Stun and gas grenades, wounding shots, etc., could have subdued him. Not because of any liberal pinko reasons - but because an alive bin Laden could have vital information extracted from him. Physical torture is no longer necessary. Killing bin Laden was sheer folly, a terrible outcome. Obama looks like a child, clapping his hands with glee, like a seal at the brief rise of his fortunes in the opinion polls. But the mission was far from adequate. And the bin Laden body was buried at sea – so second opinion is possible, no questions raised about his identity. The claim that this sea burial was done to prevent the creation of a land-based shrine for worship is simply silly because there are innumerable places on land to plant a body, where civilians cannot go. (Keep the burial site a secret, maybe!) Radical Arab websites are already doubting his death. Then of course, is the threat by al-Qa’ida to nuke a European city if bin Laden is dead. If this happens, let’s hope that the Seals really did get bin Laden, otherwise all has been in vain. In short, a new Osama conspiracy is likely to be born: the US did not want him alive to speak to a court because he had too many uncomfortable tales to tell. No doubt the 9/11 Truth folk will pursue that one. Finally, now if bin Laden is dead, what reason remains for the West to remain in Afghanistan, since as President Hamid Karzai has recently said, “Terrorism is not in the villages of Afghanistan.” Oh, I forgot about the oil. |
THE GREAT BIN LADEN MYSTERYby Brian Simpson However, the Israeli media, who know most things, described the operation as a “targeted killing operation par excellence” (“Kill Gives Us Carte Blanche: Israel”, The Australian 4/5/2011 p.11). The Israeli media, according to this article, holds this general view: “Israel can consider from a legal point of view, the liquidation of bin Laden outside of US borders gives us a blanket authorisation to act against terrorists outside of our borders”. As if they needed that for justification. Further, Israeli press noted that the assassination of bin Laden has transformed Obama (not Osama) into a hero, from the ‘loser’ as he has been seen. Thus, could it be that (1) bin Laden had been killed long ago and this event has been kept up B. Hussein Obama’s sleeve? (2) bin Laden was not killed at all. Finally, I wonder what would happen if the Arab terrorists denied that bin Laden is dead? There seems to be no comment from them, not a pip. Very strange indeed, but that’s show business! |
OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD?... AGAIN?by Betty Luks Later murdered herself, in 2007 Benazir Bhutto said Osama dead: Before she was murdered, there was a previous attack on Bhutto's life. She told David Frost that she was not even allowed to file a police report let alone get a serious investigation of the attack. She stated that she specifically wanted the source of the financial support of the terrorists traced. Saeed Sheikh is the man Bhutto refers to in the interview as being the killer of Osama bin Laden. Video: check it out - 6 minutes 15 seconds into this interview |
FALSE FLAGS OVER AMERICA? TIME TO TAKE BACK AMERICA FOLKS!Well aware that the American media do like to sensationalise their news, we report that Alex Jones broke the story thus: “Oh Man!!! The real life "Jack Ryan" is just going to ruin everything. The feeders, nitwits, and imbeciles might find out how they have been played..... Nah. They are too busy watching "Dancing with the stars." Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com and asks the question of Americans – “When are We the People gonna wake up to the duplicity coming at us from the Repugnicans and Demonrats? Time to take back America, folks!” There are a host of videos online for readers to follow the trail of the claims made. Here are just a few: Top US Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag: |
COLOURFUL CAPITALIST HITS A RAW NERVEby James Reed Obama then extracted his “revenge” for the Trump attacks by mocking Trump at the White House Correspondents Association annual dinner. Trump, Obama said, would turn the White House into a casino with a whirlpool in the garden. But at least it would be better than what Obama has done. Jokes aside, it is a sign of desperation to launch such an attack on a US citizen, not yet a political rival. Obama has been told that he is special for far too long. Trump showed that he could knock him down a peg or two. But never mind, just when the ratings looked down for the “Obama Show” along pops up celebrity guest Osama, who is promptly executed, body disposed of by being weighted down and dumped in the sea – and oh boy are we back in the presidential business! |
LIBYA – OIL, BANKS, THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE US ‘HOLY CRUSADE’Nova News - Freelance journalist Felicity Arbuthnot reports 14 April 2011: “For the “change we can believe in” President, reducing another ancient land of eye watering archeological gems, massive oil and water resources and a population of six million – little more than Scotland – it is, reportedly, a “turd sandwich.” Humanity is not “at the crossroads.” It is on the Cross, scourged, nailed (in all senses) and utterly inconsequential, in face of murdering, marauding, looting Empire… Now for the real reasons Gadaffi was ‘to be thrown to the wolves’ A quick check shows that Charlotte, North Carolina: ‘has a major base of energy-orientated organisations and has become known as “Charlotte, USA – The New Energy Capital.” In the region there are 240+ companies directly tied to the energy sector … Major players are AREVA, Babcock and Wilcox, Duke Energy, Electric Power Research Institute, Fluor, Metso Power, Piedemont Natural Gas, Siemens Energy, Shaw Group, Toshiba, URS Corp., and Westinghouse. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has a reputation in energy education and research and its “Energy Production and Infrastructure Center” trains energy engineers and conducts research.” ‘ (Wikipedia.) Whilst many respected oil experts have argued that since so many western energy companies operate in Libya, this is not about oil, there are some points worth pondering. All companies operating in Libya must have Libyan partners, entitled to 35% of profits.(iv) Trading is via the Libyan Central Bank, in the Libyan Dinar, not US$s. The Libyan Central Bank is also independently outside the IMF and the World Bank. There are only 5 nations without a Rothschild model central bank: North Korea, Iran, Sudan, Cuba and Libya. There were two others: Afghanistan and Iraq, but they were gobbled up by the international banking system within a heartbeat of the invasions. |
HANSON TO CHALLENGE NSW VOTE COUNTABC News: Last month Ms Hanson claimed the preferences were not distributed fairly. (AAP: Dave Hunt) Her lawyer has issued a statement saying the papers will be lodged in the Court of Disputed Returns. Last month Ms Hanson claimed the preferences were not distributed fairly and raised concerns about the preference system used by the NSW Electoral Commission. Nationals candidate Sarah Johnston, who took the 21st and last spot up for grabs in the NSW Legislative Council, was 1,306 votes ahead of the former federal MP. Before preferences, Ms Hanson led the Nationals by 7,540 votes and the Greens - which took the 20th spot - by 15,470. Ms Hanson was also upset by reports a scrutineer had discovered votes for her in a bundle of blank votes. "It's not just about Pauline Hanson," the former federal MP for the Queensland seat of Oxley said on April 13. "We need to make sure that this is a fair and just election. I just don't feel that this election was conducted this way." Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/05/04/3207887.htm |
ETHNICITY, RACE AND BLOOD PRESSUREby Brian Simpson No doubt some aspects of this are environmental, such as diet. However the age-standardised prevalence of hypertension in these groups is about three times higher than in the rest of the Australian population, indicating in my opinion, a genetic cause. Maori and Pacific Islanders also have hypertension problems. These racial/biological facts need to be embraced and defined away as “social constructions” so that realistic strategies to deal with the health of these groups can be implemented. |
Good to hear from you Len. We see you are still in there fighting!... Ed.)
SOME POLITICALLY CORRECT – POLITICALLY INCORRECT THOUGHTS ON - - HERESIESby Brian Simpson In the name of free thought can an alternative be canvassed? A recognition of humanity degrading the Earth is consistent with Christianity and the idea of the Fall. Christianity recognised human limits. Anti-environmentalism and pro-corporate capitalism does not. Think outside of the square. |
A JEWISH GROUP ON A SECOND US CIVIL WARby John Steele Articles at their site pull no punches. Thus we have Kirby Ferris, “Can We Prevent a Second Civil War?” speculating about how a civil war may occur today in America. The three issues he lists are (1) illegal aliens (America is reaching a tipping point on this issue”); (2) Abortion and (3) gun control. On the immigration invasion Ferris says: “At what point will citizens themselves be forced, by government inactivity, to confront this invasion by force of arms?” A good question. Note that such a radical approach is discussed openly on a conservative Jewish site. There is nothing wrong with that – God bless free speech. And on all of these issues, this is the same sort of robust free speech that we in Australia should also have, but lack. |