Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

20 May 2011 Thought for the Week:

Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Established by the Fisher Labor Government in 1911

Help the Labor Party
--------- to make it -----------
The Nation’s Bank

“The Labor Party proposes to extend the scope and powers of the Commonwealth Bank until complete control of banking and credit is in the hands of the nation. The Commonwealth Bank will be developed on the following lines: -
A nation-wide Trading Bank, handling the ordinary business of the community.
The Savings Bank, performing the ordinary functions of such a bank; and
A Credit Fonder system for the purpose of providing advances to primary producers and home builders.
Restrictions imposed upon the Commonwealth Bank in 1924 by the Bruce-Page Government will be removed, and the bank freed to enter into vigorous competition with the private banks to secure for the people the profits and privileges of banking which are now practically monopolized by private banking companies. Branches will be established in all centres where the banking business warrants.
Legislation will be passed restoring the management to a Governor of the Bank, as was originally the case when it was established by the Fisher Government. Outside control by private interests will thus be removed, and the bank will function in the public interest only. The progress made under Sir Dennison Miller, without interference by directors from outside, justifies the restoration of similar control.”

- - Taken from a 1934 Labor Party flyer under the name of J.H. Scullin, M.P.  


by Betty Luks
Bringing Down the Budget: What Australians have just witnessed in Canberra is merely theatre – a pantomine. The above excerpt from a 1934 West Australian Labor Party flyer still in my files says it all (and the list of candidates for that election included John Curtin, a future Labor prime minister).
Somewhere back in Labor’s history, its movers and shakers sold out to the banks, to the money-lenders – and to hell with their natural constituents, the working people of this nation.

But don’t think we should let the Liberals off the hook; they ‘deny with their lips what they do with their hands’.

In the 1949 “WE BELIEVE: A Statement of Liberal Party Beliefs” it is clearly stated:

• No 2: WE BELIEVE IN AUSTRALIA her courage, her capacity, her future and her national sovereignty exercised through Parliaments deriving their authority from the people by free and open elections.

• No 12: WE BELIEVE THAT NATIONAL FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC power and policy are not to be designed to control men’s lives, but to create a climate in which men may be enabled to work out their own salvation in their own way.  


by Jeremy Lee
Along with a 2010 release of his DVD “Mending a Mortgaged World”, Jeremy explained to his fellow Australians: “… Australia has demonstrated, in its history, how money could be created instead of borrowed. The Story of the Commonwealth Bank is not myth, but history. The idea needs to be expanded to the point where money is taken out of public spending so that all individuals may have a direct share, as a God-given right, to the wealth of the nation…

"During the last twelve months - January 2008 to December 2009 - the volume of money in Australia (taking the M figures as an indication) has grown from $98 BILLION to $1177.8 BILLION (Reserve Bank Bulletin figures December 2009). Roughly, that's a monthly growth of approximately - $16.6 Billion. Who does this new money belong to? The banks? Or the People? At the moment all this money comes into existence from the banks at interest, to be paid for out of prices. If inflation increases, interest rates arc raised, and the banks get the added interest payments as well! After a brief moment, the people get the bill and the banks get the stimulus - with compounding interest!

One year ago - January 2009 - President Obama was inaugurated as America's 44th President with acclamation. At the same time I made a DVD, "Mending A Mortgaged World", predicting what would happen. More and more nations approaching bankruptcy - Iceland, Greece, Ireland, California, Britain, the United States, Portugal, Zimbabwe, etc. The latest World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland recommended Global control of all nations and economies. More and more people live in abject poverty - except politicians and bankers! The World is now approaching a point of collapse and breakdown. Unless there is an active regeneration of ordinary men and women we will be destroyed and dispossessed…”

Watch: "Wyatt Roy best question ever House of Reps....
Before the Liberal/Coalition get too puffed up because Wayne Swan was 'tripped up' by the young MP, let us remind readers of a small article in On Target 13th June 2003:

FOREIGN DEBT STILL CLIMBING: The latest figures show Australia's net foreign debt has topped $362 billion - despite the increased value of the Australian dollar as investors have fled the Greenback. - a cool $18,000 for each Australian man, woman and child, or $72,000 for the average family of four. And, we're running record current account deficits. In addition, we have sold billions of dollars worth of Australian assets and real estate.. The overseas debt was $180 billion when the Howard Government came to power. (emphasis added ...ed)

Listen to Jeremy Lee on The New World Order and Global Debt .

DVD - “Mending a Mortgaged World” by Jeremy and Nancy Lee $25.00 posted.
“Social Credit: Some Questions Answered” by Frances Hutchinson. $9.00 + postage.

"The Money Trick" 2004  edition published by Veritas Publishing Co. $10.00 + post.
"Releasing Reality: Social Credit and the Kingdom of God" by Eric D. Butler $5.00 + post.


According to an IRNA(Islamic Republic News Agency) report: "Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad strongly criticizes US economic policies, saying that the paper currency created by the American government is taking a heavy toll on the global economy"

In an address to the fourth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries in Istanbul, Turkey, on Monday, Ahmadinejad said that the cash injected into the global economy in the form of valueless US dollars amount to over USD 32 trillion. "This is while the US budget deficit for the 2011 fiscal year is expected to reach a figure above USD 1.6 trillion," he added.

Email comment from one correspondent:
“Who would have thought The Onion reality of our centrally planned times would get to a point where Iran speaks more truth than our own politicians. The Iranian president also pointed out that the US foreign debt is now approaching over USD 14.6 trillion, while the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United States stands at around USD 14 trillion.

President Ahmadinejad stated that such figures clearly explain the plunder of national wealth in many countries, and the upsurge in poverty and underdevelopment across the globe. He noted that certain countries rob less developed states to pay their international debts. "Most of international economic organisations either defend the existing situation or serve the interests of certain states," he said."  


by John Steele
The HMAS Armidale had been hit and was sinking. It was WWII and enemy planes were coming in to machine gun Aussie seamen in the waters. Although wounded in the chest and back, Leading Seaman Teddy Sheean lashed himself to his gun and fired until the HMAS Armidale sank, shooting down one bomber and keeping other Japanese aircraft away from his fellows in the water.

My dad knew a seaman who was in the water at the time and saw this. He said that Teddy was still firing as the ship sank and bullets were seen still coming up from under the water. And he was just 18 years of age. When I look at the teenagers with their fast food, multiracial friends, iphones and all the rest of it, I wonder – where has courage gone?
Is there even one Teddy Sheean out there in youthland? Will the HMAS Australia sink and disappear with no one to defend her honour?


by Brian Simpson
Most of the books currently available on public affairs are by technological optimists who see a bright future for humanity. Even books by environmentalists who believe in the faith of climate change are still optimists, believing that if humans change “their” wicked, wicked ways”, as Errol Flynn might say, all will come out well in the wash.
Thus it is refreshing to see a book which says that the expert emperors really don’t have clothes: Dan Gardner, Future Babble: Why Expert Predictions Fail, (Scribe).

According to Gardner our experts make the induction fallacy of assuming that the future will be like the past and that linear trends will occur; as he says:
“This tendency to take current trends and project them into the future is the starting point of most attempts to predict. Very often, it’s also that end point. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. After all, tomorrow typically is like today [but]… predicting the future is like driving with no hands. It works while you are on a long stretch of straight road but even a gentle curve is troubling and a sharp turn always ends in a flaming wreck”.

The Australian runs the “future is Asia, the West is over” theme, frequently. Thus: Michael Wesley, “Why the West is on the Wane”, The Weekend Australian, February 12 – 13, 2011, p.14; Michael Stutchbury, “Welcome to the New World Order”, The Weekend Australian, January 19 – 30, 2011, p.11. The theme song is that Asian growth rates indicate that the West has had its day and now China, India and maybe even Brazil will battle it out to be top-of-the-pops. A more sophisticated form of this end of the West thesis is seen in recent books like Niall Ferguson, Civilization: The West and the Rest; Ian Morris, Why the West Rules – For Now and Patrick Smith, Somebody Else’s Century: East and West in a Post-Modern World.

Common to all of this thought is the idea that the future will be like the past. Never mind that China for example faces its own environmental and social crisis. The ruling communist elite spends more on keeping the tap on internal unrest than it does on military spending – a whopping $93.7 billion per year. (The Australian, March 7, 2011, p.10) This is not a formula for world leadership but is a symptom of a highly vulnerable society. Remember when the party line was that Japan would be No.1?

The problem with all of this endism of the West literature is that it assumes that the future will be like the past and that nations will continue to be like rock bands with No.1 hit records. But maybe, just maybe, that entire concept is wrong. Could be that the nation-state itself may be doomed? And perhaps the idea of a “World Order” is itself another unnatural centralist, globalist fantasy, that will too ultimately die?  


by Peter Ewer
A flow of articles in The Australian about the Greens’ support of the boycott Israel campaign must surely have educated Bob Brown’s party: don’t associate with Islamic clerics at protest meetings. Don’t criticise Israel or you will be seen as a “party of ignorant extremists” (The Australian, April 7, 2011, p.4). Instead, have an unqualified pro-Israel position like the Coalition (P. Mendes, “The Jewish Community and the 2010 Federal Election: Melbourne Ports and Beyond”, People and Place, vol. 18, 2010)

Further, Israel is to lobby Canberra to head off the UN from declaring a Palestinian state (The Australian, April 13, 2011, p.12) So what is the bet that Australia will not recognise a Palestinian State of the UN? After all as Prime Minister Netanyahu has said: “Perhaps the Palestinians will have a majority in the US, but what matters is not only the quantity but also the quality”. It’s good to be wanted.  


by Brian Simpson
A study conducted by Graeme Hugo and Kevin Harris of the University of Adelaide (as yet unpublished) reveals that there is a population trend of people moving out of the cities to regional areas (The Australian, March 7, 2011, p.1,6). Comments about the sorts of people moving include families seeking a better life style.

These are people who dislike the environment of cities like Sydney and Melbourne. Apparently, their places are being taken by international migrants. Hugo and Harris “argue that governments should harness the internal migration trends and use immigration policies to provide a critical mass of people that would justify a greater investment in regional infrastructure”. I take this to mean: send more migrants to regional centres.
Never mind that what we have here is evidence of white flight from the migration disasters of Sydney and Melbourne. But if whites retreat, then international migrants will be soon to follow them. Run we may - but we cannot hide.  


by James Reed
At the moment, there’s plenty of dirt around in the media about the universities. First, the “Macquarie Malcontents”, where Macquarie University’s Centre for Policing and Intelligence has come under fire for “ad hoc, almost chaotic staffing, bullying and victimisation of staff, conflicts of interest and jobs for the girls”.
One of the girls was appointed to a higher level position without merit selection for the position (contrary to University policy) as a casual position evolved into a full time position of Executive Manager, business development and operation with a salary that eventually settled at $151,581 (The Australian, March 9, 2011, p.35). Nine out of twelve staff protested through the appropriate university mechanism about problems and: no action. Some think that a Federal university ombudsman would solve this problem but all of the above is just an example of how universities work. Usually universities are more careful to get the people for jobs that they want. Critics of the university’s ideology of cosmopolitan (immigration, multiculturalism and Asianisation) are culled out.

Education has been made into an industry and here in Australia the Asian money is what is sought. “Soft marking” of international students has been alleged (The Australian, March 16, 2011, p.31). Everybody knows this. To fail international students for poor writing, even in science, would sink the present exploitative system. That is one of the reasons why we need to close down the entire university system and rethink the point of “higher education”. At the present time our universities are little more than corporate prostitutes.  


by Ian Wilson LL.B.
Former commonwealth attorney-general, Michael Lavarch, has been a champion of race vilification legislation. He has argued before and has done so recently (“Free Speech has limits in the law”, The Weekend Australian, April 9-10, 2011, p.14). Lavarch, who is the partner of Larissa Behrendt, one of the complainants in the racial vilification case against Andrew Bolt, argues that if race vilification laws did have a “chilling effect” on free speech then why has no “shock jock” been shut down or newspaper columnist closed down? Well, no doubt it has not been because of lack of trying by the ethnic elites and the chattering class! In fact as Lavarch says, “many thousands” (!) of complaints have been dealt with by the conciliation processes of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Those complaints not resolved go through to Federal Court action. None of this though shows that race vilification law does not have a “chilling effect” on freedom of speech.

The case was put by Professor James Allan of the University of Queensland (The Australian, April 6, 2011, p.12) that it does. The Bolt case could prove to be an example of this: it shows that making a comment in the field of race politics could land one in trouble. Those without Bolt’s resources certainly may feel restraint. Professor Allan points out that a bill of rights does not prevent Bolt-style situations. Canada has a bill of rights but journalist Mark Steyn was dragged before the race rights inquisition for his book about Muslims. A bill of rights is just a judge’s view of things and that is a guarantee, as I see it, that political correctness will prevail. Professor Allan says that the only sort of freedom of speech worth having is the JS Mill type “the sort that allows people to do or say what others find wrong-headed, offensive, distasteful and intolerant”. Professor Allan wants to have the 1995 race vilification amendments repealed. Gary Johns (“We are Not Equal When it Comes to Being Offensive”, The Australian, April 14, 2011, p.12) would like a revisiting of public racial vilification and the role of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

Lavarch says that the intent of race vilification laws “is not to stop unpopular or contentious matters about race being raised.” I disagree – of course it does. The laws are directed against the dispossessed majority of Anglo Saxon Australians. No ethnic has been taken to the Federal Court. No-one expects this for the laws are just about silencing Anglo-Australia on race, immigration and multiculturalism issues. It shows the body-politic turning against itself. Anglo-Australians are racially vilified in forests of university texts and media presentations – with nothing ever occurring by way of justice. When women of our race can be targeted for brutal rapes and the Establishment ignores this racial aspect, only to be super-sensitive to any supposed criticism of non-Anglo groups – why should we believe?  


by Ian Wilson LL.B.
No doubt many of us have forgotten the incident about Aboriginal academic Larissa Behrendt making a Twitter message about chairwoman of the Northern Territory’s Indigenous Affairs Advisor Council, saying “I watched a show where a guy had sex with a horse and I’m sure it was less offensive than Bess Price”. At the time I wondered whether Quadrant editor Keith Windschuttle would have something tasty to say about all of this. Windschuttle responded with “Questioning the Credentials of an Aboriginal Elite”, The Australian, April 21, 2011, p.12.

The article questions the claim that Behrendt’s grandmother, Lavina Boney, was a member of the “Stolen Generation”. All that aside, what is interesting about this entire incident is how open to scrutiny and deconstruction public lives have become. Of course this incident shows the great divide between the politically correct elite and outback Aborigines but the incident also shows the power of the media to “deconstruct” individuals.

With all the comments on Twitter, who was paying attention to Behrendt’s remarks? Yes, from our side of politics we disagree with her, perhaps dislike her, but what about her freedom of speech? Those of us who support Andrew Bolt should openly defend the right of everybody to express their political point of view. Thus, as a follower of John Stuart Mill, I am somewhat disturbed by the deconstructing of Professor Behrendt, however much I disagree with her politics. I would like to know why particular attention has been paid to her by the media.  


by John Steele
The attack upon manhood and traditional values is everywhere. I scanned to see what jobs I could put down on my form when I caught the headline “Call for Men to Challenge Stereotypes”, that is, to do jobs traditionally done by women. What a great victory for the New World Order “new morality”.

On the contrary, men need to support traditional values. A psycho-political war has been waged against men for decades. To resist this requires “bootstrap” strength, a masculine determination not to be crushed by the forces of darkness. Symbolic resistance is important. Train with weights and non-Asian martial arts (e.g. Boxing). Cultivate an interest in firearms, Western heroes and learn from the past. Encourage young men to do the same.  


by John Steele
On the Loughner killing: the media have tried to stir up another gun control debate, but this time the stars are not aligned properly. US leaders on both sides have ducked questions as if the questions were bullets. It is my view that if more people had carried guns, Loughner would not have had to be wrestled to the ground by ordinary unarmed citizens, but could have been dispatched before killing six and wounding 14. An armed society is a safe society. Americans, in general, seem to believe this and gun sales in America have spiked since the Loughner killing and to my mind, which associates gun ownership with freedom, it is a good thing too.

A friend in the country tells me of a recent event where he sees a firearm as making all the difference. He was out mending a fence that is by a lonely country road. A car-load of rough looking lads pulled up at his farm gate about 50 metres from where he was working with his 20 year old daughter. There were three lads and one large X-bred dog, probably with Alsatian in it. The lads wanted to cross his land to get to a certain person’s place. The farmer knew that person did not live in the area. He said that the lads couldn’t pass, fearing that theft or worse would occur. The lads said that he couldn’t stop them doing what they wanted. He then picked up his firearm and held it without pointing it at them. They silently walked back to their car, with their dog, and left.

The farmer was an old man with arthritis and was no match for any of these lads. His daughter was about half the weight of the smallest lad. So what does one do in such situations when the police can only arrive to catalogue the crime? Firearms are an equaliser and a source of freedom. Long live guns!  


by John Steele
Following in the wake of the Jared Loughner shootings, The Weekend Australian Financial Review (January 15-16, 2011, p.34), published an article which originally appeared in The Economist, “The Right to Bear Glocks”. The article begins: “Although America’s political rhetoric has become a whole lot nastier in recent years, it is the nation’s ridiculously wide-open gum laws that need to be changed – and quickly”.

The article does not give any rigorous arguments for this point. The author discusses Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, obvious ideological enemies admits that the “causal relationship between vicious talk and violent action is far less certain” and since “the 1960s political violence in America has been mercifully rare”. As well it is “arguable” whether present right wing criticism of Obama et. al. influenced Jared Loughner, who was “clearly insane”. As well, “violent video games, Goth music and marijuana “may have helped “stew” Loughner’s brain but the “first amendment protects free speech as the second protects guns, the real villain of the piece, besides the killer”.

The article then trots out long refuted arguments about gun statistics: that for example about 30,000 people a year are killed by one of the almost 300 million guns in the country. No mention of self-protection and the lives saved by having a gun. As I have said before, in violent multiracial cities guns are necessary. Even the US courts, surely liberal and politically correct institutions, are striking down State gun ban laws. What the author of this article does not realise is that after a certain point of social disintegration and degeneracy, society ceases to exist and the individual once again finds himself in Hobbes’ state of nature where the “right to bear Blocks” makes all the difference to survival.  


by James Reed
The magazine People and Place, edited by two of the small group of academics who oppose mass migration, Bob Birrell and Katharine Betts, is finished. The magazine did a good job of tackling immigration issues but the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) system counts against such journals which are publicly useful but which have a relatively low scholarly impact rating. This means that there is no real organ for criticising immigration now apart from this organisation.

Readers need to appreciate that immigration-based demographic changes will destroy all of the ideals the League stands for. You will get a republic sooner than you thought. There will be no chance at all of a social credit economy when China formally rules Australia. Don’t hide from the civilisation-shaking effects of the crisis, for then, there is truly no hope. Consider why full page advertisements were taken out for SMS’s Immigration Nation: The Secret History of Us and why full page ads now appear advertising the DVD. An economy can always be rebuilt but once a people is gone, it is forever.  


by Brian Simpson
An extremely interesting article appeared recently in Natural News ( “Nearly all drug trials scientifically invalid due to influence of the mind: Big Pharma Science dissolves into wishful thinking” (February 23, 2011).

The article reports on a scientific paper published in Science Translational Medicine. In short the study “has cast doubt over the scientific validity of nearly all randomized double-blind placebo controlled studies involving pharmaceuticals used on human beings”. Test subjects were told that they were not receiving painkiller medications via an IV drip, the pain level went to a normally expected level even though they were receiving painkillers!

Thus the effectiveness of the drug was a product of expectations, that is, the human mind. George Lewith, professor of health research at the University of South Hampton is cited as saying: “It completely blows cold randomised clinical trials, which don’t take into account expectation”. So much for “objective” medical research!  


by James Reed
Readers may not have heard of this US horror story. Briefly, black woman Maryanne Godboldo, mother of a teenaged daughter, had allegedly not given her daughter psychiatric medicine prescribed by her doctor. Mrs Godboldo didn’t do this because she believed that the medication’s side effects made her daughter’s condition worse.
Child Protection Service personnel attempted to take her daughter away, which Mrs Godboldo resisted. The police were called who did not have a warrant or court papers, who then smashed down her door. Mrs Godboldo opened fire on them. A SWAT team was called in.

After a 12 hour standoff she surrendered and her daughter was taken to a psychiatric hospital. She was arrested and now faces multiple felony charges. US Freedom groups from both the Right and Left are rallying to her cause. (April 15, 2011) basically Leftist in politics but very good on health issues, defended the “shoot back” response. The site refers to Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership ( for philosophical justification of a pro-gun stance.

A very interesting issue indeed. Whatever your mind on that question, the story is an alarming one because it shows that the medical police state of Brave New World is here, right along with 1984.